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Need advice re: Polish man. What can I do to make him interested?

Caro_Ireland  1 | 11  
3 Oct 2008 /  #1
Hi! I found this forum last night when I was looking for a way round my dilema...
I know this topic has been covered before kinda but if anyone could give me any advice I would appreciate it very much!

I work in a shop and there's a Polish guy who works across the street in a factory and he usually comes in on his breaks and uses our outdoor smoking room for a cigarette and I really fancy him, (don't know why as I can't bear smoking but there's something really cute about him!)

He and I are both early 40's, well I think he is anyway, he doesn't wear a wedding ring and lives locally with a couple of Polish guys so maybe he's single, maybe he's not. I'm recently separated from my husband.

I mostly work on the shop floor and when he comes in our eyes often meet but I get tongue tied!,,,,oh jesus this sounds like a MIlls and Boon novel!!!, I've learned some Polish words from one of the girls who works with me and I've used them in conversation with him, now when I say conversation I mean things as simple as please, thank you, nice day and how are you,,,,all in Polish of course! and he chats back. One evening he showed me some Polish coins.

What can I do to let him know I'm interested .... apart from stalking him when he's in the shop! And how would I know if he was interested. I saw in another post that Polish men often hold your gaze when talking to you, well he does that already, does it mean anything?

I have it really bad!

Any advice on what to do next.

thank you!)
pawian  226 | 27537  
3 Oct 2008 /  #2
When I was a high school student, certain girl made a forward move which I still consider unusually clever. She called me saying: I am calling to tell you that you are inviting me to the cinema.

Of course, I obeyed and we were a couple for a few months.

Caro, if you really fancy him, I am sure you will be able to give up your natural shyness (which certainly looks fascinating) and become more (straight)forward for a while.

However, there can be a catch. To make things clear, I am almost sure he is married. Left his wife and kids in Poland. Earns money to make their life easier. I have seen tens of such families here in Poland.
esek  2 | 228  
3 Oct 2008 /  #3
And how would I know if he was interested.

Maybe ask him? Not directly, but ... sth like: 'Would you like to come to the cinema with me next week?' or to restaurant, for a coffee...


OP Caro_Ireland  1 | 11  
3 Oct 2008 /  #4
Thanks guys.

By the way The topic of this was HOW DO I KNOW IF HE IS INTERESTED!
I don't know where the the how do i make him interested came out of.
3 Oct 2008 /  #5
To make things clear, I am almost sure he is married.

agree. Be careful.
Dekameron  1 | 146  
4 Oct 2008 /  #6
Kidnap his wife and keep sending him fingers untill he says he loves you.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
4 Oct 2008 /  #7
he doesn't wear a wedding ring

Neither do I. It doesn't mean I'm not married.

Are you looking at the correct hand ? His wedding ring, if worn, would be on his right hand.

One evening he showed me some Polish coins.

In my day it used to be etchings.

I have it really bad!

Simple. Ask him out. You are both adults !!
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
4 Oct 2008 /  #8
Neither do I.

If I get married....i will not wear either. I dislike any object on my hand...it makes me feel uncomfortable...i dont even wear a wrist watch!
sapphire  22 | 1241  
4 Oct 2008 /  #9
it sounds like he knows you are interested if you are making the effort to speak to him in Polish. At his age is it highly likely he is married, but he could be divorced or separated.. I guess you are not going to know unless you ask him.
OP Caro_Ireland  1 | 11  
4 Oct 2008 /  #10
Thanks guys.
What I do know is that he initially came to Ireland with his brother about 4 1/2 years ago. I don't think his brother is still here.

He does speak some simple Polish to me and really looks intently at me when he's speaking it, do ye think he's interested or just seeing to make sure I understand. I feel such a twit. He is lovely!

I suppose I will have to take the bull by the horns so to speak - LOL ;-) - and say something directly. Being recently separated I am out of the singles game for so long I just don't know where to start and as neither he or I go the local pub it's kinda hard to bump into him outside when he calls into where I work.

