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March of Tolerance in Krakow

Barney  19 | 1733  
14 Oct 2008 /  #331
As for morality, I don't care. There are far more serious things going on in the world than two guys in a doggy style embrace.

Well said..........................................But

Nearly all accepted definitions of life make procreation as one of the fundamental parts of the definition of life

One word bees. The vast majority don't directly contribute to procreation, worker bees are not considered to be dysfunctional quite the opposite. We live in a community/society which is much more than a collection of nuclear families. You can't use basic biology to justify a particular societal view of life.

When a man has low sperm count, or a woman has a malformed internal sexual organs then they are said to be ill/dysfunctional - in a word, they have a problem and (some) seek treatment.

They are not ill/dysfunctional. Just as pregnant women are not ill.

Some people are not as intelligent, strong, calm or generous as others, they have a problem. Some seek help (treatment) all this suggests is that they are different from the norm - dysfunctional to the observer.

If all of us suddenly turned into homosexuals then in roughly 100 years from now the last representative of homo sapiens would mark the end of the human race

Drama Queen!! ;-)


Pink is sooooo last year
z_darius  14 | 3960  
15 Oct 2008 /  #332
I wrote "could" have been wiped out not "would". Never mind medical research then.

Don't go in the coulda-woulda direction to just back off then. This is lost time for all.

lets forget about medicine for a while. Let's take a year of no vaccinations anywhere in the world and see how we cope. (Fact is we wouldn't because we are so used to having them).

You seem to forget that bacteria and viruses are not the only one undergoing mutation and evolution. Nothing new in the biological history of human kind. Some people would die, some might be immune and those would survive, passing on the survival immunity gene to their offspring. Except for gays. Those would would not pass much of anything to future generations, save for a second hand skirt.

It's just a belief of mine that homosexuality is "just the way you are" in the same way that I am heterosexual.

Not much of an argument. Schizophrenics are also the way they are in the same way that the rest of us are.

I do have a question for those who believe homosexuality is a disease or illness - what are the symptoms?

I don't think this is a place for filthy pictures and descriptions of misuse of body parts for purposes for which they are clearly not intended.

One word bees. The vast majority don’t directly contribute to procreation, worker bees are not considered to be dysfunctional quite the opposite. We live in a community/society which is much more than a collection of nuclear families.

The example of bees is useless. Human procreation is not the same as that of bees, so indeed, human homosexuality will certainly not endanger the bee populations on this planet, but if pure and exclusive, human homosexuality would lead to the extinction of the human race. Similarly, if worker bees suddenly start screwing with ants that would have no effect on human survival. 'cept stock market price of honey would skyrocket. Bees don't organize gay parades. Human homosexuals do, and this is the topic. Let's stick to it.

You can't use basic biology to justify a particular societal view of life.

I already mentioned I don't give a squat about biology vs. societal life. I am talking about basic human physiology. Don't mix in human and social understanding of "good" vs. "bad" in the debate on biology. Biology is neither moral or immoral.

If gays want to shoot at the wrong target, all the power (and condoms) for them. My argument is not about morals then, or even religion. Even if I think the bible clearly implies homosexuality is out of bounds. That is a view and an interpretation though, but there is nothing to interpret about sperm. Once released it doesn't care about desires, ethics and gay parades. If there is no egg there is no conception and that's where life stops.

They are not ill/dysfunctional. Just as pregnant women are not ill.

Barney, how old are you? Of course pregnant women are not considered ill, just as heterosexuals are not considered ill. Sexual intercourse in a part of the process of procreation. So is pregnancy. Homosexual intercourse is not.

Some people are not as intelligent, strong, calm or generous as others, they have a problem. Some seek help (treatment) all this suggests is that they are different from the norm – dysfunctional to the observer.

You're applying social norms to defeat an argument from biology. Whether your calm or generous doesn't impede your biological capability to procreate. Shooting in the wrong hole does.

