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March of Tolerance in Krakow

Perkovic  - | 8  
17 May 2008 /  #242
Rep. Sally Kern: "Gay are worse than terrorists"

Oklahoma State Rep. says Gays biggest threat to US

Somehow I doubt that this brave lady will be able to stay in office and keep her position on the American political scene after saying what she did.
RockyMason  19 | 250  
17 May 2008 /  #243
I think people like her should b stuck in mental hospitals! Saying something like that should qualify u as insane
laydeezee92  1 | 16  
26 May 2008 /  #244
Gay's are worse than terrorists?
Oh for gods sake, get a life!
That's just a really bad way of disguising a prejudice!!!!
I'm suprised that lady is still alive!
26 May 2008 /  #245
Who the hell cares if two guys like buggering each other? It won't be in my living room. Exactly the kinds of issues Republicans in the US like to use to divert attention away from the shrinking middle class.
RockyMason  19 | 250  
26 May 2008 /  #246
That and the false reasons we went into war!
grethomory  1 | 155  
26 May 2008 /  #247
f they dont harm you - why go out of your way to harm them?

You don't have to agree with them or do what they do.

I agree. If they are not bothering you...what business is it of yours...so what if they have a parade. Lots of people and cultures have parades. If people would keep their own houses clean they wouldn't have time to be bothered by others
laydeezee92  1 | 16  
25 Jun 2008 /  #248
There was never a problem with homosexuality. It's never been wrong.
People just need to make others look bad to make their own pathetic lives look better.
luc_cdnpol  - | 2  
28 Jun 2008 /  #249
Apr 21, 07, 14:48 #2

This **** should be illegal. Good to see that there were people protesting against these perverts.

It is quotes like this that make me ashamed to have Polish heritage. I do not follow an alternative lifestyle but liberty and basic human rights should be given to all. Those people just want peace and respect like everyone else.... you don't have to hang out with them directly. Just be civil. Hasn't their been enough blood spiulled in Poland?!

By the way, it is visible attitudes like that that hinder straight, liberal Europeans (i.e. investors) from Poland. Many still believe that Poland is a "backward" country where Poles are puppets of the right-wing Catholic Church and are afraid of change. Stories like the Teletubbie are brought up in mainstream media, and I shake my head... Trust me, I have been told by people in my travels that many do not want to deal with Poland because of this ultra-conservative thinking of government and (it would appear) a lot of people.

If you want to talk about REAL perverts, Grzegorz, focus on the Roman Catholic Church/Vatican. Send the abusive priests and their protective bishops/cardinals to prison.That is justice!
grethomory  1 | 155  
4 Jul 2008 /  #250
If you want to talk about REAL perverts, Grzegorz, focus on the Roman Catholic Church/Vatican. Send the abusive priests and their protective bishops/cardinals to prison.That is justice!

rafik  18 | 589  
5 Jul 2008 /  #251
on the Roman Catholic Church/Vatican

don't pick on the whole church because a few bad apples mate.there is an equal share of perverts amongst muslims ,hindu, jewish ect.don't think that being 1/25 polish makes you more credible to say that.if you are ashamed of your polish heritage,because of opinions about certain people,well,you have a problem here.do you only admit having polish heritage on pulaski's day?i have never heard of any american being ashamed of being american because of ku-klux-klan.if you want to argue with grzegorz then use diffrent argument.

that Poland is a "backward" country

do not want to deal with Poland because of this ultra-conservative thinking of government

is this why poland is top of the list for investment?get your facts straight before you say anything.

Stories like the Teletubbie are brought up in mainstream media, and I shake my head...

i don't support the way that the issue was raised but i can imagine where they were coming from.basically we don't want any cartoons/stories for children with gay episodes.i remember that (i think it was in spain may be wrong though) that a cartoon was to be introduced as a part of kids education called "Ali baba and 40 gays".why kids need to watch that sh.it?i wouldn't like my child to watch BOLEK kissing LOLEK all in the name of so called education.
tomek  - | 134  
5 Jul 2008 /  #252
I lived in Poland up to my 12th birthday. The priest in our small town, was among the most respected citizens. I have often visited him and his maidservant because it was hard in the times to get fresh milk for my young brother and they had a cow. My father also visited him regulary for a drink, to talk with him or to play some chess or cards.

There are bad people everywhere. Priests can commit sins as well and of course they should be prosecuted. But my relationship with the few priests I know was full of spiritual bonds and the upmost respect.

I have put my opinion on fags often enough on this forum. As long as they do not show it openly - I do not care. But on the other hand, I can spot a disguised fag at far distances or from hearing his laughter or voice. And it is hard not to show them an angry face.
randompal  7 | 306  
5 Jul 2008 /  #253
I can spot a disguised fag at far distances or from hearing his laughter or voice. And it is hard not to show them an angry face.

If he is laughing in a faggy way, then he is probably not a disguised fag. I still don't get how Christians forget everything they learn in mass about love and tolerance the second they step out of church. Must be the two-faced nature of organized religion..
5 Jul 2008 /  #254
I still don't get how Christians forget everything they learn in mass about love and tolerance the second they step out of church. Must be the two-faced nature of organized religion..

good call.
tomek  - | 134  
5 Jul 2008 /  #255
I still don't get how Christians forget everything they learn in mass about love and tolerance the second they step out of church.

It's one thing to become agressive against openly gays - which I do not support to the extreme - and an other to show your natural disgust when you see two boys making out in the public and smiling at you in a gay way despite you beeing openly disgusted. Some of them just like to provoke.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
5 Jul 2008 /  #256
But on the other hand, I can spot a disguised fag at far distances or from hearing his laughter or voice. And it is hard not to show them an angry face.

