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Gay Interracial Polish Dating

musicahole  1 | 1  
16 Apr 2009 /  #1
I know this thread is geared more to Heterosexuals, but I was curious to see what others' opinions are of an African American male and Polish male dating?

My boyfriend is Polish, and he's the most wonderful man. He's very thoughtful and always tells me how much he loves me. I like that he's extremely close to his family; and I know he will always put me first.
16 Apr 2009 /  #2
Erm... "whatever rocks your boat" I guess.
mafketis  38 | 11127  
16 Apr 2009 /  #3
Is he out to his family?

In Poland I've known some gay people who officially weren't out to their families though the families would have to be deaf, dumb and blind and in a coma to not realize it. But sweet, sweet denial can work miracles (and beats being thrown out of the family, another common enough experience for gay people in Poland).

As for choosing you over his family .... don't bet on it. Straight Poles will surprisingly choose parents over spouse and I don't think gay Poles are any less likely to (especially if they're not out).
wildrover  98 | 4430  
16 Apr 2009 /  #4
Last time i was in the UK , i got talking to some Polish guy in a bar who for some reason decided to confess to me that he was gay , he said that his family who were also in the UK were not aware that he was gay...He said that if it was found out , his brother would kill him , no not get a bit angry , but actually kill him....The guy looked about 45 years old , you would think that his family might suspect something when a 45 year old guy has never had a girlfriend...?
mafketis  38 | 11127  
16 Apr 2009 /  #5
you would think that his family might suspect something when a 45 year old guy has never had a girlfriend...?

you'd think so, wouldn't you?

fwiw I think the brother's anger would not be over the gayness (which he surely has an idea bout) but about being made to think about the gayness and being made to admit it exists. Polish people are surprisingly tolerant of gayness when they don't have to admit it exists. Not that doesn't make any sense to me either.
pawian  226 | 27364  
17 Apr 2009 /  #6
Poles are tolerant.

So, when`s the wedding?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
17 Apr 2009 /  #7
LOL. Please sweep this off to the joke thread, Mods. You may be, pawian, but most aren't and that's according to most Poles I speak to.

Me, I don't notice intolerance in class tbh. I find students to be balanced for the most part.
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
19 Apr 2009 /  #8
Engage in sodomy and die young! (You can't argue with medical research findings!)
OP musicahole  1 | 1  
21 Apr 2009 /  #9
Thanks guys for your responses. I've met his family, and they are really accepting.

Um, he wants a June Wedding, but I'm just seeing how things go. I'm not sure if I believe in marriage of any sort, since my parents got divorced.
Pani_Polska  - | 89  
27 Apr 2009 /  #10
As long as the family is cool with it, dont worry about it
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 May 2009 /  #11
Warsaw's Stefan Wyszyński Unviersity is holding a conference on why homosexuals live 15-25 years shorter, according to Gazeta Wyborcza. It was also "revealed" that homosexuals, although scant in number (a mere 2-5% of the population), account for a full one-third of all paedophilic assaults on children (usually young boys).

Just goes to show how far behind the Poles are. These facts have long been known in the West and are only just now being discovered in Poland.
6 May 2009 /  #12
Poles are tolerant.

So, when`s the wedding?

LOL, nice.

Can I throw a cake now? ;-]
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
6 May 2009 /  #13
Warsaw's Stefan Wyszyński Unviersity is holding a conference on why homosexuals live 15-25 years shorter, according to Gazeta Wyborcza. It was also "revealed" that homosexuals, although scant in number (a mere 2-5% of the population), account for a full one-third of all paedophilic assaults on children (usually young boys).
Just goes to show how far behind the Poles are. These facts have long been known in the West and are only just now being discovered in Poland.

To to make something clear Polonius, gay men do not assault children, paedophiles do, there is a distinct difference, but someone as ignorant as you wouldn't know this.

