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Polish Girlfriend gone missing

11 Dec 2008 /  #61
what if that happened to her?

she has decided that it's over between the two of you because there's no future for you but you're thinking that your relationship was more serious. If she really loves you, she'll do everything in her power to contact you. But I think she's using her parents as an excuse to end things.

loco polaco  3 | 352  
11 Dec 2008 /  #62
i can see her being another flaky polka. yup.
11 Dec 2008 /  #63
another flaky polka

would you like to share your story?
11 Dec 2008 /  #64
my sister-in-law is Japanese

Top ten list of things to not say in Tarnow:
1) My sister isn't white....
mafketis  38 | 11149  
11 Dec 2008 /  #65
2) My, that's a fetching moustache!
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
11 Dec 2008 /  #66
Don't say it to her husband either.
shewolf  5 | 1077  
11 Dec 2008 /  #67
I wonder why it's the women who are saying that maybe she decided not to continue with the relationship. We obviously know the mind of a woman well.
11 Dec 2008 /  #68
well...if she's in college, she's not 18 anymore and can do anything with no daddy's permission... and there are ways to contact the guy, that daddy wouldn't even know about... we don't know her side of the story, maybe it was the only way to get rid of him... or maybe she didn't have the guts to do it face to face... who knows...
plk123  8 | 4119  
11 Dec 2008 /  #69

man, that's a sucky deal. i bet it's all her daddy's work.

seems your best venue here would be to try to get a hold of her sis via facebook or whatever the site you said she's on. everything else seems close to a waste of time. people at the uni won't help unless you run into one of her close friends whom you seem not to know; needle in a hay stack.

if you do go to PL, i'd definitely start with the landlord and try to get all possible info from her.

i''d look up her last name in a phone book, it may be in there and it may yield an addy.

i have a weird feeling that she dropped out of the uni. probably the bastard father made her do it. i really don't see her commuting 1.5h each day from tarnow to go to school. i just don't see it. poles aren't really a commuting bunch.

hospital thing makes me worried too. not abortion but an asshole father putting her there.. i sure hope i am wrong about the two things here and all is good. but, there are plenty of ways to make contact with someone and if she's as smart as you seem to think, i'm guessing she'd figure out a way by now..

try the sis and i wish you the best of luck.

maybe it was the only way to get rid of him... or maybe she didn't have the guts to do it face to face... who knows...

that sure is worrisome.
11 Dec 2008 /  #70
i have a weird feeling that she dropped out of the uni. probably the bastard father made her do it.

ah cmon... why? because her daddy doesn't like her bf? a dad who cares about his daughter's education wouldn't do that...
shewolf  5 | 1077  
11 Dec 2008 /  #71
A woman who really loves a man will find a way to get in touch with him, sick or not, father or not.
plk123  8 | 4119  
11 Dec 2008 /  #72
ah cmon... why? because her daddy doesn't like her bf? a dad who cares about his daughter's education wouldn't do that...

you're assuming he cares but if he is telling her what to do (being judgmental towards her honey) he is a jackass.

woman who really loves a man will find a way to get in touch with him, sick or not, father or not.

i kind of agree but the father could be holding her hostage. the apartment in krakow becoming empty so fast makes me think so.
11 Dec 2008 /  #73
he is a jackass.

you can't be sure that dad is even involved...

the father could be holding her hostage. the apartment in krakow becoming empty so fast makes me think so.

you really don't know women ;)
plk123  8 | 4119  
11 Dec 2008 /  #74
you can't be sure that dad is even involved...

i guarantee he is. ted_no7 pretty much says so.

you really don't know women ;)

i do too and no stable woman would do that on a whim. or she is a flake which doesn't bode well for the rest of you polkas.
11 Dec 2008 /  #75
ted_no7 pretty much says so.

did he? really?

or she is a flake which doesn't bode well for the rest of you polkas.

i thought you'd do better...
plk123  8 | 4119  
11 Dec 2008 /  #76
i thought you'd do better...

i am doing better. i'm not dealing with any arsehole pijak. :P :D :D
11 Dec 2008 /  #77
i'm not dealing with any arsehole pijak. :P :D :D

and not pijaczka? ;)
plk123  8 | 4119  
11 Dec 2008 /  #78
father. i can deal with a lush mother, no problemo but no pijak. or at least not a polish one.. horrible stuff. i like to be misery free although i don't mind some mizeria now and again. :D
shewolf  5 | 1077  
16 Dec 2008 /  #79
What ever happened to the missing girlfriend? Is she still missing?
krakow1  3 | 55  
17 Dec 2008 /  #80
I know everyone has been left in suspense. I have been thinking about this many times. Ted everyone needs a conclusion on this one!
17 Dec 2008 /  #81
hmmm.... we usually know the beginning and never the end... nobody never comes back and tell us how everything ended....
dcchris  8 | 432  
17 Dec 2008 /  #82
maybe he tried to find her and now he is missing too.... the horror... haha his name is ted? hopefully without the last name bundy
17 Dec 2008 /  #83
now he is missing too....

it came to my mind....
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
17 Dec 2008 /  #84
nobody never comes back and tell us how everything ended....

Happily ever after
OP ted_no7  1 | 14  
17 Dec 2008 /  #85

Sorry still nothing to report, just a few leads being explored and trying to make sense of some really odd bits of info that keep popping up.

One thing for certain is that her Uni course friend and ex-flatmate are both refusing to say what's happening - even when told that I'd stop trying to make contact with my gf if it was over between us.

it's now over 3 weeks so not looking too hopeful - it's going to be one really shitty christmas for me this year

As soon as there's any more real news on this I'll post.
loco polaco  3 | 352  
17 Dec 2008 /  #86
sounds like you just need to let this one go. the hell with her and her friends if they don't understand real care, etc..
OP ted_no7  1 | 14  
17 Dec 2008 /  #87
yep I know, although there's this nagging feeling that she's in a difficult situation. There are too many signs that this is the work of her father and that there maybe something serious going on.

It's a pretty helpless and f#cked up situation to be honest
17 Dec 2008 /  #88
There are too many signs that this is the work of her father and that there maybe something serious going on.

nah.... i don't believe in this daddy version...

i know that's hard, but you'd just move on...
sapphire  22 | 1241  
17 Dec 2008 /  #89
I wonder why it's the women who are saying that maybe she decided not to continue with the relationship. We obviously know the mind of a woman well.

Shewolf is spot on.

As much as I wish you well and hope it works out for you, my feeling is that the girls are right here.. crap as that is for you. I am also sure that is a pretty major issue that you are not only a foreigner, but also not a Catholic.

Remember that if she still loves you she will find a way to contact you.
OP ted_no7  1 | 14  
17 Dec 2008 /  #90
I know love's blind as they say but just disappearing without word is really out of character for my gf. There were hand on heart no arguments or issues between us before this happened - only the grief from her parents.

Don't you think moving out of a flat is a bit extreme when you finish with someone? Then there's the messages from her sister back in Tarnow from her phone saying that she was in hospital and she loves me. So many other things that just don't add up....which are the only reason why've not just given up on my gf.


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