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Scientology in Poland

Jay24  12 | 64  
28 Sep 2009 /  #1
I read an article recently here it spoke about Scientology coming to Poland - I think back in 2007 or something? I personally think this is a pretty mixed up, aggressive and rather nasty religion but I was intrigued to know if anyone has had any experience with the Church of Scientology particularly here in Poland?

The church of scientology, a political and religious group accused of mind control and embezzlement has opened its mission in Poland and is working unofficially, recruiting and training new members. Radosław Gruca, a journalist of the Dziennik daily has managed to infiltrate the organization:

'I've managed to get into the first under cover organization, called in the scientologist language "I-help" and I did a few scientologist courses. I was told that you can be a Catholic and scientologist at the same time, which is untrue, because they believe in reincarnation, past life and aliens - this is all pretty weird.'

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
28 Sep 2009 /  #2

Poland wants everything the West has. Unfortunately abcesses like Scientology are also part of the Western world. How sad this may be. Just don't give in to any of their promises, proposals or question. When they start talking to you on the street, just walk on and ignore them. I know it's hard because it's new, but believe me, you don't want to get mixed up with these guys.

M-G (saw the struggle of a friend who made this mistake)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
28 Sep 2009 /  #3
Poland wants everything the West has.

Like whorish teens, drugs and p*ss shallow culture, totally lets go for it.

abcesses like Scientology are also part of the Western world. How sad this may be. Just don't give in to any of their promises,

As far as i know Scientology is banned in Poland which is why they were never able to set up shop officially and even their illegal front has trouble since its attacked from all sides by aware institutions and by the CC.
OP Jay24  12 | 64  
28 Sep 2009 /  #4
When they start talking to you on the street, just walk on and ignore them

Too true. What amazes me is the fact that they charge for membership (or access to higher levels of information) and they consider themselves a religion!
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
28 Sep 2009 /  #5
Scientologists believe that when they die they are taken to a station in Venus where they are cleansed and then return to earth.

I would far rather believe that a virgin got pregnant to a guy that was also his father and then died but then came alive again and lets bad stuff happen now and then to make him look smart ( cos only he knows why it happened ).Oh, and he also gave Scotland a s**te football team.
mvefa  5 | 591  
28 Sep 2009 /  #6
Anything is more believable than that scientology bullsh*t. I cannot believe that some people would fall for it, their doctrine is retarded AND besides the fact that the founder of this "sect" was taken to court in the USA, because somebody revealed his statements about this sect:

"There is no easier way to get richt than by begining a religion"

Any doubts still?
PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
28 Sep 2009 /  #7
I read an article recently (sorry couldn't find the link) but it spoke about Scientology coming to Poland - I think back in 2007 or something?

Is it [freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1815661/posts] this one?
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
28 Sep 2009 /  #8
and p*ss shallow culture

We do have some more depth than that. It just depends on how far you wanna look for it. We do have our brilliant authors, musicians, painters, etc.

they charge for membership

Like I said, unfortunately you have abcesses like this. However, in a way all churches charge :) In Holland (and I don't know if it's still like that), you will have to start paying "church-tax" when you're 18 or older. And Although it's voluntarily, when at the end of mass that bag goes round for your "free" gifts, ppl will look strange at you when you don't drop a coin or two in there :)

But my opinion about Scientology is: let's get rid of it asap.

M-G (never mind Tom Cruise and John Travolta)
OP Jay24  12 | 64  
29 Sep 2009 /  #9
Is it this one?

Thanks PolskaDoll, think this is the one :)

never mind Tom Cruise and John Travolta

Talking of John Travolta, see link. His son who recently passed away was suspected of having autism but scientology doesn't even recognise this as a condition. How fcuked up is this religion!

PolskaDoll  27 | 1591  
29 Sep 2009 /  #10
Thanks PolskaDoll, think this is the one :)

Good. :) I read it a while back. I'll pop it into the first post as well. :)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
29 Sep 2009 /  #11
Scientologists believe that when they die they are taken to a station in Venus where they are cleansed and then return to earth.

