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Why do Poles drink so much?

OP lef  11 | 477  
22 Jul 2006 /  #31
I was only joking, there is nothing wrong with having a beer of two, however I still believe that poles drink to excess and thats unfortuanate.

Further the price of alcohol compared to wages is very expensive.
You must be a desperate in buying polish cigarettes, as a ex smoker polish cigarettes are rubbish and do not compare to known western brands
22 Jul 2006 /  #32
I see that some of you have dificoulties in reading simple numbers, so I`m going repeat them once again:

Alcohol consumption - Liters (litres) per capita (pop. aged 15+)

1960 1970 1980 1990 1995 1999 2000 2001 2002
Australia 9.4 11.6 12.9 10.5 9.6 9.9
Austria 10.9 13.9 13.8 12.6 11.9 11.4 11.3
Belgium 8.9 12.3 14 12.1 11.1 10.2
Canada 7.2 8.7 11.1 9.2 7.4 7.6 7.7 7.8
Czech Rep 11.8 11.3 11.6 11.9 11.8 11.8 11.9
Denmark 5.5 8.6 11.7 11.7 12.1 11.6 11.5 11.4 11.2
Finland 2.7 5.8 7.9 9.5 8.3 8.6 8.6 9 9.2
France 16.8 16.1 12.7 11.5 10.7 10.5
Germany 7.5 13.4 13.8 11.1 10.6 10.5 10.4 10.4
Greece 13.2 10.7 10.6 10.5 9.4
Hungary 8.2 11.5 14.9 13.9 12.2 12.2 12.3 13.4
Iceland 3.8 4.3 5.2 4.8 5.9 6.1 6.3 6.5
Ireland 4.9 7 9.6 11.2 11.5 13.8 14.2 14.5 14.3
Italy 16.6 18.2 13.2 10.9 10.4 9 8.7
Japan 6.9 8.1 8.9 8.6 8.3 8.2
Korea 9.1 8.9 9.2 8.9 8.5 9.2
Luxembourg 13.1 15.6 14.7 14.8 15 14.9
Mexico 3.5 4.9 5.1 4.8 4.6
Netherlands 3.7 7.7 11.3 9.9 9.8 10.1 10
New Zealand 5.3 9.8 11.8 10.1 9.4 8.9 8.9 8.8 9.2
Norway 3.4 4.7 5.3 5 4.8 5.5 5.7 5.5 5.9
Poland 8.3 8.2 8.6 8.5
Portugal 14.9 16.1 14.6 13.2 13
Slovak Rep 6.9 12.8 14.5 13.4 10.3 10 8.9 8.7 8.8
Spain 16.1 18.5 13.5 11.4 11.7 11.7
Sweden 4.8 7.2 6.7 6.4 6.2 6.1 6.2 6.5 6.9
Switzerland 12.1 14.2 13.5 12.9 11.4 11.1 11.2 11 10.8
Turkey 0.9 1.1 1.8 1.4 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.4
UK 7.1 9.4 9.8 9.4 10.3 10.4 10.7 11.1
US 7.8 9.5 10.5 9.3 8.1 8.2 8.3

Source: OECD HEALTH DATA 2004, 1st edition

well when i was in poland last year in brzeg, i saw a lot of drunk people out on the streets, they werent bothering anyone or anything but they were sure as hell drunk. It was my first time in poland since i left for the states and when i got back and told my mom about what has happened to her town she said that its always been like that so, i dont think that we drink too much, but when we do drink we like to get drunk.

Really - do you know that unlike in other countries the drunks here are immediatly removed from the street and placed in isolation untill they are able to walk on their feet.

Perhaps it`s not the case in some smalltowns, but everywhere else that`s the case.

btw. I find it amazing that people from countries where people drink almost TWICE as much alcohole as we do dare to open their mouths and criticize us.
rafik  18 | 589  
22 Jul 2006 /  #33
ok lef.read it again.wujeks data do not include people under 15.what i see here in the uk is that a lot of people under that age get drunk on regular basis.this is a massive problem here and BRITS do NOT deny it.i am sure that BINGE drinking is a huge problem in australia too and it is not because of foreigners
22 Jul 2006 /  #34
why do poles drink so much?? and enjoy "getting stuck in the grog"

Cos they are drunks
22 Jul 2006 /  #35
We have a large influx of people from other countries, so this might have something to do with the stats....or are you referring to Brits abroad??? who cant handle the local brewe!

Look, whilst I'm proud to be English, I am ashamed at the behaviour of the British Morons who drink more than they can handle, I can only apologies for these bafoons


I have been living in England for 4 years.I worked in Poland in an bank and work in England i an bank- in general quite similar kind of job.