I'll have to find some credible source for the ages that gay men die since Im not going to believe what Polish stats say since I would imagine they are quite bias against homosexuals, they're hardly going to promote that gay men live healthy happy lives along side hetrosexuals!
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 May 2009 /  #14
There is a mountain of scientific evidence in the West that practicinmg homosexuals have a shorter life span (closeted ones and sporadic practitioners live longer). The reasons incldue not only the highly publicised

-- HIV/AIDS but also:
-- numerous other infectuous bacterial, viral and fungal diseases,
-- higher rate of domestic violence agaisnt each other than amongst heteros
-- higher rate of substance abuse
-- higher promiscuity rate (more partners)
-- irresponsible lifestyles (more frequent unprotected and casual sex),
-- physical trauma (damage) to the sodomised partner (that anatomical orifice was designed only for ejection, not injection).
No-one said that ALL HOMOSEXUALS are paedophiles, but that small minority does account for one-third of all the offences.
The point is that this is all new to Poles who think they are discovering America.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
6 May 2009 /  #15
-- HIV/AIDS but also:

It's not a gay thing - HIV/AIDS doesn't really mind who it infects.

numerous other infectuous bacterial, viral and fungal diseases,

see above

higher rate of domestic violence agaisnt each other than amongst heteros

Oh dear, have you seen the stats for women who are abused?

higher rate of substance abuse

Well, I may give you that one, as Im sure being persecuted by homo bashers does cause a certain amount of stress.

higher promiscuity rate (more partners)

Now that made me larrff...we live in a world where men and women change their partners more than they change their underwear.

irresponsible lifestyles (more frequent unprotected and casual sex),

Sexual transmitted diseases are on the rise amongst divorcees in their 50s and 60s

physical trauma (damage) to the sodomised partner (that anatomical orifice was designed only for ejection, not injection).

Oh well, having unprotected for a female increases her chance of cervical cancer. Plus there is the fact that hetrosexual couples engage in anal sex.

No-one said that ALL HOMOSEXUALS are paedophiles, but that small minority does account for one-third of all the offences.

That was exactly what you inferred by your remark:

It was also "revealed" that homosexuals, although scant in number (a mere 2-5% of the population), account for a full one-third of all paedophilic assaults on children (usually young boys).

The point is that this is all new to Poles who think they are discovering America.

The point is Polonius, a young gay man no matter what his nationality is on a voyage of discovery and it doesn't matter what country he is in.
Ksysia  25 | 428  
6 May 2009 /  #16
Polish people are surprisingly tolerant of gayness when they don't have to admit it exists.

I don't think that's the exact issue. It's 'you do what you want', as anyone, but we hide our intimate life in private. We never talk about sex as much as the French do, and expecially I would not want my parents to have the first clue about my intimacy. They were politely ignoring me all my life as I was them. Nobody's business but mine.

So I guess some of the times when there's a negative reaction to homosexuality it is really reaction to safeguard our privacy. And it appears very much that some people who are homosexual or just have a kink on their own sex, will try to be extremely public and become gay (I'm talking in Poland).

So this is awkward to have political sex in a country where anything goes - behind closed door.
Honestly I think that we are more flexible in categorising than the Enlish speaking world. Like this: just because two girls were kissing or petting doesn't mean they became lesbians and people should be interested and comment. They may have been entertaining themselves.
czeslaw  2 | 9  
20 Jun 2009 /  #17
ShelleyS, it's nice of you to refute the rubbish that Polonius3 is spouting off. But more to the point is that his remarks are simply out of line, and shouldn't be welcome on these forums.

Polonius3, people come to these forums because they have questions or topics that they want to discuss. There is no need to ostracize and dehumanize people for any reason. How would you like someone judging you this way? You're entitled to whatever opinion you wish, but you have no right to badmouth others. If you don't like gays, which you obviously don't, just don't say anything. It's not that we need to "tolerate" gays and lesbians; rather, it's that we need to stop tolerating hateful and demeaning treatment of others. Gays and lesbians are humans too, and deserve much more than our "tolerance."
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
20 Jun 2009 /  #18

from my observations he is an equal opportunity hater. Homosexuals is not the only group he has negative feeling about. This does not make him a better men, but we cannot expect tolerance from somebody of his caliber:)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 Jun 2009 /  #19
Pol3, I know a Polish gay guy. Want to talk it through with him? What does it matter to you what he does behind closed doors? What law is he breaking in his own house?
czeslaw  2 | 9  
20 Jun 2009 /  #20
from my observations he is an equal opportunity hater. Homosexuals is not the only group he has negative feeling about. This does not make him a better men, but we cannot expect tolerance from somebody of his caliber:)

