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The advantages and good reputation of Polish workers

OP Sobottka  2 | 106  
15 Sep 2008 /  #31
Military and intelligence work together..

military is the back bone, intelligence is the brain

Backbone? How matches Backbone with following any orders? Then slaves would be the World's Masters of backbone...

Intelligence? Vietnam? Iraque? Guantanamo?

I think our views are not really the same.

The most important thing about Your great uncle seems that he was a happy man. He seems to have been anarchic, anyway: He did what he wanted to do and all loved him and he loved life.
shopgirl  6 | 928  
15 Sep 2008 /  #32
Backbone? How matches Backbone with following any orders?

What she is trying to tell you is that "intelligence gathering" is necessary in battle situations, to predict what the enemy will do next, what the enemies strengths and weaknesses are, so that your own military force can be used to full advantage while preserving resources.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
15 Sep 2008 /  #33
How matches Backbone with following any orders

ok, lets start with, backbone ( spine) courage is what I am getting at.
u can recieve orders, but if you arent brave enough to follow thru with
these orders, how can one win against the enemy? and if you dont
use intelligence to dig more information, basically , your wandering blindly..

and I come to realize, we are prob not on same subject. or really bypassing
each other at a relatively fast speed.. I will let the more experienced
members chime in on this one JOHN P?

OP Sobottka  2 | 106  
15 Sep 2008 /  #34
What she is trying to tell you is that "intelligence gathering" is necessary in battle situations, to predict what the enemy will do next, what the enemies strengths and weaknesses are, so that your own military force can be used to full advantage while preserving resources.

I know what she means. But taken I would plan any absolutely idiotical thing - for instance to paint all dogs in California green. Then I would make a really intelligent plan to reach that aim - I would be an idiot nevertheless.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
15 Sep 2008 /  #35
What she is trying to tell you is that "intelligence gathering" is necessary in battle situations, to predict what the enemy will do next, what the enemies strengths and weaknesses are, so that your own military force can be used to full advantage while preserving resources.

thank you :)))))))))))))))

for instance to paint all dogs in California green. Then I would make a really intelligent plan to reach that aim - I would be an idiot nevertheless.

so what your saying is that people arent capable of taking the path
less beaten??

I think your wrong, you underestimate, and thats prob the worst thing
someone in intelligence can do. underestimate the enemy..
OP Sobottka  2 | 106  
15 Sep 2008 /  #36
I think your wrong, you underestimate, and thats prob the worst thing
someone in intelligence can do. underestimate the enemy..

Who was Your enemy in Vietnam? Who is Your enemy in Iraque, in Afghanistan, in Guantanamo?

Which path has the US-Army taken less beaten?

And George W. Bush, Skull & Bones, Lockheed Martin and so on - Your friends?
shopgirl  6 | 928  
15 Sep 2008 /  #37
And George W. Bush, Skull & Bones, Lockheed Martin and so on - Your friends?
Nope. Not hardly. And you point is, what.......?
OP Sobottka  2 | 106  
15 Sep 2008 /  #38
And you point is, what.......?

That true intelligence searches for solutions of peace and happiness and love around the whole world, for the whole mankind without any exception.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
15 Sep 2008 /  #39
And George W. Bush, Skull & Bones, Lockheed Martin and so on - Your friends?

ok, I see your point, I wont argue the bush point at all.. hes taken his own
path and left us behind .. no argument there.

so the people Hope the path unbeaten is ahead.. for what its worth.

Who was Your enemy in Vietnam?

another bad choice by a idiot president..

tell me what does these few things have to do with the advantages and good
reputations of polish workers?

I merely pointed out that Polish workers dont do just meek jobs, they
work in military, intelligence, lawyers, doctors, Nursing, physical therapy, etc
and all the sudden you are drilling me..

ON purpose I might add.. lets try to keep this on topic.
OP Sobottka  2 | 106  
15 Sep 2008 /  #40
I have never said that Poles are all idiots. A statement like that came from another one. But idiotical presidents do not fall from the sky and can only be dangerous if there are lots of people who do that what the idiotical president needs to be dangerous and harmful.

It is not the point to explain me that there are Polish nurses and medicals and so on. I know that they are.

But what Poland needs are new ways, cause the ways of FRG-capitalists and so on are closed for Poland and furthermore they are wrong, too.

Do You really think German capitalists are interested in a strong Poland, with factories that are taking parts of World's market from Daimler, Thyssen, Bayer Leverkusen, Siemens, RWE, EON and so on? Do you think that is the aim of Angela Merkel?
Softsong  5 | 492  
15 Sep 2008 /  #41
Sabottka, Shopgirl and Patrycija19 were attempting to help you see why you have gotten so much opposition on your threads. Yet, you attacked Shopgirl when she was doing her best to give you some ideas of how you can enjoy the type of discussions you wish to have.

Patrycija19 was responding to Noimmigration who always says Polish workers are only toilet cleaners wherever they go. That is why she mentioned all those nicer careers such as pharmacists, etc. You got off track discussing the merits of intelligence and such. You missed her point completely and were not on the same page.

