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What do Polish women think of feminism?

nomaderol  5 | 726  
31 Oct 2009 /  #61
i recommend polish girls too to read my last post above. i can think of how millions of girls in the world are being forced to be prostitutes. i can think of how misery lifes of girls and women are. we dont have to see them. you'd be disgusting. have a look at the instant pictures of even ordinary women photos all around the world. all dirts are of capitalist male powers. when you see these you may love feminists. listen to big silence.

ps: only solution: socialism. no money for sex, no sex for money. this socialism is especially for women besides for other problems.
southern  73 | 7059  
31 Oct 2009 /  #62
i recommend polish girls too to read my last post above

Polish girls do know much more about men than you can even imagine.

of girls in the world are being forced to be prostitutes

They ar enot forced.They think why should I wash staircases for 5 euro per hour if I can get 30 euro per hour by working in the ass bar?50 euro per hour at striptease and 100 euro per hour in brothel?For a russian,ukr young girl the answer what she should do in western world is quite obvious.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
31 Oct 2009 /  #63
everywhere, things start "innocently" like that as you mention.
when you put your one leg into marsh you go deeper when you try to save yourself.
this is not a polish nor europian nor western thing, life thing.

ps: am i scary, southern? one man action, dont fear.
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Nov 2009 /  #64
Do you know how many ukrainian girls have asked me how to get visas to do some prostitution in Europe?If you don't know about sth,better not talk.They don't do it for the bread,they do it for the extras.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
1 Nov 2009 /  #65
i dont know, but, i have a brain who can think of the picture you mentioned. but, i can also think of that these visible pictures are only a part of big pictures.

you missing the point. we not talking about "willingly" prostitutes. but, even they arent aware of what they are doing. when you feed monsters with "money for sex" mentality monsters will not think about willingly doing or not. result will be millions of victims all over the world.

of course, in this capitalist male powers world with the collobration of religious male powers (those who want their sons educated by money), freedom/legality to willingly prostitutes will help somewhat, but, will also cost others as those dirty powers will find a way. what i saying is system change (this global economy crisis can help? to push males forward to be men and supportive of this new socialism for women.)
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Nov 2009 /  #66
f course, in this capitalist male powers world

There are lots of males who would like to be prostitutes for women.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
1 Nov 2009 /  #67
take the money out of sex, then. then, enjoy the true love sex.

males/females dont feel themselves males/females when money is out of sex?
this really strange. them need to change their life view.
Arien  2 | 710  
1 Nov 2009 /  #68
There are lots of males who would like to be prostitutes for women.

For your information, there are lots of males who already are.

nomaderol  5 | 726  
1 Nov 2009 /  #69
whoever pays money for sex, female/male, is stupid.
nobody can buy a service for happiness. simple life rule.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
1 Nov 2009 /  #70
There are lots of males who would like to be prostitutes for women.

Yeah but we don't need to pay men for sex.
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Nov 2009 /  #71
Why?Due to paternalism?
nomaderol  5 | 726  
1 Nov 2009 /  #72
naturally (due physical power), wealthiness of males comes from their steal of golds on the earth. think this. a group of people, females and males, stolen golds of the earth. males not sharing the golds, but, owning the most. females saying "hey, we stole it together, where is our gold?" paternalism? theftness.
OP ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
1 Nov 2009 /  #73
These New England women's colleges hardly represent most women.

They represent feminism - that which you claim to support. Additionally, many feminists come from California while others represent all 50 states. Would you care for additional quotes from feminists who don't go to New England women's colleges?

I seem to have made my point with you that feminist leaders are elite women who live in the top strata of society (whether from New England or not).

You claim that women need or want to work outside the home. Here is something which I found to be empirically true; "69 per cent of women thought it perfectly acceptable for females to be housewives and not to earn a salary. In contrast, only 48 per cent of men felt that women should remain outside paid employment."


The woman having access to the same amount of $$$ as her husband is the heart of feminist ideals.

You attempt to pick one issue while ignoring all the other bullcrap that feminism is about.

