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Poles' tolerance towards other Races

Dzhaklin  3 | 166  
29 Apr 2008 /  #152
Plain and Simple, Yes. That statement wouldn't be supported by any educated historian in the world.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
29 Apr 2008 /  #153
Really? You want to tell that africans or indians or whatever did more innovations and developments than the whites?

Do you have a source?
(I'm not talking the mesopotamian wheel or arabic numbers here...I'm talking the sum!)
z_darius  14 | 3960  
29 Apr 2008 /  #154
Where do you think the people who "slaughtered [the] native inhabitants and brough hundreds of thousands of slave labour from Africa" came from?

Some stories become legends, some never make it to main stream consciousness. We all know about Boston Tea Party. But do we all know what was the real and immediate cause of that party and the rebellion/independence to follow? Do we know that Europeans (namely the British monarchy) got in trouble with the Colonists because the Monarchy signed away the Indian Country (roughly the vast area in and around Illionois), The good-hearted settlers were pissed as they were about to be legally bound not to expand their presence towards the west anymore.

The couple centuries to follow weren't exactly years of racial nirvana either, and Martin Luther King was killed for making sure Americans paid attention to that.

You see... if someone makes a post with a statement that Poland is not worldly enough because of insufficient number of Africans and Asians why are you not looking closer at that racist statement?

What exactly is wrong with white people in Poland that they allegedly need some race mixing? That's what Poland is - it's inhabited by white people. They like it that way so let them decide if they want a change.

What exactly is wrong with some of the most liberal countries in the world that they bend over for the scum that ruins they way of life they worked for. Dutch, Norwegians or Swedes - other than being, per capita, the largest donors of foreign aid, what dd they do wrong to deserve the mess their countries are in?

Again, using what Krzysztof reminded us of, "my home is my castle" is a good way to put it. If the piece of garbage, whether he's black, pink or translucent, who made that racist post about Poland doesn't like it there then I wouldn't have a problem if he was shown the way out of the country and back to where he came from. I also sincerely hope that he is nabbed for his overstay in Poland and gets what he deserves from one of the more overzealous Polish cops, or fellow inmates in some county jail.
gdj67  15 | 154  
29 Apr 2008 /  #155
You disagree?

Was that aimed at me? Bboy?...............perhaps if you answered the question, I'd be more inclined to waste my time replying.

Waiting with baited breath!

EbonyandBathory  5 | 249  
29 Apr 2008 /  #156
You're saying that whites aren't priva

I will tell you what...the advantage was hard worked for and deserved.
Remember...we all started out from the same valley somewhere in Africa! But it's the whites which did most for the development of the world in the history of mankind...did you ever asked yourself WHY???

Even, if I grant that argument (which I don't), you say that whites had to earn their "superiority" but that was thousands of years ago. If you're not privileged, then what have YOU specifically done to "earn" the "superiority" that you claim. This question goes to Krzysztof as well.

Listen, I'm proud and happy to be white. But were lucky, plain and simple. And we haven't a clue what it is to be disinfranshised.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
29 Apr 2008 /  #157
Waiting with bated breath!

Hmm...no need to "waste your time" boy!
Nobody forces you to steep down and waste your time with a lowlife like me...:)

I don't know how I could possible enlighten a smart all knowing like you...
I was just asking an innocent question:
How it came that as we all started out the same it was the white race which conquered most of the world? Nothing more....
z_darius  14 | 3960  
29 Apr 2008 /  #158
Personally i think your theory is a tad extreme, especially when you claim rapes in Sweden have become the highest in Europe as a result of Muslim integration.

"Muslim integration"?
What do you mean by that? I thought were were trying to have a serious dsicussion here but you're just a joker.
Muslim integration. hahaha!

Yeah, allahu akbar.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
29 Apr 2008 /  #159
Even, if I grant that argument (which I don't), you say that whites had to earn their "superiority" but that was thousands of years ago.

Thousands of years ago??? And then??? We got retarded or what???

If you're not privileged, then what have YOU specifically done to "earn" the "superiority" that you claim. .

Some 400 years back after the 30 years war Germany lays in shambles...1/3 of the population was murdered...a whole generation traumatized living in abject desolation, hunger and destruction.

They came out of it!

Germany lays in shambles. The pariah of the world. 1/4 of the territory lost, 12 Million refugees had to be given shelter and food additionally to the famine and destruction!

They came out of it!

Germany get's re-united. A huge, immeasurable task starts to bring Eastern Germany up to western standards. Additionally to that the European Union needs to be supported and paid for. The world expects nothing less but a full success from the Germans even if other countries would be totally overwhelmed with such a task...and we did it! We are still doing it! Me to!

We are coming out of it...again!
Germany is again successfull!

Why is that that so many people want to flee into the US and Europe that the borders have to be guarded....everything just because we are "privileged"? No...we work hard for it! Damned hard...and it's not always that easy as you are making it out to be!
gdj67  15 | 154  
29 Apr 2008 /  #160
How it came that as we all started out the same it was the white race which conquered most of the world? Nothing more....