I am a newcomer to these forums, and I have already discovered what he is like. I have also read a few other threads that were very unpleasant, and talk about inane things like how supposedly Poles hate Jews, and other nonsense. I know this is cyberspace and all, and everyone is "protected" by anonymity, but there are still rules. It says, right below the box I'm typing in, "Do not insult or harass others, play nicely!" and "Do not personally attack others to avoid temporary or permanent suspension." It would be nice if people followed these rules. They are rules not only for these forums, but also generally accepted principles of behavior. Would these hateful posters go to a cocktail party and start spouting off the things like they post here? I doubt it. Then again, people are getting increasingly bold these days.

For the most part, I have been enjoying these forums so far, but it would be nice to see the moderators (who are they?) taking action when people violate the rules.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 Jun 2009 /  #21
They do, czesław, but they have lives too. People will be as they will be. Just shrug your shoulders and laugh it off. Pol3 is a victim of excessive indoctrination, he hasn't learned to think outside the box.
crazyboy85  1 | 1  
5 Sep 2009 /  #22
Welcome to the world of sex
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
5 Sep 2009 /  #23
As long as the family is cool with it, dont worry about it

huh ...

It's not a gay thing - HIV/AIDS doesn't really mind who it infects.

Oh you are SUCH a great supporter to this issue. Gays and Lesbians ... you feel they are alright ! ...


Gays + Lesbians = Are people :) ... they are humans ... they need love and respect... they need tolerance... they need equal rights as we have....

B - U - T ,

IT is a d-i-s-o-r-d-e-r (disorder). Just like genetic disorders, genetic dieseases, mental disorders, hormonal disorders ... this is also a disorder. This need treatment and practice of self contol. The control of self and passion, the proper understanding and acknowledgement of being of the wrong track. Its one of the most unacceptable things in ANY RELIGION (Christianity, Islam or Bahai or Hindo or anything!). It is an UNSOCIAL, ANTI-NATURE, ANTI-PRODUCTIVE and very IMMORAL diesease.

We should not be against those who suffer from it. But we should be against this ailment.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
5 Sep 2009 /  #24
We should not be against those who suffer from it. But we should be against this ailment.

I feel the same about people who believe that a multi-cultrual society is the way forward, now that is sick!

Oh you are SUCH a great supporter to this issue. Gays and Lesbians ... you feel they are alright ! ...

Im not a supporter, they're not a "team" I just believe that they are normal people who have a preference for their own sex. You like asian girls, is that a fetish, do you need help? Maybe a few sessions with a psychiatrist could cure you?
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
5 Sep 2009 /  #25

Oh the Union between a male and a female be it of any race .. is a normal thing ShelleyS. How can you even match that with THIS? This is male+male ... its not the biological norm. Its not the way forward.

You like asian girls

That is another issue altogether :P :) . They look cute (the Japanese, Korean ones specially)... but its GIRLS ... not men :S ... :-o ... :S ...

hey... wake up wake up! :S
Arien  2 | 710  
5 Sep 2009 /  #26
I feel the same about people who believe that a multi-cultrual society is the way forward, now that is sick!

Oh really? Well, long before Christianity, and even longer before Islam, even before the Roman empire, and before the first Pyramids in Egypt were built, all kind of human beings travelled around the whole world, and they used to trade with eachother, exchange news with eachother, exchange knowledge with eachother, and they even formed bonds and relationships with eachother.

How is that sick? I'm talking about your ancestors, my ancestors.. No differences there, and if you go back long enough, you'd see we all have the same roots.

You're talking about a multi-cultural society as if it's some sort of futuristic concept. Well, maybe you should consider this food for thought? (I don't think it would hurt you to think about this for a few seconds!) Even if we had an all white society, there would still be Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, Hippies, Atheïsts, Catholics, Protestants, Agnosts, Christians, Satanists, Druïds, Scientists, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, Masons, Mormons, Jehova Witnesses, Heathens.. You name them!

