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Polish-German Relations in the Present

Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
14 Jun 2007 /  #32
In contrary to what some people may believe after reading this forum, the situation is not bad. Germans didn't even make it in the list concerning most disliked nationalities by Poles (Arabs, Gypsies and Romanians placed highest in that ranking). However I think that it wouldn't be hard to go back to our previous relationships (those before 1939) and people like Erika Stainbach or the whole Prussian Claims Society don't make it easy for us to truly like our western neighbors.

Who do you think is respected now in the EU and who get's laughed about?

You may not like the stubbornness of our twins... You may laugh at their posture, height, etc but it wont change the fact that your chancellor will soon get some serious cramps from all that smiling to Lech and Jarosław. :)
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Jun 2007 /  #33
At least they built Wroclaw and Poznan.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
14 Jun 2007 /  #34
You are pure evil southern! -> And I’m writing it just because the number of your posts. :)

Built Poznań and Wrocław? Their contribution can't be overlooked, but I assure you that Poznan as well as Wrocław where built long before first German settlers came there. :)
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Jun 2007 /  #35
Built Poznań and Wrocław? Their contribution can't be overlooked, but I assure you that Poznan as well as Wrocław where built long before first German settlers came there. :)

Bratwurst boy has to answer if the Silesian city he came from was built by Poles.

I mean the architecture in the center is very gothic.It seems like that of german cities.Of course in the suburbs there are different contributions.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
14 Jun 2007 /  #36
Bratwurst boy has to answer if the Silesian city he came from was built by Poles.

My family comes from many tiny and really tiny german villages in Upper- and Lower Silesia (researched my ancestry awhile back)...but my grandparents married in Breslau...
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Jun 2007 /  #37
It should great to marry in a city with polish architecture.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
14 Jun 2007 /  #38
Our Merkel is intelligent, polite and has style...she will still smile even when she rather wants to take a frying pan to your twins heads!

PS: A bit politeness and style would look good on your potatoe heads...not to talk about intelligence...
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
14 Jun 2007 /  #39
It does help that Merkel speaks russian and Putin speaks german (his kids go to a german school I've read).

Actually since Merkel replaced Schroeder in the position of chancellor the relationship between Russia and Germany certainly calmed down. Schroeder wanted Europe to be more independent from the influence of Americans, thus strongly supported and promoted Putins Russia on the international arena, for which he was later very generously rewarded given a post as the head of the shareholders' committee in the Russian-led consortium, controlled by Gazprom.

Merkell is defiantly more pro-american than pro-russian so even the fact that she knows Russian won't help Putin to establish as good relationship with her as he had with Fritz. Which, BTW, is a very good thing for Poland. :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
14 Jun 2007 /  #40
It should great to marry in a city with polish architecture.

Our old jewel Breslau got destroyed in WWII...what the Poles made of it we don't want...the same with Königsberg...it's dead and destroyed!

Merkell is defiantly more pro-american than pro-russian so even the fact that she knows Russian won't help Putin to establish as good relationship with her as he had with Fritz. Which, BTW, is a very good thing for Poland.

Schröder was a populistic nut, an embarassment!

Merkel says what she thinks is right...even as she is shmoozing with Bush she tells him also about Guantanamo and the clima catastrophe and is honest about it.

The same with Putin...even as she drinks a vodka on the Moskwa under the moonlight with him she doesn't forget to ask him about human rights and press freedom!

This woman has class!

But Schröder (as embarassing as he was) started a new development in Germany!
It was not nice and brought lot's of pain...but Germany will never again be only the servant of the US. This time is definitely over!

Partners, yes!
Friends, why not!
Allies, if it is for the right things...sure!
Master and Servant..never again!

Germany now looks more to Europe and asserts herself in a leading role than only to look over the atlantic...this development Schröder started and made sure it's irreversible!

Merkel smoothed ruffled feathers in Washington but never retracted from that way...
southern  73 | 7059  
14 Jun 2007 /  #41
but Germany will never again be only the servant of the US. This time is definitely over!

Not any more Marshall plans.
Crow  154 | 9463  
14 Jun 2007 /  #42
Poznan as well as Wrocław where built long before first German settlers came there. :)

True. I concur.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
14 Jun 2007 /  #43
I mean the architecture in the center is very gothic.It seems like that of german cities.Of course in the suburbs there are different contributions.

