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Canadian Boy to Marry Polish Girl - what gifts for her parents?

9 Mar 2006 /  #1
Hello, I love this forum, good reading.

I am a Canadian man and have fallen in love with a Polish woman and we are getting married in a few months. The non-impegiment letter is in process.

I will be going to her city Szczecin. I would like to know what kind of gifts i should bring for her parents. I was thinking about some items that are unique to Canada. I have picked up a few small gifts, but want to bring something that will be outstanding.

any help would be appreciated.


i forgot to add that she will be moving to Canada to live with me after I get the sponsorship papers filed.

I can't wait.
9 Mar 2006 /  #2
Congratulations then!

It's hard to determine what her family might like, but I am sure they will love something that is just from Canada (or USA as many people in Poland sometimes think Canada is a big American state :). Szczecin is located minutes away from the Baltic Sea so they may like something from the Canadian mountains (or not :). Personally, I like practical gifts so I wouldn't like to get something that I won't have use of. The best is to ask your fiancee what her family will like; she may reply "no special gifts are needed" but if you push a little harder she will tell you what it could be :).

I'm not from Canada, maybe there's a Polish-Canadian here who might give a piece of advice.

Good luck anyways!

OP Guest  
12 Apr 2006 /  #3
Czesc!!! I am back. i went to see my girl for the past 3 weeks. We rented an apartment and lived together. There was many cultural differences between us. We had our share of problems, but worked through them. she gained 5kg and i probably gained 10 from all the food and drinks :O

I had fun walking all over Szczecin, visiting markets, Geant, Selgros, Turzyn....we were living like rockstars as my money went far. We went up to Miedzyzdroje and spent some time on the beach and pier. Even dipped my hands in the Baltic Sea. just one of those things you have to do.

We are going to continue our relationship and get married this summer.

I cannot wait to go back in a few months. I will need to spend about 1 month there to do all the interviews from the government and the wedding afterwards.
OP Guest  
6 May 2006 /  #4
If you don't mind asking, how did you guys meet? I have been looking but not found a good online dating site with Polish women.
OP Guest  
6 May 2006 /  #5
well its all over now. nothing is going to happen. we met online off a non dating website. I will not give the name of it, sorry.

you might want to try

Before i left to visit her, I found her on a "dating site" and created a fake account, and played along with her to see if she was the real deal. within 2 weeks of my departure, and subsequent break up, the next day, she is asking the fake account to come visit her. And they have never MSN'd or Skyped, or talked on the phone. So how serious was she about me?

my advise- be careful everyone.
8 May 2006 /  #6
I feel sorry for u

But i know something
i have a friend here which married here in London a polish woman....and they r very happy.
So i think that is depense of luck....
I hope that i will find a kind woman as my friend
OP Guest  
8 May 2006 /  #7
"I was thinking about some items that are unique to Canada."

This is definitely a good idea.
OP Guest  
30 May 2006 /  #8
I brought maple butter to Poland and they liked it. Also barbeque sauce :)

But after reading

well its all over now. nothing is going to happen. we met online off a non dating website. I will not give the name of it, sorry.

Are you post 1?

Wow that was quick. Save the marriage for a year + of dating next time. People fall for Polish girls so easily.
OP Guest  
31 May 2006 /  #9
you all guys are completely crazy if the story is true...
OP Guest  
31 May 2006 /  #10
Forget the Polish girls...Where r the Polish guys!
OP Guest  
31 May 2006 /  #11
Are you post 1?
Wow that was quick. Save the marriage for a year + of dating next time. People fall for Polish girls so easily.

yes i am the OP (original poster) yes it was a crazy whirlwind of an experience. I'm happy that i had the opportunity to visit Poland. It was nice to have met someone that i was crazy about, but unfortunately, all good things must come to an end.

I liked Polska so much, i am going back in September to teach English.

And of course guys fall for Polish girls easily. They are beautiful, have good values, and unlike North American women- take care of themselves. I never saw one female in Poland wearing pajamas or sweatpants out in public BUt the same can be said for Polish girls that fall for Canadian guys. (mostly for citizenship)
OP Guest  
1 Jun 2006 /  #12
Yes...I fell for one too. Still have her though. I'd go back myself If I ever fo. Food luck to ya!
24 Jun 2006 /  #13
HAHAHAHAHHA funny posts man.

I'm a Polish Canadian from Toronto, that stuff how Polish women would never wear sweat pants is so true, I went on vacation there and you will rarely see a woman with grey hair, cuz they'll die it to look good you know? haha

Anyways, I'm a musician from Toronto looking for a Polish girl , but with my surroundings and circumstances it's hard to find, I don't have many Polish friends to chill with in those places. I would like to meet an intelligent Polish woman from greater Toronto area , Im 25 male. It would be cool if she was interested in art, politics , humanity,sports too, just geniune stuff, doesnt really matter, Polish girls are hard to find if you're from Brampton hehe. And I write this because honestly it would be excellent to meet a girl from my background and heritage. I just don't ever come across them. So drop me a line and we'll chat:)
30 Jun 2006 /  #14
you all guys are completely crazy if the story is true...

Yes we are.. it's true dear. Just keep in mind that girls can be even crazier. :) From my own personal experience that is :)

I've dated a Polish girl a year back, and when she broke up with me after 7 weeks she wasn't too shy about it, as she traded me for someone else right in front of me. She didn't know this other guy was a player, but I wasn't going to tell her that :) So now she lost a serious and sweet man for a playboy. Guess she deserved that for lying. :)

If this isn't crazy then we guys must be.. hmm.. yeah right. :) Hehe Just don't mistake all these foreign men for desperate singles, they fall in love when they do, but that doesn't mean it has to be a Polish girl necessarily..

But it is true, in my case, I think that Polish women often have more decency and moral values than most Dutch girls. (Note that I've said most, not all.)

Anyway, you're not the only one bro, people get played all the time, it's harsh, wether they're girls or boys.

So good luck, I'm you'll get there some day. :)
orlandobelle 11 | 29  
20 Nov 2007 /  #15
Merged: WHAT TO GET FOR FIRST MEETING - gift for my friend parents

I am staying with my Polish friend in March - neither of his parents drink alcohol - what should I get them for a gift??
Aniolek 2 | 22  
20 Nov 2007 /  #16
Bring them something that is made in the place you come from.
Maybe you can go to a local art & craft market?

I met my boyfriends grandmother when I was on holiday in Poland and I brought her some hand made crosses (made from Irish turf - so it actually came from the ground here) to hang on her wall.

Hope i helped a little :)
orlandobelle 11 | 29  
21 Nov 2007 /  #17
Thanks Aniolek - you have helped greatly :.)

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