There is also a degree of deviation form a norm and circumstances of the deviation. For instance, some claim that over 60% of young boys masturbate, but this is considered normal. If the behavior persists throughout adulthood as a sole type of sexual activity then is considered a mental problem. Homosexuality also occurs as a sole type of sexual interest or activity, or as one of the forms. Bisexuals, for instance, are not a thread to the survival of the species as much as "pure" gays" are.

Add to that such sexual forms, commonly know s perversions, such as zoophilia. Misty might say that zoophiliacs are just the way they are and are not perverted. Not up to me to judge, as the word perversion would be pushing the debate towards morality. Whether moral or not, zoophilia is also a humanity's dead end.
Crnogorac7  - | 12  
15 Oct 2008 /  #333
Why do you insist on your opinion if you cannot overthrew Dariusz's argument? While you cannot overthrew because this is impossible.

Some diseases are considered incurable (at least currently).

Šta drugo oèekivati od devijantnih i izopaèenih kreatura kakvi su pederi, koji su sami po sebi greška prirode i kao takvi su rak rana svakog društva. Čovjek u postu iznad mog je sve lijepo i ukratko objasnio.


What else can be expected from deviant and distorted creatures as are gays, who are alone by themselves a mistake of nature and as such are a cancer lesion of every society. The man who wrote the post above mine nicely and briefly explained it.
15 Oct 2008 /  #334
Why do you insist on your opinion if you cannot overthrew Dariusz's argument?

lol....ah lesser, you always make me laugh...
grethomory  1 | 155  
15 Oct 2008 /  #335
Dariusz, it doesn't matter what another person does with their lives...I do suspect people are born gay. The more we learn about genes, etc...the clearer this picture will become. There are some people born with one blue eye and one brown eye...genetic flaw? Who's call is it? It's certainly not mine or yours.

Why on earth would a person just choose to be gay when they are going to be discriminated and hated just for being who they are? You think this is what they want?

I have black friends who told me growing up a child they wished they had not been born black because of discrimination and hatred. So, what makes you think a person would choose to be gay? They only choose to be who they are and not hide behind the shadows.

HIV and AIDS would not be as prevalent as it is if people didn't feel the need to hide and sneak around. Men who got married fully knowing they were/are gay thinking that this feeling was going to go away and 20 years down the road realize it's not going anywhere. They have messed up lives because of living a lie.

Throw all the rhetoric you want...the simple fact of the manner is this...everyone has a comment on everyone else, but their words and infinite wisdom need to used on themselves to make themselves a better person. That's a full-time job.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
15 Oct 2008 /  #336

A very nice post. I like that post.
One problem though: you address it to me but you don't address the issues I wrote about.
lesser  4 | 1311  
15 Oct 2008 /  #337
lol....ah lesser, you always make me laugh...

Please elaborate, let me know what is so funny.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
15 Oct 2008 /  #338
As a gay friend of mine says, "only the boring stay straight".

The thing I have noticed is that people who do not like gays or what they do with their partners, tend to be REALLY explicitly graphic in their obsessive descriptions.

I am trysexual,
I'll try anything once, twice if I like it ;)
dcchris  8 | 432  
15 Oct 2008 /  #339
yeah i dont see what the problem with gays is... I personally dont care. its their business and it helps the percentages for us straight guys. more gay guys more single women haha
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
15 Oct 2008 /  #340
The thing I have noticed is that people who do not like gays or what they do with their partners, tend to be REALLY explicitly graphic in their obsessive descriptions.


I respect the gay... but I do not like their gayness... In one word....i respect the human.

There is no graphic accusation... just that gays need more care and the society should come forward and recognise this dieseas.

There should be a subject allocated in medicine...and phsychology.... The Gay ailment can be cured.... forever. We need a cure like we had for dieseases like tuber colosis... or other dieseas...even a vaccination.... or a phsychological therapy to people presumably going in that direction..

