In Poland prostitution is legal, but operating brothels or other forms of pimping are prohibited. Prostitution is present in various forms in the country and experts estimated that 18,000 to 20,000 women worked as prostitutes, many of them employed in "massage parlors" and "escort services" that functioned as brothels.[77]
Human trafficking is also a problem in Poland. Poland is a destination country for women trafficked from Bulgaria. It is also a transit country for women from Ukraine, Lithuania and Belarus. At least 3,500 Bulgarian women are in Poland and more than 1,000 from Ukraine and Belarus.
Human trafficking is also a problem in Poland. Poland is a destination country for women trafficked from Bulgaria. It is also a transit country for women from Ukraine, Lithuania and Belarus. At least 3,500 Bulgarian women are in Poland and more than 1,000 from Ukraine and Belarus.