rust in a Pole much faster than I would in a Canadian or American. When I lived there, I had a tough time putting trust in anyone. Americans, and Canadians especially are known for liking to b
I think that you are the moron and in fact I found the American personality to be similar to the polish. Canadian people are quite different to Americans. When I was in Australia, again, they were more like the English would be in the early 1960's and I preferred it there compared to anywhere else. the Turks were more friendly than Greek people but then again, being more friendly is not the same thing as being necessarily more honest. Of all nations Traditionally the British hate the French but of all nationalities I have met, the French seem to be the one that will not rip you off in your change.
still rather put my trust in a Greek than in an Anglo-Saxon
The Greeks certainly put all their trust in to the Anglo Saxons to end and win World War 2.