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Polish/Croatian Relations

el Croata  1 | 34  
4 Jun 2008 /  #31
I regulary read this forum i've registered to say that if all informations here are so true like el croata. i must stop reading it. some people have fun here. i don't.

What is not true what I am talking about?
Piko  - | 5  
4 Jun 2008 /  #32
ti si izgubljen !

southern = el Croata !

Not unless he has invented the teleporter ;) el Croata is in Croatia and southern is not. Piko is in ****** the same as his alias.
el Croata  1 | 34  
4 Jun 2008 /  #33
And now BB wants us to believe that Germany had no participation in the dissolution of Yugoslavia.

Germany helped to us.
I don't se what is wrong with that.

America had participation in the dissolution of Warsaw pact, and ?
Piko  - | 5  
4 Jun 2008 /  #34
can't you speak croatian ?

proždrljivac !
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
4 Jun 2008 /  #35
We had deep troubles in 1990’s and we found who is really allies, Germany, Austria

So f. out of here and go to your Germanic buddies.
el Croata  1 | 34  
4 Jun 2008 /  #36
What is wrong with contemporary Germans?
They are nation number 1 on the world in all aspect of life, culture, economic, sports,
behaviour to immigration etc,etc
el Croata  1 | 34  
4 Jun 2008 /  #38
How come to that, that USA made alliance with totalitar regimes such are regime in Croatia? Why USA craetes such a regimes?

You first said Germany, then Vatican, now USA.
Tomorrow would be Japanese.
Man, you have to check it your health.
It exict one bad desease, Alzehaimer.

Why USA despute democracy?

And democracy is 'Great Serbia'?

How come to that, that USA does not respect rights of Catholic Serbs to be Serbs

I never heard for Catholic Serbs. Can you give some site with that?

Serbians won`t forget you this

Ooops, Obama, you have a problem,
Crow  154 | 9260  
5 Jun 2008 /  #39
Shelley is an english woman.


but, in that case i need remote control

And Shelley is not an american man,she's an English lady.
which I adore;)

english `lady` is very agressive. Their sexual appetites are `famous`. Go admire her and live with it. You deserve each others
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
5 Jun 2008 /  #40
Shelley is an english woman.

Thank you for pointing that out Mr S.

And Shelley is not an american man,she's an English lady.
which I adore;)

Orrr, you're lovely Mr Adder x

I heard, not only from Poles but also Czechs and Slovacs, that when they come to Croatia
they have feeling that locals watch them like thieves.

I've never got that feeling (maybe they dont look at respectable English tourists like that) and the only tourists I noticed were the Italians, oh actually, there were some strange people at the beach in Lapad one day (man and his mother) and he was diving for sea urchins and eating them and another lady on the beach went absolutely crazy at the man's mother (I think he was slightly backwards and she wasnt a full picknick either) they were defo not Italian could have been Serbs!

english `lady` is very agressive. Their sexual appetites are `famous`.

Blimey Crow you just made my day..
el Croata  1 | 34  
5 Jun 2008 /  #41
I've never got that feeling (maybe they dont look at respectable English tourists like that) and the only tourists I noticed were the Italians, oh actually, there were some strange people at the beach in Lapad one day (man and his mother) and he was diving for sea urchins and eating them and another lady on the beach went absolutely crazy at the man's mother (I think he was slightly backwards and she wasnt a full picknick either) they were defo not Italian could have been Serbs!

I will repeat again. I lived in dalmatian cost and I didn't notice that somebody makes differences between any kind of tourists. They are all wellcome, brown, yellow, black , white, green, whatever.

Dubrovnik is one awesome medieval town, in middle of balcanic-nowhere.

But is not Dubrovnik only interesting place in Croatia.
Croatia has literal 1000 islands,and cost of 1000 km.

You have many natural beauty places.

Who wants some 'social' place you have

or if you prefer other kind of dance like

P.S. Shelley, is it true that about englishwoman appetite?
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
5 Jun 2008 /  #42
P.S. Shelley, is it true that about englishwoman appetite?