McCoy is not German. Calling established members SS-Satanists and misjudging who they are as soon as they do not agree with a point you make or that you are some kind of messiah, is one reason why you are getting a lot of ridicule and oppostion. So far your threads makes it seem like you and your favorite cause are the only way. Anyone who questions you is SS-Satanic. If you favor rational and intelligent talk, set the example. Most new people join, make an introductory post and then chime in on-going discussions, are friendly and then when they post a topic of their own, they listen to all opinions without labeling others. Many times someone who has just dropped out of the sky with all sorts of questions and postings without taking the time to know others and be known, gets some poking and making fun of. It is mostly good natured, and how you respond predicts how well people take you seriously eventually. Being able to laugh at yourself is a good thing. When McCoy posted that picture of a man in a straightjacket...you could have laughed and said to yourself, "Maybe I am coming on a bit too strong and people think I am kind of crazy." Time to tone it down and explain my ideas with less of the messiah-kind of talk.

It is hard to see sometimes how we come across. This is a nice place. But it is human-nature to make a bit of fun of someone who seems like a fanatic who only discusses one thing, all the time.

Everyone has been telling you either nicely or with humor to take it easy. It is a given that anyone who calls himself a messiah is going to get some mocking. We've all seen too many messiahs who lead people astray. No one here knows you to consider such claims as anything more than weird. Hoping this helps you to understand why you are meeting with so little success on the points you wish to make.
OP Sobottka  2 | 106  
16 Sep 2008 /  #42
Very nice to bring really no aguments but to defame as lot as possible. If there are 20 writers idiots and one is not then the idiots need help not that one who is not an idiot.

Otherwise it is not a new phenomen that used writers in forums are writing wishy-washy only and killing every kind of true discussion.

Show me only one entry of your prefered writers that is more than wishy-washy or defaming.

Only one.

And that regarding the fact that there are really big problems in Poland and the world that are growing bigger and bigger.

It would be better to let me write and not to comment than writing wishy-washy and defaming. There are people who like to think about those words I write, but the idiots here do not like that.

It is a given that anyone who calls himself a messiah is going to get some mocking. We've all seen too many messiahs who lead people astray. No one here knows you to consider such claims as anything more than weird.

The whole world with the exception of the true criminales of societies is waiting for the Messiah and people belonging to the most intelligent people in Germany accept me to be that one.

I have explained what that means, and no one of You all have brought any argument against that, because You have no arguments against that. That You are going to fight me best way can therefore only mean that You do belong to the true criminales of societies respectively You are doing their job.

If may claims would be weird You all would be able tu argue against them easily. So why You don't do that? Why writing wishy-washy and defaming me instead of that only?

See, that way You all affirm me to be the Messiah, cause You are treatening me that way the organised Jews had treaten Jesus of Nazareth.

Furthermore there is a very, very important difference between me and other ones who call themselves to be the Messiah: I do not demand leadership for me, I demand leadership for whole mankind under the control of reasonable and rigtheous women!

Furthermore I don't say that is right and that is wrong without explaining why!

Other "Messiahs" do act like the pope: "I have talked to God and I know everything right and whatever I say You have to follow it!" That is not my way.

Softsong, Your words are full of poison, You are a slave of the true criminales of societies to those do not only belong SS-Satanists: Organised Jews and many other organsisations do want the same for them as the SS-Germans want for them: The domination over the whole world.

Adolf Eichman didnt't think the Jews were subhuman beings. He was convinced that they were another race of dominators, to take very seriously as a rival for the Germanic race of dominators as he meant. You can read that in a book of the German historician Guido Knopp, "Hitlers Helfer", Band 2. ("Hitler's Helpers", Volume 2).

Softsong, it doesn't make any difference which kind of people are acting to get the domination over all others. We Anarchists around the world will fight them all if necessary. By all means if necessary.

Winfried Sobottka, Messiah of her highest deity, of wonderful Goddess Anarchy, and a speaker of all Anarchists around the world.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
16 Sep 2008 /  #43
If there are 20 writers idiots and one is not then the idiots need help not that one who is not an idiot.

You are an idiot for twenty! :):):)

Get lost man!

(Or I go to my neighbourhood SS-Satanist group and we make a real bad SS-Satanist ritual to lay our worst SS-Satanic curse on you - AND THAT WON'T BE PRETTY!!!)
OP Sobottka  2 | 106  
16 Sep 2008 /  #44

Only rumors?


johnh  - | 3  
19 Sep 2008 /  #45
Hi all i read a lot of crap about how Polish workers have taken the jobs of english people and they are this and they are that . truth is they have only taken the jobs because English people are so lazy they do not want to work to better themselves the only want to work so many hours a week dont want to do overtime etc etc in a perfect world thats great but work is not 9 to 5 5 days a week i employ about 8 Polish workers and could not run the business with out them i find them honest reliable and most important willing to work of course there are good and bad in all countries but i maybe have been lucky and will not have a bad word said about Polish workers i have visited Poland and cant wait to go back again i found it to be a very nice place and very friendly !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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