I can't say it any better than writer Adela Rogers St. John (look her up, she was dynamite) said as she watched the cult of feminism expand.

"The modern woman is the curse of the universe, a disaster, that's what. She thinks that before her arrival on the scene no woman ever did anything worthwhile before. No woman was ever liberated until her time; no woman really amounted to anything."
nomaderol  5 | 726  
1 Nov 2009 /  #74
"The modern woman is the curse of the universe, a disaster, that's what. She thinks that before her arrival on the scene no woman ever did anything worthwhile before. No woman was ever liberated until her time; no woman really amounted to anything."

One should accept the reality. Female world have been sleeping (have to be kept in sleep forcefully) for a veryyy loong timeee. Only these brothel houses being operated forcefully by male world are enough to see somethings wrong. As a male, would you like your life to be spent in a house by being fuc*ked by many fat, dirty, smelly women coming and going every hour? Misery lifes.
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Nov 2009 /  #75
As a male, would you like your life to be spent in a house by being fuc*ked by many fat, dirty, smelly women coming and going every hour?

Of course.And being highly paid for that,what a pleasure.

My friend,women are insatiable and never satisfied.Give them everything,they want more.But there are balances.O.K. you turn men into weak gays,now you will be searching for men with the lamp.
Gunslinger44  - | 34  
1 Nov 2009 /  #76
I'll defend her. True. When most of patriarchal males doing sex with their wifes their wifes are counting flies on the net of spider at the room corner. These women have to stay silent due to fear as they are under pressure of such male society who dont have brain, but, physical body only. (btw, she did a good stirring by a truth. bravo.)

This has got to be a joke.

I would agree that by what I hear from women from all nationalities, men could use some serious help in the area of making love,...but for you to say the woman is doing anything to keep her mind off of it? That is ridiculous. In my experience, women want sex just as badly, or worse, than men want it.

As to the "counting flies in the web",...well your statement says much more about you and YOUR unfulfilled sex life, than it does about men in general. Which would go for any feminist who would say similar things.

Like if I were to say:

"Women are nothing but ****** and pigs" (I would never say such a thing, this is an example).

To the discerning person, this would translate as:

"I am unmanly and socially inept, I could not satisfy a woman with all the Viagra in the world,...and the ones desperate enough to date me quickly flee when they find out what I am really like".

You see? :)

One should accept the reality. Female world have been sleeping (have to be kept in sleep forcefully) for a veryyy loong timeee. Only these brothel houses being operated forcefully by male world are enough to see somethings wrong. As a male, would you like your life to be spent in a house by being fuc*ked by many fat, dirty, smelly women coming and going every hour? Misery lifes.

This is foolish and incorrect thinking, and as a man I take extreme offense to being lumped in with vermin and swine, pimps and johns.

Prostitution is evil and degrading to women. Men who consort among such, and especially men who partake it enslaving the women in such manner, are not men at all, but cowards and devils.

Real men want a wife who is feminine, who loves them and will care for the home, the children, and them. A real woman loves this role, and would accept no other. Like I said previously, so very many feminists are now regretting wasting their lives without children, and without being a home-maker. A woman who is driven to be the bread-winner and to abandon her position of home-keeper,...is just as repulsive and counter-intuitive as a man wanting to give birth and breast-feed children and stay at home mothering then while the woman works. It is something scornful and abominable.

A woman, by design of her body and spirit, is meant to compliment the man, be his helper, she is not created for leadership. This is why it is women who are enslaved as prostitutes,...and not the other way around, because they are the weaker,...and the reason they are enslaved and used,...instead of loved and protected,...is because of cowardly and swinish "men" do not know how to love a woman,...and men who should be putting an end to such activity have abandoned their position of leadership,...for the comfort of the reclining chair and the HDTV.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
1 Nov 2009 /  #77
A woman, by design of her body and spirit, is meant to compliment the man, be his helper, she is not created for leadership.

