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Should I Be Nervous About Going to Poland? Black female dating a Pole.

OP PurpleLeo  2 | 47  
16 Apr 2009 /  #121
I would rather be surrounded by "good" people no matter what they look like than jerks who look one way but are stupid.

I fully concurr! :)
Cenowski  - | 63  
16 Apr 2009 /  #122
stop that nonsense, same females just love them

i didnt post any......

Actually Shelley, London is in worse shape then we are

Cant even be contested, and earlier some was so wise and all knowing to tell me its not just to say most people in britain dislike each other, but its true from what i see, no matter who i work with or see, soon as backs are turned i earn, ngger, pakii, kill them all, hates those shits, stinkers....everyone is rascist but some too lazy or scared to act, is why whites are less and less in uk, brits are too scared or not voicing thez real ideas, keeping all stored up insisde for a moan to mates in the pub
grethomory  1 | 155  
16 Apr 2009 /  #123
That's true, HatefulBunch :-)
bimber94  7 | 254  
16 Apr 2009 /  #124
PurpleLeo, you seem to be a really nice person. It's understandable to write "ghetto", or abreviations, on a mobile, but when space isn't a premium it comes across as laziness. Take that as it's meant: positive criticism. Enjoy your life in Poland.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
17 Apr 2009 /  #125
Correct me if I'm wrong please PennBoy...

No, i'm saying that, we're trying to PREVENT this mixing, by not mixing by not having blacks in Poland. Look whats going on in America, take cities like Detroit for instance once a booming automitive industry town, now, the city is 90% black, the city center looks like a f'in slum, buildings look worn out, as if they're rusting, the freeway through it has more pot holes than a Polish village road, if these people got off their asses and went to work instead of siting on welfare and mooching off the government maybe there would be some money left over to fix up the city. In Poland if you dont work you're on the street yet somehow there are few homeless people, exept for full blown alkoholics. Yet in America a city gotta feed, cloth, provide a home for these people, i've seen some houses built for them by the city that many working ppl who deserve it can only dream about, 3 or 4 bedroon, brick, garage, central air everything, yet they still dont work just sell drugs.
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
17 Apr 2009 /  #126
the city is 90% black, the city center looks like a f'in slum, buildings look worn out, as if they're rusting, the freeway through it has more pot holes than

That's up to whoever runs the city to sort out. It's got nothing to do with the colour of the residents. If the people who run the city or the government has systems in place to prevent "moochers" it would be a different story, but they don't. Don't blame a race of people. Blame the people who run that city or even run the country.

PurpleLeo, your visit should be fine. If you have any hassle then it's coming from narrow-minded individuals. Those sorts will pick on anyone with a different accent or colour of skin but that can happen in any country. Enjoy your stay in PL.
Crow  154 | 9541  
17 Apr 2009 /  #127
Should I Be Nervous About Going to Poland? Black female dating a Pole.

no, no, don`t be nervous. Just put cross on yourself
Filios1  8 | 1336  
17 Apr 2009 /  #128
Just put cross on yourself

If she sees some young Polish males, with very short hair and big army boots approaching her, I'd suggest crossing herself more than once...
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
17 Apr 2009 /  #129
No, i'm saying that, we're trying to PREVENT this mixing,

If you don't want to marry a black person and have children who are both black and white that's fine. My philosophy is: people have choices and it's none of my business. I see lots of people who are mixed race and I butt out. It's not my place to decide what's best for other people.

I know you are talking about Poland, but this issue is very much a part of daily life where I live. It's easiest to just mind our own business and do what's best for us. Like, if you can find people who want their spouses and kids to all have blue eyes and light hair, connect with them, but don't be preaching to everyone else who they can and can't marry.

You aren't going to stop this woman from going to Poland with her boyfriend just because you don't approve of it. She is going to do it anyway.

As far as Detroit goes. I imagine the people there eat too much junk food and that's a big part of the problem. They don't have the energy to work after eating Mcdonald's Value Meals day after day. That's why I propose junk food be taxed by 30%, across the board. If that happened, the sluggish folks would buy the cheaper fruits and veggies out of necessity. They would have more energy to go out and find jobs. Their brains would have the nutrients needed to think of creative ways to get people to spend their money, they could create small businesses, be entrepeneurs thus increasing opportunity and more access to The American Dream.
17 Apr 2009 /  #130
I know you are talking about Poland, but this issue is very much a part of daily life where I live.

Amen to that brother ;-] No, seriously. That's a good post.
OP PurpleLeo  2 | 47  
17 Apr 2009 /  #131
WORD!!! Good one!

PurpleLeo, you seem to be a really nice person. It's understandable to write "ghetto", or abreviations, on a mobile, but when space isn't a premium it comes across as laziness. Take that as it's meant: positive criticism. Enjoy your life in Poland.

