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Please I need advice. Are Polish Girls and Poland Westernizing for the worse?

johncardwell  3 | 110  
3 May 2009 /  #1
Hi Ladies and Gentlemen,

I need some advice.

Quick about me.
I am a teacher.
I am also a musician.
I do some charity work with homeless people and orphans here in Prague. This is very important to me.
I try to live my Christian (Catholic Faith) but of course I am not perfect. But I care and I try.
For me without my faith, I would be lost.

I am originally from the USA and hated the culture there and am very glad to be gone.
I have lived in Prague, Czech Republic for almost four years and I am very incompatible with Czech Women.
And I am happy about this.
I would not want to be compatible with Czech Women.
And I am also imcompatible with American Women.
And I am happy about this also.
I would not want to be compatible with American Women either.

But when I was younger I found I was very compatible with Latin Ladies.
I think maybe because of the Catholic Thing.
But I was too young and stupid to take advantage of my opportunity for something permanent with a Latin Lady when I had it.

In four years living in Prague the closest I came to love was with a Polish Girl two months ago.
She was one of my students learning English.
And she lived in London for four years before she came to Prague.
But I think her years living in London really ruined her.
In fact she was ashamed of being Polish, was an atheist, and hated anything I had to say about faith or the Catholic Church.
And our friendship ended in a very bad way which I regret very much.

But still there was something very special about her.
The communication was much better and more honest than Czech and American Girls I have experienced and she was passionate.
And for sure she was intelligent and hard-working.
So now I am curious about Polish Women.
Friends tell me the Poles are much friendlier and that Polish Women in general have better character because of the Catholic Culture. But that things are changing quickly for the worse.

I have lived in the USA and Czech Republic so I have seen the effects of atheism, divorce, materialism, cheating, feminism etc, etc, and I don't want any part of it.

It makes me sick.

I lived in Central America and saw how happy the people were with the simple things of life.
I saw how the Latin Ladies cherished their husbands, even though their husbands were far from perfect.
I saw how men and women can live very happily together.
And much of the reason for the harmony was that the people believed many of the teachings of the Catholic Church and took their roles seriously.

It was so different than the miserable marriages, relationships, and divorce that I saw in the USA.
And so much different than the absolutely miserable marriages, 70 percent divorce, and empty relationships here in Czech Republic.

I think at one time Poland had many of the qualities of Latin American because of the Catholic Culture.
And so I was considering moving to Poland.

But I am afraid Poland is going or has gone the way of the rest of Europe and the USA.
Moving toward an empty, hollow, meaningless, life with shallow, short-term, unhappy and destructive relationships.

The same old story that one sees in the Western Countries...
Hatred between the sexes, high divorce, and in general a materially prosperous but spiritually unhappy life, caused by the people abandoning traditional values for media-hyped fantasy and moral relativism, materialism, consumerism etc.

Such a pathetic cliche that repeats again and again across the globe and is so obviously a failure but people are too stupid to realize it.

I am so tired of seeing this sad phenomenon repeat itself that I am getting nauseous writing about it.

If the Poles follow this path then eventually they will lose their Polish National Identity, family structure, and eventually their happiness.

It will take a couple of generations before the people realize they made a mistake.
But so much misery will have taken place by then.

So I don't really want to move to Poland and see this happen because the people don't know any better.

It will be to depressing to watch such this country make such a huge mistake.

And I don't have the time or patience to become involved with a woman who is too stupid, naive and spiritually immature to realize that the material things of life and pop psychology or a new man every year don't bring lasting happiness and who gets her morals and life expectations from movies and television.

I think in a few years Poland will be a sewer of miserable, man-hating, masculine, materialistic women with all the social ills and hatred that come along with this sickness.

Just like the USA or Czech Republic or the rest of Europe.

I don't want to be correct, but I think I am.

But before I pack everything and move to South America and abandon the idea of Poland and Polish Women, I would like some other opinions to make sure I am correct or mostly correct so I can abandon Poland and Europe and the USA with no regrets.