I would assume that people should be similar- but not. I Poland we liked sometimes to go for a few drinks just a nice social meeting of people who work together.

But in England I hear so often " I had ..... pints during weekend" only good night is get completely p...off. It is maybe culture difference. I feel nearly embarrased to admit ok I can have a few drinks but I can live without it. Not a big deal.I can enjoy myself without it. But I have impression that people who don't drink are seen as boring but people who drink are cool.
22 Jul 2006 /  #36
I used to drink at least one beer a day for the last 10 years. But one time I told to myself - from today on I will not drink a drop of alcohol (it was health-related). 6 months now elapsed and I feel as good as never before - without a single sip of an alcohol.... And yes, I'm Polish..:).
OP lef  11 | 477  
22 Jul 2006 /  #37
excessive consumption of alcohol problem and drug abuse is a problem in every country, in australia, I'm quite sure the poms have there problems too, from my observations it is pretty bad in poland....also have you noticed almost everone smokes in poland whereas in western countries the smoking population is decreasing.

One thing I have noticed on this forum is any criticism of poland brings a swift response from the likes of this bloke wujek.
This is a discussion site and everyone can share his opinion
22 Jul 2006 /  #38
There was a time when I liked drinking vodka - but I haven`t touched any alcochole since many years.
22 Jul 2006 /  #39
Are you sick or something? :). Generally moderate alcohol consumtion is actually good for you health.
annab  6 | 23  
22 Jul 2006 /  #40
Generally moderate alcohol consumtion is actually good for you health.

Well, on rare occasions I think. On the long run it's better to be an abstynent after all.
rafik  18 | 589  
22 Jul 2006 /  #41
from my observations it is pretty bad in poland....

well it comes from that,that a lot of people ,lets say, australians think that getting drunk on vodka is worse than getting drunk on beer so if i drunk half a botle of vodka i would be called a drunkard. if you drunk 6 beers you would say thats nothing-it,s just a few beers with the dinner.

also have you noticed almost everone smokes in poland whereas in western countries the smoking population is decreasing.

that is absoutely not true at least from the place i live.a lot of british(lots of them under the age of 15) DO smoke and i can't see much difference between poland and england
23 Jul 2006 /  #42
Lef, lighten up. I know Im new here, but Ive been going through the posts and I have seen quite a few of yours. Why are you so Anti Poland and Pro Australia? Especially if you share some cultural BG with Poland you should be a little less narrow minded. And FYI, Poland had LESS drunks and LESS smokers then I saw, compared to when I was in Australia. Australia had so many drunks and smokers, especially teenagers that I was shocked. You seem to imply that Australia is the best country in the world. It is not. Poland is not worse then Australia and in many ways it is probably better. Every country has its probems, every country has something better to offer and every country has good and bad people. Why are u always trying to single out Poland as being a place rude people who are cheats, liers, blah blah blah... then I can say Australia is a place of bums who mix up their snobbish manners for some sort of pride. Seriously lighten up!
truebrit  3 | 196  
23 Jul 2006 /  #43
We do have a big problem here in Britain with the drinking mentality.On Friday night people go to a pub to get as drunk as possible.In some places it is difficult for sober people or families with young children to visit town centres on Friday night because of the drunken behaviour(even from girls)of gangs of people.No Shelley - it is nothing to do with foreigners.It was only when I went to other countries in Europe(especially southern Europe)that I experienced a more sensible/civilized way of drinking.I think the Polish have a problem with vodka but at least (in the UK)they mostly sit at home drinking themselves senseless and not annoying anyone else.
23 Jul 2006 /  #44

Why Do British people drink so much? Is it frustration, loneliness? You are rich country with very law unemplyment . I don't understand it. I was reading article in Daily Mail saying that in general you are not very happy nation. I don't want to judge it as I have lived in England only for 4 years- but I think that there are probably 2 main reasons for it:

- people are not very close a s a families
-lack of some spirituality ( religion?)
bolo  2 | 304  
23 Jul 2006 /  #45
People drink so much all over the world it seems...
truebrit  3 | 196  
23 Jul 2006 /  #46
Why Do British people drink so much? Is it frustration, loneliness?

No it is not frustration or loneliness

I was reading article in Daily Mail saying that in general you are not very happy nation.

Do not believe the Daily Mail-they hate the government here so like to make Britain sound miserable.Actually,a recent European survey found the British(or English) are among the most content/happy in Europe

A Chinese visitor to Britain 200 years ago said the same thing about the British - many like to get blind drunk.I think some people just don't know how to enjoy themselves without drinking too much.

- people are not very close a s a families
-lack of some spirituality ( religion?)

Yes,this is true -and has been for a long time
23 Jul 2006 /  #47
A Chinese visitor to Britain 200 years ago said the same thing about the British - many like to get blind drunk.