.............oh, that explains it, silly me!

You truly are a beacon of light in our dark labyrinth of tolerance. ...........now **** off and go to bed little boy.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
29 Apr 2008 /  #161
You truly are a beacon of light in our dark labyrinth of tolerance. ...........now **** off and go to bed little boy.

And your answer to my question would be?
gdj67  15 | 154  
29 Apr 2008 /  #162
like I said, ..............I couldn't be bothered to think about it, but you're obviously are an expect so give us the benifit of your superior wisdom and enlighten us ass hole!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
29 Apr 2008 /  #163
Please..........grow up ass hole.

Why don't you just answer my little question?
Getting rude is so easy....it seems the question seems to bother you
that much to that you try to offend me!
gdj67  15 | 154  
29 Apr 2008 /  #164
define white?
z_darius  14 | 3960  
29 Apr 2008 /  #166
Listen, I'm proud and happy to be white. But were lucky, plain and simple. And we haven't a clue what it is to be disinfranshised.

I'm with BW on that one. I see no luck in any of it. You may consider yourself lucky to be born into a society that had the will to achieve what it did, but as a collective entity, that society worked hard for where it is, and for what now is in danger of collapse.

I also think that as Europeans (including and perhaps mostly those who established the US of A) know very well what it meant to be disenfranchised. Many of them left their home countries BECAUSE they were disenfranchised in their own countries, and they and established societies with somewhat decent social, political and economic structures. Of course they are far from perfect but nevertheless the areas with this and similar systems are a magnet for all others.

Now what did the disenfranchised people of other backgrounds do? Where is South Africa now? Former Rhodesia? How did the freed American slaves do in Liberia? Ever considered emigrating to Liberia? Heck, even Africans stay away from the place and choose to move on North or West across the Atlantic. How is the ethnic mixing doing in Darfur?

European way of life is in grave danger of islamisation and that is not a good sign at all. It's nice and dandy to exchange cultural experiences but when those foreign experiences and their representatives threaten the very core and nature of the societies which are nice enough to give them shelter, then expect trouble.

The only sure thing in this world is change, so it is likely that the "privileged position" you admit you have will be gone and unavailable to others in the future. If Muslims will have it their way you will look at privilege not from an ethnic point of view but from the gender one. You will consider yourself lucky to not be a woman.
Krzysztof  2 | 971  
29 Apr 2008 /  #167
I couldn't be bothered to think

Maybe that's your problem ...
Calling for a tollerance in one post and calling names in the next one because you don't agree with someone else's POV.

If you're not privileged, then what have YOU specifically done to "earn" the "superiority" that you claim. This question goes to Krzysztof as well.

I'm not privileged. I was born a citizen of this country and I had to accept the duties this fact carries and the benefits it offers.

Ever heard of heritage? My forefathers built and shaped this country, for hundreds (or even thousands) of years, I inherited that from them, I'm adding my part to the job and some day will leave it to the next generation, that's how it works.

If I had to emigrate (because my life would be unbearable in this country) I would go to a place that would accept me, and I would accept what they expect from me or move on further in search of a place I fit in.

You see Poland had had significant minorities over the ages, we lost them not so long ago, because of WWII (Jews) and the borders shifting after that war (eastern parts of Poland), so we didn't chase them the hell out of Poland (this probably applies only to Germans, but we had reasons, no place to discuss it right now).

People from different countries were living here and they had their privileges (granted by Poland's rulers), they had their religions, customs and traditions, but they were at the same time subject to Polish laws and they didn't try to introduce theirs.

Mixing of the cultures and gen pools is fine as long as it happens spontaneously, two people (from different races, or at least nations) fall in love, they have babies, bring up those children imparting to them the traditions of both cultures (and teaching them to accept the host country's rules). Mutual agreement that's what it should be.

From your posts, however, I got the impression that you would like somehow to "order" race mixing as a rule, it never was and probably never will be.

You say that race mixing was historically beneficial, but why did it happen? Some people were invaded, women raped or people chose to "mix" with the invader to get some privileges, to make their lives better. But the first impulse was to fight, to defend their land. Now that invasions don't happen that often, most countries have some kind of immigration laws to prevent uncontrolled influx of human masses.

Germany, for example, is one of many European Union countries that doesn't allow Poles to work (hence settle, unless you're that reach that you can live in Germany and work somewhere else) there freely (like UK and some smaller countries did). They're doing it to prevent their (economic) heritage, they've worked for what they have and don't want to give it to 2-5 millions Poles that would "invade" their land if the labour market was completely open. I don't see a problem with that. And I don't see Polish people being outraged by the fact that Germans deny us their privileges (because according to your reasoning they are much more privileged than us).
southern  73 | 7059  
30 Apr 2008 /  #168
Germany, for example, is one of many European Union countries that doesn't allow Poles to work

It is short sighted policy,the Germans will see the consequences if they continue to rely exclusively on their own and turkish labor.

Today we see 20 million less Russians than in 1991 because life expectancy in Russia has dropped to 58 years for men.2 million less Poles in Poland who have immigrated.10 million less Ukrainians(from 58 million to 48 million) in Ukraine.Hundreds of thousands of Serbs less because of the war.

