I will not ever get into bed with a man from a country where the sexual politics are stuck in the 1950's. It's like the sixties never happened over there, thanks to Comunism and the Pope.
So perhaps they can't help it.
But you don't watch a great film or eat a great meal and then run away screaming "Look what you made me do! I have no respect for you!!!"
I don't know how does it look in the Western Europe, but personally I like to put some energy in seducing a woman. The more effort I have to give the bigger reword and satisfaction I will get after completing my goal. Sure one night stands are fun, but the excitement very quickly vanishes, and there’s this feeling of emptiness after it. There’s just something missing. Situation looks totally different when there are all those love games involved. You know, those innocent looks, first chat, the art of conversation, compliments, flowers, messages hidden somewhere between the lines, the feeling of insecurity, getting to know each other, etc... I always were paying attention to the woman’s looks, but the thing that's really sexy for me was always personality. Is this what you meant by 1950's English sexual morality?
Still, I would be far from thinking that every woman that has sex on her first date is a slut. It can also be a very pleasant and metaphysical experience. Ok , I will stop here as I am starting to sound like a bloody Santana on LSD. :) My point is, that he doesn’t have to necessarily think about you as a “easy tart”. The thing that makes me think this way is what you have written in your first post, which other users and you as well seemed to overlooked, mainly that he visited you once more before he flew home. Not a very common thing to visit a slut for just a chat (I feel like rhyming :) ), thus in my opinion the cause why he still haven't contacted you is totally different. Maybe he is just trying to figure out what to do. It’s not an easy decision to engage in a relationship with a woman from a foreign country. At some point one of you will have to decide where will be your future home. Somebody will have to go for a compromise, and taking under consideration that's it is far more easier to start a new life in the UK that would probably mean leaving his family and friends. What nationality his children would be, how would you communicate with his parents, your future mother and father in law, etc... Woman tend to follow their feelings while men try rather act more reasonable. There are many possibilities. My advice for you is to wait a little more. If he doesn’t contact you, it means that he is a coward and not worth your time and nerves anyway. Wish you all the best. :)