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So i am in love with a polish guy.....

saffron 8 | 62  
31 Mar 2008 /  #1
I have been friends with for a long time and am now in a relationship with a wonderful polish guy who i simply adore.I am English and he works over here...i posted previously asking if his sister was his wife but thankfully she isnt!! He has asked me to go to poland with him in the summer to meet his family and things seem to be going well for us.....

However i have a facebook account and yes i finally got round to posting some photos of us together yesterday.Some of my friends have commented on how great we look together etc but this evening i had a message on there from an ******* aquaintance of mine (ironically a police officer) saying 'hmmmm your other half looks foreign'....isnt that totally rude and innapropriate not to mention racist!!

I replied to him saying even if he is what difference does that make? Honestly my heart is pounding from being so angry!!!!
plk123 8 | 4129  
31 Mar 2008 /  #2
that was not a racist comment but rather an observant one.
31 Mar 2008 /  #3
True, but it does seem kind of

rude and innapropriate

OP saffron 8 | 62  
31 Mar 2008 /  #4
maybe so but this same bloke has a tendency to be a bit of a racist u think i should just let it go
31 Mar 2008 /  #5
so u think i should just let it go

depends on how he responds to:

I replied to him saying even if he is what difference does that make?

31 Mar 2008 /  #6
so u think i should just let it go

lol..yes, you should... and what would you do? the best way is just to ignore him...
CoolMoon 1 | 60  
31 Mar 2008 /  #7
that was not a racist comment but rather an observant one.

That's what I thought too.

True, but it does seem kind of
saffron wrote:
rude and innapropriate

Yes but that's just some men for you ;)

maybe so but this same bloke has a tendency to be a bit of a racist u think i should just let it go

Then why do you know him? If you're not happy with his remarks and you're not even that close you should distance yourself from him.
Wroclaw 44 | 5359  
31 Mar 2008 /  #8
...i posted previously asking if his sister was his wife but thankfully she isnt!!

I don't mind being wrong on this one. Good luck to both of you.
krysia 23 | 3058  
31 Mar 2008 /  #9
Who cares what other people say. It's your life, you make your decissions and if someone wants to upset you, don't let them. Ignore the loser and concentrate on your life.
OP saffron 8 | 62  
31 Mar 2008 /  #10
Cheers for the advice....i know it can be interpreted as an observant comment and i suppose i should perhaps take it as such ....

Then why do you know him? If you're not happy with his remarks and you're not even that close you should distance yourself from him.

yeah your right ..... i am just going to block him
Kemaleon 3 | 122  
31 Mar 2008 /  #11
It could have been meant innocently, as i've said before and was touched on above:
Us men do tend to say stupid things sometimes without meaning to.

I know what i think from reading it, but dont cast aspersions just yet, this Police friend of yours might be gay and have a thing for foreign men, it could have been a compliment!

Ok maybe not, but it is a rather open comment. Again like they said above, either judge this guy on what he has said/done before, or dont judge him at all until he responds.

And either way don't let it get to you, there are stupid people in this world, i'm sure you've met worse.

Good luck, i'm happy you're so happy otherwise :-)
JustysiaS 13 | 2238  
31 Mar 2008 /  #12
'hmmmm your other half looks foreign'

i wouldn't think that he meant to offend you. if anything, he's just jealous. don't let it bother you and enjoy your awesome relationship!
sapphire 22 | 1241  
1 Apr 2008 /  #14
it isnt a racist comment and it is just me who cant see the point of this thread?
1 Apr 2008 /  #15
just me who cant see the point of this thread?

no. I think that she wanted to let us know that things are going well with the Polish guy. Congrats:)
Madzia22 - | 72  
1 Apr 2008 /  #16
aquaintance of mine (ironically a police officer) saying 'hmmmm your other half looks foreign'....isnt that totally rude and innapropriate not to mention racist!!

It's just another jelious english guy... just ignore him and enjoy your relationship!
ShelleyS 14 | 2883  
1 Apr 2008 /  #17
It's just another jelious english guy

I hardly think so, he was merely making a remark, since Polish people do have a certain look....
Kilkline 1 | 682  
1 Apr 2008 /  #18
It's just another jelious english guy...

"Another"? Have you had a bad experience?
OP saffron 8 | 62  
1 Apr 2008 /  #19
Thanks for your feedback everybody on this particular thread .... in response to

sapphire wrote:
just me who cant see the point of this thread?

i have to say i came on here merely trying to get feedback as to whether my feeling that this guy was being a bit inappropriate was justified or not .

The general consensus is that he wasn't and although i appreciate Polish people may have a 'certain look' and that a remark that he looks 'foreign' may seem fine to some,i suppose my way of thinking is different as the fact that he is polish is secondary to my feelings for the guy.I suppose i should have realised this and taken such a remark on the chin.

I guess my posting of this thread was born out of a reaction to the fact that i thought a comment that 'he looked foreign' was irrelevant to the person making the remark ...that was all...
Kemaleon 3 | 122  
1 Apr 2008 /  #20
I think you had a right to ask the guy that made the remark, did he reply in the end?

Your defensiveness is natural, i guess you really like this guy huh?

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