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Polish songs for a wedding

22 Oct 2007 /  #1
I want to have some polish songs during my wedding. But I don?t know any names; I would like to have more modern ones and would like to avoid disco polo, maybe 1 or 2 at the most.
26 Oct 2007 /  #2
American Polka artist....Lenny Gomulka and the Chicago Push
Lenny has been around over 30 years and is is the Frank Sinatra of American Polish Push Polka

he has loads of romantic songs and they are fun!

"Lenny Live" is his best album and can be down loaded off of I tunes

- there I'll be
- Blue eyes crying in the rain (I love this song!!)
- Holiday in Poland
- Clarinet Polka (what Polish Polka fool just does not adore this song!! I do not know of anyone who can play this tune as amazingly as Lenny does on his live album!)

from his "the Polka Capital" (of course that is Chicago!) record
- Open the Window Polka - lyrics are sung in Polish and English
- lonley bachelor polka - Polish lyrics

from his Push it to the limit record

- love from above (cheesey sweet wedding song)

from "as sweet as candy" record
- talkin to my mother - polish lyrics (I do not know Polish, so don't know what the song exactly means...but I love this one!)

Also Eddie Blaconczyks Versatones

all records are available off of I tunes
from his "under the influence" record
- a few things I know -- is a nice romantic modern Polka - perfect wedding song
- lost bouquet - polish lyrics
- all the way - is a nice romantic one
- trouble again
- I dreamed my baby came home

from "batteries not included"
- My misery (this would be a funny one to play at your wedding)
- When I look into her eyes (love this one)
- Promises
- no, no never (if you are gonna have any of these songs at a wedding, this one is it)
- oh I miss you
- good old days ( Polish lyrics)
ahmedowi - | 2  
2 Nov 2007 /  #3
helloooo i want to know all national holidays and feast days and religous holidays in poland
waiting for reply as soon as possible, plz pm me
Krzysztof 2 | 973  
2 Nov 2007 /  #4
non-working days (by law):
- Sundays
- 1 Jan - Nowy Rok (New Year's Day)
- pierwszy dzień Wielkiej Nocy (Easter Sunday)
- drugi dzień Wielkiej Nocy (Easter Monday)
- 1 May - Święto Państwowe (National Holiday, ex-Labour Day)
- 3 May - Święto Narodowe Trzeciego Maja (3rd May National Holiday - anniversary of 1791 Constitution, the second in the world, after USA)
- pierwszy dzień Zielonych Świątek (first day of Pentecost - always 7 weeks after Easter Sunday, so naturally on Sunday as well)
- dzień Bożego Ciała (Corpus Christi - always 60 days after Easter Sunday, so naturally always on Thursday)
- 15 Aug - (a double holiday):
a/ (religious) Wniebowzięcie Najświętszej Maryi Panny (Assumption of the Virgin Mary or The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary),

b/ (national) - Dzień Wojska Polskiego (Polish Army Day) - anniversary of the decisive battle (August 1920) against Communist Russia (Cud nad Wisłą - Miracle at the Vistula river) in the 1919-20 Polish-Soviet war.

1 Nov - Wszystkich Świętych (All Saints' Day)
11 Nov - Narodowe Święto Niepodległości (National Independence Day - anniversary of WWI end in 1918)
25 Dec - pierwszy dzień Bożego Narodzenia (Christmas - day one)
26 Dec - drugi dzień Bożego Narodzenia (Christmas - day two)

Movable religious holidays:
2007 2008 2009 2010
Easter Sunday 08.04 23.03 12.04 04.04
Easter Monday 09.04 24.03 13.04 05.04
Pentecost 27.05 11.05 31.05 23.05
Corpus Christi 07.06 22.05 11.06 03.06
manya9george - | 4  
15 Nov 2007 /  #5
Some Polish wedding songs (Oczepiny - Unveiling Songs) that are used here in the US are:

Serdeczna Matko - Mother Beloved
Rosnie Trawka - The Unveiling Song
Spadła z Wisni - The Cherries are Falling
Pani Młoda - New Bride
Sto Lat - May You Live a Hundred Years
Górszka Wodka - Bitter Vodka
Jak Szybko Mijają Chwile - As Time Goes By

Take your pick - they are all great. Congratulations and good luck!
julianek - | 1  
11 Dec 2007 /  #6
I know that on every wedding in Poland the song "Prawy do lewego" by Kayah (music by Goran Bregovic) is very popular.
rog1201 - | 16  
26 Feb 2008 /  #7
Młoda temu winna, młoda temu winna
pocałować go powinna......

nancie - | 2  
10 Jul 2008 /  #8
Does anyone have the words for "Rosnie Trawka" or know where I can get them?
krysia 23 | 3058  
10 Jul 2008 /  #9
Does anyone have the words for "Rosnie Trawka" or know where I can get them?

