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I've met a Polish girl, and have feelings for her...

Amathyst  19 | 2700  
31 Jul 2007 /  #31
I have said this all along, and pictures of children should not be posted, you just never know who is out there
Jambo  2 | 106  
31 Jul 2007 /  #33
Then he finds out what a cheat she really is ???

Yes that is what I meant by my post. Although the pic should not have been posted if the Polish boyfriend does find out I suspect their relationship is over.
Hueg  - | 319  
31 Jul 2007 /  #34
at which point he should go & shag her best friend right ? ;-)

Or if he's not the eye for an eye type and rather the broken bones for an eye type, he could trace the ip. Either way. Not a pleasant situation. Murky waters. I'll stick to dry land.
Jambo  2 | 106  
31 Jul 2007 /  #35
at which point he should go & shag her best friend right ? ;-)

He is probably doing that anyway!

I know a woman whose ex boyfriend ( whom she never wanted to see again) found her pic on the internet purely by chance surfing one day and he managed to find out where she now lived etc. Quite scary.
southern  73 | 7059  
31 Jul 2007 /  #36
She told the whole thing about boyfriend to feel better.Now her action is justified.It is chick logic you never understand it.Simply never mention the word boyfriend.
Jambo  2 | 106  
31 Jul 2007 /  #37
I am not sure that I understand how talking about her boyfriend makes her feel better about having random sex. Or have I missed something?
Hueg  - | 319  
31 Jul 2007 /  #38
Or have I missed something?


You missed the memo that got circulated about the above poster. Do a search of his posting history to bring yourself up to speed. Word from the jaded. Smile and nod. :)
southern  73 | 7059  
31 Jul 2007 /  #39
how talking about her boyfriend makes her feel better about having random sex.

It is simple.The logical part of her rejected the action.It is satisfied cause she told about the boyfriend.The emotional part is also satisfied since she commited the action.
Jambo  2 | 106  
31 Jul 2007 /  #40
Ok thanks. Now I know where I have being going wrong. I am just a simple chap.
Crow  154 | 9552  
31 Jul 2007 /  #41
I've met a Polish girl, and have feelings for her...

I believe you. Roses of White Garden are beautiful and easely affect immagination of those who are out of Garden.

Let she sing for you and you would be batter man, for sure. Eventualy, she can be your fifth element just don`t harm child of Gaia
tornado2007  11 | 2270  
31 Jul 2007 /  #42
to be honest, firstly to the poster,

Your expecting things from a girl (whether she is polish or not does not matter) that cheats on her boyfriend back in poland to be faithful or only answer you, you are in a dream world mate and you deserve to be messed around if you believe she is going to be faithful or even entertain the thought of having a relationship with you. If you were happy with what you got when you took her home then fine, you've had you fling, and now she expects you to F off so to speak :). Shame on you if you really believe that she wants you for anything other than just sex!!!!

As far as posting the picture goes, ow well if her polish bf sees it then good for him he can dup the SOB for what she is and leave her for people like you to pick up. I thought ou were been honest in your original post but you forgot to mention about her 'BOYFRIEND'. Think how hurt he would be although he's better of without her, the pain you are feeling now is nothing like that of her BF in Poland.

I hope you dispense contact with this woman at least that way you have a little self respect. I do wish you well Reece but really don't expect to much especially if your ok with messing with other dudes girlfriends, what your going through is called 'justice' and i don't feel sorry for you. Grow up and find a girl of your own for god sake man!!!
Casimir  2 | 45  
31 Jul 2007 /  #43
I'll have to be firm with her tonight.

Heh heh heh...
Jambo  2 | 106  
1 Aug 2007 /  #44
He was!

Top post above from Tornado. Absolutely spot on.

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