Alright! It's just no one's ever complained about it before so I was
a little shocked by all the negative reaction. It's all good though
because I've been typing in full ever since. Lesson learnt! :)
Equator  - | 33  
17 Apr 2009 /  #132

I would just like to echo the sentiments of some of the people here……

Have a great time, approach everything with an open mind, just be yourself, you come across as an amiably, intelligent, and open minded individual.

I too will visit Poland in the coming weeks, in actual fact I will visit twice this year! I have made the acquaintance of some really fabulous Poles in Poland, and here in the UK too. Unlike you, I will travel alone; however, just like you, I was apprehensive about my visit. I suppose, after reading a lot of negative views about black people in Poland, inevitably tainted my expectations.

I have since put everything into perspective, I will go to Poland, have a great time. I have travelled to various different countries, my experiences there have not always been positive, but that is life, anything is possible. I did not let a few bad experiences spoil my overall enjoyment, and perception of these places.

To reiterate, have a great time!

lukimp80  1 | 74  
17 Apr 2009 /  #133
PurpleLeo, you seem to be a really nice person. It's understandable to write "ghetto", or abreviations, on a mobile, but when space isn't a premium it comes across as laziness. Take that as it's meant: positive criticism. Enjoy your life in Poland.

I disagree with the above quote.. I think that the people in Poland would appriciate a little gangsta rap. A little hip hop would go a long way too. A little demonstration of break dancing should wow them too.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
17 Apr 2009 /  #134
Rap is very popular among young people in Poland. I'm not the biggest rap fan, but it's fun that there is so much Polish rap produced in Poland now.
Wroclaw Boy  
17 Apr 2009 /  #135
Lesson learnt! :)

I wasnt going to mention it but it is a tad derogitary, you should write proper English.
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
17 Apr 2009 /  #136
Someone on the internet board who writes "fora" and not "forums"

Coz I clevr :)
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
17 Apr 2009 /  #137
Rap is very popular among young people in Poland. I'm not the biggest rap fan, but it's fun that there is so much Polish rap produced in Poland now.

Yeah but rap is popular with teens, once they turn into their 20's ppl listen to techno and rock, and besides they dont listen to "crunk" they mostly listen to polish rap, in a club they might do a techno remix of a rap song.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
17 Apr 2009 /  #138
Why are you so touchy today.

Today and everyday :)

News just in - everyone on this thread is over 40

No, but everybody in this thread are all identities of Nunczka. Nunczka is our great controller.
Crow  154 | 9541  
17 Apr 2009 /  #139
If she sees some young Polish males, with very short hair and big army boots approaching her, I'd suggest crossing herself more than once...

realy... imagine encounter between Gipsy who might be Catholic and skinheads in Poland and Gipsy screams: `Poles brothers!`. What are chances that skinheads take him seriousy for brother over Catolicism?

i think that one Russian still have better chances in eventual encounter with skinheads in Poland (with all due respect on Gipsies)
Filios1  8 | 1336  
17 Apr 2009 /  #140
What are chances that skinheads take him seriousy for brother over Catolicism?

What are the chances? Slim to none, I'm afraid...
It's unfortunate, but true...

that one Russian still have better chances in eventual encounter

Yes. Russian, but Serbian I think would have best chance. Maybe even moreso than Czech... Ukrainian would have hard time...

But, in hypothetical situation, of Russian being in Hungary, confronted by Hungarian skinheads, unfortunately this would end very poorly for the Russian, especially if he yelled out to them 'niet! ja ruski!'
GabrielleCebula  - | 16  
17 Apr 2009 /  #141
LOl i suppose you're right, but yeah don't miss an opportunity like going because of the comment of one little old woman..go for it!! =]
OP PurpleLeo  2 | 47  
17 Apr 2009 /  #142
I disagree with the above quote.. I think that the people in Poland would appriciate a little gangsta rap. A little hip hop would go a long way too. A little demonstration of break dancing should wow them too.

Ironically, I'm not into rap myself. 100% Deep House! AMEN :)

I wasnt going to mention it but it is a tad derogitary, you should write proper English.

Oh come on man!! I get the point by now yeah? ;)

LOl i suppose you're right, but yeah don't miss an opportunity like going because of the comment of one little old woman..go for it!! =]

Girl, we've bought our tickets and we making all these crazy plans.
We're going to have made fun! I can't wait, I'm very excited :D
Jethro  - | 28  
17 Apr 2009 /  #143
Rap is very popular among young people in Poland. I'm not the biggest rap fan, but it's fun that there is so much Polish rap produced in Poland now.

Why is everyone picking on me. I just agreed that a little change in culture would go over big in Poland? I could just picture this gal going up to some little old Babusia, and asking directions in gangtsa rap. Now you tell me that the Babusia would not be grateful?

