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What to wear for winter in Poland

elfshmelf 1 | -  
29 Nov 2008 /  #1
i will be visiting warsaw this coming december.
i really would like to fit in and stand out, fashion wise =3
but first i want to know the normal wear though?
what is it?
what do girls normally wear during winter?
i got some boots, skinny jeans, gloves, scarf, hat...
pictures would be much appreciated!
whats IN and wooots not =P
philip - | 7  
29 Nov 2008 /  #2
I think a cool thing to do is people post their pics of the winter wear hats coats and gloves :)....Even if in England :)
On the Whats in...You see that's what I dont like about England...Everyone is snobby...Like "Oh you're not wearing what is hot in magazines" Why do people do that...I do like people wearing what they want...But then that is what you want and not this annoying fashion thing I see...Actually it is funny because All I see in england is the same Jacket 100x...and the irony that is fashion :P

Don't get me wrong...if the person is a friendly person who likes others who are wearing "non-fashion" clothes then I dont mind so please don't think I am being horrible to you...I'm not :)
moonlight 6 | 103  
29 Nov 2008 /  #3
I would say wear what you normally wear.... its who you are....but i think with boots and jeans you can't go wrong.
29 Nov 2008 /  #4
True but they have to be the right type of jeans and boots though.

LondonChick 31 | 1133  
29 Nov 2008 /  #5
Fashions are pretty much the the same in Warsaw as they are everywhere else in the world. You've got all the usual suspects, H&M... Zara... Benetton etc.

Having said that, I tend to dress a bit on the conservative side when I'm in Poland.
wildrover 98 | 4436  
29 Nov 2008 /  #6
Well i am going to wear a mini skirt and boots...who cares if its in fashion.....
Wroclaw 44 | 5365  
29 Nov 2008 /  #7
i got some boots, skinny jeans, gloves, scarf, hat...

You might need a long sweater. It will look like a short skirt when you are wearing your short (parka style) jacket/coat.

of course very many women wear long coats too.

If it's black it's good.

There are quite a few styles and mixed styles in Poland at the moment.

Make sure that the jeans are tucked into the boots and that the boots have only a low to medium heel.
29 Nov 2008 /  #8
Only problem there Wroclaw is that brown is the colour at the moment :)


And wildrover, minis are probably fashionable if they are worn over jeans or trousers etc do they tolerate tranvestites in Poland then ? My Mom and Dad never taught me about them so I don't know about them in Poland!

Elf, joking apart, anything goes really. Just wear whatever you would wear in the UK and you will be fine :)
wildrover 98 | 4436  
29 Nov 2008 /  #9
tolerate tranvestites in Poland then ?

Highly unlikely i would have thought.....
Switezianka - | 463  
29 Nov 2008 /  #10
i got some boots, skinny jeans, gloves, scarf, hat...

Get a pair of tights to wear under the jeans.
Hats stand out - unless worn by elderly ladies. It's not what girls usually wear, and, btw, a hat is not good for frosty weather - getter get something that would cover your ears.

Gloves and a scarf are a must.
Make sure your boots don't soak easily - temperatures around 0 are very common in December, so there's a lot of mud and half-melted snow in pavements. It's a good idea to wear skinny jeans with boots because boots are easier to clean that jeans :-)
Polonius3 983 | 12333  
29 Nov 2008 /  #11
I may be wrong, but I would have thought the original questioner's interest was in how to dress for Poland's winter weather. Standing at a tram stop (and the shelters don't help much) in a blizzard amid -20 degree temperatures is no picnic.Winters in Poland are far harsher than in the British Isles, whether one is clad in Versace, Benneton, Gucci or Made in China stuff.
wildrover 98 | 4436  
29 Nov 2008 /  #12
Well i am going for some ex army arctic clothing , a Russian furry hat , army patrol boots , and thermal undies , not the height of fashion , but good for survival.....
Wroclaw 44 | 5365  
29 Nov 2008 /  #13
Standing at a tram stop (and the shelters don't help much) in a blizzard amid -20 degree temperatures is no picnic.

