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The Polish-Hungarian friendship is as well as poisoned

1jola  14 | 1875  
27 Jun 2009 /  #31
Anyone interested in:

Crow  155 | 9736  
27 Jun 2009 /  #32
I would even agree except that we can't say that Scythians (and Sarmatians) were Slavic. Scythians were from Asia, some of them fled to Europe but most of them were vassals of the Hun Empire.

my dear virtual friend from the Net

even Celts were branch of Scyhians/Sarmatians. So, what`s wrong if Scythians originaly came from Asia?

Core of Danubian population/first whites of Europe (first branch of Proto Slavs, core of Sarmatians) spread along Danube river after they came on Balkan via Anatolia in period that occured after Ice age was finished. Secund branch of Proto Slavs (in general nomadic Scythians) arrived later from Asia via Eurasia and combined with first branch of Proto Slavs (Sarmatians).

Asia isn`t reserved for Yelow races, nor for Semitics. After all, name of Siberia coming from the name of Sarmatians (version of Serbian name), once universal name of all Slavs. Even in ancient Chinese chronicles you can found data about Sarmats (whites from Siberia). Also, first whites ever mentioned by darker races (particulary Indian) are again Sarmatians under designation of Srbinda.

Modern Sarmatians are designated under name of Sloveni/Slavjani (Slavs). They are native population of parts of Europe, Eurasia and Asia. Slavs were (are!) streched on the intercontinental level for thousends of years.

And the Serbian "empire" (kingdom) fell under Ottoman rule ("were eaten by the Ottomans", to use your wording) and could not recover until the late 18th century.

go investigate Polish encyclopedia and you would found that Serbian medieval Empire lived exactly long enough to transfer knowladge of proper light cavalry to Hungary and Poland. Serbian concept of `knee to knee, tight formation` (ultimate war doctrine that world ever sow in horse riding/best charge effect!) adopted even famous US cavalry during time of `wild west` (remind yourself on USA cavalry in galop. Well, Serbians are behind that (via Poles), too).
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
27 Jun 2009 /  #33
Yeah, I did read the whole thing, via a link someone posted elsewhere...I just wanted to honor her, and post the gist of what she said...Quite a lady, and with a good wit!..And you have filled in any missing emphasis that I left out...Thank You.
OP Bondi  4 | 142  
28 Jun 2009 /  #34
My pleasure. After Perez told the world that they're "buying up Poland, Hungary and Manhattan", there should not be anything wrong with saying we won't let them...

even Celts were branch of Scyhians/Sarmatians. So, what`s wrong if Scythians originaly came from Asia? (etc.)

It's ok, and it's even scientifically confirmed in a part. For instance, genetically the Japanese are closely related to Hungarians, which also confirms an Asian origin of the ancient European population.

But it's a joke when people reverse these findings. For instance, there are looneys in Hungary who try to set up an all-inclusive proto-Magyar theory (in linguistics, in history, in geography), which is the same looney thing as an all-inclusive proto-Slavic or a proto-Germanic or a proto-Romanian theory. As a matter of fact, these chauvinistic theories are always all-exlusive to one another, they are just trying to prove a superiority in vain.
Pan Kazimierz  1 | 195  
4 Jul 2009 /  #35
In same encyclopedia, you will find that the Polish Hussar was extremely heavy cavalry, not the 'proper light cavalry' of Serbia you claim it to be.
Crow  155 | 9736  
4 Jul 2009 /  #36
exactly. Serbian light cavalry in Poland evolved into the heavy cavalry

innitialy, light cavalry played important role during clash with Turks because of better manuverable capabilities. With time, situation in Europe dictated necesity for heavy cavalry.

But, Polish brate Pan Kazimierze, you didn`t understand. Serbs didn`t invented light cavalry. Hungarians had light cavalry, Poles, whole Europe and world had some sort of light cavalry.

In story of Serbian contribution to Hungarian, Polish (especialy), Russian, European, American, etc, etc... cavalry (both- light and heavy cavalry), key words aren`t `light cavalry`.

Key words here are `strictly knee to knee, tight formation`, that was used only by Serbians before Turkish arrival in Europe and represent Serbian invention.

That way, in a moments of charge, in a blink of an eye light cavalry got devastated power almost as it is heavy cavalry (maybe because of this some experts considered Serbian light cavalry as heavy cavalry). Assault was simple irresistable. Later, more armour on man and horse created clasical heavy cavalry. But, Serbian lesson was remembered.

Best cavalry concept that world ever sow was created by Balkan Serbs. It is fact before the Christ and his beloved Mother and before people.

But why you Pan Kazimierz complaint? From all who adopted Serbian cavalry tactics, Poles were the best and eventualy, this fact gaved to Poland strenght that Poland needed in order to survive attacks from West and East.

