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Donald Tusk - Polish Prime Minister's Expose

hello  22 | 891  
23 Nov 2007 /  #1
What do you think about today's expose of the new Polish Prime Minister - Donald Tusk? I didn't watch it but they say it was very long - 3 hrs or so...
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
23 Nov 2007 /  #2
I have watched it ... (yes I m crazy ;) )

it was very long ... but in my opinion a lot of interesting things have apeared ...

We leave Iraq in 2008

We stay in Afghanistan as long as it will be needed

as to EU constitution we will use British output

as to taxes they are going to lower them

and there was point about cuting in spendings

decentalization (more power for local gov)

less bureaucracy ...

and a lot of internal cases ...

whta is importnat the lack of A Lepper and R Giertych is noticable :)
OP hello  22 | 891  
23 Nov 2007 /  #3
I also read Tusk wants to introduce EURO to Poland "as soon as possible."
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
23 Nov 2007 /  #4
so he told that not as soon as possible ... but to be honest he will try to do it "as soon as possible" ;)
23 Nov 2007 /  #5

i believe the currency of Euro is underway to be introduced in Poland 2009/2010 time but i could be wrong
Crow  154 | 9558  
23 Nov 2007 /  #6
For now, Tusk is promising Polish politician.

Is there chance that Tusk publicly and diplomaticaly support Serbs?

Did he ever mentioned Kosovo case?
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
23 Nov 2007 /  #7
The new Polish Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, has told parliament that his government will refuse to sign the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Mr Tusk said the decision was out of respect for a deal negotiated by the previous conservative government.


Is there chance that Tusk publicly and diplomaticaly support Serbs?

honestly I dont think so ... but maybe when it seams that PL - RUS relations are going to be better ... maybe
OP hello  22 | 891  
23 Nov 2007 /  #8
Now the time for talks ends and we'll see what he and the new Polish government can do. I only worry that the changes Tusk wants to introduce will be done too quickly and that would be a way to potential loopholes and further corruption.
Polson  5 | 1767  
23 Nov 2007 /  #9
I also read Tusk wants to introduce EURO to Poland "as soon as possible."

I saw 2012-2013.............dunno.

He talked about highways, high speed internet (dunno how to say...), and high-speed trains ;)
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
23 Nov 2007 /  #10
Now the time for talks ends and we'll see what he and the new Polish government can do. I only worry that the changes Tusk wants to introduce will be done too quickly and that would be a way to potential loopholes and further corruption.

Turning our back on USA just when France and Germany are fighting for it's support. Hmmm... Interesting. :)
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
23 Nov 2007 /  #11
we dont turn back, we just take our soldiers form Iraq and we contiune our mission in Afghanistan ...

as to France and Germany ... when tehy are so pro american now (they dont have any forcesin Iraq) we can improve our realtionships with Russia ... simple and it will work ...

and in my opinion we should realy turn back on USA and look for friends or alies in region ... america will be first to sold us ... when they will have a business to help us they will call us friends when they will not have it FOX will show us properly to the situation
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
23 Nov 2007 /  #12
and in my opinion we should realy turn back on USA and look for friends or alies in region ... america will be first to sold us ... when they will have a business to help us they will call us friends when they will not have it FOX will show us properly to the situation

Actually it's the case with any government. Not just the American one. I also agree that we should look for friends in our own region.

As for the "turning ones back on the US of A", it all depends how it will be done. Nevertheless it certainly will be interesting. :)
lesser  4 | 1311  
24 Nov 2007 /  #13
I'm afraid that all good proposals from PO will be blocked by president, PiS, SLD and PSL while all the pathetic ones will be introduced easily. I'm deeply disgusted with politics and expert nothing good from this clique called politicians.

Is there chance that Tusk publicly and diplomaticaly support Serbs?

Did he ever mentioned Kosovo case?

This is very simple, observe what Brussels bureaucracy planning and expect Tusk supporting their line.

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