It is about mine, but I cant speak for the rest of my English counterparts...... ;-)

P.S. I did visit some Islands too so I saw lots of natural beauty...or was that just the Croatian men ;-)
southern  73 | 7059  
5 Jun 2008 /  #43
I saw lots of natural beauty...or was that just the Croatian men ;-)

You mean the beach boys there known as sharks?I have heard of other kind of beauty in dalmatian coast.
el Croata  1 | 34  
5 Jun 2008 /  #44
Sorry. I mistaked. I should have to do this with 'youtube' button.
Crow  154 | 9260  
5 Jun 2008 /  #45
It is about mine, but I cant speak for the rest of my English counterparts...... ;-)

P.S. I did visit some Islands too so I saw lots of natural beauty...or was that just the Croatian men ;-)

listen to her. Stupid lost woman (no i`m not sexist but you deserve this)

cover yourself with your ears and stay covered!
el Croata  1 | 34  
5 Jun 2008 /  #46
You mean the beach boys there known as sharks?I have heard of other kind of beauty in dalmatian coast.

The last shark attack in adriatic cost was before 35 years, which I can't tell that for serbs.
Sharks attack for food, serbs for pleasures.
5 Jun 2008 /  #47
serbs for pleasures.

Don't forget they rape for thrills, kill to cover up and whine about how unfair life is to annoy everybody else.
southern  73 | 7059  
5 Jun 2008 /  #48
El Croatia,can you tell us which is the most popular destination?Makarska or Zrce?

they rape for thrills

Do you have personal experience?
Crnogorac  3 | 111  
5 Jun 2008 /  #49
Don't forget they rape for thrills, kill to cover up and whine about how unfair life is to annoy everybody else.

No one is going to believe these lies and empty propaganda anymore, people don't rely only on Jewish controlled media. Thanks to the internet, people are awakening and becoming more aware who the real forces of evil are - about whining, OY VEY! :)

Jewish Ritual Murder Part 3

Before Jews came to Europe, child sacrifice was unheard of. Historical fact.

Jews killing babies, rape and more -Must Watch oprah winfrey

So Harry, were you one of those who issued death threats to Oprah Winfrey for exposing subhuman practices of the "self-chosen people"? From the case of that monstrum Jozef Fritzl in Austria who fathered 7 children with his own daughter and kept them locked up in a cellar, to Harold Shipman the worst serial killer in UK history, I don't think I need to go on any further.

This is a list from all the civilised places from which your people were expelled... and not without good reason. Do you think there is something wrong with you or with everyone else?
el Croata  1 | 34  
5 Jun 2008 /  #50
P.S. I did visit some Islands too so I saw lots of natural beauty...or was that just the Croatian men ;-)

We are always on service, ma'm.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
5 Jun 2008 /  #51
ARABIA: Between 624 and 628, Muhammad destroyed the Jewish tribes of Hejaz

Hmmm, so some guy who said he heard an Angel (one who I may add appears in the Bible) destroyed those of a true and first religion....yeah they were really civilised!

ENGLAND: 1130 marked the year that Jews in London had to pay 1 million marks for killing an ill man. In 1189, after Richard the Lionhearted was coronated, many Jewish homes were burned; many Jews were slaughtered. All Jewish possessions were taken by England. In 1290, King Edward forced Jews to leave England. They were not allowed to return until 1655.

Not something the English are proud of, I can assure you.

JERUSALEM: Jew were expelled from Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and were "forbidden to enter on pain of death." Supposedly, 1.1 million Jews were executed, and 97,000 were enslaved. The city was renamed Aelia Capitolina by Gentiles. Click here to view an article from an old encyclopedia. Although the Jews were allowed to return eventually, Constantine again enforced the edict to expel Jews in 324.

And you wonder why they want their 'home land' back?

FRANCE: In 561, The French Bishop of Uzes made Jews in his diocese to choose either between baptism or expulsion.

Now I can see why you think these people are civilised, they had the same opinion you Serbs have ;-)

The above only goes to show that the Jews should be respected, since they have been persecuted since time began and are probably now the most powerful...! As the saying goes, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger!
el Croata  1 | 34  
5 Jun 2008 /  #52
El Croatia,can you tell us which is the most popular destination?Makarska or Zrce?

Both is very popular. Makarska always, Zrce rapidly getting popularity because of wild parties there.
If you want family vacation, Makarska is on. It has beautiful beaches.
If you want 'nonfamily' holiday, Zrce is better.
Makarska has also many cafe-bar and one very good discotheque.

Zrce don't have vegetation, like moonsurface.
But has 'others', very good things, ;-)
southern  73 | 7059  
5 Jun 2008 /  #53
Zrce is closer to Split or to Dubrovnik?Where do Slavs go?I am not interested in looking at Westerners if you know what I mean.

Also do you thin polish girls are safe in Dalmatia or are they in danger of shark attacks?
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
5 Jun 2008 /  #54
I am not interested in looking at Westerners if you know what I mean.

