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What do Polish friends think of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton?

Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
6 Mar 2008 /  #61
Want a job in the US, when there's such high unemployment? Work at McDonalds for Minimum wage! Because that's what is being offered in S. Cali, not that many high paying real jobs after Bushwhackers help to big business.

True. You have to come to NY or NJ. We have plenty of work here :) Cali is too plastic.

Here is Barack's opinon on Poland...sorry if this was already posted.


Obama and Poland
lesser  4 | 1311  
6 Mar 2008 /  #62
Here is Barack's opinon on Poland...

McCain policy towards Poland would not be much different IMO as far as pre-election promises are concentrated. For sure all candidates try to appease to Polonia.
EbonyandBathory  5 | 249  
6 Mar 2008 /  #63
I feel Obama and McCain have the best ideas concerning Poland. Clinton, who I like and is the only one of the three to physically visit the place, seems to misunderstand the cultural differences between the two countries. Poland isn't America, nor does it want to be, nor can you treat her like she is America. The people are different and different strokes are needed. Her encouragement for socalled "increased feminism in Poland" missed the mark, in my opinion. I'm not a woman nor would I presume to know what's best for them, so I could be wrong, but from what I know about Polish feminism its very different from American feminism. There is more on Obama on why the Polish News is supporting him. Here is the NY Times write up of Clinton's trip to Poland ten years ago, I couldn't find anything on McCain but if you all want to buy some Obama crap for your kid you can do so here though I wouldn't recommend it.
jones101  1 | 349  
6 Mar 2008 /  #64
If you think any US politician gives two cents about Poland other than how they can benefit the US you are living in a fantasy world. (the exception would be one with close family ties and that ain't any of the three mentioned here)
EbonyandBathory  5 | 249  
6 Mar 2008 /  #65
No, I get that, I understand that completely, Jones101. Sadly, both Poland and American Polonia don't have the political clout to make any real policy demands. But since this thread is what it is, I decided to throw that out there. Also, Poles in America, if you are basing your vote purely on the candidates stance on Poland, please reconsider. I know we all love Poland, I love her as much as anyone, but there are more pressing issues in this election than US relations with the old country. I'm sure this doesn't apply to anyone, but please consider other issues beyond US-Poland relations.
Dice  15 | 452  
6 Mar 2008 /  #66
Did you guys hear that Rush Limbaugh is boasting that he helped Hillary in Texas and Ohio, and he is encouraging Republicans to vote for Clinton in the Democratic primaries? He believes that Hillary will be easy to beat.

Rush Limbaugh pushes GOP for Clinton in Texas

Also, Poles in America, if you are basing your vote purely on the candidates stance on Poland, please reconsider.

Guru  - | 2  
8 Mar 2008 /  #67
If you think any US politician gives two cents about Poland other than how they can benefit the US you are living in a fantasy world.

I agree. Let's be honest: as US representatives, they are required to think about well-being of this country, and not any other. Nevertheless, they should not represent interests of just one group of citizens.

I am particularly disturbed by Hillary Clinton unanimous support for American-Jewish demands that Poland and Polish government pay compensation to victims of Holocaust (a link to Clinton statement on US senate.gov page should go here, but the forum rules do not let me attach it). I have a great compassion to the victims of Holocaust, but Poles themselves suffered so much during WWII and after it, that they should not be the ones to pay the restitution costs. It also goes against the Europe’s climate of forgiveness and reconciliation. As a Polish-American, I would NOT support a candidate who goes openly against Polish interests.

I also have a problem with the universal health plan proposed by Hillary. Somebody has to pay for it. Effectively, this is a new tax – either on currently uninsured, who probably can’t afford it anyway; or on their employers, which will increase the work costs and ship even more jobs abroad; or on the wealthy, in which case it will decrease the work motivation of well-to-do and poor alike. We do not have to guess what will happen – European counties with their large social programs (including, in most cases, universal health care) give us a pretty good preview. While in the US, unemployment in the range of 5-6% is considered high, in Europe 10% is a norm. That high unemployment is the real price of the universal health case.

Now, if the differences between presidential candidates are put like this: “Do you want health care, or do you want your job?”, the choice is not longer obvious.

