we argue all the time about some of the things in my religion and he still doesnt take into consideration to even learn about it!! we're planning to get married in about 2 years but im afraid this religious issue will cause problems.......
it won't work, unless you compromise. accept something from his religion, he can accept something from yours.
If two people deeply love each other, f**ck the religion, don't let that stand in the way of your happiness, because love is more important then the "man-made" religion, which is the cause for wars in the first place.
"Jesteś moim największym szcześciem" - You're my greatest happiness
"Mój Jeden Jedyny" - My One and Only
"Dla Ciebie wszystko" - everything for you
"Tylko Ty dla mnie istniejesz" - only you exist for me
I didn't mean to be so grafic in my earlier reply, because some people are very religious and I didn't mean to refer to it that way. But if a person follows his heart, is moral, does what is right then take the best out of these religions, combine them into one belief which you both agree upon. You both believe in God, a higher being, then try to find similarities there. Even the catholic religion differs in their beliefs. I was brought up Polish Catholic, my "X" American Catholic, and believe it or not, there are many differences between these two.
So just take the best out of both of these religions and go from there, because it is your life, your love and no one should tell you what you should do, as long as you know it is morally right and love is the most important thing in life.