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Women around the globe

Amathyst  19 | 2700  
15 Jan 2007 /  #1
Where do I start, I see men saying that Polish women are princesses and English women are saying that Polish men are gentlemen....

lets take a moment here!

Since men like Polish women because they are such ladies!

Since women like men because they are such gentlemen!

I ask myself a question why on earth can't men and women of the same nationality find these attributes in each other.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
15 Jan 2007 /  #2
why on earth can't men and women of the same nationality find these attributes in each other.

Most of people are still in relationships with people of the same nationality I would say, so in some way they do I think.
OP Amathyst  19 | 2700  
15 Jan 2007 /  #3

thank you G you alway contribute to my topics x

my main point of this was to find out why we find these attributes in other nationalities and not in each other (more in england since Eng women want Polish men and Eng Men want Polish women)
Frank  23 | 1183  
15 Jan 2007 /  #4
Pastures greener......stereotypes, jealousy, posting....just to upset folk.....
OP Amathyst  19 | 2700  
15 Jan 2007 /  #5
I personally prefer the French....lol
Frank  23 | 1183  
15 Jan 2007 /  #6
Cheeky......am glad you can laff at yourself A...:)
OP Amathyst  19 | 2700  
15 Jan 2007 /  #7
Can now but when I first came the site tonight I wasnt laughing I had a good look through and was quite ......
Frank  23 | 1183  
15 Jan 2007 /  #8
hacked off.....?.....yes I am too at times......maybe i don't always contribute as I'd like, am not certain of some facts etc.......I don't mind being corrected as long as its done in a certain fashion.....not ....F**k off you Irish faggot moron...or other terms of endearment...:(
OP Amathyst  19 | 2700  
15 Jan 2007 /  #9
More upset to be honest Mr F, it would seem the English rose is being trampled on daily!

I dont believe yar a faggot
Frank  23 | 1183  
15 Jan 2007 /  #10
I dont believe yar a faggot

I was sorta hoping Mr W would come in at this point and support me......lol

Yes, re English rose...there are lots of them.......don't doubt that for a minute...but "put downers" will always focus on the chavesque types...the less than rose like....but every society has them...not exclusive to England....

Paris is full of the most fabulous examples of femininity.......but take run out into the countryside.....gee.......not quiet the same...believe me!!.......
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
15 Jan 2007 /  #11
I ask myself a question why on earth can't men and women of the same nationality find these attributes in each other.

I've just had a little think about this. I don't know any mixed English/Polish couples. I know there are mixed couples in Wroclaw, but not among my friends.

Whatever is happening is wishful thinking or it's all going on in the UK.

I've also found that most people I know or have met, travel to and work in the UK as a couple. These people are usually more mature and have work to go to.

The negative opinions on here don't seem to be based on anything. They are from young people with no real thoughts of their own.
Frank  23 | 1183  
15 Jan 2007 /  #12
I don't know any mixed English/Polish couples

Well I know one.....plus here in my home town, there are two more...Irish/polish....that I know of....
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
15 Jan 2007 /  #13
I'm off to bed now. I'd like to come back to this topic tomorrow.

Goodnight A. F.
Frank  23 | 1183  
15 Jan 2007 /  #14
Nite pps...am off to bed myself.......
OP Amathyst  19 | 2700  
15 Jan 2007 /  #15
Night fellas
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
15 Jan 2007 /  #16
am off to bed myself

Wake up you lazy...
29 Jan 2007 /  #17
I ask myself a question why on earth can't men and women of the same nationality find these attributes in each other.

Beats me. Maybe it's something between the ears? Maybe it's the whole idea of living a romantical fairytale, perhaps to some of us it's more adventurous and exciting to look past your own boarders? To learn something new?

I will always remember the old saying though; The grass will always be greener on the other side. :)
krysia  23 | 3058  
29 Jan 2007 /  #18
Arien!!! Haven't seen you in a while! How've you been?
29 Jan 2007 /  #19
The grass will always be greener on the other side.

is it the grass greener in England than anywher in the world:)
29 Jan 2007 /  #20
I ask myself a question why on earth can't men and women of the same nationality find these attributes in each other.

Firstly, people are praising Polish men and women here (in most cases) because its Polishforums :)... and most people here come with alot of interest about Poland (though they dont represent the world or its vast majority). Its just common sense, the way things go in here ... and as I have witnessed so far.

Secondly, as someone earlier wrote here, people (98% of the times) marry (taking it to the ultimate) with people of their own nationality/race. Interracial/Intercultural/International can interest many, but it takes courage and alot of belief to really go ahead and be solid in one relationship like that. This is something which makes many people curious.

People have seen life the same way from ages. And it is not true that the traditional LOVE and RELATIONSHIP is always perfect. So perhaps they wish to have a different life, something which is more unique than people around...

Not saying that these kind of Love cant happen 'Just for no explained reason'....

Above I just but my hypothesis [sp] :)...

grass greener in England

:)...u saying it?....:)....ok....I believe :) :)
29 Jan 2007 /  #21
u saying it?....

I was being funny, grass is really very green in England, or so I have heard:) relax
OP Amathyst  19 | 2700  
29 Jan 2007 /  #22
I dont believe in the grass is greener thing, I believe the man meets woman, they fall in love - nationality has little to do with it, my whole point was why do English women not find the qualities that Polish women find in English men and vica verca...simple question really...
29 Jan 2007 /  #23
y do English women not find the qualities that Polish women find in English men and

depends on person to person... dont think like that :).... dont let your thoughts get any direction whatsoever from PolishForums (with the risk of being trashed :) ).... its just a place where Pole's gather....and people in love or related with poles.... they represent very small portion of Pole's themselves :)... its a place to disscuss.

Its also truth that alot of true and wise things are spoken here often. But the LIKING and BEAUTY part is exagerated here. Also the teasing part. Poland is like any other country....and its people have their own good and bad nature....also... some people get involved with other people, because they feel that with those people they will have a better life. I say that they are wise, who choose with the whole life in view.

For this reason...i guarentee that you will find many English girls with Polish men :)... (though never went UK...and not interested either)


I wonder how you look when you say something funny and laugh :) :)... i am sure you look very preety then!...
29 Jan 2007 /  #24
i am sure you look very preety then!...

Ok Marta:)
Imagination is a dangerous thing:)
OP Amathyst  19 | 2700  
29 Jan 2007 /  #25
For this reason...i guarantee that you will find many English girls with Polish men ... (though never went UK...and not interested either)

Thanks LS, I'm an educated woman and fully aware of the above, but I just wondered why the likes of Blackpool were obsessed with Polish women and all the rest of the freaks posting for a women on here, same with the women that were doing it, I know its a Polish forum, but I have never heard anything like this before, maybe I should try other forums to see if this thing happens...
29 Jan 2007 /  #26
Ok Marta
Imagination is a dangerous thing

hm....miranda... i explained that to you already :)... but doesnt matter... still ur preety :)
Moralny  1 | 60  
29 Jan 2007 /  #27
It's not a joke - because english/us men are more rich than polish men, also language barrier, they dont know them :) Polish women are more naive, dont know other cultures. Polish men are poorest, most of them in England are phisical workers etc. Polish women generally prefer/like Polish men much more than English/other ones. It's not mine opinion and they have limited choice when they live abroad. English women havent.
krysia  23 | 3058  
29 Jan 2007 /  #28
Polish women are more naive

That's me.
Moralny  1 | 60  
29 Jan 2007 /  #29
Not You first and not last Krysia.
29 Jan 2007 /  #30
That's me.

u sure?

Archives - 2005-2009 / Love / Women around the globeArchived