So what is your point? ..Miss Cast Away
How do Poles feel about non whites/non Slavs living in Poland?
A good example of what happens when blacks move into good solid white neighborhoods. The crime starts, first come the drugs, ...
Sorry - does the Ignac stand for 'Ignorant'? Do some reading before you start spouting off about things outside your village next time.
Kraków has never been part of Prussia. Warsaw as well.
Neither are logistical centres. Compare with Katowitz and Breslau. What's the new business centre in Poland? Posen. All used to be Germany. Look at the train network sometime. Face it, Poland owes most of its industrial and financial strength to being handed Silesia after the war.
Neither are logistical centres. Compare with Katowitz and Breslau. What's the new business centre in Poland? Posen. All used to be Germany. Look at the train network sometime. Face it, Poland owes most of its industrial and financial strength to being handed Silesia after the war.
Look on eastern Germany with unemployment on 17% level and on region i live - Wielkopolska with 6% of unemployment. Germans in Poznań lost in economical war against Poles... even they had whole Prussian administration on their side.
Look on eastern Germany with unemployment on 17% level and on region i live - Wielkopolska with 6% of unemplpyment. Germans in Poznań were dominated and lost economical war against Poles.
Bad eh? and sadly enough, it's still better than the east of Poland
Neither are logistical centres. Compare with Katowitz and Breslau. What's the new business centre in Poland? Posen. All used to be Germany. Look at the train network sometime. Face it, Poland owes most of its industrial and financial strength to being handed Silesia after the war.
- What bull is that? We got all this stuff in ruins; we rebuilt it. Poland was partitioned by Germany and Russia and kept undeveloped by those brutes - what did we have to do when we regained independence after 200 years of occupation?
Learn history, ignorant Polonophobe, instead of lying that Poland was built by Germany, or anything of this sort.
Bad eh? and sadly enough, it's still better than the east of Poland
- What do you know about 'east of Poland,' have you been there? What should be wrong with that area? It's an agricultural area, like many agricultural areas anywhere else, e.g. in Denmark. Where did you learn about Poland, in America?
Bad eh? and sadly enough, it's still better than the east of Poland
Well uneployment in eastern Poland isn't that bad
We have more strictly measures EU counts it in different way so you should subtract 2% to have EU stadart statistics. Data from january 2008. When we compare it to eastern Germany...
Well uneployment in eastern Poland isn't that bad
Probably because all the young people have moved west to look for work, because they don't fancy milking cows until they're 70, when they'll probably die because the public health is so bad there
Learn history, ignorant Polonophobe
Look at a map sometime and see where all the industry is and we'll talk about this again. In the meantime Puck off, Fuzzler.
americanguy 1 | 6
28 Jan 2009 / #68
If I were to bring someone home of a different race my family would dis own me but yet there is a lot of that here me personally I stick to my own kind i.e white people of European decent but I am not racist I just like white girls.
Probably because all the young people have moved west to look for work, because they don't fancy milking cows until they're 70, when they'll probably die because the public health is so bad there
At least they don't sit sucking the doll like post-commie brain washed Germans.

Look at a map sometime and see where all the industry is and we'll talk about this again.
Hevay industry is where are/were mineral resources such as coal, coper ect. and in developed cities.
At least they don't sit sucking the doll like eastern Germans.
Carry on printing your maps, Prince - nobody cares
Hevay industry is where are/were mineral resources such as coal, coper ect
Yawn. 18th century. Yaaawen
I just like white girls
I am not racist too but I love all along as I am in love with Her...lets see who gets rejected by God when we die and go to heaven.
If I were to bring someone home of a different race my family would disown me
I will advice you..mam rada dla ciebie...grow up...U are still a baby. U still let ur family dictate who U are gonna date, marry and have children with...sad...Now tell me the difference between you and those few parents in developing world who force their childern to marry someone they choose for them.
And you now want to tell me, you are civilised. Civilised my arse
In the meantime Puck off, Fuzzler
- Nope, I won't. I'll be pointing at every one of your misrepresentations. Where did you pop out from? Why don't you give the info in the member information section, coward? What's your own nationality?
Sorry, isn't it time for you to get back to your parents' cellar?
Look at a map sometime and see where all the industry is and we'll talk about this again.
- The industry is in the area which is the most fit for it. There's no German virtue in it. As for talking again with me, get some real historical knowledge first, in order to be up to the task, stupid creep. What you've got in your head right now is useless crap. Now let me guess you nationality.... German, or American of such extraction?
The industry is in the area which is the most fit for it. There's no German virtue in it.
Whatever. Keep taking your meds.
So, love and hate, why aren't you replying to my post? And Ilove detroit has gone silent after my post too.
americanguy 1 | 6
28 Jan 2009 / #77
first off lovehateu it is civilized not civilised but I saw you in here and thought that might make you say something stupid, the ignorant um as you put it arse you are but no that is my choice and I just prefer to date white girls but thanks again for your you have anymore valid points.I would love to hear them.