But, Poles and Serbians, its all the same. We are all children of Sarmatia and we shall arise and unite once again.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
11 Jul 2009 /  #37
Only 4-5000 Jews left in Poland?...There are quite a few of that number on this Forum...But, anyway, it would appear to me that many 'Polish' officials and financiers may be of another ethnic persuasion...Jews have much more power in Poland than is recognized...They just 'keep it quiet', and I guess Poles don't ask many questions...And, of course, the Polish 'upper classes' have traditionally given the Jews a free reign.
Crow  155 | 9736  
15 Sep 2009 /  #38
Polishforums.com correspondent from Serbia redirect informations [it is I- ;) Crow]....

The Polish-Hungarian friendship is as well as poisoned

well, when we are at poison >>>

Hungary in war of words with Slovaks

By Nick Thorpe
BBC News, Budapest


Ethnic Hungarians have staged demonstrations against the new law

The prime ministers of Hungary and Slovakia, Gordon Bajnai and Robert Fico, have agreed on measures to defuse a row which is poisoning relations between the two countries.

War of words escalates between EU countries Hungary and Slovakia

Eastern Europe | 22.08.2009

Hungarian President Solyom is not welcome in Slovakia

A bitter war of words between EU members Hungary and Slovakia intensified Friday as Hungarian President Laszlo Solyom cancelled a private visit after Bratislava said it would bar him from entering.

Slovak first law sparks war of words with Hungary

by Tatiana Bednarikova Tatiana Bednarikova - Thu Sep 10, 3:09 am ET

"The law harms the Hungarian minority more than other minorities," Pal Csaky, chairman of the ethnic-Hungarian SMK party, told AFP.

Hungarians, mostly in communities near the Slovak-Hungarian border, make up 10 percent of Slovakia's population of 5.4 million people.

"They have their own institutions and, as the only minority, they use their language in public life," Csaky noted.

The law allows an ethnic minority making up at least 20 percent of citizens in a municipality to use their native language in public life. It allows bilingual street names and geographical names -- but always puts Slovak first.

The Slovak Culture Ministry insists says law does not discriminate but aims to "protect Slovak citizens from discrimination in their own country."

"Slovak citizens living in ethnically mixed regions are often denied their right to information in the state language, especially in municipalities where they represent a minority," the ministry said on its website.

The Polish-Hungarian friendship is as well as poisoned

let us found since when

among else, eventualy >>>

Triple Alliance (1882)

First Treaty of Alliance between Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Italy. Vienna, May 20, 1882.

Why did Germany support Austria-Hungary in its decisions against Serbia?

In all the key decision, Austria-Hungary was encouraged by the German General Staff to be high-handed and unresaonable and to behave in a way likely to lead to war. Austria-Hungary was shamelessly used in order to unleash a European war. (So you really need to word the question differently).

This view is supported by relevant documents. See, for example, the work of Fritz Fischer and also David Fromkin, Europe's Last Summer: Who started the Great War in 1914? (2004) ISBN 0-375-41156-9, ISBN 0-375-72575-X (paperback)

so,... stupid, ugly, idiotic and small-minded archduke Ferdinand provoked Serbians on their native ground in Bosnia-Herzegovina and of course, Serbs as Serbs didn`t hesitate to tell him `fu** off` and as well to screw complete anti-Slavic Empire that idiot represented. All in all, archduke faced oblivion. Stupid, stupid, arogant man was that archduke
ZoltanTheSultan  - | 5  
8 Oct 2009 /  #39
Ha ha ha......
Crow is the mad Cow who has a holy cow, a monomania: Serbia, the umbilicus of earth! :D
El Gamal  1 | 27  
8 Oct 2009 /  #40
Remember, that Jews are performing a widespread campaign against Poland in media all around the world which goal is to justify fraud of cca. 65 billions of dollars they demand from Poland. They exploit poor Westerns' knowledge about Polish past to tell lies about us. Meanwhile, Poland is rulled by traitors (as it has been for past 300 years) who silently support this anti-Polish campaign. It's quite possible that they will also try to interfere good Polish-Hungarian relations (divide et impere).

Hope we all survive somehow....
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
8 Oct 2009 /  #41
Meanwhile, Poland is rulled by traitors (as it has been for past 300 years) who silently support this anti-Polish campaign.

How about, we go back to say the 1600s...Except for Iosef Pilsudski.
El Gamal  1 | 27  
8 Oct 2009 /  #42
late 1600 was a time, Poland started to be dismantled from inside. if you knew more you'd probably wouldn't post ironic comments
Crow  155 | 9736  
8 Oct 2009 /  #43
Ha ha ha......
Crow is the mad Cow who has a holy cow, a monomania: Serbia, the umbilicus of earth! :D

forget about Serbs man, release yourself from complex. You should speak about Germans to Poles
mafketis  38 | 11288  
8 Oct 2009 /  #44
Serbia, the umbilicus of earth! :D

Umbilicus of Slavija!!!!!!!!

If you'd really read much of Crow's rantings, you'd realize that Slavija is far more important than a mere .... planet (pthew I spit on puny globe that is nothing compared to the imperial majesty that is Slavija!!!
Crow  155 | 9736  
8 Oct 2009 /  #45

Slavija gaved a lot of to this globe. Much more was taken from Slavija by the force

majesty that is Slavija

idea about Slavija in noble one. That for sure

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