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I would love to meet a Polish woman..they are so attractive!

GregKelly  1 | 15  
5 Aug 2009 /  #31
at least she was brave enough to say she is available, but i think only( IF SHE LIKES )
gumishu  15 | 6228  
5 Aug 2009 /  #32
polish men come to england and stay with their beautiful english girl?

That's easy, Polish men might be a bit stinky but they've got excellent taste in women ;-)

this is a good one - really made me laugh
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
9 Aug 2009 /  #33
I am normally confronted with a beautiful woman

There lies your problem, mon amie, if you see it is a confrontation, there is not much hope for you.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Love / I would love to meet a Polish woman..they are so attractive!Archived