To be specific Scientologists believe that an alien emperor brought dissident alien in space jumbo jets (according to Hubbard) down to Earth and dumped them all into volcanoes killing them and we are reincaranted souls of these guys, it stuff gets better but i dont remeber the details.

How fcuked up is this religion!

Woah buddy, its not a religion its a sect, a dangeorous one at that, they use slave labor, branwashing, abduction and mobbing.

in a way all churches charge :)

Not 100k dollars.

We do have some more depth than that. It just depends on how far you wanna look for it. We do have our brilliant authors, musicians, painters, etc.

Yes you do but to what degree is it present in your modern culture?
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
29 Sep 2009 /  #12
Scientology was started by the miscreant L.Ron Hubbard as a money making scam, and so it remains...They have been convicted on a number of Federal criminal counts in the USA...But, what is not so well known is that Scientology had early links to Aleister Crowley's OTO, AND also had links to the US NASA space agency.
sadieann  2 | 205  
29 Sep 2009 /  #13
Scientology's beliefs were written by a science fiction author, L. Ron Hubbard. Principal: A human is an immortal 'alien' spirit trapped on Earth in a physical body...How can anyone believe this religion considering who wrote the doctrine? Side note: <LOL> Sex is equated as a numb emotion and equated to an applause. Most can agree that they happen to be applauders.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
29 Sep 2009 /  #14
L.Ron is a complete caricature of himself. Why would anyone take him seriously? Bozo the Clown might as well start his own religion. He'd make a lot of money.
jonni  16 | 2475  
30 Sep 2009 /  #15
Scientology had early links to Aleister Crowley's OTO

Only as far as L. Ron Hubbard slightly knew Jack Parsons, for a month or two.

I have a couple of friends here who are Scientologists, a married couple. They've never tried to to convert me, I've never asked questions. It's part of their life, which I respect but am outside. I understand Scientology is expensive. They're very rich, let them spend their money how they choose.

But if the chips were down, I'd trust them more than most Christians I know.

We've all seen the documentary films knocking Scientology - but for Xeno's sake give them a break, some of them are decent people.

mvefa  5 | 591  
30 Sep 2009 /  #16
Yes you do but to what degree is it present in your modern culture?

It craks me up how eastern-europeans catalogue everything that comes from the west as shallow or superficial. We are not, or if we are is at the same dregree as eastern-europeans. We 've got the same desires you've got ( health,a nice house, a car, money to spend, a good job,etc etc) the difference is that the majority in the west is able to afford it, that does not make us shallow. If you were sooooo spiritual and pure you would not come to the west in herds to make better money and afford your bmw, right?

some of them are decent people.

Decent but stupid :P
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
30 Sep 2009 /  #17
If you were sooooo spiritual and pure you would not come to the west in herds to make better money and afford your bmw, right?

Second that :)

But anyhow, mfeva is right: we in the West get a bit tired of hearing all those Eastern Europeans talking about how shallow we are, greedy and arteficial and how "superior" their culture is. Well, if that is the case: you guys tried to imitate us for such a long time and a quick search on YouTube for Polish pop-vids from the 60's proves that you have been doing so even before the fall of the Iron Curtain. After the Revolution, you were more than happy to come to us and buy our second-hand cars and clothes and all. And when you guys became part of the EU a true Tsunami followed into the Western countries that were so unwise to leave their borders open. Golddiggers coming to profit from the West and most of them sending their earnings home to the Motherland, thereby causing their hosts to lose millions, if not billions of Euros and enrichening the Motherland. And besides, nearly everything you have at home was at some point invented in the West, not in PL, not in Russia or anywhere else. If you guys despise Western culture so much, why then do you try to imitate it as much as you do? Why don't you stop using Western products and live off the land as according to you guys is more superior than what we do in the West?

I originally wanted to name a few famous names here, but I guess you can dream up some very wellknown names of artists from the West.

Yes you do but to what degree is it present in your modern culture?

Don't know about the other countries, but in the Netherlands we do have a tradition of stimulating Literature and Arts. Plus we have of course our famous museums...