Here are my questions.
1) How fast are the Polish People abandoning the teachings of the church?
2) How fast are the Polish Ladies entering the European and USA man-hating phase fuled by feminism?
3) How fast is the divorce rate moving up?
4) How much hatred is there between the sexes.
5) Czech People claim that cheating and unhappiness between the sexes is the same in Poland as it is in Czech Republic. But they say that Polish People just do it within the marriage. Hence the low divorce rate. Is it true?

6) I am looking for a serious relationsip. A woman who is educated but who still has the Catholic Morals intact. I am looking for someone who wants to live their faith along with me. But I think the time for this type of woman in Poland is past or is passing quickly. I think this type of woman would be very difficult to find in Poland now, yes?

Thank you so much in advance for your opinions.


Mr. Abandon All Hope
mephias  10 | 296  
3 May 2009 /  #2
How old are you ?

Why do you generalize the issue so much ?

I think ethnicity, race, religion may be a factor but personality is above all.

I am sure there are many Czech, American or Polish women who are compatible with you.

Just don't lose your faith and try to find your girl and don't forget noone is perfect but life is beautiful with mistakes.
southern  73 | 7059  
3 May 2009 /  #3
I saw how the Latin Ladies cherished their husbands

Then move to latina ladies.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
3 May 2009 /  #4
Yes, Poland is westernizing. And the culture of young people is usually pretty westernized.

But I am sure you can find a more traditional girl in Poland, there are 38 million people living in Poland. And many of them still have traditional values (esp. in smaller cities and countryside). I am also sure you can find it in Czech Republic.

I don't know your age. But older girls (read woman) are generally more traditional.
Wroclaw Boy  
3 May 2009 /  #5
sweeping generalisations left, right and center.
Arien  2 | 710  
3 May 2009 /  #6
Hatred between the sexes? Let me ask you one question; How many times can you find the word w-h-o-r-e (Sorry, censor!) in the Bible? How many times can you find an example of an evil woman in the Bible?


It's actually your Bible who teaches hatred between the sexes.

1) How fast are the Polish People abandoning the teachings of the church?

Teachings? You mean lies.

2) How fast are the Polish Ladies entering the European and USA man-hating phase fuled by feminism?

Some men hate women aswell you know, and some men really do their best to disappoint women too, so don't blame everything on the women?

3) How fast is the divorce rate moving up?

How many men drink too much? How many men beat their wives? How many men cheat?

4) How much hatred is there between the sexes.

I live in Holland, and really there's not much hatred between the sexes, I just think some women need to learn how to communicate with men better. (They usually give you those hints and riddles, and really I don't understand half of their games either?)

I'll be honest, when some women are angry with you, they usually have a reason to be angry. (Not saying they always have a good reason, or that it's always completely fair!)

5) Czech People claim that cheating and unhappiness between the sexes is the same in Poland as it is in Czech Republic. But they say that Polish People just do it within the marriage. Hence the low divorce rate. Is it true?

Could be true, I've worked with a lot of married Polish women who were working over here, and left their husbands at home. I've had quite a few offers, but I've always refused to sleep with a married lady. (Not too bad for a non-Christian huh?)

I think you'll find it difficult to find a women anywhere with your attitude. Women just want to have a laugh. They want someone who cares. They want to cheer you up and would like your appreciation. They want you to show some passion, and just have a lot of fun with you. What's so evil about that?


Just be honest and be yourself. Don't be your Bible.
pawian  226 | 27364  
3 May 2009 /  #7
Yes, Poland is westernizing.

This is correect.

1) How fast are the Polish People abandoning the teachings of the church?

Hmm it is difficult to measure it with any speed ratios. The Polish Church estimates that about 50% population attend services regularly. It was about 80% 20 years ago.

2) How fast are the Polish Ladies entering the European and USA man-hating phase fuled by feminism?

Hmm, quite slowly. There is no man hating problem in Poland. But if you expect to find a woman who would be an obedient wife and diligent housewife to bear you 5-6 children, like it used to be 100 years ago, then you can get disappointed. Polish women are mostly independent and confident of what they want or not.