I think there are two sorts of gays....those who move and behave like women (in Germany we call them "Tussies" and you can really spot them right away and those are really ridiculous) and the other ones who do not look or behave differently from other males. In history those were even great warriors (Theban band).


I've read that newest research found out being gay is inborn...so it's really useless to punish them for it, they can't help it!
grethomory  1 | 155  
5 Jul 2008 /  #257
i have never heard of any american being ashamed of being american because of ku-klux-klan.if you want to argue with grzegorz then use diffrent argument.

I hear Americans say all the time why they are so embarrassed by the Klan or Natzi's movement. The Klan is over 100 years old and still here; however, their numbers in America are believed to be less than a thousand. They once were so strong that it was believed that in the late 1800's and early 1900's one out of every three white males were members of the klan. it shows how people realized how ignorant they were and their numbers decline.

i don't support the way that the issue was raised but i can imagine where they were coming from.basically we don't want any cartoons/stories for children with gay episodes.i remember that (i think it was in spain may be wrong though) that a cartoon was to be introduced as a part of kids education called "Ali baba and 40 gays".why kids need to watch that sh.it?i wouldn't like my child to watch BOLEK kissing LOLEK all in the name of so called education.

Then don't let your children watch it. People are too concerned about other's business. Just because one doesn't like it doesn't mean it is the rule for all.
randompal  7 | 306  
5 Jul 2008 /  #258
've read that newest research found out being gay is inborn.

it isn't that new - this had been old news on the university campuses for some time now.
urszula  1 | 253  
6 Jul 2008 /  #260
Then don't let your children watch it. People are too concerned about other's business

No, they are concerned about morally raising their children to show them what is right and what is wrong.
And homosexual behaviour is wrong.
Crnogorac  3 | 111  
6 Jul 2008 /  #261
I've read that newest research found out being gay is inborn...so it's really useless to punish them for it, they can't help it!

Homosexuality and pedophilia have the same causes which are of biological and psychological nature... or the reflection of degeneration in these fields...

If you want to talk about REAL perverts, Grzegorz, focus on the Roman Catholic Church/Vatican. Send the abusive priests and their protective bishops/cardinals to prison.That is justice!

Which are the frequent correlations between pedophiles and homosexuals?
The answer is simple, majority of pedophiles are also homosexuals (on the example of "priests" we have seen that 70-80% prefer victims of their own gender tj. male); total degradation of moral and ethical values and at the end resistance to biology, tj procreation...

They differ in that, one deviation became in the last 20 years more less acceptable to the wider masses, due to expressively propagandistic activity of distinct groups and organizations with, to us, known objectives; and the second isn't, at least until now, instead looking historically, it is a question of time when this other sexual "preference" will be proclaimed to be normal, and socially acceptable...

When we see out the "arguments", with which is defended the "normalcy" of homosexuality, it is evident that these same arguments can be utilized in the defense of pedophilia...

Here are a few of them:

1. they were born like that
2. they are committing evil to nobody, because everything is done in agreement of both persons
3. even in nature there is such behavior
4. sexuality is an individual's private affair
5. in ancient Greece they adored young "boys".

Sexual deviants: pedophiles & homosexuals, correlations...

pedophilia=homosexuality=psycho-biological abnormality/degeneration
masks98  27 | 289  
6 Jul 2008 /  #262
But pedophilia is different since they're taking advantage of children. Homsexuality is between two consenting lovers. The distinction is plain and simple, one you were clearly unable to make, it's amazing it had to be spelled out for you - is it even worth debating someone this dumb?

The decision to declare homosexuality immoral is arbitrary, without sense or foundation. Imagine that homosexuals were so good a concealing their sexual preferences and homosexual activities that no one ever found out about their existence. Well the world would go on just fine because homosexuality has no moral consequences.
VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
6 Jul 2008 /  #263
is it even worth debating someone this dumb?

Youre catching on
6 Jul 2008 /  #264
But pedophilia is different since they're taking advantage of children. Homsexuality is between two consenting lovers.

Correct. Paedophillia is actually a sexual attraction to children,and not restricted either male or female adults. Being homosexual means being attracted sexually to members of the same sex. Females can be homosexual, not just men. People should learn the difference between Paedophillia and Homosexuality regardless of whether they like or dislike gay people.

Imagine that homosexuals were so good a concealing their sexual preferences and homosexual activities that no one ever found out about their existence.

Well, they were and for a good many years. It's not a new thing, but it was kept hidden from the public eye. It's been going on for a long time though.

is it even worth debating someone this dumb?

No, you're right.
6 Jul 2008 /  #265
is it even worth debating someone this dumb?

I think people who post dumb info should be suspended for 24 hours, since it is an intellectual pollution and it is as bad as noise pollution, or any other pollution.
VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
6 Jul 2008 /  #266
I think people who post dumb info should have the p!ss taken out of them
6 Jul 2008 /  #267
Today, 07:51 Report #276

I think people who post dumb info should have the p!ss taken out of them

I think that it is good to have different opinions.
southern  73 | 7059  
6 Jul 2008 /  #268
majority of pedophiles are also homosexuals

Yes,but minority of homosexuals are pedophiles.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Jul 2008 /  #269
Rumour has it that the march started with a bang, LOL
VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
6 Jul 2008 /  #270
I think that it is good to have different opinions.

So do I. It's not so fun taking the p!ss out of people who agree with you

Archives - 2005-2009 / News / March of Tolerance in KrakowArchived