Actually, not all groups will be equally affected by the growing unemployment. In Europe, the jobless rate is highest among young Muslims. Unemployment brings frustration, and growing frustration makes them susceptible to terrorist ideologies. In fact, most terrorist attacks in Europe were carried out by young Muslims raised in those countries.

You may think that the described connection between universal health case and a danger of terrorist attacks is too far reaching. My answer: I wish I’m wrong.
Crow  154 | 9568  
8 Mar 2008 /  #68
What do are Polish friends think of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton?

I don`t know for Polish friends but, i would tell you what would be batter for Polish brothers and sisters from Serbia

I call all american Poles that they coordinate with american Serbs and wote for candidate which would be batter from the angle of Slavic interests

For now, seams that Hilary is crazy as her husbant Bill. So, for now, seams that american Serbs need to support Obama and by anology, american Poles, due to solidarity with Serbs, should also support Obama (no, don`t tell me that he isn`t perfect. I know. I KNOW)

That seams for now but, we shall see

Reagrads and thanks to american Poles for eventual solidarity with Serbs

sledz  23 | 2247  
8 Mar 2008 /  #69
I also have a problem with the universal health plan proposed by Hillary

Clinton care yeah thats a joke, who do you think will pay for that?

Taxes are too high the way they are now.

Democrats love to raise taxes and spend money on big government projects.

Something does need to be done about the Health care issue but Hillary Clinton
is not the answer.
Guru  - | 2  
8 Mar 2008 /  #70
Taxes are too high the way they are now.

Democrats love to raise taxes and spend money on big government projects.

Nobody likes taxes, but the real difference is how they are spent. I lived in a socialistic country (that’s my Polish experience) and I’ve seen stagnation and corruption this model of government brings. By default, I’d rather support republicans and their “small government” approach. But not THESE republicans!

For me, it make a big difference if I have to pay higher taxes to provide health care for drug users and gang members, or to build new roads and bridges. I suffer in traffic jams and I cannot solve that problem alone, no matter how much money I have. This is the role of a sensible government and I would welcome higher taxes if they give me tangible benefits. Please note, that infrastructure investments will help lower income people as well, by providing them with jobs so that they can afford health care premiums. It’s a win-win situation.

None of the candidates proposed such a program clearly, but Obama seems to be the closest one. He talks about fixing infrastructure, improving education, and lowering the health care costs rather than automatically providing it. Hillary’s program is just a populist demagogy.
Szczery  - | 22  
9 Mar 2008 /  #71
Obama does not have the brains or the qualifications to be running for president. But in fact I hope he gets elected and put into power. That way the world can sit back and laugh as the USA falls apart. In fact I would vote for him. Blacks will simply vote for him because he's black, these people would vote for a crackhead just as long as he's black. Regardless:

Obama campaign rep STUMPED on legislative accomplishments ( A GOOD LAUGH)

EbonyandBathory  5 | 249  
9 Mar 2008 /  #72
I pray you don't get too bold, szczery, suggesting that you know what all Blacks will and will not do. Dangerous business.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
10 Mar 2008 /  #73

None of the three give a **** about Poland...please understand this...there was an old
Country & Western song in America called 'Understand Your Man', I believe Johnny Cash sang it...Understand your politicians, and this is the beginning of wisdom.
hu_man  6 | 131  
10 Mar 2008 /  #74
Obama campaign rep STUMPED on legislative accomplishments ( A GOOD LAUGH)

thankyou...i couldt stop laughing one of the funniest vid's on you tube!
plk123  8 | 4119  
10 Mar 2008 /  #75
I pray you don't get too bold, szczery, suggesting that you know what all Blacks will and will not do. Dangerous business.

it's pretty safe to say what he said though.

I suffer in traffic jams and I cannot solve that problem alone, no matter how much money I have. This is the role of a sensible government and I would welcome higher taxes if they give me tangible benefits.

simple solution woul dbe to get out of the wars and use the savings to enrich the citizens. but that's a pipe dream.
EbonyandBathory  5 | 249  
10 Mar 2008 /  #76
it's pretty safe to say what he said though.

