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Polish girls' obsession with marriage

OP southern  73 | 7059  
4 Apr 2009 /  #61
Polish girl:''My friend is jealous.She also wants a boy.Can you hook her up with sb?''
-Yes,I know sb who is interested in finding a polish girl.
-Oh,really?Does he have money?
-What car does he have?
-A Mercedes.
-I like Mercedes.
-He had a Porsche.
-I don't like Porsche.But Mercedes is O.K.How old is your friend?
-O.K.Is he handsome?But it doesn't matter.I care only if he has money.Does he have a lot of money?Because I need someone with money.

-Please.Tell him to come to meet us.Is he married?
sister act  2 | 88  
4 Apr 2009 /  #62
There is also the slavic concept of generosity.Unconditioned love,unconditioned expenses.

This concept is new to me kind of, I have not really experienced it, i need to know more to understand this.

'you have to be cruel to be kind'

Maybe the men use their money to control the women folk, well would it not be kinder to tell them to stand on their own two feet. If i look at my sisters in laws the are now 23 & 24, can't drive and need assistance from people to surrive daily life in Ireland.

There is also the slavic concept of generosity.Unconditioned love,unconditioned expenses.

I understand unconditional love in a family enviorment with young children, I believe you should help people less well off and people in vunerable positions, you should help the NEEDY NOT THE GREEDY. at some times in all our lives we will have to ask for help, when we were a baby and when we get old for certain, thats ok as long as we are not taking advantage asking for help when we really can do it for ourselves.I am fully aware that life is about giving and you get a great joy from giving, but we must be sure that we are giving to the right person
Seanus  15 | 19666  
4 Apr 2009 /  #63
Precisely, sister act. They have to take the bull by the horns and get out there.

As for southern's comments, take them with a pinch of salt. He's a smart guy and I like him but he's wide of the mark when it comes to women. Slavic people are not the way he paints them at all. His romantic visions don't square with reality. He totally skips true human nature. Slavs are rugged and hard, they fight and scrap for things.

The generosity tends to come from those in the hospitality industry, like in Scotland.
goodlady  2 | 31  
5 Apr 2009 /  #64
Yes,but polish girls from village do unbelievable things in bed.

what exactly?!!
NomadatNet  1 | 457  
5 Apr 2009 /  #65
Polish girl:''My friend is jealous.She also wants a boy.Can you hook her up with sb?''

This summarizes almost all girls/women on the earth. Ha, not only girls/women, but also most of men. People "love" money and then after a while after marriage, they start to cry because money is unable to satisfy them in bed.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
5 Apr 2009 /  #66
Yes,but polish girls from village do unbelievable things in bed.

You know that one does or that all do?
Pani_Polska  - | 89  
27 Apr 2009 /  #67
G there's a video of her on youtube!! I don't know who the guys helping her are though. Look at that smile!!

Hahaha I am sorry, I am Polish and maybe I should be offended but you made me laugh!
osiol  55 | 3921  
27 Apr 2009 /  #68
I was almost as good as married a few weeks ago - more her thoughts than mine I should add. Things have changed since then. A break up followed by a kind-of make up. Only last night I had to endure an attempt at live chat over the internet:

Miss X: Czesc

a few seconds later...
<Miss X is no longer online and therefore uncontactable>

5 minutes later...
Miss X: Czemu nie odpisujesz?

Donkey reaches for keyboard and begins thinking how to reply...
<Miss X is no longer online and therefore uncontactable>

This went in a repeating cycle, each time getting on my nerves slightly more than the last.
The word doomed springs to mind.
Ironside  50 | 13046  
27 Apr 2009 /  #69
Well the abuse the turned to insults of me and my driving the child was screaming at this stage, in the middle of o'connell street i just jumped out of the car walked around opened her door and pulled her out.

well, nice family you got yourself into ......
Im lost for words
Pani_Polska  - | 89  
1 May 2009 /  #70
The word doomed springs to mind.

Follow your instincts!
osiol  55 | 3921  
1 May 2009 /  #71
Instincts are being followed!

People don't always make the best decisions for themselves. This is as true for donkeys as it is for humans. Then there are various ways of correcting these mistakes. Doing so messily is a mistake and can only create more problems for all concerned. Follow the path of righteousness and the instinct to munch on any nice green bit of grass along the journey isn't the right thing to do on the way to the field of truth. Well, I think I know what I'm going on about here. I don't know about anyone else.

It's odd how the above reply appeared moments before I logged in this evening.
Pani_Polska  - | 89  
1 May 2009 /  #72
Of course we all definitely make mistakes, its a matter of if we learn from our mistakes... I am happy to see that you have. You make very good points :)
joland  4 | 86  
2 May 2009 /  #73
Southern, you are the man. hanks for having the guts to post here the exact discussion.

This is EXACTLY how 87% of polish girls think.[/b]
foxtrot1213  2 | 43  
2 May 2009 /  #74
No matter what you do. Just don't marry her, and don't impregnate her.

If you do marry then go for prenu-p. You'll thank me later. I know she will take "so you don't love me anymore" way. Don't come under this blackmailing. If you go for divorce then you will also lose what you have even before marriage. Even you didn't cheat on her, you will still lose.

Kids...well, we all know that kids are given to mommy by default even she's the culprit. And you will pay for child support. The saddest part: You have no way to know if the money is really going to kids as you have NO right to ask for shopping bills. She will whine as she is "weak and vulnerable" you know.