3) How fast is the divorce rate moving up?

In Poland the rate is 30%, in Western Europe - 80%.

4) How much hatred is there between the sexes.

Very little.

6) I am looking for a serious relationsip. A woman who is educated but who still has the Catholic Morals intact. I am looking for someone who wants to live their faith along with me. But I think the time for this type of woman in Poland is past or is passing quickly. I think this type of woman would be very difficult to find in Poland now, yes?

Adding other personality traits which you prefer in a woman, and her looks you are dreaming about, then it will be difficult to find a woman fulfilling all the requirements, but not impossible. Of course you won`t find such a girl in the street or at a disco. You will probably need to put an ad in a forum or agency.
time means  5 | 1309  
3 May 2009 /  #8
I am very incompatible

Yes, after reading your post i can see why. I hear Mexico is quite nice this time of year.

Achoo. excuse me.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
3 May 2009 /  #9
dear thread starter

look yourself in the mirror and give your head a shake.

A woman in a relationship with you will become what you allow her to be and vice versa. You think all the american women having done gone all out of whack with entitlement has nothin to do with men becoming all understanding and estrogenized?

If you think you're gonna bring back some wholesome country, prettier than a peach lass to the u.s. and not have to crack down hard on every johnny come lately tryin to squeeze in on your lady and this not affecting how she views herself, you and you two together then i have some bad news for you.
tomekcatkins  8 | 130  
7 May 2009 /  #10
I'm not that into Christian religion, but as far as know about JC, he teached about loving/caring for people for what there are. Not only caring for them them because they fit your demands.

Maybe you would first try to understand and accept people, before judging them. - That would be really 'Christian'.
moonlight  6 | 103  
7 May 2009 /  #11

I have lived in the USA and Czech Republic so I have seen the effects of atheism, divorce, materialism, cheating, feminism etc, etc,

Oh this is only happening in the USA and Czech Republic??? I dont think so.....

I don't have the time or patience to become involved with a woman who is too stupid, naive and spiritually immature to realize that the material things of life and pop psychology or a new man every year don't bring lasting happiness and who gets her morals and life expectations from movies and television.

No you seem to want this:
Latin Ladies cherished their husbands, even though their husbands were far from perfect.[/

How imperfect can a husband be?? But a wife must be perfect no matter what? Where do you draw the line?

It should be about personality, respect for each other, sharing life and love equally, not about where you are from! There are plently of people whose values will never change no matter how the environment changes around them.
polishcanuck  7 | 461  
8 May 2009 /  #12
1) How fast are the Polish People abandoning the teachings of the church?

Fast. The situation is becoming similar to what it is in the US. Americanism is sweeping across the country.

2) How fast are the Polish Ladies entering the European and USA man-hating phase fuled by feminism?

Actually Polish women LOVE western men. They are believed to provide a better life - it's all about the $$$.

6) I am looking for a serious relationsip. A woman who is educated but who still has the Catholic Morals intact.

There are women like this in Poland, but it will probably be tough to find one. Good luck though.
kksunil  1 | 33  
8 May 2009 /  #13
Be yourself, give respect, manage the expectation - everything will be in place for you. it may take time but the one you will have will the best woman of your dreams.....
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 May 2009 /  #14
Statistics for cheating are hard to come by ;) ;)

Some hate men, some don't

What does it mean to you to be Catholic?
osiol  55 | 3921  
10 May 2009 /  #15
The only reason given in all that was that she's an Atheist and doesn't like you talking crap about Catholicism.

Surely there are much worse things than that going on in Poland these days that you have neglected to mention.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
10 May 2009 /  #16
This idea is really misinterpreted by so many people. Yes, you have belief in God manifested through the Catholic church but that doesn't really change interpersonal relationships that much. Pure belief, in and of itself, really doesn't hamper the natural living process.

Why raise this Catholic thing anyway, johncardwell?

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