In english or Polish?

Rosnie Trawka
The Unveiling Song
As lovely green grass grows, throughout the promised land,
Before the main altar, you've given_____ your hand.
You've given _______ your hand, he gave a golden band,
Your eyes swelled up with tears, before your friends on hand.
Twelve lovely white petals, attached to this white rose,
Twelve heavenly angels, will serve the bride they chose.
The first angel has brought a white candle's brilliance,
The second angel brought, a lily's full fragrance.
The third angel has brought a lovely bouquet to hold,
The fourth angel has brought, your wedding band of gold.

And here's a different rośnie trawka in Polish:

Rośnie trawka, ziółko,
Zimne dni się, mienią,
Ty, wierna jaskółko,
Znów przed naszą sienią.

Z tobą słońce dłuzej,
Z tobą miła wiosna;
Witaj nam z podróży,
Śpiewaczko radosna.

Nie leć, czekaj, słowo!
Może ziarnka prosisz?
Może piosnkę nową
Z cudzych stron przynosisz?

Latasz, patrzysz wkoło
Czarnymi oczyma...
Nie patrz tak wesoło,
Nie ma jej tu, nie ma!

Poszła za żołnierza,
Tę rzuciła chatkę,
Koło tego krzyża
Pożegnała matkę.

Może lecisz od niej?
Po wiedzże mi przecie,
Czy nie są tam głodni,
Czy im dobrze w świecie?
nancie - | 2  
11 Jul 2008 /  #10
Thank you for the English & Polish words to Rosnie Trawka. The words to the Polish version seem different than those that I remember. Could there be more than one? I am looking for the Polish words to the one about the angels. Thank you.

I am still looking for the words to the unveiling song, Rosnie Trawka - that translates to 12 Angels. I need them in Polish. If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it. Thanking you in advance.

Eurola 4 | 1898  
14 Jul 2008 /  #11
I think you mean this one. You can listen to the melody as well.
22 Mar 2009 /  #12
hello. does anyone have any sheet music of polish wedding song please?
nunczka 8 | 458  
22 Mar 2009 /  #13
Above is a video of Pani Mloda (Polish Bride):

Ann - | 1  
5 Apr 2009 /  #14
does anyone know a song that has both polish and english words. One part in enlish says "don't be sad today daddy it's my wedding day"? I alway would listen to this with my dad growing up and he died before I was married and we went through his records, tapes and could not find it. I have been married for 13yrs. now and it still bothers me that I have not been able to figure out the song.
15 May 2009 /  #15
Tatusiu Waltz
(Daddy's Waltz)
atrida - | 7  
30 May 2009 /  #16
Argh... "Windą do nieba" is not a wedding song. The woman sings that she's very sad, because she must marry a man she don't even love. Many Pole woman don't even listen to the text of this song, I've noticed...
trinago - | 3  
31 May 2009 /  #17
I love this song. It is beautiful!
3 Jun 2009 /  #18
in the church in English it's "Dear Mother " "Serdeczna Matko" in Polish.
9 Jun 2009 /  #19
Hi.. My daughter is getting married this Saturday and we are looking for the song(words and melody) to the dance where they put the hats with the fruit on the groom and bride and the quests circle the couple and sing these words....does anyone know what I am talking about?? Thanks for any help...M.yasses
krysia 23 | 3058  
9 Jun 2009 /  #20
Do you know the melody or any words?
9 Jun 2009 /  #21
No....just know that there are several verses and I think it has something to do with fertility..Any help???
karenlang - | 1  
3 Sep 2009 /  #22
I need the words to the unveiling song ASAP-my daughter is getting married tomorrow 9/4/09. Thanks so much
ablair - | 1  
5 Oct 2009 /  #23
Could someone please give me the words (and translation) to the dajcie dajcie? Or if you could direct me to a site that has it? Thanks!

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