All this implies that there is serious reduction in number of slavic folks.In my opinion what Europe needs is an increase of slavic population at least to pre-1991 levels and even more.Slavic countries have to increase the birth rates to prevent the invasion of non-whites who inevitably will come to fill in the gaps.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
30 Apr 2008 /  #169
All western countries face that birth-problem.

But that hasn't to be a probem! To have many children is a third world thing because these are often the only means for the parents to have a guarantee of surviving (and of the high child death rate).

The more rich and sophisticated the societies become the less is the need to breed like rabbits.
Additionally uncontrolled breeding is conterproductive to the goal to retain a inhabitable world...there are only so far humans the world can bear.

PS: The mutual agreement of restraints for labour forces on one side and the possibility to buy land on the other side are ending soon I think...
BubbaWoo  33 | 3502  
30 Apr 2008 /  #170
To have many children is a third world thing

too many children and not enough food is a 3rd world thing...

... which starts to make europe look worryingly attractive to a lot of hungry people
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
30 Apr 2008 /  #171
... which starts to make europe look worryingly attractive to a lot of hungry people

But instead to become like Europeans Europe will become like the third world if we don't control that....
isaguzman  - | 1  
15 May 2008 /  #172
You know, the only one thing they have is to think they are better than those "blacks, hispanics, asian ppl"etc.

Blacks , hispanics, asians people, like you said are PEOPLE like every human in this world. If Polish people are catholics they don't have to be racist. Because for God we are all the same. I know hispanic people that are very well educated like polish people are. It is not a good idea to fell better, thinking that you are more than other people. You have to think you are better because of the challenges you won and your own merit. I think polish people have to feel well because of them selves.

By An hispanic
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11898  
15 May 2008 /  #173
Easy question then:

Where are the masses of Whites invading hispanic lands in search for a better life???

(No...tourists don't count!)

Somehow Whites manage their countries better, isn't it? Why do you think that is so?
hotchocolate  - | 2  
30 May 2008 /  #174
no offence but ur colour skin doesn't define how clever u r and if it was this way well...that would be the stiupest thing i ever heard. and no offence to pols (im half polish!) there is no way they are better than hispanic!! and about white people doing better in the world well...what can i say first of all if africa wasn't colonised for sooooo long and taken into slavery by WHITE poeple im sure they would be so colled 'developed world' instead of 'developing world'. i mean how where they suppose to live with white people breathing down their neck. honestly how is this fair to judge them now after all they've been through becouse of european??
Kilkline  1 | 682  
30 May 2008 /  #175
no offence to pols (im half polish!) there is no way they are better than hispanic!!

Educational, vocational and criminological statistics would contradict you on this point I think.

if africa wasn't colonised for sooooo long and taken into slavery by WHITE poeple

How long was this 'soooo long'? Longer than India was colonised by the Brits? The Indians arent using the days of the Raj as an excuse for their own shortcomings. Slavery existed in Africa before white people colonised the place. Also, this slavery could not have existed without the willing participation of a large section of the indigeneous popilation either. In short, stop blaming Whitey!

how is this fair to judge them now after all they've been through becouse of european??

How much time is an acceptable period before we can say 'err, actually you people aint running the place too well and you need to get your act together.' 100 years? 200?

History obviously plays its part in every countries current position. However to say that the current situation in Africa is entirely the result of 19th century European colonisation is bollox. Its more the fault of endemic corruption, ethnic strife and an AIDs epidemic. All these factor are created and worsened massively by the cultural norms of Africa.
6 Jun 2008 /  #176
'I suppose its down to who you are as person and how determined you are to achive your goals.' ....totally!

There are many shades of work and not everyone wants to work in an office, but at least to be appreciated for the skill they have be it laborer or beuracrat.

I think its unfair that people who actually make the country work get paid low wages>> what's more long hours.
Puzzy  1 | 150  
6 Jun 2008 /  #177
Poles' tolerance towards other Races

I though that would be a more interesting topic

- Well, I suspect a still even more interesting topic for a Pole can be: 'Other races' tolerance towards the Poles.' For instance, how about Ukrainian 'tolerance' towards the Poles? Mirandovaya should know something about it.

hotchocolate  - | 2  
17 Jun 2008 /  #178
whthever Kilkline i still think that no one should judge others cos of their skin colour. skin colour doesn't make u any more cleverer etc and if u think otherwise then it only shows how soooo not[i][/i] clever you are!
brazilii  8 | 97  
17 Jun 2008 /  #179
Educational, vocational and criminological statistics would contradict you on this point I think.

Have you ever heard about Incas and Astecas?? And how further developed their culture was from the european one??? Clearly you haven`t...
There is nothing to do with race or skin colour. You are definitely stupid. What`s your color skin????????????????????
z_darius  14 | 3960  
17 Jun 2008 /  #180
Have you ever heard about Incas and Astecas?? And how further developed their culture was from the european one???

could you elaborate?

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