Don't think that we all condone this "culture" of Top40, MTV and stuff like that, because we don't. At least, not all of us. And when I look at an overview of Polish television, I must say, the difference is not that big. It's worse in PL than it is in NL.

M-G (tsk)
jwojcie  2 | 762  
30 Sep 2009 /  #18
I used to love Star Trek, but not to the point of making from it my religion ;-)
If you are interested, what Jean-Luc Picard would say to Scientologist try this:

those Eastern Europeans talking about how shallow we are, greedy and arteficial and how "superior" their culture is

Typical Pole mistakes west popculture with west culture :-) It is also true that typical foreigner in Poland do the same mistake. But unfortunate true is that in capitalistic countries the brightest minds are lured by money, which is a killer for higher culture. It was a fast process which has taken place in Poland too. During communist times if you wanted do something creative you could only be an artists or mathematician. Now you can do a lot other unimportant and uncreative staff, but very profitable.
mvefa  5 | 591  
30 Sep 2009 /  #19
capitalistic countries the brightest minds are lured by money

Yeps, capitalism has also its weak sides.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
30 Sep 2009 /  #20

Why do you think Poles are called West-Slaves? :=)
grethomory  1 | 155  
30 Sep 2009 /  #21
I haven't had experience with them in Poland, but here in the U.S. Yes. I let a friend who is a Scientologist talk me into going to one of their meetings. This is what I can tell you from my experience...

1. They keep their hands open quite a bit for money.
2. It doesn't really seem like a religion to me...but a philosophy.
3. It has it's good and bad points. I have heard from both sides. My friend that took me says it changed his life. He is no longer an alcoholic and a success in business because of Scientology's philosophies. On the other hand, I have read and heard they will money grub you to death. Take all your money. But I think with any religion or philosophy...one must use common sense. Look at Televangelist.

4. The people were really nice. I ate the food which was prepared which was alike all vegeterian. I think I had vegeterian chili. It was pretty good, but I love my beef.

I judge no one for what they want to do with their own lives. I can simply say it's not for me, but I am not going to say you shouldn't do it. Especially if this philosophy assisted in you getting off of alcohol and becoming a more productive citizen and human being.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
1 Oct 2009 /  #22


E-Meter Today...The old ones had two tin cans attached

More than slightly, I think...But you are correct that they were associates, and Parson's himself was a Satanist who became quite influential at NASA.

I first encountered Scientology in the late 60s, through a high school girlfriend...She was a bit wifty, but she insisted I join her at the 'Church of Scientology'...Being of a curious nature, I went along...She introduced me to one of the 'budding priests' and he insisted that I have a 'clearing session'...This session consisted of me sitting in one chair and him in another...He gave me two tin cans to hold...The cans were attached with wire to what he called the 'e-meter'...From what I could deduce, this worthless contraption was supposed to act as a kind of 'lie detector'...He then asked me a series of questions about my life...Depending on the answers, the meter was supposed to move this way or that...He had a little button in his hand connected to the meter...The 'meter' was supposed to register 'stress' and depending on how the gauge moved, it would show if my answers indicated stress or 'blockages'...The goal of all Scientologists is become a 'clear' or free from 'blockages'...He asked me questions, but even though he had a button in his hand, I saw no real movement on the meter...After about 10 minutes, I told him that this was like a carnival side show...He then said that 'I was severely blocked' and really needed a series of session with one of the experts there...I say 'Will this cost anything?'...He say 'Oh, about $50 a session (1969 money)...I say 'Surely you jest', and got up to leave...The girlfriend then came out from another 'session' and was quite upset with me...I was honest and told her this was a scam...She got furious...End of girlfriend and me, and happily so...You trust them more than Christians?...'When the people enjoy believing in a lie, God will send them an even greater deception'

Scientology Girls
Dice  15 | 452  
1 Oct 2009 /  #23
Isn't Scientology considered a cult and therefore illegal in the EU?
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
1 Oct 2009 /  #24
No, the EU is a cult and considered illegal by Scientology.

Archives - 2005-2009 / Life / Scientology in PolandArchived