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Should I Be Nervous About Going to Poland? Black female dating a Pole.

HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
15 Apr 2009 /  #91
This is getting rediculous, she's going for a couple of weeks on holiday....she's going to be with her boyfriend all the time...I'm sure she will have a lovely time.

I think she should go and see what it's like, yeah. I would feel weird if I was the only one tho. That's just me. Who knows, she might LOVE it there. You never know until you go and see in person.

Doesn't your statement say it all.?

It's why we invented the burbs.
lukimp80  1 | 74  
15 Apr 2009 /  #92
It's why we invented the burbs.

I never expected that out of you. I wonder if I will ever be able to figure you out?
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
15 Apr 2009 /  #93
Have I ever said I wanted to be the only white bread in the black part of town ? I have no problem living in an area thats got some black and white on the same street but I don't want to be the only white. That would be crazy!
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
15 Apr 2009 /  #94
This is getting rediculous, she's going for a couple of weeks on holiday....she's going to be with her boyfriend all the time...I'm sure she will have a lovely time.

fabryka  - | 2  
15 Apr 2009 /  #95
almost all Polish racists are cowards

True. They are scared of everything.
Ironside  50 | 12946  
15 Apr 2009 /  #96
Because you're selling hippy trash, she definitely should be nervous, Poland is a very unpleasant place if you're black.

No Im selling her facts and you are selling her trash from your personal bin.
trini nic  - | 4  
15 Apr 2009 /  #97

I'm new to the forum and was shocked at this thread.

But I just wanted to let you know that my experience of being a black woman in Poland has been been really positive. I was apprehensive at first but most of the people I encountered were very friendly. Granted there are very few black people in Poland and some stared, but I got no abuse or at any time made to feel uncomfortable.
OP PurpleLeo  2 | 47  
15 Apr 2009 /  #99
trini nic,

thank God u found this thread and thanks for ur contribution.
I'm actually very excited about goin to Poland. Got ma ticket,
learning to speak Polski, getting accustomed to Polish food...
hehehe.... I was a lil' shaken up after that lady's negative reaction
but s'all good. I'm ok now...gunno go there with an open mind
and have loads of fun!

thanks everyone for ur contribution

dtaylor  9 | 823  
15 Apr 2009 /  #100
U shouldn't give a **** what some stupid brainwashed guys say, even i got the same treatment in Nowa Huta when i first came here. Someone different, but after a few months the locals were having beers with me ect. **** em, and stand by urself.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
16 Apr 2009 /  #101
I'd say that the percentage of racists is more or less the same in every
European society. You'll see those scumbags everywhere

Woahhh!!!! scumbags, now thats a lil harsh don't you think :))) But seriously, there is nothing wrong with trying to preserve our EUROPEAN outlook and history, i'm againts racial mixing, we don't want our country turning into a Brazil for instance with them mutts,yeah great adition to a Polish history book our ancestors were native European blond haired blue eyed Slavs and now were blacks, what an upgrade, not!!!
grethomory  1 | 155  
16 Apr 2009 /  #102
True. They are scared of everything.

LOLOL, I don't know if I would call them true racists, but the word fear is a good one. They fear alot.

Also Pennboy...it was your European ancestors who started the race mixing. I think your post is about 200 to 300 years too late.
pgtx  29 | 3094  
16 Apr 2009 /  #103
even i got the same treatment in Nowa Huta

good.... lol ;)
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
16 Apr 2009 /  #104
Also Pennboy...it was your European ancestors who started the race mixing. I think your post is about 200 to 300 years too late.

That is something that Europeans tend to ignore although you have to remember Polish and other slavs weren't among the major colonizers.
Britain, France, Spain,The Netherlands and certain Scandinavian countries, not to mention Portugal all contributed to multiculturalism spreading their language, culture, and people all over the world :)
torajima  - | 18  
16 Apr 2009 /  #105
I'm new to the forum and was shocked at this thread.

Most "ethnic" message boards have a strong nationalistic streak to them. It's a byproduct of the anonymity the internet provides...people feel free to express how they really feel. When confronted with "reality", though, these thoughts are rarely overtly expressed.

But I just wanted to let you know that my experience of being a black woman in Poland has been been really positive.

Glad to hear this but realize that there is a difference between visiting another country and dating someone from another country. For some, that's where they draw the line.
traveljc94  - | 6  
16 Apr 2009 /  #106
Polish people tend not to be racist. you have one in every bunch and you might get a few strange looks as there are not many blacks in Poland but there is no disrespect envolved. Its the same as me an American going to China
OP PurpleLeo  2 | 47  
16 Apr 2009 /  #107
yeah great adition to a Polish history book our ancestors were native European blond haired blue eyed Slavs and now were blacks, what an upgrade, not!!!