It's "safe" to say that ALL black people would vote for a crackhead simply because he's black? I wonder what would be considered an "unsafe" assumption.
plk123  8 | 4119  
10 Mar 2008 /  #77
a crackhead that's a cracka'. :D :D
janekb  - | 57  
12 Mar 2008 /  #78
For a long time I held an opinion that it is the Republicans who are supporting both present front runners. I did not know that Limbaugh supported Clinton as one easier to beat. Fat slob probably supported both.

In my opinion it does not matter which one of these two wins the nomination, neither has a chance of winning against any "white man". It was either Democrats stupidity and arrogance or Republicans underhanded campaign to eliminate other candidates.

After eight years of idiot and evil one would hope Americans will learn. It looks that years of cutting on education made populace so thick that as long as there is a plentiful supply of cheap booze and TV everything is fine.

The plans for US military bases in Poland will now go ahead, with the Democrats there was a hope that this stupidity could be averted.
Dice  15 | 452  
12 Mar 2008 /  #79
Janek, you're assuming that it is impossible for Americans to vote in a woman or a Black Man for a president, and IMO you’re simply wrong. You’re trying to apply your way of thinking into an American society and that's probably because you live in a different culture and simply have different life experience then an average American.

I don't see anything wrong with having a woman or a Black Man as a boss at work, a judge in a courtroom or a President of the Country, and I don't know one person who would find it wrong or troublesome.

This election has already proved you wrong, since it is the busiest Democratic primary election in history. So many people want to give their vote either for a woman or a Black Man that the election stations are having a hard time keeping up with the huge amount of citizens wanting to cast their vote.
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
12 Mar 2008 /  #80
Black, white, man or woman isn't important. We just need someone to focus on our homefront.
JuliePotocka  5 | 188  
12 Mar 2008 /  #81
And that is why either an Obama/Clinton, or Clinton/Obama ticket will destroy the Republican candidate!
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
12 Mar 2008 /  #82
will destroy the Republican candidate

Woo hoo! Hope so :)
plk123  8 | 4119  
12 Mar 2008 /  #83
True... She should be in jail for all her scams and dishonesty

and that's al lbs as nothing has ever stuck to her, has it now? whitewater anyone? hahahaha

she'll win. i don't see america being ready for the other dude.. he ain't ready for america anyway.

What do you mean by this? Gays & athiests can't be successful in the US? I'm straight and choose whatever religion I want and I'm successful. Can you elaborate?

if you keep it deep in the closet you'd be ok but if you come out, you're fvcked unless you're an artist or whatever. america is definitely full of puritan bigots.

ppl always forget that this is factually the raison d'être of the US?

poeple? american don't seem to recall this at all.. they also are cool with killing others just because.. those are the founding cornerstoens of this nation.

Want a job in the US, when there's such high unemployment?

what? it's historically on the low end of the scale. hmm

Taxes are too high the way they are now.

lol.. please.. compare them to the rest of the 'west'
i do not like clinton's health care plan. i don't think it's a good idea to force people (by law) to have to purchase the insurance.. there are so many that can't afford it right now, i don't see how forcing them to buy it will be any better. i don't think it's going to happen. BUT USA needs some kind of comprehensive health care bit time. without it USA is sliding backwards.

Black, white, man or woman isn't important. We just need someone to focus on our homefront.

sounds good but i think the race issue will come even more evident in the upcoming months. look who is voting for obama.

there won't be a combined ticket.. no way no how. lol
i think mccain iwll beat obama hands down.. the racial bigots will turn out in huge numbers if obama is the other choice.
janekb  - | 57  
12 Mar 2008 /  #84
You’re trying to apply your way of thinking into an American society and that's probably because you live in a different culture and simply have different life experience then an average American.

I am coming from the women dominated household (for at least two generations).
Poles, as many other deeply effected by wars nations are relaying more on women than on men for socially important functions (men were disposable or drank). Look at the percentage of medical service workers in Poland (90%). You may remember Americans making jokes of Russian women operating heavy equipment. While in your culture women must assert their power and importance by legislating it, in Poland, willingly or not, they had to step into the vacuum. Myself, I will vote for Clinton without hesitation (except for Nader).