My point? We've always been, and always will be a multi-cultural society, regardless on which continent, or which country we live in.

Why would you be against the whole idea of different cultures living together, but be all for different sexual preferences? (Hey, it's a different choice, a different lifestyle, so why not call it a different culture?) How can you be so selective? I know it may seem like just another smartass question to you, but don't you think a straight, Iranian or Asian Catholic has more in common with a British Catholic than the average British Lesbian or Gay person has?

Hey, I don't mean to offend you, but don't you remember how Jewish people got treated because of their cultural differences? I think deep, deep down, you're smarter than this Shelley. (I think you should be anyway!)

southern  73 | 7059  
6 Sep 2009 /  #27

We should not be against those who suffer from it. But we should be against this ailment.

As we say in my country ''Can gayness be treated darling?''
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
6 Sep 2009 /  #28
my country

Population RevokeNice.
Arien  2 | 710  
6 Sep 2009 /  #29
I wish everyone would be free to have sex with someone they like, or love, without having to worry about one of their Ultra-Christian, Ultra-Muslim, Ultra-Protestant, Ultra-Catholic, Ultra-Jewish, Ultra-Whatever-Religion or even Ultra-Sexist neighbours who undoubtedly will want their heads cut off, just for doing something that should be considered as something completely natural, or normal.


Oh, and immoral?

Raping little children in a church, that's immoral. Burning people who say the earth isn't flat, that's immoral. Expelling, or excluding people from society, for no good reason, that's immoral. Humilliating, insulting, and threatening someone with death, along with the rest of the people who according to you, do fit in your community, that's immoral. Denying you've made just as many mistakes in the past, that's immoral. (For those who don't realize, that's also called lying.) Accusing someone else of things you've done yourself, or have even helped causing yourself, that's immoral. Stoning someone to death for cheating on their partners, that's immoral. Discrediting, gossiping, spreading lies and promoting hatred against someone just because he or she has different ideas, vieuws, opinions or preferences than you, that's immoral. Restricting people in their personal development, that's immoral. Taking advantage of hard working people, that's immoral. Giving yourself and your friends a bonus in times of economical decline, that's immoral. Oppressing people emotionally, spiritually, economicallly, financially or physically, that's immoral. Mistreating, discriminating, abusing, hurting, harming, humilliating, torturing or even killing someone because of his or her sexual preference, skin-colour or culture, that's immoral. Calling someone else immoral, while you've been, or even are being immoral yourself, that's immoral. Dehumanizing and demonizing whole groups of people, based on differences, that's immoral. Racism, bigotry, sexism, discrimination, and war are also immoral. Allowing a Corporate Business to eliminate human rights activists, that's immoral. Damaging our natural environment in the name of progress and prosperity, that's immoral. Driving cars on oil, and using gas when we already have other technologies which could've been put to use already, that's immoral. Taking away the future from the younger generation because of your own desire and lust for status, and material wealth, that's immoral. Slave labour, cheap labour, forced labour, that's immoral. Telling uneducated people in Africa that they shouldn't use condoms, that's immoral. Torturing people without any kind of evidence, that's immoral. Taking advantage of girls who were dragged into the red light districts by people trafickers, that's immoral. Demonizing other religions and cultures, while those religions and cultures are basically based on the same religion and culture as yours, that's immoral. Pressuring people to confess their so-called sins, only to use that information against them, that's immoral. Pressuring people to follow your religion, or else! That's immoral. Oh, and forcing your broken fairytales of conformity upon others to make them see things your way, that's just downright stupid..


Thank you for this embarrassing display of total arrogance, complete ignorance, and self-righteousness. Fail. Exit. Next..
scrappleton  - | 829  
6 Sep 2009 /  #30
Thank you for this embarrassing display of total arrogance, complete ignorance, and self-righteousness. Fail. Exit. Next..

Ahhh so sayeth, Lord Liberal! We are prostrate at your wisdom. Clowns we are compared to you all Knowing One! Must be nice to p.iss Holy Water.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Love / Gay Interracial Polish DatingArchived