I would be very careful which such statements. Just because a building looks gothic doesn't instantly mean that it was build by Germans. :) I'm not denying German contribution in those cities which was definitely significant (in Wrocław’s case especially) but both agglomerations were Polish for a longer time than German and the fact that Breslau again is called Wrocław I see as a sign of justice. :)

Our old jewel Breslau got destroyed in WWII...what the Poles made of it we don't want...the same with Königsberg...it's dead and destroyed!

The history is not over and Wrocław's mayor is doing pretty good job in reestablishing its former position(the cities that is :P ). Let's just wait a little bit with the judgments shall we? :)


Gerhard Fritz Kurt Schröder :)

Our Merkel is intelligent, polite and has style...she will still smile even when she rather wants to take a frying pan to your twins heads!

This time she smiles because she wants Poland’s support in the European constitution issue. It astonishes how you Germans can be very polite when you need something. :)

This woman has class!

I agree.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
14 Jun 2007 /  #44
Not any more Marshall plans.

It wasn't that much anyway: Cumulative ($ millions)

Austria 488
Belgium and Luxembourg 777
Denmark 385
France 2,296
Germany 438
Greece 366
Iceland 43
Ireland 133
Italy and Trieste 1,204
Netherlands 355
Norway 372
Portugal 70
Sweden 347
Switzerland 250
Turkey 137
United Kingdom 3,297

PS: Want to compare this money to the values of the patents stolen from Germany? The scientists stolen? Ever heard of the great "patent heist"? Or Operation Paperclip?

Compared to that the Marshall plan was peanuts!

PPS: As you can see France or also GB got much more help but no "Wirtschaftswunder" for them...I wonder why...

PS: Want to compare this money to the values of the patents stolen from Germany? The scientists stolen? Ever heard of the great "patent heist"? Or Operation Paperclip?
Compared to that the Marshall plan was peanuts!

Don`t complaint. It is Germans who stolen a lot of from Slavs
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
14 Jun 2007 /  #45
Bismarck rocks!

I agree. Thanks to his attempts of germanization of poles he had awoken the national identity of Poles in Pomerania and Silesia. Good job Otto. :)

PS: Is it truth that his descendant is the laziest MP in Bundestag? :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
14 Jun 2007 /  #46
This time she smiles because she wants Poland's support in the European constitution issue. It astonishes how you Germans can be very polite when you need something. :)

The Twins are backpedaling already...finding themselves isolated, shunned and laughed about...not a nice position to be in!

spiegel.de/international/europe/0,1518,488566,00.html - "Poland might play along after all"

I agree. Thanks to his attempts of germanization of poles he had awoken the national identity of Poles in Pomerania and Silesia. Good job Otto. :)

He unified Germany and made it a world power!
(We are not thinking in the first place about Poles when we admire him!)

PS: Is it truth that his descendant is the laziest MP in Bundestag? :)

I have no idea...and if...he wouldn't be alone...:)

That I find always fascinating and also funny:

"..."One gets the impression," Gusenbauer said, "that Poland's leadership under the Kaczynski twins doesn't want to grant the Germans the success of injecting momentum into the reforms. They have harshly criticized the German (EU) presidency."...

Germanophobes at work....derailing everything german...even to the point of looking stupid and ridiculous!

Did they have forgotten that it was Germany who paved their way into the EU?
Don't they know that much of the money which will build up Poland in the coming years is german money???

But this gives hope again:

"...He also said that the Polish people were not completely behind their government. "Sixty-five percent are in favor of ratifying the treaty as it is. It is absurd: the most pro-European population has the most Euro-sceptic government."..."
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
14 Jun 2007 /  #47
He unified Germany and made it a world power!
(We are not thinking in the first place about Poles when we admire him!)

The statement I wrote was from my point of view. :)

Germanophobes at work....derailing everything german...even to the point of looking stupid and ridiculous!

Not really. The whole thing was just a bluff from the whole beginning. Didn’t had anything to do with German's. It was more to convince EU to support its eastern members in the struggle against Putin’s imperialistic politics in Eastern Europe. Did the bluff took to long? Is it going to have disastrous consequences for Poland? Well it can. But than again we had been warned to do what the old Europe says so many times and yet you still visit Warsaw and smile to our face… Let’s just see what will happen. :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
14 Jun 2007 /  #48
When I meet with other (mostly western european friends) on other politic boards the opinion is mostly the same:

We all are waiting for those twins to leave the political stage (as with Bush actually)...most can clearly separate the polish people from this crazy government.

