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March of Tolerance in Krakow

Puzzler  9 | 1088  
29 Apr 2007 /  #61
Oh, and here's miranda, as usual unprejudiced, tolerant and amicable: 'Well,I think that some people should not be allowed to use the internet.'

And as usual Polonophile - praising Decorator for his hate, oops, love-spitting: 'Dec, thank you. I coudn't have put this better myslef. Cheers for that' (sic).

Well, miranda, so you agree with 'Dec' that Grzegorz's negative attitude towards faggies is the expression of his suppressed homosexuality?

If so, how would you prove it's the case?
hello  22 | 890  
29 Apr 2007 /  #62
Here is the video from March of Tolerance of Gays and Lesbians 2007 in Cracow, Poland.

Decorator  4 | 291  
29 Apr 2007 /  #63
So for Decorator Poland is the land of bigotry and hatred?

Absolutely not!! and as i have never visited Poland i'm not qualified to judge that. I was talking about the individual you twat...
sledz  23 | 2247  
29 Apr 2007 /  #64
Ok I`ll admit it.......... I`m a lesiban trapped in a mans body
krysia  23 | 3058  
29 Apr 2007 /  #65
Now he tells me....
krysia  23 | 3058  
29 Apr 2007 /  #66
Now I understand.

sledz  23 | 2247  
29 Apr 2007 /  #67
hahahahahaha very funny

This is what the Mayor of Chicago allows to happen
every year they prance down the street..
witek  1 | 587  
30 Apr 2007 /  #68
Ok I`ll admit it.......... I`m a lesiban trapped in a mans body

don't you mean gay?

Sledz didn't i see you at the club called SPIN on the corner of Belmont and Halsted?

as i have never visited Poland i'm not qualified to judge that

yet you comment on Poland's social and economic issues?
sledz  23 | 2247  
30 Apr 2007 /  #69
don't you mean gay?

No.... it was just joke

Sledz didn't i see you at the club called SPIN on the corner of Belmont and Halsted?

nope never been there sorry...why do you go there?????
witek  1 | 587  
30 Apr 2007 /  #70
why do you go there?????

just bugging you. i always went to SPIN on Wednesdays for $1 drinks .
sledz  23 | 2247  
30 Apr 2007 /  #71
I Seen it before,,,,, dollar drinks huh? for that neighborhood...cheap!

when i go to the Cubs games I`ll hit the bars but they charge 6 bucks a beer

Wrigleyville is a fun area youll never know what youll see
witek  1 | 587  
30 Apr 2007 /  #72
SPIN on Wednesdays $3 cover and $1 drinks

crowd 1/2 student, 1/2 gay-lesbian

i always went there with 2 girls ( 1 czech, 1 polish), drank , danced, had my ass grabbed by gay men, had fun.

i was last there about 1/2 a year ago when i was living in Chicago, so maybe prices have changed? ask Goonie he will know.
sledz  23 | 2247  
30 Apr 2007 /  #73
Yeah, I heard about that place maybe I`ll check it out someday
I dont care if ppl are gay, I bet theres some fine looking women in there.

That whole neighborhood is always jumping.

I like the Cubbie bear, Bar Louie, Sluggers always a good time
daffy  22 | 1153  
30 Apr 2007 /  #74
Hm, Daffy, so would you back a fascist parade?

your trying to make me a hypocrite puzzler :D id allow any democratic parade that was peaceful, law-abiding and not hostile to the people and state as is laid down in the laws

if you meet those sociatal criteria, id even let you march an anti daffy parade.
We life in a democratic society and the fascists would love nothing MORE than to be denied a parade to claim it is UNdemocratic etc.

I just wouldnt attend such a parade - ignoring them is more hurtful to them than giving them what they want - attention. and if you deny them a parage based on there politics alone - you give them that attention.

however - there are valid concerns that the people and law can democratically object to and usually are upheld that such a parade is incitement of hate and the chances of violence etc is high and on those grounds such a parade cannot happen as they breach the requirements.
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
30 Apr 2007 /  #75
Yeah, Daffy, so we agree on the subject. Thanks for your polite reply. Long live Ireland for giving birth to smarties like yourself. ;)

Decorator refers to moi as 'you twat.'

Another sample of his (Orwellian) love speech?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
30 Apr 2007 /  #76
glad to see youre busy keeping threads on topic daff... keep up the good work/
europe awake  
30 Apr 2007 /  #77
sledz , sickening pictures. Sad to see people here support that type of agenda.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
30 Apr 2007 /  #78
Sad to see people here support that type of agenda

which agenda would that be?
30 Apr 2007 /  #79
Well, miranda, so you agree with 'Dec' that Grzegorz's negative attitude towards faggies is the expression of his suppressed homosexuality?

well, I have been here long enough to see that Grzegorz is not very tolerant in general so I expressed my opinon, which in this matter is similar to Decorator's,who is an easy going person and so am I. I am not interested in Grzegorz sexual orientation, because it is not my bussiness. Nor do I care.

As for using internet by some people, I stand by what I said, if those people use it mainly to offend others.
I am not a racist, nor I have a problem with somebody else's life style when it comes to sexual preferances. I have a lot of homosexual friends and they are good people. When I meet my friends they don't impose their lifestyle on me, since we talk about other things.