Whatever. Keep taking your meds.
- Are you suggesting I am crazy? On what factual basis? Do please give supporting evidence. So what's your nationality? Why are you so scared to tell? Me, I'm Polish. How about you?
Eurostat makes statistics for whole europe using one method.
You can copare it to branwashed by Hitler later by Stalin your Germans. Poland had the same brainwashing...
For a successive year Poland has registered the biggest drop in the unemployment rate among EU countries.
According to a Eurostat report 6.5% of Poles remained jobless in September. The figure places Poland below the Union average, presently standing at 7% and shows visible improvement of the situation on the labor market.
According to a Eurostat report 6.5% of Poles remained jobless in September. The figure places Poland below the Union average, presently standing at 7% and shows visible improvement of the situation on the labor market.
You can copare it to branwashed by Hitler later by Stalin your Germans. Poland had the same brainwashing...
i_love_detroit 1 | 69
28 Jan 2009 / #80
Hey, are you saying this entire forum bashes Blacks and Pakistanis? Prove it is true. Aren't you slandering us? How about this thread, have you read all the posts in it? Are they all, or even majority of them, Black-bashing? Aren't you racist yourself? Can you read with understanding?
Yes, most of them is is one way or another racist, yes I read all of them, no I am not racist why would I?
I am just disgusted someone whould write "Paki" and noone would even find it offensive.
Eurostat makes statistics for whole europe using one method.
Prince shows once again why he is never invited to parties
Why is there high unemplyment in germany and comparatively low unemployment in Poland? Because all the Poles have gone to Germany to look for work. duh.
it is civilized not civilised
Does it matter if it was Jonah who swallowed the fish or it was the fish who swallowed jonah?
The issue is that you got my point. And by the way..u have made grammatical mistakes capable of sending you to jail. Lemme forgive you today.
o you have anymore valid points
Did i not mention about U being a child?...was expecting a knock-out from you, but you failed. I assume ur mind cant produce anymore valid point about making decisions for yourself and not letting family decide what colour of skin to marry.
Why is there high unemplyment in germany and comparatively low unemployment in Poland? Because all the Poles have gone to Germany to look for work. duh.
All your theories are simple untrue. :) Face it! Germans are easy to brain wash ... Hitler proved it and results of communism prove it.
Now they are more similar to Bielrussians than to Czechs, Poles or West Germans. Bielrussians ... Russians and Poles know something abut Bielarus ...
i_love_detroit 1 | 69
28 Jan 2009 / #84
Mr.Bubbles: Prove it.
Especially that in theory there is still no equality in empoyment in Germany for people from the "new Europe". At least as far as I am concerned.
Especially that in theory there is still no equality in empoyment in Germany for people from the "new Europe". At least as far as I am concerned.
So, love and hate, why aren't you replying to my post
Remind me of something worth remembering you have written in this post today? I guess there is none. hey...I am still here...when you find some useful point to say about the main topic which is about How do Poles feel about non whites/non Slavs living in Poland...i will be listening.
Because all the Poles have gone to Germany to look for work. duh.
- Germany's job market is closed to the Poles (even though it's open to folks from The Third World - that's the German-led 'European Union' for you, Poles). Get your facts straight, ignoramus. But it seems you're too stupid to do that.
So where are you from? Why are you so ashamed to tell? Are you german? :)
Yeah, you are right that the ciemny chlopek 'Prince' should not waste his time on showing you maps - because you already know better, ha?
Remind me of something worth remembering you have written in this post today?
- I wrote about many Blacks coming over to this forum and being really racist towards the Poles. What would you say to that? I also pointed to your buddy ilovedetroit that he is lying this forum is Blacks and Pakistanis bashing. What's your position on this? Do you condemn Black aggression against Poles?
Germany's job market is closed to the Poles (even though it's open to folks from The Third World - that's the German-led 'European Union' for you, Poles). Get your facts straight, ignoramus. But it seems you're too stupid to do that.
Look I'll do you a favour. I'm having a terrible time with my pipes - how much would you charge to pop round and fit a new set of washers? Cash in hand, no questions asked. Tell your parents you're going to the shops or something.
Mr.Bubbles: Prove it.
I've seen them with my own two eyes
Sorry - does the Ignac stand for 'Ignorant'? Do some reading before you start spouting off about things outside your village next time.
Village??? Sorry, we do not have villages in America.. We refer them as small town America. Are you on drugs or something? You do not appear to be too bright.
Look I'll do you a favour. I'm having a terrible time with my pipes - how much would you charge to pop round and fit a new set of washers?
- Why would you assume I can do the job? On what grounds? Please, explain. Are you able to?
Village??? Sorry, we do not have villages in America.. We refer them as small town America. Are you on drugs or something? You do not appear to be too bright.
Oh quick you had better get your gun from the pickup because a dozen 'coloureds' are about to smash your door in and start rapping or selling drugs or something.