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Are the Polish embarrased by President Kaczynski?

dannyboy  18 | 248  
7 Mar 2007 /  #1
Are the polish embarrassed by what Kaczynski said about Polish people being 'BORN lOSERS' and Gay poles are 'a threat to humanity's existence'?

My girlfriend is furious about what he said and very embarrassed to be Polish.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
7 Mar 2007 /  #2
I voted for them.

and very embarrassed to be Polish.

Magdushya  3 | 104  
7 Mar 2007 /  #3
embarrassed to be Polish

she cannot be, she can be proud of that, but not necessary of idiots we've got in goverment:(
OP dannyboy  18 | 248  
7 Mar 2007 /  #4
Sorry, its a figure of speech.

Of course she is proud of her nationality and proud to be Polish, simply its a way of expressing that she is embarrassed that kaczynski is also Polish.
daffy  22 | 1153  
7 Mar 2007 /  #5
well my GF is CONVINCED no one BUT a polish person living in Poland can understand how bad it is....

I dunno, I can see it from here :)
OP dannyboy  18 | 248  
7 Mar 2007 /  #6
Sorry Grzegorsz, its not my opinion I have no problem with gay people.

Do you regret voting for them?
Do other people persecute you in Poland because your gay or is it just the government?
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
7 Mar 2007 /  #7
it was interesting to note the changes in my polish friends on this matter over the last 6 months or so... first they were angry... then they joked... now they refuse to discuss the political climate with any degree of depth or seriousness...
daffy  22 | 1153  
7 Mar 2007 /  #8
its such an idiotic and 'childish' attitude to homosexuality.

look out!!!! the gays are coming!!!!

*eyes rolling*

it ridiculous, all the gays are know are the same people as straight, just different sleeping arrangements
OP dannyboy  18 | 248  
7 Mar 2007 /  #9
well my GF is CONVINCED no one BUT a polish person living in Poland can understand how bad it is....

I dunno, I can see it from here

Hi Daffy,
One thing thats always surprising is people's faces when you get into warsaw, they are gray with misery and depression. Outside of warsaw however, they seem quite happy, and they are building huge houses, driving newer cars.

I was really impressed with the change, but the thing is: The people building huge houses have family in Ireland/UK earning money.

The other people without family abroad say they cannot even keep up with the bills
daffy  22 | 1153  
7 Mar 2007 /  #10
it was interesting to note the changes in my polish friends on this matter over the last 6 months or so... first they were angry... then they joked... now they refuse to discuss the political climate with any degree of depth or seriousness...

about the pres.? or homosexuals?

Hi Daffy,
One thing thats always surprising is people's faces when you get into warsaw, they are gray with misery and depression. Outside of warsaw however, they seem quite happy, and they are building huge houses, driving newer cars.
I was really impressed with the change, but the thing is: The people building huge houses have family in Ireland/UK earning money.

The other people without family abroad say they cannot even keep up with the bills

Ah yea, i see that too but you'd swear they were the only ones to have hard times and its annoying to be told - you cant understand - when you do.
OP dannyboy  18 | 248  
7 Mar 2007 /  #11
it was interesting to note the changes in my polish friends on this matter over the last 6 months or so... first they were angry... then they joked... now they refuse to discuss the political climate with any degree of depth or seriousness...

Bubba, I've noticed this too.

At first I thought it was because I was talking about the same subject too much, then I realised its because the goverment are STILL in power.

Nobody believed that they would be elected, then nobody believed they would be able to stay in power.

My best mate who is from Warsaw says that if all the people who have emigrated from Poland went home, they would never have been elected, because all the liberals have left Poland and it is just hardline catholics left at home.
daffy  22 | 1153  
7 Mar 2007 /  #12
because all the liberals have left Poland and it is just hardline catholics left at home.

oh that explains alot :) its always the nutters vote early, vote often :)
OP dannyboy  18 | 248  
7 Mar 2007 /  #13
One funny comment my GF translated for me, i think it was on ONET.pl or something, i will try to find the source later:

"perhaps when my kaczynski fixes the Polish economy, all us 'born losers' can come home and stop artificialy supporting it"

I thought that was funny.