Some of them came from different countries to Canada and found home here, due to linient policies. It is still hard for them at times, but they are getting by.

Homosexuality is a new thing for Poland and it's going to take years for things to settle down re those issues.

The only problem I have with people is when they are using venon to defend their views, spit to offend their opponent, get personal and look to rock the boat in a "used to be friendly" Polish Forum. Also, your style of "stalking my posts" makes me really tired, since you haven't presented any imporvement in the matter of having a balanced discussion.

You keep offending me and my ethnic background (God knows why) and getting personal with me, even though you have apologized in the past, so I am predicting that things are not gonna change, since most people don't change.

Your combat style of disscussion is not my cup of tea, which I have stated many times before. So get the message and buzz off. I hope you are clear on my views now:)

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
30 Apr 2007 /  #80
Homosexuality is a new thing for Poland

Agressive homo propaganda is a new thing for Poland. Homos have always been here and we didn't give a damn about them. Why ? Because they weren't trying to push that **** on normal people.

Grzegorz is not very tolerant in general

You are not very tolerant either.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
30 Apr 2007 /  #81
for the sake of peace i would like to establish that i am the most intolerant person on the forum and in fact hate everybody... especially white hetrosexuals... theyre the worst...

right... out of bed and off to the gym before treating myself to a slap up binge and a shopping spree...

btw.. im thinking of changing my name to James Whitcomb Riley as i seem to have assumed his identity... any comments...?
30 Apr 2007 /  #82
You are not very tolerant either.

give me an example
30 Apr 2007 /  #83
March of Tolerance in Krakow

OK. Now I will say something. I took my son for walk in time of gay parade day in NYC. There where some "civilized homos" in rubber uniforms. My 6 year old child asked me: “Hey, Dad, why this lady is on the leash?” “This is her way of life”, I said. How, to hell can I explain to 6 years old, why she is on the leash?!!! Wanna be homo? So be it, but don’t force me and my children to watch your garbage on the streets.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
30 Apr 2007 /  #84
Well, miranda, so you agree with 'Dec' that Grzegorz's negative attitude towards faggies is the expression of his suppressed homosexuality?

If so, how would you prove it's the case?

Prove its not!

No offense G , but Puzzler, do you live with G? do you go out with him nightly?

anything about the beatings of native europeans or crimes against them.

we dont hear every mans story , the media tells what they want to tell. show the
public what they think we should see. unless we witness it, some things will never
be told on national television. so no, we dont know about all the beating of native
europeans, just as you dont know about every beating that occurs in the states
or in canada.. get a grip already!

“Hey, Dad, why this lady is on the leash?” “This is her way of life”,

Now yes, this is where I also draw the line. because there are people who dont need
to show this in public.

to me, whether its man or woman, or woman with woman, etc these are bedroom
fantasies, this should not be something you show to the public.

coming out of the closet doesnt mean you have to share everything you do in the
closet!! we certainly dont share our bedroom experiences as man and woman in
public by wearing leashes to work daily just to prove something..

if you do, then seriously, please involve some help. or contact jerry springer!!
zbigniew  1 | 10  
30 Apr 2007 /  #85
'March of Tolerance' my butt. This is oldfashion agitprop, right out of a University textbook.


Godless people with a mental illness pushing an agenda.

Do homosexuals, transexuals, bisexuals have rights? Yes

But their individual rights end where society's collective rights begin.

vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_do c_19751229_persona-humana_en.html

vatican.va/roman_curia/pontifical_councils/family/documents/rc_pc_fami ly_doc_20001109_de-facto-unions_en.html

BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
30 Apr 2007 /  #86
experience suggests that nothing the vatican proclaims should be taken as gospel
zbigniew  1 | 10  
30 Apr 2007 /  #87
Well, that's true for a christians who protest's the truth that is Christ's church.

But for Christians who remain part of the holy mother church as established by Jesus Christ all documents issued ex cathedra are a matter of 'Gospel'

Gospel: "Glad tidings" or "good news, " The English word gospel is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word godspell, which meant "good news." As now used, it means the message of Christianity and the books in which the story of Christ's life and teaching is found (Rom 1:15, 16). In the New Testament the word is never applied to a book but to the message (Rom 1:1; 1 Thess 3:2,9; Acts 20:24; Eph. 6:15). The message of God's plan for redeeming humanity.

For the record - All Catholics are Christian, but not all christians are Catholic.

daffy  22 | 1153  
30 Apr 2007 /  #88
experience suggests that nothing the vatican proclaims should be taken as gospel

ain't that the truth! RE the tolerance march - the church could stand to be a bit more tolerant in its stances towards homosexuality. they dont need to promote it but they dont need to attack it either.

I know some wont agree with that statement but again i say that we all have the right to privacy in the bedroom and not to impose our standards of what a persons sexuality should be.

RE the parades - ive posted my views already in this thread
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
30 Apr 2007 /  #89
Wanna be homo? So be it, but don’t force me and my children to watch your garbage on the streets.

Exactly. Keep that mess behind locked doors.
30 Apr 2007 /  #90
i think March of Tolerance in Krakow should be illegal
i hate them all

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