didn't mohammed say that men and women are equal?
Mohammed peace be upon him came with the legislation thats says men and women are equal with regards to their rewards punishments. But their duties are different and thats obvious a man cant give birth and stay at home to feed the kids , cook and clean. Ofcouse he can help, but these are parts of the duties of a woman . just like men have to work while women dont have to work.
founder of Islam is a prophet named Muhammad
All prophets came with islam ,a muslim is just a human being that submits and surrenders to the almighty lord in peace, and that simply is the message of all prophets from abraham , david, solomon, john ,jesus and mohamed peace be upon them all.
however Muhammad himself says he is not a prophet and has never personally heard from God
Its mentioned that muhammed is nothing but a prophet its clear in the quran.
Muhammad was a pedophile
Why did the pagans, hyprocrites and the jews never used that word , they said crazy , magician, sorcerer.. stuff like that but never mentioned that word pedophile, its simply because aisha wasnt a child when he married her.
The thing you dont know that women at that time in the desert used to hit puberty at a very young age. It was the norm at that time to get married at a young age. And thats why the marriage agreement was established when she was 7 and only when she reached puberty at the age of 9 were married.
And according to the age of consent in nowadays in the world. In 2001 a Thai girl was a mother at the age of nine, and this was in the newspaper, also in romania there was a 12 year old bride getting married in 2003.
My point is that the environement(age of puberty) is the measure
Do u know that lady aisha was engaged to another man before the prophet muhammed pbuh!!!
And strangely after the prophet's death aisha narrated many stories about their beatiful relationship and became a great teacher for all muslims.