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DOES HE OR DOESN'T HE have feelings for her??

soxy 1 | 5  
9 Apr 2008 /  #1
I'm new to the forums so forgive me if I've posted in the wrong topic. Right - my sister fell madly in love with a Polish guy she met at work. He went home to Poland to a good job, she told him she loved him and bought him a little creditcard sized card with 'I love you' on it (it also had stuff like you make me happy, etc). Well, he never said anything back to her - but she visited him recently and noticed that this card was actually in his wallet - after 5 months of not seeing each other!! What do you guys think???? I told her that he must have some feelings for her otherwise he would have just put the card in a drawer or something - any other views??????
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
9 Apr 2008 /  #2
I told her that he must have some feelings for her otherwise he would have just put the card in a drawer or something - any other views??????

Just a couple of thoughts.

If he had feelings he might have phoned etc.

I've got all sorts in my wallet. It means nothing.

What was she doing in his wallet ?
plk123 8 | 4129  
9 Apr 2008 /  #3
z_darius 14 | 3960  
9 Apr 2008 /  #4
woops, this reminds me! I need to clean my wallet, and get rid of all the cards I don't even remember what they are for.

(plk123, you caps lock got stuck)
OP soxy 1 | 5  
9 Apr 2008 /  #5
If he had feelings he might have phoned etc.

I've got all sorts in my wallet. It means nothing.

What was she doing in his wallet ?

Well - he does text her all the time but doesn't ring as too expensive, it was in the front of his wallet - he went to pay for something at the till and she couldn't miss it - I still think it's kinda nice really - I've had similar cards sent to me but have never put them in my purse unless they meant something (which they rarely did :.) - thanks though
9 Apr 2008 /  #6
well, maybe he has some feelings but isn't ready to say it yet...

he does text her all the time but doesn't ring as too expensive

if he'd care about her in 100%, it's not supposed to be an issue...i think, it's just an exuse (i know, calling from PL is more expensive, but still...)

i put all my cards (those more or less important) to a drawer, i don't carry them with me.... my purse is already heavy enough... ;)
plk123 8 | 4129  
9 Apr 2008 /  #7
(plk123, you caps lock got stuck)

z_darius 14 | 3960  
9 Apr 2008 /  #8
I dunno the emoticon for the middle finger ;)
OP soxy 1 | 5  
9 Apr 2008 /  #9
Bless her, she's only 17 - it's the first boy she's had a major crush on!!!! I only met him once and seemed to be a really caring person - I thought he liked her (you could tell the way he used to gaze at her) - he's always sending her little gifts - I think the barrier seems to be the language problem!!!!! As for the card, I don't think he would keep it if it didn't mean anything - but that's because I'm a woman and I'm an old romantic!!!!!
z_darius 14 | 3960  
9 Apr 2008 /  #10
Quite young gal.
The good parts she didn't go there to find out he was being dishonest.
OP soxy 1 | 5  
9 Apr 2008 /  #11
The good parts she didn't go there to find out he was being dishonest.

She did - she came back on Monday - stayed there with him and his mum and dad - met all the family - that's when she noticed the card - I wish he's said something though, his mum and dad can't wait for her to go back again. Maybe things are looking quite good - I don't know much about Polish traditions, but in the UK, if a boy takes a girls home to meet the parents'family etc, it's quite a good sign!!
z_darius 14 | 3960  
9 Apr 2008 /  #12
I wish he's said something though

I wouldn't put much wight on that yet. He may be in a shy or cautious side. That's all.

I don't know much about Polish traditions, but in the UK, if a boy takes a girls home to meet the parents'family etc, it's quite a good sign!!

I'd say, in general, it would be the same in Poland.
ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
9 Apr 2008 /  #13
I'd say its quite sweet if he keeps the card in his wallet, personally I just throw things if Im finished with the person or have no interest.

Just out of interest how old is he?
OP soxy 1 | 5  
9 Apr 2008 /  #14
Hi ShelleyS - he's 28 and never had a girlfriend before - it's quite sweet really - cos I wouldn't keep the card either - certainly not in my purse - maybe in a drawer, but I feel so frustrated for her - I just wanna ring him and say 'get on with it' !!!! xx
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
9 Apr 2008 /  #15
Well - he does text her all the time but doesn't ring as too expensive, it was in the front of his wallet - he went to pay for something at the till and she couldn't miss it - I still think it's kinda nice really - I've had similar cards sent to me but have never put them in my purse unless they meant something (which they rarely did :.) - thanks though

Understood. And now I know more I understand your frustration. They have plenty time to figure things out.
MareGaea 29 | 2751  
9 Apr 2008 /  #16
One of my exes once pulled that stunt on me: one day as I was travelling to the US, I found such a little card with I love you and have a safe trip in my wallet while ordering a beer on the plane. That was six years ago, I kept it in my wallet for a long time after we broke up, simply because it was a nice card and it brought back fond memories as it was a lovely trip.

M-G (be kind, hug a feline today; vote M-G!)
ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
9 Apr 2008 /  #17
Hi ShelleyS - he's 28 and never had a girlfriend before - it's quite sweet really - cos I wouldn't keep the card either - certainly not in my purse - maybe in a drawer, but I feel so frustrated for her - I just wanna ring him and say 'get on with it' !!!! xx

Like Mr W said, just let nature take it course, I sincerely hope that things work out...but long distant relationships are never that easy, jeeze I couldn't even manage Manchester to London ROLF!
NieMota - | 30  
9 Apr 2008 /  #18
Hi soxy

Has he any siblings ?
Maybe parents are scared to lost him ?

Where would they live after wedding ?
OP soxy 1 | 5  
10 Apr 2008 /  #19
Hi NieMota

He's an only child and maybe his parents are scared - as for marriage, if he really liked her surely he would have said something. Had a good chat with her last night - he took her to the Opera in Poland - (she looked gorgeous I must say) - she was sitting at home and bent down to pick something up - when she looked up he was gazing at her - how romantic is that????? What is going on??? I did a little survey on the guys at work - none of them would keep the little card in their wallets unless it meant something - so maybe there is hope for her :.)

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