It still hasn't changed, has it.
24 Jul 2006 /  #48
Im catholic and see my family throughout the week....doesnt stop me having a glass of wine with dinner with them!.....it's a social thing!

Are you sick or something? . Generally moderate alcohol consumtion is actually good for you health.

I think that ifWujek_Dobra_Rada doesnt want to drink thats fine, there are lots of people that dont.....and I think you should leave stupid comments like that out of it.

But I have impression that people who don't drink are seen as boring but people who drink are cool.

Completely wrong some of my best nights have been had when I havent had a drink, I enjoy a glass of vino with dinner when I have friends round, I also enjoy a social drink with friends, I dont get too trollied, not an attractive look for a woman. I do agree with you that the English are stupid when it comes to drink...not sure how this happened, I was a late starter and didnt particularly like drink and only started to enjoy the odd glass in my mid 20is

t European survey found the British(or English) are among the most content/happy in Europe

I am!
24 Jul 2006 /  #49
I've heard Poles in Poland also smoke A LOT (of cigarettes). True?
25 Jul 2006 /  #50
not really. probably the same like here.
25 Jul 2006 /  #51
Can I ask one questions and I am the first person to enjoy a cold beer, why do poles drink so much?? and enjoy "getting stuck in the grog"

dear troll, if you informed yourself properly you would have noticed that it's actually the dutch that drink too much compared to any other country in the EU, and the same goes for drugs.

and yes, I feel ashamed for this sudden increase of alcohol abuse in my country. I think our nation could learn something from the other EU countries.

ps: I rarely drink, and I never used any type of drugs in my whole life thank you. :) people here say I'm old fashioned. and I'm happy to be. :)

anyway, most of the polish people I know myself don't drink that much, I've been to a lot of polish parties and I think they know how to behave themselves. :)

thank you for your *cough* genuine interest concerning polish matters. :)
25 Jul 2006 /  #52
I wouldnt have a clue, but I will say one thing I didnt see any kids on street corners smoking like they do England ( I can say this, I'm English and I'm not spitting on my own country, I have havent been sponging off my lefti gov. for years and hmmmm I think I have covered all points of attack there!)

I think there are a lot of pre-misconceptions about Poland and its inhabitants - from my experience the people were nice (service could be quicker - but hey hoe Im on holiday and in no rush) food was very good, didnt see any drunk Polish people - only the fucking idiots on stag parties and as for smoking I didn't have one 10 year old come up to me asking if I had a spare cig!
OP lef  11 | 477  
25 Jul 2006 /  #53
Lef, lighten up. I know Im new here, but Ive been going through the posts and I have seen quite a few of yours. Why are you so Anti Poland

Your the one who likes throwing mud, don't get your 'knickers in a knot' and just remember because we may' beg to differ' dosn't mean we have to declare war.
26 Jul 2006 /  #54
'knickers in a knot'

lol.... the last person to say that to me was my 2nd grade teacher when i made a fuss over clearning the dusters.... she was british.... normally id hear ''dont get ur panties in a twist''...

Who said I was declaring war :) I dont think people would survive if i declared a war hahaha
26 Jul 2006 /  #55
why do English drink so much???? iwonka-guest

It is British not the English!!!!!! :)
26 Jul 2006 /  #56

Excuse me! people generally referring to 'British' are referring to English.....as most people can differentiate between, England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales - I think your use of ?????? is a sign of inadequacies to, slightly frustrated are you...

Shouldn’t you be out fixing fridges or something......or are you still trying to find some cheap labour

robersts is a Cock!
rafik  18 | 589  
26 Jul 2006 /  #57
robersts is a Cock!

are you saying he is a bird??:)
26 Jul 2006 /  #58

Hummm not quite.....
26 Aug 2006 /  #59
What's wrong with booze? I LOVE IT!!! have been drunk in every country i have travelled too (which is extensive) never smoked and still to this day run marathons... And i'm happy believe me.. And good on the Aussies had many good nights on the grog with them, and i'm a Pom...

Shelly you just suck up to people and Wujek you want to get out more matey before you go blind... I couldn't care less where people are from or what their personal preferences are to drink etc.. Every person i have met on my travels i treat as an individual not because of their race or religion.

Now i've mentioned the booze i could really go a nice cold pint now..

beachcomber  1 | 7  
9 Jan 2007 /  #60
Jan 9, 07 [12:56] - Attached on merging:
Polish drinking habits

I live in the UK and have made friends with several Polish people. I always considered myself someone who liked a drink (not that I'm an alcoholic or anything)! However I have to be honest and admit that all the Poles I know can literally drink me under the table - male or female. Is it fair to assume that Poles are therfore better drinkers than the English?

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