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do polish girls consider a english man a good catch ?

Seanus 15 | 19668  
29 Apr 2009 /  #121
Some do, some don't :)
wildrover 98 | 4431  
30 Apr 2009 /  #122
do polish girls consider a english man a good catch ?

Hey...i didn,t say that.....!
southern 73 | 7059  
30 Apr 2009 /  #123
Eastern Euro men are better looking

Yes,this is true.Competition with polish men is toucher.

and we can always import some Czechs

UKGUY 3 | 87  
3 May 2009 /  #124
No, thank you, we don't need them. We still have a big population of decent men in Poland, and we can always import some Czechs or Hungarians ;).

The Czechs/Hungarians wouldn't want to live in Poland, becuase their Countries have better economies anyway. Mostly they would want to come to England. I don't mind people not liking the English, but then in that case please don't come to live in England, because it causes alot of friction and tenstion. Alot of cases of Polish people being attacked in the UK have stemed from Polish people openly disprespecting English people, so it doesn't make sense they would choose to live in a Country when they don't even like the people there.
southern 73 | 7059  
3 May 2009 /  #125
and we can always import some Czechs or Hungarians ;).

Instead of gulash or kielbasa.These cunning polish women.
freebird 3 | 532  
3 May 2009 /  #126
We still have a big population of decent men in Poland

it's not what I've been told by many young Polish girls.

we can always import some Czechs or Hungarians ;).

great choice :-)

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