Together...we can wipe this out.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
15 Oct 2008 /  #341
The thing I have noticed is that people who do not like gays or what they do with their partners, tend to be REALLY explicitly graphic in their obsessive descriptions.

That is probably as natural as other forms of behavior. There seems to be a biological mechanism that repulses people from some objects or actions, and if indeed there is one, it would be easy to justify those descriptions, as they are rarely favorable and their intent is to discourage others form what is being criticized. Avoiding sex within closest family, avoiding some plants based on their look or smell, avoiding cannibalism (possible link to creutzfeldt jakobs) etc.

There also seems to be a natural interest in the bad, ugly, dangerous and the deadly which I cannot explain in biological terms. A death gene perhaps? For instance the concept of heaven and hell in various religions. The descriptions of the sufferings awaiting sinners are picturesque, at times works of art Not only the Bible, but even literature such as Dante's are very involved in describing the bad and the terrible, but their descriptions of the alleged eternal happiness is unconvincing and pale at best.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
15 Oct 2008 /  #342

I was not talking about you.

I do however disagree with you on these views.

That is probably as natural as other forms of behavior.

I never hear the same descriptions for necrophilia or paedophilia (thankfully).

There also seems to be a natural interest in the bad, ugly, dangerous and the deadly

I don't get your point?.

As a gay friend of mine says, "only the boring stay straight".

If it matters my gay friend is a woman.

I do not understand some of the harsher reactions towards gays on this thread, what two (or more) consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes is their own business.

I don't hate women because they fancy men.

In Sligo in Ireland, there were (probably still are) many gay men beaten, some close to death.
I have difficulty understanding the idea, an example (in a Sligo accent) I am a man and I am straight, so I will beat the living sh1t out of people who are not men like me to prove i am straight.

It seems to me that these guys must be in the closet.

Have you any gay friends?

I have, both male and female, no big deal.
The only thing i do not like is how much press homosexuality gets, heterosexuality is still the most common form of sex, yet I don't see straight parades. Probably because of the lack of persecution.

I have been to several gay parades and had a ball

The bit I dislike about the title of the topic is the word "tolerance".
If someone said "I tolerate you" it means they to bear or endure you, even though they don't know you. So what if your gay?.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
15 Oct 2008 /  #343
We must not treat them lowly or be insulting. Its just a diesease.

SeanBM  34 | 5781  
15 Oct 2008 /  #344
Its just a diesease.

I am not sure who i should be quoting.
It's a disease? Where'd you get that idea from?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
15 Oct 2008 /  #345
Well I'm a bit drunk, so I'm not going to discuss these things very much as I could throw up all over my place but one question...

Do you think that a guy sticking his dick in other guy ass is normal ?
dtaylor  9 | 823  
15 Oct 2008 /  #346
Do you think that a guy sticking his dick in other guy ass is normal ?

Do u think a gu sticking his dick in a girl is??

Cmon Grzeg, stop being the priest's candle boy
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
15 Oct 2008 /  #347
Do you think that a guy sticking his dick in other guy ass is normal ?

If he is gay, then yes of course.

Be careful.

What are you drinking?
PDGW  - | 10  
15 Oct 2008 /  #348
this thread has turned pretty gay....in case anyone was wondering.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
15 Oct 2008 /  #349
Pure and total homosexuality within any population based solely on sexual interaction between two opposite genders is doomed and headed for extintion. That goes against the very definition of life.

Well we aren't really talking about any population are we (i don't know i haven't read many of the responses here, just this first post on the page and not even that closely)? If we're talking about the present human population in our reality then it seems your argument isn't all that applicable. I mean, in a world burgeoning with human overpopulation, i could forward that homosexuality is a very healthy adaptation to help reduce the current numbers.