I can only imagine physiological problem of black people, with the horror of slavery and discrimination not far distant, living normal lives in the US. I cannot imagine a black person living in America to be not affected by it. There must be a suppressed feeling of hate toward oppressors. However unfair, just for this reason, would I be voting in your elections, I will not vote for a black.

There was a time when there was a minorities problem in Poland and we should be thankful to our neighbors for eliminating that. I cannot help myself thinking about it when some people moan about the loss of eastern Poland.
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
12 Mar 2008 /  #85
I am coming from the women dominated household

Myself, I will vote for Clinton without hesitation

No surprise there. The majority of women are voting for her just because she's a woman. That's just stupid. If that's not your reason, I do apologize.

There must be a suppressed feeling of hate toward oppressors

Come on. There may be a few, but generation after generation, the feeling goes away and people move on with their lives. Do you think he'd screw the country over to get back at opressors? Get real...

sounds good but i think the race issue will come even more evident in the upcoming months. look who is voting for obama.

No doubt. I think it will get ugly.

I'm still not sure about who I'm voting for, but if we have a black president, do you think that we'd be even more of a laughing stock?

...if McCain was voted I think people would realize that nothing is going to change...GB endorses him...that doesn't say much.
plk123  8 | 4119  
12 Mar 2008 /  #86
i am really bummed out about mccain but he sold his sold his sole to the devil. what can i say.

I'm still not sure about who I'm voting for, but if we have a black president, do you think that we'd be even more of a laughing stock?

that's a heck of a good question. i am thinking it all depends on how he carries himself. most of the world isn't as racist so i doubt they would be looking down upon the USA because i guy with a different skin color is running america (and the world) i think it will all depend on his behavior.

the weird thing is that very few people actually talk about Obama's record.. it is short but it is also very, very left.. he is left of the clintons, for g's sake!!!
Zgubiony  15 | 1274  
12 Mar 2008 /  #87
Yeah, but I do like the way he speaks :) He's very articulate and handles debates very well. He definitely needs to explain more about how he's going to bring about this "change". To be honest with you, I think that anyone will be better than the idiot we have representing us now. I may run :)
plk123  8 | 4119  
12 Mar 2008 /  #88
I may run :)

lol.. go for it man. :D

yes, obama is articulate and seems smart but the lack of any real plan besides this "change" is what worries me about him.
EbonyandBathory  5 | 249  
12 Mar 2008 /  #89
Janek, you're assuming that it is impossible for Americans to vote in a woman or a Black Man for a president, and IMO you’re simply wrong.

I hope you're right, Dice, but history is not on your side on this one. America is horribly racist and sexist. I like Obama but I'm not sure the nation is ready for a Black president. I pray that I'm wrong.

And that is why either an Obama/Clinton, or Clinton/Obama ticket will destroy the Republican candidate!

I'm with you Julie, but I'm afraid there's been too much ugliness between the two of them. Clinton with here disgusting assertions of Obama being a Muslim, Obama firing back. All this infighting is just weakening the Democrats cause, so much that a "dream ticket" of Obama/Clinton or vice versa seems like a pipe dream. The Dems need to get together, pick a candidate and move on to taking on McCain. If people don't think McCain has a chance, they are dreaming. Republicans ALWAYS campaign better than Dems.

There was a time when there was a minorities problem in Poland and we should be thankful to our neighbors for eliminating that. I cannot help myself thinking about it when some people moan about the loss of eastern Poland.

I don't know if we should be "thankful" for the murder and forceful relocation of millions of people.
12 Mar 2008 /  #90
I am not interested in American politics.

But I heard both and made my opinion on how they spoke. It is purely personal opinion, based on my emotional perception of them.

Obama sounds like a normal man, neither good nor bad. He is OK.

Hilary made a much worse impression on me. She sounds like a very overbearing high nose lady. Entitled, so called. She speaks slowly, tends to prolong words in a very silly bombastic manner. I dislike such speech.

Listen to her. Doesn`t she sound ridiculous?


Besides, she is making silly faces.

If I were American, asked to vote, with my lack of interest in politics, I would choose Obama.

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