It should great to marry in a city with polish architecture.
Our old jewel Breslau got destroyed in WWII...what the Poles made of it we don't want...the same with Kö's dead and destroyed!
Merkell is defiantly more pro-american than pro-russian so even the fact that she knows Russian won't help Putin to establish as good relationship with her as he had with Fritz. Which, BTW, is a very good thing for Poland.
Schröder was a populistic nut, an embarassment!
Merkel says what she thinks is right...even as she is shmoozing with Bush she tells him also about Guantanamo and the clima catastrophe and is honest about it.
The same with Putin...even as she drinks a vodka on the Moskwa under the moonlight with him she doesn't forget to ask him about human rights and press freedom!
This woman has class!
But Schröder (as embarassing as he was) started a new development in Germany!
It was not nice and brought lot's of pain...but Germany will never again be only the servant of the US. This time is definitely over!
Partners, yes!
Friends, why not!
Allies, if it is for the right things...sure!
Master and Servant..never again!
Germany now looks more to Europe and asserts herself in a leading role than only to look over the atlantic...this development Schröder started and made sure it's irreversible!
Merkel smoothed ruffled feathers in Washington but never retracted from that way...