I kicked most of my girlfriends out as soon as I sensed "let's get married" and/or "me wants baby" hysteria among them. I worked hard in my life, and I don't want to spoil it just because her decision power is impaired by her harmonal activities.

You life is only one shot. Enjoy it :)

Note: All women are NOT dreaming to get married and suffering from "I want kids" phobia. However, they are very rare type in this planet.
MaxChin  - | 10  
2 May 2009 /  #75
I love Polish girl alot, I really looking for it. exspecially girl from Krakow.
ahahaha..... They are beautiful!
2 May 2009 /  #76
The word doomed springs to mind.

Either that or a bad internet connection.
tomekcatkins  8 | 130  
7 May 2009 /  #77
Ach those girls you have everywhere. I read an article in which they advised lower-class girls to choose a boyfriend who cared for them instead of a rich one who just threat them like a sex-doll. :P

By the way, I'm living in The Netherlands.
cashley  - | 3  
22 Jun 2009 /  #78
Hi everyone, i am willing to marry a polish girl so she can get a british passport et cetera, if she is willing to pay me , i am not doing this because i am desperate, i just need the cash, please PM me if you know somebody or could help me out.

sausage  19 | 775  
22 Jun 2009 /  #79
i am willing to marry a polish girl so she can get a british passport et cetera

A Polish passport is almost as good. Apart from if you want to visit the USA...
cashley  - | 3  
22 Jun 2009 /  #80
i take it you are an american, who has never actually left america
sausage  19 | 775  
22 Jun 2009 /  #81
nope, a Brit...
LAGirl  9 | 496  
10 Jul 2009 /  #82
Some of them are like the Polish men will use any American foreign man or women to get greencard to stay in our country and use us and go back home.
krysia  23 | 3058  
10 Jul 2009 /  #83
And because there is a loop-hole in the system, they still get the permanent green card even though they used the US citizen.
And this is how it works: A foreigner comes to US on a fiance visa. They marry within 90 days. The alien gets the 2 year conditional green card. If the marriage lasts these two years, the alien gets permamnent green card and if they divorce after he gets the green card, there is nothing the US citizen can do anymore. However if they divorce before the 2 years is up he can still get his green card, all he has to do is file by himself and prove that the marriage was in good faith. Sometime they don't even look at why the divorce occured which is wrong because many Russian women lure Americans to marry them and after they get their conditional green card they pretend they were abused, get false statements and get green card.

On the other hand if they were still married, they have to prove they lived together and show evidence such as filed taxes, bills or mortgages that they had together. But if they just divorce, they can stay.

What a koĊ‚owrotek...geeeeez
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
10 Jul 2009 /  #84
I had a few guys offer to take me shopping, take me away for a weekend and pay for everything, give me money to buy myself something nice... I find it offensive, it's like they're trying to buy you. I know Polish girls do this a lot, hence dating older, not attractive guys who have a lot of cash and are prepared to spend it just to get some nice young meat. But then when those guys offer i can see why some women can't resist, not everybody can afford the stuff off the top shelf. I know Russian girls are even worse when it comes to this, someone i know has a thing for them and he said that every single one he dated was after the money, stood there whingeing and pouting untill she got his credit card and could go shopping lol... Why men let those silly girls treat them like that? Does it make them feel they own that person? What if the money runs out one day, will that pretty young thing still stick around then? Nope!
Ob1wan  - | 19  
10 Jul 2009 /  #85
I must be the odd one out here, I have been with my Polish g/f for over a year now and she has never behaved in anyway as described on here! The talk of girls on here always seems to be about the extremes of their natures. I think the majority of Polish women are normal and decent. All my g/fs friends are polite and typical women as they seem to always talk about shoes and clothes like any woman I have known in England. When we lived in England I had to force my g/f to let me buy her shoes or a coat if it was snowing or chucking down with rain and we were out in town, I would buy her a warm coat or a warm pair of boots but would have to fight with her to let me do this. I was only trying to be a good b/f! She has never asked me for anything apart from when she has gone food shopping and wanted some Peluski which she seems addicted to.

And as far as marriage etc we both will do it when the time is right and we have enough money, and we both do not mention the word baby. I suppose the conversation is always going to be about the extremes of peoples natures on here as the mediocre would be a short boring conversation that no one would take any notice of! Just my pennys worth! :))
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
10 Jul 2009 /  #86
When we lived in England I had to force my g/f to let me buy her shoes or a coat if it was snowing or chucking down with rain and we were out in town, I would buy her a warm coat or a warm pair of boots but would have to fight with her to let me do this. I was only trying to be a good b/f!

wish my ex was this kind just to keep me warm, but then he was a Scot so what should i expect. "you should be used to cold, you're Polish!" ha ha...
Ob1wan  - | 19  
10 Jul 2009 /  #87
Thats what I used to tell her when I sent her to the shops in the snow for some cigarettes! ;)
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
10 Jul 2009 /  #88
yeah and she came back in a nice new coat and boots and forgot about the cigs ;D
Ob1wan  - | 19  
10 Jul 2009 /  #89
You should be a clairvoyent ;)
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
10 Jul 2009 /  #90
don't have to be psychic to predict what a woman will do if she is spoken to in such a rude manner! :P

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