I read an article recently here it spoke about Scientology coming to Poland - I think back in 2007 or something? I personally think this is a pretty mixed up, aggressive and rather nasty religion but I was intrigued to know if anyone has had any experience with the Church of Scientology particularly here in Poland?
I read an article recently here it spoke about Scientology coming to Poland - I think back in 2007 or something? I personally think this is a pretty mixed up, aggressive and rather nasty religion but I was intrigued to know if anyone has had any experience with the Church of Scientology particularly here in Poland?
The church of scientology, a political and religious group accused of mind control and embezzlement has opened its mission in Poland and is working unofficially, recruiting and training new members. Radosław Gruca, a journalist of the Dziennik daily has managed to infiltrate the organization:
'I've managed to get into the first under cover organization, called in the scientologist language "I-help" and I did a few scientologist courses. I was told that you can be a Catholic and scientologist at the same time, which is untrue, because they believe in reincarnation, past life and aliens - this is all pretty weird.'
'I've managed to get into the first under cover organization, called in the scientologist language "I-help" and I did a few scientologist courses. I was told that you can be a Catholic and scientologist at the same time, which is untrue, because they believe in reincarnation, past life and aliens - this is all pretty weird.'