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What are the perceptions of polish towards homosexuality?

mafketis  38 | 11105  
15 Jul 2009 /  #31
Really is there a place called random?

Radom, dear, Radom.

lexi  1 | 176  
15 Jul 2009 /  #32
If it is good enough for Leszek Lolakowski,it is good enough for me. I am impressed.
15 Jul 2009 /  #33
or you learn Polish well enough to get your info about the country you live in first hand instead of filtered

My Polish is more than good enough for that thanks.

Now, as noted above, isn't it about time you pissed off back home? We're well over our new post-Schengen mouthy Yank quota.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
15 Jul 2009 /  #34
murder of civilians as "a fine job

Who said anything about murdering 'innocent civilians,' Harry? Greek volounteers helped Bosnian Serbs from getting exterminated by muja, albo militia, etc. They did in a fine job, in the fact that they killed more of those goat lovers than Bosnian Serbs were lost...

You're putting words in my mouth, but then again, thanks for saying it, pathetic liar.
15 Jul 2009 /  #35
Who said anything about murdering 'innocent civilians,' Harry?

Organisations which speak about Greek heroes murdering innocent civilians include the ICTY, the Greek Minister of Justice, the UN, shall I go on?
mafketis  38 | 11105  
15 Jul 2009 /  #36
We're well over our new post-Schengen mouthy Yank quota.

I can't be fired, I have seniority.
15 Jul 2009 /  #37
Unfortunately the current quota is zero. So either get yourself a Polish passport (which should be easy enough seeing how well you understand the country, the people and the language) or get the hell out. I'll still be here when you've done your 183 days outside the Schengen zone.
mafketis  38 | 11105  
15 Jul 2009 /  #38
Wow, Harry, you're every bit as intolerant as the Poles you so despise, maybe more so. Look in the mirror and spot the bigot.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
15 Jul 2009 /  #39

Give me the name one war or conflict where at least a few innocent were not killed?
15 Jul 2009 /  #40
Wow, Harry, you're every bit as intolerant as the Poles you so despise, maybe more so.

Guess I must be learning to be Polish. Although I haven't quite got the hang of it, I'm only intolerant of intolerance.

Give me the name one war or conflict where at least a few innocent were not killed?

A few innocent being killed is one thing. Genocide, which your Greek heroes took part in, is another thing altogether.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
15 Jul 2009 /  #41

Bad term to give for killing a few thousand armed muja/albos.
mafketis  38 | 11105  
15 Jul 2009 /  #42
I'm only intolerant of intolerance.

Okay, Panie Tolerancki show how tolerant you are of Poland and Polish people and say three unambiguously nice things about the country or the people.
15 Jul 2009 /  #43
say three unambiguously nice things about the country or the people.

I just went out for a quick smoke and saw far more than three nice things walking past!
OP filipina  
16 Jul 2009 /  #44
yeah maybe she's just shy, maybe she's also lying when she said her parents know about our relationship, she said also she's not shy to tell all the people around her about us but she's afraid the news will spread and someone will hit her or worse than that when she's waking on streets. hmm i saw some vids of her place yeah for me it's so beautiful and peaceful town compare here in the Philippines so well i hope i can go to radom someday.tnx anyway.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
17 Jul 2009 /  #45
dunno bout polish, but in albania, u both dead. prob stone to death, or sumthing else if ur lucky..

u best go seek help, cuz ur sick.

Typical muslim answer...
southern  73 | 7059  
18 Jul 2009 /  #46
but in albania, u both dead. prob stone to death, or sumthing else if ur lucky..

What a progressive nation.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
18 Jul 2009 /  #47
Have a look on a gay site...and see what the name bear refers too....

No. He can simply take a look at the blason on his flag. It looks like two female eagles making out ;)
southern  73 | 7059  
19 Jul 2009 /  #48
It looks like two female eagles making out ;)

They should put the goats instead on the flag but stole the eagle from others.
OP filipina  
19 Aug 2009 /  #49
i hate when my gf is wearing so short skirt grrrrrrrr i feel like she's flirting there in poland
mvefa  5 | 591  
19 Aug 2009 /  #50
Tell ur girl to use long pants then :P
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
19 Aug 2009 /  #51
this are sick ppl.. homosexuals

Dont be so brutal.

Yes, they are ill. But it doesnt mean that they should be abandoned or stoned to death.

Like any kind of diesease or disability, this is also one. They must be dealt accordingly, with love and compassion.

Their are phsychologists....or a very good treatment can be found in the art of YOGA.

Any homosexual: Visit my post about Yoga here.
mvefa  5 | 591  
19 Aug 2009 /  #52
Yes, they are ill.

Like any kind of diesease or disability, this is also one

Their are phsychologists....or a very good treatment

I mean a WHAT?

I thought we were through with that homosexuality is a disease thread!
19 Aug 2009 /  #53
Yes, they are ill.

are you nuts? So you never finished high school, eh? lol
mvefa  5 | 591  
19 Aug 2009 /  #54
Probably not even elementary :P
OP filipina  
19 Aug 2009 /  #55
yeah im telling her that and wen our cam on yeah she's wearing long pants but i caught her wearing skirt stil so short wen she send a pic on her friend grrrrr anywasy she said sorry but again, i dont really trust her
tomekcatkins  8 | 130  
19 Aug 2009 /  #56
It's nice that Poland seems to get more tolerant towards people with a 'different' sexual preference.

i dont really trust her

tsja girls..

OP filipina  
19 Aug 2009 /  #57
tsja ? wt does it mean?
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
19 Aug 2009 /  #58
As long as they dont feck each other in public, dont kiss each other on the buss or try to adopt kids i dont care.

Also if i ever see two men holding hands i'll make a point of throwing up on their shoes my enormous tolerance notwithstanding.
19 Aug 2009 /  #59
As long as they dont feck each other in public, dont kiss each other on the buss or try to adopt kids i dont care.

as long as str8 ppl are doing that, gay ppl will be doing that as well... seems like you’ve never been outside Poland… poor u.
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
19 Aug 2009 /  #60
I still say... they are ill.

They are against the natural cycle. They suffer from a disability which should have a cure. One of the great cures of all ailments is self restraint.

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