I was thinking of attending the local church tomorrow for mass just to see if he's there. I AM NOT GENERALLY A STALKER!!!! Ha ha!
Dekameron  1 | 146  
4 Oct 2008 /  #11

I can relate to that, when my girl ditched me and i was followwing behind her completely naked with a cut off head of a puppy and a huge razor everyone jumped to conclusions too.
OP Caro_Ireland  1 | 11  
4 Oct 2008 /  #12
Dekameron,are you trying to burst my bubble here!! Thanks for the laugh anyway, you're a lunatic!!
Dekameron  1 | 146  
4 Oct 2008 /  #13
and say something directly.

That madam is the only viable solution to your situation, as a polish man who traveled the world i can tell you we're not really different from Brits so there's no nation attached advice you could be given.

Now polish women, they are not even human but we are pretty much the same as brits so do the thing you'd do when confronting a tea&crumpets brit and have a talk.

Ps. i like you already, so few women grab the bull by the horns and yes innuendo was supposed to be there, go for it.
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
4 Oct 2008 /  #14

Arr, the lass be an Irish, lad.
Daisy  3 | 1211  
4 Oct 2008 /  #15

Are you being a pirate again?
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
4 Oct 2008 /  #16
Let's be not hijackin' this little fine thread my heartie ;)
Dekameron  1 | 146  
4 Oct 2008 /  #17
Arr, the lass be an Irish, lad.

You're all Brits you just come with different flags.

Anyway i still think she ought to try stalking the guy wearing a T-shirt saying "i know where your kids live".
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
4 Oct 2008 /  #18
You're all Brits you just come with different flags.

I'm Polish, not British.
osiol  55 | 3921  
4 Oct 2008 /  #19
I thought Bartolome Jones was a Welshman through and through.

I can't bear smoking but there's something

Evil donkey says take up smoking. Smoking is cool.
Wroclaw Boy  
4 Oct 2008 /  #20
I'm Polish, not British.

Youre not Polish, you dont write polish, dont act polish, you cant be polish can you?
4 Oct 2008 /  #21
Evil donkey says take up smoking. Smoking is cool.

Don't you need to log out and create a new user-name to adopt another persona?
Dekameron  1 | 146  
4 Oct 2008 /  #22
I'm Polish, not British.

You're a brit.
4 Oct 2008 /  #23
He's a Polish Bloke.
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
4 Oct 2008 /  #24
I thought Bartolome Jones was a Welshman through and through.

Not many pirates were Polish. There even could be no Polish pirates. In that case someone has to start :)

Youre not Polish, you dont write polish, dont act polish, you cant be polish can you?

Who am I then ? Polish - Non-Polish - Briton - Non-Briton ?
I just prefer to by myself.
Wroclaw Boy  
4 Oct 2008 /  #25
He's a Polish Bloke.

Perhaps by birth but not by nature
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
4 Oct 2008 /  #26
Yeah, you may be right here.

Need advice re: Polish man. What can I do to make him interested?
Smile. Ask him how are his wife and kids. You'll find out if he's married then.
Wroclaw Boy  
4 Oct 2008 /  #27
Yeah, you may be right here.

Thank christ for that it can be done.

Regarding the topic.

Flirt I thought all women had this special power installed in them at birth, if that fails take the bull by the horns and bend over in front of him with a mini skirt and thong, that should do the trick.
OP Caro_Ireland  1 | 11  
4 Oct 2008 /  #28
You're all Brits you just come with different flags.

Oh dearie, you've done it there Dekameron, I'll have you know I am an Irish person from the deep south of the republic of Ireland, the free state as it would be known to Brits!! Calling me and my country men Brits is akin to calling Hitler a jew!

Smile. Ask him how are his wife and kids. You'll find out if he's married then.

Good advice there Bartolome, ta!
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
4 Oct 2008 /  #29
Good advice there Bartolome, ta!

I would also advise doing this not straightforward but gradually, eg. How do you like in Ireland, How do you manage, Are you with your family here etc. You're a big gal, you know your way ;)
Doubtfullove  4 | 28  
11 Oct 2008 /  #30
my polish boyfriend says...ask his name, say that he seems like a nice guy, and would he like to go for a coffee with you. Say he looks interesting and it would be nice to talk to him more. Say you are interested in learning more about the Polish culture as there are a lot of Polish people here.....and remember to speak slowly so he understands you. Sounds simple...!! Good luck.

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