Nothing more nothing less.

i don't know about that, doesn't your argument presume the purpose of one's existence is to procreate? Besides that you've applied your argument within the confines of a situation that seems more clinical than practical. I think there is more than one perspective to view this issue from and such are the sources for so much heated debate.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
15 Oct 2008 /  #350
Exactly, if somebody disagree with this statement then it is rejection of logic.

Well...I do!

First, homosexuality exists since the beginning (it also happens in the nature between animals), so I doubt it's heading towards extinction.

And second, never ever has homosexuality endangered the species...mankind is on her way to suffocate this planet regardless of the homos.

The stigmata and taboo is a social one and started significantly with the rising of the book religions and therefore is much more a matter of education and upbringing than anything else.

Everyone with an inkling of history knows that the public opinon of homosexuality was in our past often another one:


So much for "very definition of life"...

Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
15 Oct 2008 /  #351
Bratwurst Boy

Glass half-empty reply:Hey, hey, hey, hey, that's just repackaging what i wrote above your post, c'mon that's bare faced plagarism if ever there was such a thing on a post forum.

Glass half-full reply: Hey, how about that? Looks like we're both on to something. Well great minds often think alike!

I'm torn, which way should I go? Haf-full or half-empty? Is this how someone with a sexual identity crisis feels? If it's wrong to joke about such things then i don't wanna be right.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
15 Oct 2008 /  #352
'm sorry...I didn't read the thread before actually....maybe I should do!

*goes reading*
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
15 Oct 2008 /  #353
So called "gays" are sick people and need help asap. Anybody, who don't understand that was either brainwashed or a damn perv.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
15 Oct 2008 /  #354
Anybody, who don't understand that was either brainwashed or a damn perv.

Oki...but since homosexuality is much older than your prejudices I would say it's YOU who is brainwashed in calling it "perv"...but then..who cares!

PS: And I have a strong feeling that homosexuality in the nature and between humans will still be there after those (religious) prejudices are long gone...
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
15 Oct 2008 /  #355
Anybody, who don't understand that was either brainwashed or a damn perv.

I am not brain washed.
Barney  19 | 1733  
15 Oct 2008 /  #356
how old are you?

Old enough to recognise a minimalist argument based upon reductionist thought.

You cannot self-define the parameters of an argument.

All issues are not black and white

Of course exclusive homosexual human behaviour will lead to extinction. That is not the issue. The issue is whether Homosexuality is a disease or not.

Misty asked what are the symptoms this is a relevant question. Because if there are not scientifically measurable symptoms everything else is conjecture/opinion. Based upon social norms.

If a representative of a species is unable to participate in the further expansion of its numbers then the individual is deemed dysfunctional/aberrant/ill

Are you applying social norms to define dysfunctional/aberrant/ill behaviour?

over 60% of young boys masturbate, but this is considered normal. If the behavior persists throughout adulthood as a sole type of sexual activity then is considered a mental problem.

I have never been called a player of the pink oboe in such a nice way, thank you ;-)
15 Oct 2008 /  #357
I have never been called a player of the pink oboe in such a nice way, thank you ;-)

and you said that pink was: so last year:)
Barney  19 | 1733  
15 Oct 2008 /  #358
yeah but it's also timeless:)
z_darius  14 | 3960  
15 Oct 2008 /  #359
Well we aren't really talking about any population are we (i don't know i haven't read many of the responses here, just this first post on the page and not even that closely)?

No, I created the hypothetical population to amplify the point that homsexuality is against a critical part of the definition of life.

If we're talking about the present human population in our reality then it seems your argument isn't all that applicable. I mean, in a world burgeoning with human overpopulation, i could forward that homosexuality is a very healthy adaptation to help reduce the current numbers.

Form the biological point I'm not sure I would call it healthy, unless by healthy you mean painless. There are many more mechanism to reduce human populations, and those mechanisms are well know from history and in the present time. Infectious diseases are just one example.

