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Parking in Krakow

Rjrogalla  10 | 48  
24 Apr 2008 /  #1
Parking in Krakow We will be driving to Krakow and staying very close to the square. We are driving a very small Toyota Yari and would like to know something about parking in the beatifull city. We will be in Krakow for 2 days and will not be using the car during this period. Is it bad to leave it on a street or do I have to use gaurded parking which we understand is expensive. Thanks to all for the help I received from earlier posts.
25 Apr 2008 /  #2
Parking spaces here are like gold dust, and the city has just closed down one of the largest car parks close to the centre of town. You should be safe leaving your car on the street if you can find a space, but there are a few small guarded car parks around.
Griff  17 | 67  
3 Nov 2008 /  #3
Merged: Parking In Krakow

Can anyone help me locate a parking place in Krakow, close to the market square?

If so can you let me know how much it costs per day

pawian  223 | 27187  
3 Nov 2008 /  #4
There is a real problem with in in Krakow. Old parkings were liquidated, new ones haven`t been completed yet.

Currently there is no real parking in the center. You must try to look for space in streets leading to the square. One hour costs 3 zlotys.

See the map of parking zones.


You can park your car in Galeria Krakowska, next to the railway station.

I often park my car in Plac Biskupi, not far from The Barbican.
navg8r  - | 8  
3 Nov 2008 /  #5
You need to be an early bird to get the good parking spaces. Here are some places I park to get close to market square.

Kleparz parking behind LOT ticketing office. 3 pln an hour
Pay parking lot off of Krowoderska, across from Russian Consulate. 4 pln an hour
Pay parking lot off Karmelicka, next to church and across where they will be building the new hotel complex. 4 pln an hour
Galeria Krakowska as well. Depends

or, find free parking near a tram stop and just take the tram in. 2.50 pln each way
dxx  12 | 108  
19 Nov 2008 /  #6
Get foreign plates and all parking in Krakow is for free ;-)
pawian  223 | 27187  
19 Nov 2008 /  #7
I haven`t heard about this trick.... How does it work?
dxx  12 | 108  
20 Nov 2008 /  #8
Well, if you have foreign plates, like I have Belgian, the policja does not have an agreement with Belgium concerning the exchange of vehicle registration details, so they can write you a ticket, but never find out who the plate belongs to, since Belgium does not supply this information to Poland, so the only way they can make you pay, if by clamping your car. I usually get a "informacja" note instead of a ticket when I park in a wrong place, like in Kazimierz a lot.
pawian  223 | 27187  
20 Nov 2008 /  #9
Clever. But it is strange there is no exchange of info. After all, both countries are in EU.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Travel / Parking in KrakowArchived