Are you trying to say that blacks are inferior to European, blond and blue eyed people?
Because that's exactly what "upgrade...not!" implied....
trini nic  - | 4  
16 Apr 2009 /  #108
Glad to hear this but realize that there is a difference between visiting another country and dating someone from another country. For some, that's where they draw the line.

I do realize there is a difference as I have been visiting Poland with my Polish fiance. We are due to be married in Poland later this year.

That's the attitude - open mind. You can't base a whole nation on one small-minded person. My fella and I have got more negative response in the UK than we have in Poland to be honest. We tend to visit Bydgoszcz a lot which I've found to be fine. I wondered around on my own a little with no trouble. However my experience in Warsaw was very different. I thought it would be easier there, with it being a bigger city, but people were a lot more rude.
GabrielleCebula  - | 16  
16 Apr 2009 /  #109
LOL ahh well i'm a black female(Jamaican) with a Polish bf, I have been with him for 3 years and have no problem with his family or friends...you seem a little obsessed with this whole race thing. Yes racism exists and all but we live in England after all. I doubt there will be much difference with going to Poland. I am aware that Poland is ehtnically homogenous but who cares. There isn't anything to be nervous about in my opinion
Cosmos  1 | 7  
16 Apr 2009 /  #110
The way you use the English language makes me want to vomit in terror. Then get angry.

Why does it save you time to write 'ma' instead of 'MY'. The letters are actually further apart.




What the **** is wrong with you ?

Please acquaint yourself with Rule 8
16 Apr 2009 /  #111
I'd say your English is "insultive" to the native speakers of the language. Just read their comments. If you expect respect, you need to show it too.

As a non-native speaker I wouldn't go so far

Your yourself are proud to be Polish, aren't you? Is being Polish something you did to yourself or did you just happen to be born Polish? One would have to assume that if you look down on black pride you also look down on Polish pride. Or is it just that you apply one rule to whites and another to untermenschen?

Harry, you don't even see a difference between ethnicity and nationality, dude...

Could you perhaps repost a few of things which you say are good about Jews?

Harry, I think you have a problem with your Jewishness.
Relax, it is a topic about a back girl that want to visit Poland with her polish boyfriend.
MrBubbles  10 | 613  
16 Apr 2009 /  #112
What the **** is wrong with you ?

She's using the kind of English found on discussion fora, not trying to write an article for the Sunday Times. No problem here.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
16 Apr 2009 /  #113
Are you trying to say that blacks are inferior to European, blond and blue eyed people?
Because that's exactly what "upgrade...not!" implied....

and thats exactly what i'm implying
OP PurpleLeo  2 | 47  
16 Apr 2009 /  #114
you seem a little obsessed with this whole race thing.

You talking to me? I'm not obsessed. Girl I wasn't even thinking
about it till the lady did what she did. I'm ok now though...
the thread's getting old.

Go get yourself something better to do Cosmos.
People have gone on and on about my spelling in
my first post and I have been spelling my words out
in full since then. So your anger or vomitting, I really
do not give a toss about.

PennBoy, if that's the way you feel then I have nothing
else to say to you. Everyone's free to believe whatever they
want to believe afterall.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
16 Apr 2009 /  #115
I don't think an individual is better than others based on race alone. I agree with MLK about character being important, even though he had character flaws himself, it's the thought that counts. How you behave is far more important than your race.
OP PurpleLeo  2 | 47  
16 Apr 2009 /  #116
I don't get what you're trying to say and how it ties into my question to PennBoy....
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
16 Apr 2009 /  #117
PennBoy thinks people with blue eyes and blond hair are better because of that fact but I think there's more to it than shallow physical traits. Character and the way you act matters more than physical traits.
OP PurpleLeo  2 | 47  
16 Apr 2009 /  #118
So you agree with me then. That it's not the traits that makes the person who they are but their character. But what PennBoy is clearly stating is that these blond hair and blue eyed people are superior to black people because it is a "downgrade" to find that in the Polish history books, a formerly blond hair and blue eyed "race" has become relatively black due to interracial mixing. Correct me if I'm wrong please PennBoy...
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
16 Apr 2009 /  #119
Well, apparantly PennBoy has a preference for that look which is fine but not everyone is like that. If he wants to be that way it's fine for him but he has to keep in mind not everyone's the same way. Maybe he should live in a commune and let no one in but those who fit his criteria and then he'll see people are people and they argue and are hard to get along with no matter what they look like.

I would rather be surrounded by "good" people no matter what they look like than jerks who look one way but are stupid.
16 Apr 2009 /  #120
She's using the kind of English found on discussion fora (...)

Wow! Someone on the internet board who writes "fora" and not "forums"!

Respect :)

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