But there is a huge difference between reducing human population through infectious diseases vs. homosexuality. There is no possibility of males getting naturally pregnant and there is no benefit to the species from a homosexual intercourse. In homosexuality there is no survival drive. In a bacterial or a viral diseases there is a benefit to a species since bacteria and viri benefit from attacking other organisms on the scale of their entire species.

Again, I see no such benefit in human homosexuality.

i don't know about that, doesn't your argument presume the purpose of one's existence is to procreate?

Trying to put words in my mouth, eh? ;)

No, it doesn't and I am a firm believer that one's existence has no purpose whatsoever. I believe I remarked on that on a couple of occasions on this forum Once in motion though, life self perpetuates itself and this is it's most important trait, but not the purpose.

First, homosexuality exists since the beginning (it also happens in the nature between animals), so I doubt it's heading towards extinction.

Of course. What's more, homosexual behaviors were not only known but also encouraged. Read into the Greek educational/personal ideals, pederasty (today known as pedophilia). Modern society and the pro gay movements are nothing that hadn't been done before. In fact they yet have to succeed with legalizing under age homosexuality to catch up with the ancient Greeks.

I would also be very careful using Plato as a support trooper. The man would likely be in jail if he presented his views today. Some say Plato's philosophy might be responsible for justifying a huge amount of human suffering throughout the ages, including euthanasia of the handicapped, mentally slow etc. Nope, let's not use Plato's morals. Many of them would be simply unacceptable today. And actually, let's keep morals to ourselves. Biology is more democratic and fair.

So much for "very definition of life"...

Not really. Cancer is a disease and it deadly. I know no person who would argue otherwise. Cancer is nothing new in humans and yet the species survived. See my comment to Foreigner4 above.

Old enough to recognise a minimalist argument based upon reductionist thought.
You cannot self-define the parameters of an argument.

You are confusing parameters with planes. I am not writing about social, religious or moral aspects of homosexuality. I may later on, but right now I am concentration on what is by far more basic and fundamental than moral - biology.

The issue is whether Homosexuality is a disease or not.

Misty asked what are the symptoms this is a relevant question. Because if there are not scientifically measurable symptoms everything else is conjecture/opinion. Based upon social norms.

I answered Misty and the answer is simple. Homosexuals suffer form the same symptoms as low sperm count patients, i.e. they cannot have children.

I don't know how many more times I should repeat that - I do not give one bit of squat about social norms at this point. Social norms are of secondary or even tertiary importance. First a species must do what a species needs to do survive as such. The social norms may change, and they have a few times, back and forth. Human biology in recorded history hasn't.

In so far as homosexuality causing suffering to homosexuals, I don't think it is a disease as I see no rush by gay to obtain pain killers. As an aspect for the survival of the species it certainly is an abnormal and undesirable behavior

Are you applying social norms to define dysfunctional/aberrant/ill behaviour?

Please, please, do not be stubborn and stop it. Apart from a brief remark on the bible, I am not interested in social norms. I am not judging anybody, I am writing about fundamentals of biological norms.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
16 Oct 2008 /  #360
Do u think a gu sticking his dick in a girl is??

Yes it is. But with marriage...

Its not being a candle boy to understand that (even though it was for Grzegorz_). The social structure, the values....they are what keeps us as humans....

Its the law of nature.... how true was it said by one of the Holy men 'Man is greater than animal... but those who loose their conscience is worse than the beast.... so what makes a man different from an animal are their conscience...their souls).

Gayness is a mental illness... an ailment... thus can this can be termed as a disease in a whole.

The best thing is to understand this. Treat a ailment as an ailment...not as an acceptable way of life. Being balanced in our approach is the issue here.... Being extreme in both ends is not good....

If its so difficult for them... then they should not think about sex. Sex is not the ultimate purpose of life ... for those who cannot control themselves...

Sex is an act between a male and a female, in a marital bond....to enable a new life to be born.

Infedility, Homosexualism and other forms of abnormalities are mental ailment to certain degrees. Mental illness have many faces... and homosexualism is one of it.

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