I can think of a few women in the present and from the past, who may beg to differ.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
1 Nov 2009 /  #78

Having read your two long posts, i can see you are supporter of single-life-partnership, or family life in other words. i cant know women's ultimate goal as i am a man, but, i guess this family life fits them as their ultimate goal is to give a birth (i think this is more important for them than doing sex with us men.) so no problem in that as i too have a similar view about single life partnership. about this, i say, one who can't be happy with a one woman can never be happy with millions of women. having said these;

even if you have your own family, can you close your eyes to brothel houses, kidnapped to "forced to sex" girls, "counting flies on the web" of wifes when doing sex with their husbands in patriarchical societies, etc? if you have a daughter, it's probably you live with fears of such things. you probably work hard to make much money so that you can try to save their futures of your daughters. but, economy thing doesnt give a guarantee future. todays wealthies tomorrows poorers. it is a cycle if it is capitalism. so, total solution should be thought about.
beckski  12 | 1609  
1 Nov 2009 /  #79
Prostitution is evil and degrading to women

Back in college I enrolled in a course in Feminism. It was the concensus of many people, not only feminists, that pornography is the greatest source of material, which potentially degrades women.

Pornography is also considered prostitution; because the actress is selling her body while making the adult films.

However, sex sells. I don't foresee the demise of pornography ever in the future.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
1 Nov 2009 /  #80
a simple kiss or a soft sex scene in romantic movies can also be considered as a sale of body. no?
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
1 Nov 2009 /  #81
I am always suprised how generally educated people view raising children as a waste of a life.

IMO. The woman who decided to be a lawyer and worked till she was 35 or 40 and then spent every dime she ever earned to try and become pregnant is the woman who wasted her life. I know too many people like that.

I think women (or men) who devote themselves to raising children are heroes and the best people around.
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Nov 2009 /  #82
Pornography is also considered prostitution; because the actress

The actresses are forced again by the male pigs?
nomaderol  5 | 726  
1 Nov 2009 /  #83
guess this was addressed at me. force is in the system itself. capitalism forces even you to work for your boss at works you dont like. you get a small pie, your boss gets the rest. this system also feeds other forces, monsters who kidnap girls and force them to be prostitutes. system itself is a problem. however, if you cant get rid of, you will have to enjoy being raped.
beckski  12 | 1609  
1 Nov 2009 /  #84
The actresses are forced again by the male pigs?

Nie, the actress is free-willed. She makes her own choice to perform sex acts, not only with males, many times with other females.
Tymoteusz  2 | 346  
1 Nov 2009 /  #85
The actresses are forced again by the male pigs?

In the feminist mind, Women are always the victim. Any situation they dont like is always caused by men.

If we were really interested in equallity, any law that mentions sex or race would be struck down. Law should treat all equally. But thats not the goal.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
1 Nov 2009 /  #86
southern, just a small example from my life (lived many such similar things).

was working at a research institute in europe years ago. there was a girl who was (i think) trying to approach me during my first days there. as happened before, i stayed away as i was busy with my science works. anyway, there have been such talks among guys and gals there also about feminism, etc. note that they were doing doctorates, professors, etc as it was a high level institute. i stayed away also from those discussions and talks. after a year... whatever happened happened.. i dont know... that portugal girl probably did somethings (probably feminist?) and even though i did nothing, just stayed away and focused myself onto science works, all those anti-feminists males profs docs etc sided with her and costed me and i had to leave the institute. a strange story. yes. repeated at some other places as well. since then, i consider all such things, males, anti-feminists males as fakes.

ps: true problem isn't female. fake men, i call them "males"
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Nov 2009 /  #87
he actress is free-willed. She makes her own choice to perform sex acts, not only with males, many times with other females.

And with animals sometimes.
osiol  55 | 3921  
2 Nov 2009 /  #88

Do the animals in nature documentaries ever receive any financial remuneration? In pornography, however, women performers are paid more the men.
southern  73 | 7059  
2 Nov 2009 /  #89
In pornography, however, women performers are paid more the men.

Yes,and dogs don't get anything.I have seen male pornstars complain about this gender inequality.
beckski  12 | 1609  
2 Nov 2009 /  #90
women performers are paid more the men

That's because the men in adults films are supposedly considered just props. The female adult film actress, is usually the main reason people view these type of movies.

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