Will it have consequences?
I just know that Poland is the first and only case where a sacking, a kicking out of the EU ever was/is widely contemplated!

I think even when the Kaczinsky's are gone Poles will have to work hard to show that they are not only innit for the money but are really interested on a working relationship!

But than again we had been warned to do what the old Europe says so many times and yet you still visit Warsaw and smile to our face

Erm...it's called diplomacy!
Which alternative would you prefer?
14 Jun 2007 /  #49
I just know that Poland is the first and only case where a sacking, a kicking out of the EU ever was/is widely contemplated!

lol, it is your imagination. Nothing like that is widely contemplated.

I think even when the Kaczinsky's are gone Poles will have to work hard to show that they are not only innit for the money but are really interested on a working relationship!

Yes it is about money, all is about money. We are in EU because West wanted to make money on us. We wanted to be in EU to make money on you. It is you give something we give something and everything because of the money.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
14 Jun 2007 /  #50
lol, it is your imagination. Nothing like that is widely contemplated.

Not officially Ola...of course not....but it's the mood of many people...just surf some news boards!

"...There is hope that Poland now might back away from its threats to block the treaty. But the damage in relations with the rest of the EU may already have been done. In addition to saying he was anxious to avoid isolation, Kaczynski also added that Poland "will not be threatened.""
14 Jun 2007 /  #51
Our old jewel Breslau got destroyed in WWII...what the Poles made of it we don't want...the same with Königsberg...it's dead and destroyed!

No needed words.

Who destroyed Wroclaw?
johan123  1 | 227  
14 Jun 2007 /  #52
We all are waiting for those twins to leave the political stage (

Just what have you got against the twins!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
14 Jun 2007 /  #53
I'm a German and a Western European...we all detest them!

"...Politicians in "old Europe" can barely conceal their frustration over the behavior of Poland since it entered the European Union.

Instead of swiftly adopting Western standards of democracy and tolerance, Polish politics has been filled with grating talk about religion and nationalism.

The political rise of President Lech Kaczynski and Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski has done nothing to allay these concerns. To many Europeans - and many Poles - the 57-year-old identical twins and their conservative Law and Justice Party represent a worrisome brand of retrograde politics...."

johan123  1 | 227  
14 Jun 2007 /  #54
Schröder was a populistic nut, an embarassment!

Schroder should be sitting in a prison cell !

I'm a German and a Western European...we all detest them!

Based on what! Your understanding of how your media presents them.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
14 Jun 2007 /  #55
"...The twins are now looking for excuses. They see dark, secret powers at work everywhere: old communist networks, the evil Germans. They are looking for reasons to explain why so many things cannot be fulfilled..."

spiegel.de/international/spiegel/0,1518,466540,00.html - "A Family Clan is in Power"

And aren't the Germans at hand to blame then it's the Russians....how convenient....
johan123  1 | 227  
14 Jun 2007 /  #56
Instead of swiftly adopting Western standards of democracy

Schroder or Chirac's standards!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
14 Jun 2007 /  #57
johan...Schröder is no longer (for awhile now) and Chirac is gone too...you will need some new excuses!

"...Former Polish president and Nobel laureate Lech Walesa Friday said Poland's ruling Kaczynski twins have "betrayed" the ideals of the anti-communist Solidarity union and are endangering democracy in his homeland.

"They have betrayed our ideals. And not just today and yesterday. They began to betray them a few years ago," Walesa said in an interview with the Italian daily La Repubblica...."

Poland's ruling Kaczinski twins 'betray' democratic ideals: Walesa
johan123  1 | 227  
14 Jun 2007 /  #58
johan...Schröder is no longer (for awhile now) and Chirac is gone too...you will need some new excuses!

Schroder needs to be brought to justice!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
14 Jun 2007 /  #59
He didn't break a law I think (besides being an ass)...
johan123  1 | 227  
14 Jun 2007 /  #60
The Yukos Affair would never have reached an expropriatory crescendo without the silence, if not active support, of the German banking and political elite. Their main concern, as the Yukos Affair unfolded, was how Germany and its banks could profit from state theft. This moral disengagement was not only dangerous for Russia but also for the strength of democratic principles in Germany. Surely German citizens are aware that the support by Chancellor Schroeder of a regime that closes the press, attacks NGOs, expropriates property in show trials and targets ethnic minorities is simply inconsistent with the German idea and that of Europe.

Archives - 2005-2009 / News / Polish-German Relations in the PresentArchived