Poles in Ireland sent home 4Billion Zloty last year, and in the UK Poles sent home about 8Billion Zloty.

Quoting: dannyboy
Hi Daffy,
One thing thats always surprising is people's faces when you get into warsaw, they are gray with misery and depression. Outside of warsaw however, they seem quite happy, and they are building huge houses, driving newer cars.
I was really impressed with the change, but the thing is: The people building huge houses have family in Ireland/UK earning money.

The other people without family abroad say they cannot even keep up with the bills

Ah yea, i see that too but you'd swear they were the only ones to have hard times and its annoying to be told - you cant understand - when you do.

Yea, I know what you mean. Luckily my gf doesn't think like this.

I find that Polish people are extremely nationalistic (not a flaw, just stating that they are) which explains why we sometimes find their behaviour quite strange.

For me, one very strange thing was a caravan full of older Polish men, who were all talking about how much they love Poland and its the best country in the world.

But when they were all in Poland, they were miserable.

I suppose far away fields are greener.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
7 Mar 2007 /  #14
about the pres.? or homosexuals?

about the government... the friend who i discussed it with most is gay... he is used to prejudice and now mainly moans about not having his d*ck sucked enough... he refused to discuss the government with me anymore about 5 months ago...

if all the people who have emigrated from Poland went home, they would never have been elected, because all the liberals have left Poland and it is just hardline catholics left at home.

this is one of the first things i was told
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
7 Mar 2007 /  #15
Do you regret voting for them?

They are far from perfect, but others probably wouldn't be better, previous government definately wasn't better.

Do other people persecute you in Poland because your gay or is it just the government?

Me ? I'm not a gay...
7 Mar 2007 /  #16
that Manser, talking off which where is he?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
7 Mar 2007 /  #17
At first I thought it was because I was talking about the same subject too much, then I realised its because the goverment are STILL in power.
Nobody believed that they would be elected, then nobody believed they would be able to stay in power.

They were elected in democratic elections and in the polls are still leading or just 2-3% behind the first place. Poles complain because It's our national sport.

My best mate who is from Warsaw says that if all the people who have emigrated from Poland went home, they would never have been elected

People abroad also may vote, If they don't then they shouldn't criticize others' choice.

For me, one very strange thing was a caravan full of older Polish men, who were all talking about how much they love Poland and its the best country in the world.

But when they were all in Poland, they were miserable.

Don't you really see the difference between country - culture, history etc. and administrative-economical system ?
Ranj  21 | 947  
7 Mar 2007 /  #18
People abroad also may vote, If they don't then they shouldn't criticize others' choice.

True statement, Grzegorz.....it's the same here in the U.S. I know a lot of people who b*tch about the Govt. but don't even vote.....if they are that disatisfied with the current administration, they need to try to change it as opposed to just sitting on the sidelines whining all the time.
OP dannyboy  18 | 248  
7 Mar 2007 /  #19
People abroad also may vote, If they don't then they shouldn't criticize others' choice.

I didn't know that - that certainly changes things a bit!!

How is this done? Mail system?

I suppose computers would be useful but on the other hand a lot of the Polish people in Ireland would have no access as a lot of them work in rural regions.

Don't you really see the difference between country - culture, history etc. and administrative-economical system ?

I'm not too sure what your asking

Personally I can see some gigantic differences between Ireland and Poland - for example, Poland has a very good public transport system. Ireland has close to none. In Ireland, the church no longer influence government matters, although it does still influence a shrinking minority in the population.

On the other hand, I can see major similarities - highly educated population, strong base in Information Technology, rapid economic development, rural roads reminiscent of swiss cheese:).
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
7 Mar 2007 /  #20
In Ireland, the church no longer influence government matters, although it does still influence a shrinking minority in the population.

Didn't the Polish gov. try to name Jesus "honorary King of Poland" ???

Can't remember where I heard this.
King Sobieski  2 | 714  
7 Mar 2007 /  #21
Poles complain because It's our national sport.

that explains a lot about me then...everyone thinks im negative but now there is documented truth.
8 Mar 2007 /  #22
Quoting: Grzegorz_
People abroad also may vote, If they don't then they shouldn't criticize others' choice.