Fashion overrides temperature. And how often does it get to -20 ?

Only problem there Wroclaw is that brown is the colour at the moment :)

Yes, I've noticed some brown too. So, if that's what you have elfshmelf, it will be OK.

Many wear a scarf outside of their coat, not inside.
Switezianka - | 463  
29 Nov 2008 /  #14
Wildrover, I actually wear a furry Russian ushanka in winter...

And how often does it get to -20 ?

It sometimes happens, so elfshmelf should be prepared...
MrBubbles 10 | 613  
29 Nov 2008 /  #15
i will be visiting warsaw this coming december.
i really would like to fit in and stand out, fashion wise =3
but first i want to know the normal wear though?

Condoms are always popular
wildrover 98 | 4436  
29 Nov 2008 /  #16
Russian ushanka

oh so thats the proper name....actually mine is a Russian military hat...very warm...
LondonChick 31 | 1133  
29 Nov 2008 /  #17
Winters in Poland are far harsher than in the British Isles, whether one is clad in Versace, Benneton, Gucci or Made in China stuff.

I've experienced -20 in Moscow and was absolutely fine wearing Mulberry and Gap... if I remember rightly. I think that my suit was by DKNY too...
Seanus 15 | 19669  
29 Nov 2008 /  #18
Winters in Poland CAN BE harsher than in the British Isles but not necessarily. With the exception of 2005, I have experienced many colder winters back home.
29 Nov 2008 /  #19
Wear either an ss uniform or russian military wear.
wildrover 98 | 4436  
29 Nov 2008 /  #20
an ss uniform

Have you got one i can borrow.....????
plk123 8 | 4134  
29 Nov 2008 /  #21
Well i am going to wear a mini skirt and boots...who cares if its in fashion.....

don't for get the dog collar buddy.

I may be wrong, but I would have thought the original questioner's interest was in how to dress for Poland's winter weather. Standing at a tram stop (and the shelters don't help much) in a blizzard amid -20 degree temperatures is no picnic.Winters in Poland are far harsher than in the British Isles, whether one is clad in Versace, Benneton, Gucci or Made in China stuff.

yeah but the author is a chick. who cares if she's warm as long as she looks gooooooood. :D

It sometimes happens, so elfshmelf should be prepared...

in december?

Wear either an ss uniform or russian military wear.

LondonChick 31 | 1133  
29 Nov 2008 /  #22
Winters in Poland CAN BE harsher than in the British Isles but not necessarily. With the exception of 2005, I have experienced many colder winters back home.

Exactly - UK winters may not be colder in terms of numbers, but they feel much worse because they are damp. Same principles as kriotherapy, which I had last time I was in Poland...
Seanus 15 | 19669  
29 Nov 2008 /  #23
Especially in coastal areas where I lived. You get the wind chill coming in from a frozen sea area.
29 Nov 2008 /  #24
You get the wind chill

but they feel much worse because they are damp.

Sounds like where I am at present. We have had ice cold freezing fog for 48 hours now, visibility is less than one yard. It's now nearing minus 3 degrees. It's very cold <nearly used another word then> Lol.

Seanus 15 | 19669  
29 Nov 2008 /  #25
Freezing is not censored ;)
29 Nov 2008 /  #26
what do girls normally wear during winter?

ciepłe majtki (warm-winter-grandma-style panties)... as my Grandma used to say...
29 Nov 2008 /  #27
I love my sheepskin boots.......I'd sleep in them if I was allowed lol

Seanus 15 | 19669  
29 Nov 2008 /  #28
Show us those panties, pgtx, give us a laugh ;)

Sheepskin boots, hey, stop right there. That's my kind you are attacking, LOL
29 Nov 2008 /  #29
Show us those panties, pgtx, give us a laugh ;)

it's hard to handle for some...

  • ...
Seanus 15 | 19669  
29 Nov 2008 /  #30
I don't think I'll be asking my fiancee to model them for me. I have such a horrible image of stinky old biddies donning them in the morning, not to be removed for a few days :(

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