Geeze! Why is everybody so touchy today?
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
17 Apr 2009 /  #144
As I wrote about these skinheads/hooligans in another thread. If they see a supporter from another football club they attack him, if they see a foreigner they attack him. And if they find no other people they attack an average Pole.

As PennBoy said, they even attack their own if they don't find anyone else, so they are probably pretty brain dead. They don't even understand their own ideology. And they get no sympathy at all from most Polish people.

I could just picture this gal going up to some little old Babusia, and asking directions in gangtsa rap. Now you tell me that the Babusia would not be grateful?

I don't think anyone is picking on you. And if Babusia lives in the gangsta suburbs (like Nowa Huta or similar) she has probably already heard gangsta rap. :)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
17 Apr 2009 /  #145
If she sees some young Polish males, with very short hair and big army boots approaching her, I'd suggest crossing herself more than once...

Do you think they would attack a woman ? I don't think so.
bimber94  7 | 254  
17 Apr 2009 /  #146
Unless you have the 'brains' of a left-wing cockroach, there are things that one does not do: such as cruising the back streets of Warsaw's Praga alone, late on a Saturday night with a thousand zloty notes sticking out of your back pocket.
theblueenigma  3 | 188  
21 Apr 2009 /  #147
Ma Polish boyfriend's grandparents and brother r visiting from Poland. !

I have many black friends and they hate those who stereotype them by writing / speaking as you do, pretending to be some ridiculous gangster from the ghetto. I don't mean to harsh, but how difficult is it to write in correct English? It's perceived as embarrassing to your country and black people in general also. You come from a beautiful continent, with a wonderful culture and people, stop with the American ghetto silliness or I suspect you will not receive the respect you deserve here and elsewhere.

Its just that when I type
on the net or chat, I abbreviate my words just like everyone else.
I'm a very well educated person thank u

Who else do you see on this forum abbreviating words? Why dumb down and give the impression that you are stupid and uneducated?

McCoy, dude I am black! AND HELLA PROUD TOO!

Sorry, but what a ridiculous thing to say. I'm white, but why would I be proud of being white, it's my skin colour. If in the Polish summer I get a tan, should I shout IM TANNED AND PROUD. If I wrote IM WHITE AND IM PROUD people would mock me or most likely label me as some sort of white supremist. I'm Irish and I'm certainly very proud of my nationality and culture, IM IRISH AND PROUD....but my skin colour?

One would have to assume that if you look down on black pride you also look down on Polish pride

There is a distinction between pride in ones skin colour, or at least saying it to be 'cool' and pride in ones culture, place of origin, traditions etc. Any African friends of mine tend to be of the 'I'm African, and proud' mindset. Why did she even bother saying anything at all and bringing pride into it? By bringing attention to her skin colour she also manages to separate and distinguish it from those of other skin colour, why bother? I'm sure there is more than enough of this nonsense already in the world without cultivating it further. I've had this same discussion so many times with my black friends in the past. They all agree that those who persist with this ghetto talk, and bring this sense of amour - propre with regards to their skin colour is a negative stereotype attributed towards them. Its also understandably considered a degrading image of their true culture cultivated by American Pop culture.

So now I'm really concerned about wut pplz reactions in Poland will
be towards me wen I go there. Should I be?

As for your original concern. . I have heard that Poland is a racist country, but then again so is Ireland. Any country that traditionally has not experienced other cultures alongside them will be suspicious of 'outsiders' That said, I personally haven't met any racist people in Poland, and I'm pretty sure all of my Polish friends wouldn't care less what colour your skin is, or where you are from. I think perhaps you may get a cold / derogatory reaction from the older generation . . . but so do I in my girlfriends village because I'm Irish lol They look at me as if my skin colour is red with with polka dots :)) Generally from what I can gather, Polish people are a pretty cool lot so you will by in large be fine. Anyway, if you love your boyfriend, he loves you . . . ignore any small minded types ;)

I wish you luck and happiness in Poland, I hope you will find it as accommodating as I have.
22 Apr 2009 /  #148
McCoy, dude I am black! AND HELLA PROUD TOO!

See then, the problem is not with the color of your skin, but perhaps the way you go about yourself. The ebonics you use is annoying me and I don't care about you being black at all.

I'm not saying it's right, but I do believe it to be the truth. "Ma" not correct. "My" is better. My two...
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
22 Apr 2009 /  #149
I'm not saying it's right, but I do believe it to be the truth. "Ma" not correct. "My" is

why dont you tell him to just destroy it like its a mission like you did on the other
thread.. oh wait.. its not human so that would be totally against what you would do.
22 Apr 2009 /  #150
I wish you'd make more sense in your insults.

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