I didn't know that - that certainly changes things a bit!!

How is this done? Mail system?

I suppose computers would be useful but on the other hand a lot of the Polish people in Ireland would have no access as a lot of them work in rural regions.

Embassies or consulates I think ?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
8 Mar 2007 /  #23

I didn't know that - that certainly changes things a bit!!

How is this done? Mail system?

It's going to be by mail, sooner or later by internet like they already do in Estonia. Now you need to go to an embassy/consulate and I think that few weeks before elections you have to register, so It's not so simple, but after all that's not a big problem, especially in case of Ireland.

I'm not too sure what your asking

And I'm not sure what you ment, so there are two of us. :)
i_love_detroit  1 | 69  
8 Mar 2007 /  #24
Ok, why should we be more embarrased of president Kaczynski than Americans of Bush?

When and give me translation of Kaczynski saying "born loosers"?

If he said "A threat to humanity's existence" it was probably without context. I bet he meant that gay/lesbian cannot have kids therefore they are kinda threating humanity's existance, aren't they?

We should complain more about Kaczysnki, it's so trendy right? Especially we have the highest increase of GDP in last 3 months since from what I read 7-8 years... Yeah, it's really bad.
8 Mar 2007 /  #25
Well, Kaczynski rules with an"Iron Fist" a bit and he comes accross as a goof of a sort, but he is a skilled politician. As for GDP increase I am not sure that it's his politics which contributed to the increase. I could have been the general economic improvement in Poland and perhaps joing the EU:).

i would watch out for him. He seem to know the Polish voters quite well, but also is ruthless, power hungry man, who has been waiting for his presidency for years.
OP dannyboy  18 | 248  
8 Mar 2007 /  #26
Fury at Polish President gay threat warning

POLISH President Lech Kaczynski was last night described as ignorant and a disgrace to Europe after he suggested that widespread homosexuality would lead to the disappearance of the human race.

He made his remarks just hours before Justice Minister Michael McDowell said in a key Dail debate that Ireland cherished gay people as "equal citizens".

More at: forumoneurope.ie/eng/index.asp?docID=1194




Here is one where he insulted the poles in England also.

dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_artic le_id=415147&in_page_id=1770

Ok, why should we be more embarrased of president Kaczynski than Americans of Bush?

When and give me translation of Kaczynski saying "born loosers"?

If he said "A threat to humanity's existence" it was probably without context. I bet he meant that gay/lesbian cannot have kids therefore they are kinda threating humanity's existance, aren't they?

We should complain more about Kaczysnki, it's so trendy right? Especially we have the highest increase of GDP in last 3 months since from what I read 7-8 years... Yeah, it's really bad.

I believe the current growth in the economy is a result of the previous government(s) and influx of EU funding.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
8 Mar 2007 /  #27
and a disgrace to Europe

Yep. A disgrace to a kind of Europe, which forbid teachers ask kids about a father or mother, because some could have "two daddies" (or mommies) and which discuss If men shouldn't be allowed to stand when they piss, because women have to sit, so they shouldn't be discriminated...

I wonder If people, who try to register a party of phedophiles and zoophiles in Holland are "a disgrace to Europe" ? Probably not, they are just fighting for their rights...
ArturSzastak  3 | 593  
8 Mar 2007 /  #28
because women have to sit, so they shouldn't be discriminated...

Aww. What thread was it where we had a link to an item that helped wpmen piss standing. It was quite funny :)
daffy  22 | 1153  
8 Mar 2007 /  #29
dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_artic le_id=415147&in_page_id=1770

article not found i get
ogorek  - | 165  
8 Mar 2007 /  #30

For a country that didn't exist for 120 years - then shafted -
then granted short-lived freedom - then completely destroyed
and then shafted - and then taken over for 40 years by communists...
they are probably not doing too badly. It will be another 30 years
before we can compare Poland politically with the rest. It takes time -
experimentation - failures - and then successes. Poland is now
going through rehab. Rehab is never pretty.

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