You have never been to Dubrovnik in the height of the summer then?.....because I am assuming you are counting Italians in when you say "Westerners"....I'm no rug muncher, but I'd say the Italian girls gave the Croatian girls a run for their money in respect of beauty!

We are always on service, ma'm.

At ease solidier ;-)
el Croata  1 | 34  
5 Jun 2008 /  #55
Zrce is closer to Split or to Dubrovnik?

You have to exit from Highway A1 near Gospić. Then you have about 15 km state rout to
port karlobag. At port Karlobag you have ferry to Zrce(Novalja)

Where do Slavs go?I am not interested in looking at Westerners if you know what I mean.

What is wrong with Western girls?
Girls from Germany, England,Scandinavia, Netherland are for me most beautiful girls on the world.

We don't have any specific area for specific tourist.

Everybody can come everywhere. Except Serbs ,until they pay off 30 billion euros reparation to us.

Also do you thin polish girls are safe in Dalmatia or are they in danger of shark attacks?

You don't have safe places animore in this world,man. ;-)
southern  73 | 7059  
5 Jun 2008 /  #56
You have never been to Dubrovnik in the height of the summer then?.....because I am assuming you are counting Italians in when you say "Westerners"....I'm no rug muncher, but I'd say the Italian girls gave the Croatian girls a run for their money in respect of beauty!

I have not been,the transport from countries southern than Dubrovnik is difficult.
I think Croatian girls beat hands down italian girls in terms of beauty but they seem reserved in my limited experience.
Westerners I mean all except eastern Europe.I have seen enough Westerners.

You have to exit from Highway A1 near Gospić. Then you have about 15 km state rout to
port karlobag. At port Karlobag you have ferry to Zrce(Novalja)

Thanks,I have to try.

What is wrong with Western girls?
Girls from Germany, England,Scandinavia, Netherland are for me most beautiful girls on the world.

Maybe but I have been fed up with them.They come in such huge amounts,now I can recognize from kilometers if a girl comes from Holland,Germany,Sweden or England.

I have noticed that english girls are amazingly easy going,it is almost unbelievable.Like there is no resistance at all.

We don't have any specific area for specific tourist.

How is it possible?Nationalities tend to gather in separate areas.For example the Germans never share the same beach with the English.The Czechs,Poles try to avoid places with Germans.The Scandinavians go to the same places with the Dutch etc.

Everybody can come everywhere. Except Serbs

Really?You do not accept serbian girls?I think they are hot,among the best looking in the world.

You don't have safe places animore in this world,man. ;-)

Sad but true.No eldorado full of hot girls and no male around.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
5 Jun 2008 /  #57
For example the Germans never share the same beach with the English.


I have noticed that english girls are amazingly easy going,it is almost unbelievable.Like there is no resistance at all.

Really? Do you mean in a sexual way or just that we are very approachable? If you mean sexual then I find that hard to believe because in general English girls don't go for the 'locals' Greeks and Italians are perceived as perverts and in bars in Spain you dont really bump into Spanish men and in Poland and Czech Rep. the men that are out are just too young or too old to even be a consideration. Personally I prefer to just enjoy my holidays - screwing strangers isn't really what I call fun!
southern  73 | 7059  
5 Jun 2008 /  #58
very approachable?

When not drunk.

in a sexual way

When drunk.

I noticed some english girls go for locals.It depends on appearance.If a local is rather good looking,he can have lots of affairs with english girls.Also if he is a barman.(I do not understand this preoccupation of girls with barmans).

Two weeks ago I was on an island and although I was accompanied by a girl,a topless english girl with piercings in nipples did not hesitate to talk with me.

So I suppose they are not without interest.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
5 Jun 2008 /  #59
I noticed some english girls go for locals.It depends on appearance.If a local is rather good looking,he can have lots of affairs with english girls.Also if he is a barman.(I do not understand this preoccupation of girls with barmans).

I suppose women like confident men and bar men are confident, but like you I dont quite understand, maybe they have boring executive husbands at home and fancy a bit of rough!

Two weeks ago I was on an island and although I was accompanied by a girl,a topless english girl with piercings in nipples did not hesitate to talk with me.

Im hoping that was on a beach!

So I suppose they are not without interest.

I dont quite understand what you mean by that, but I think you mean that English girls are interesting ;-)

When drunk.

Hmm, men should steer clear of women who are drunk, it's unfair and taking advantage.
el Croata  1 | 34  
5 Jun 2008 /  #60
Recommend, Island Korcula

Archives - 2005-2009 / News / Polish/Croatian RelationsArchived