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muslim community in poland

sweet_g  4 | 79  
13 Nov 2008 /  #181
no not really. Are you happy
OP ash786  
13 Nov 2008 /  #182
Are you happy

am fu..in happy..why wouldnt i be????
sweet_g  4 | 79  
13 Nov 2008 /  #183
you should be happy since you built england.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
13 Nov 2008 /  #184
catogrised me as a paki and muslim

I don,t remember anyone calling you a Paki , and it was you who said you were a muslim....Are you now saying yourself that you are from Pakistan...? If you are not from Pakistan then maybe you should not use the word Paki , as this is Racist i am told....

wev been here 70+ years..we built this country you b....rd..

Are you trying to tell us that prior to the last 70 years England was desert wasteland...not quite the case i think....
sweet_g  4 | 79  
13 Nov 2008 /  #185
let the old man relax
time means  5 | 1309  
13 Nov 2008 /  #186
1500 years ago you tell me of an englishman(if you are english)who was educated??you people were living in the dark ages while muslims were inventing astronomy and mathematics...the prophet muhammad (pbuh) do you know who taught him???av you read the quran??god himself taught the prophet thru angel gabriel....who taught you???

you speak of education and write- thru and av? practice what you preach.
OP ash786  
13 Nov 2008 /  #187
I don,t remember anyone calling you a Paki

wild rover.i know we on page 7 why dont you start from page 1 and then tell me how many times you have read the word paki....
wildrover  98 | 4430  
13 Nov 2008 /  #188
have read the word paki

Must have missed that....but if its such a bad word...why do you use it...? I must confess i used to always refer to the corner shop near my home in the UK as the Paki shop , its what everyone called it , but i did try to get out of this habit after somebody told me this was offensive to Pakistani people....perhaps you can educate us all,,..? is the word Paki like the word ******..? in other words is it a word that Black people and Pakistani use among themselves but find it offensive if other people call them this....????
time means  5 | 1309  
13 Nov 2008 /  #189
to me its just an abbreviation.
OP ash786  
13 Nov 2008 /  #190
....but if its such a bad word...why do you use it...?

wild rover are you really that naive...these people have been using it with racist intent..they havent used it in loving way..they are pure racist thru n thru..but like av said before..get these people one on one and they will leave a trail of sh8t longer than the channel tunnel.
time means  5 | 1309  
13 Nov 2008 /  #191
sticks and stones will break my bones but calling names won`t hurt me. it`s as true as ever.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
13 Nov 2008 /  #192
these people have been using it with racist intent

no matter what their intent is..its either a bad word to use or its not.....I am quite ok about calling people from Pakistan Paki,s as long as they are not offended by it....if its a bad word then nobody should use it...Pakistani people included...
espana  17 | 951  
13 Nov 2008 /  #193

is like the black people ,,,,,,,,,they can say nig**r but i cant :(
gtd  3 | 639  
13 Nov 2008 /  #194
no matter what their intent is..its either a bad word to use or its not.....I am quite ok about calling people from Pakistan Paki,s as long as they are not offended by it....if its a bad word then nobody should use it...Pakistani people included..

Where do you draw the line then? About half the Pakistanis I know are offended by the term Paki and half not at all. When does it become a 'bad' word? I call black people black with no ill intent...it describes them just as I am white.

With some words like 'n!gger' it's quite clear it is offensive when said to someone but I reject this idea I can't say the word when talking about the issue as long as I am not calling someone by it...saying "the n-word" is stupid.

Being polite is good....1984 control of language is not. Your bin liner story shows how humanity is truly lost.....
wildrover  98 | 4430  
13 Nov 2008 /  #195
is the word Paki like the word ******..?

thats what i was saying....it seems strange that white people are now most likey to hear this word from black people..like in rap songs....
gtd  3 | 639  
13 Nov 2008 /  #196
Yeah that's different than what I was driving at specifically but a very good point. If you are going to call people within your ethnic group by an 'iffy' or blatantly wrong name, then you are going to have a hard time getting sympathy or even semantic understanding from those outside your race.
OP ash786  
13 Nov 2008 /  #197
will draw the line here....you treat me with respect and i will give you double the respect back....people can call you anything from behind a computer and vice-versa.i know there is still alot of racism in the uk,most of it now hidden within peoples hearts n minds unlike 15-20 years ago when it was openly displayed.if a person shows me respect am not bothered what color,race,religion he or she is i will make them more than welcome...we have to move on from these petty name callings otherwise there will never be real change.uk is very multicultural and people have to accept that everybody is equal.you cant pick and choose and say well i like currys but i dont like asians or i like chinese food but i dont like the people.CRAZY.
13 Nov 2008 /  #198
London, Sept. 9: A Polish man has been arrested on suspicion of keeping his daughter imprisoned for six years and raping her repeatedly — a case that recalls the Austrian cellar fiend Josef Fritzl. The 45-year-old man, whose identity has been kept under wraps, was held in the town of Siedlce after his daughter, now aged 21, reported the alleged abuse. According to the police officials, she gave birth to two children in 2005 and 2007, adding that “they were probably a result of rape”. The cops said that the Polish dad watched over both births in hospital and then forced her to leave the kids, now aged three and 20 months, and return to her dungeon. The woman escaped the home in the village of Grodzisk, east Poland, last week and went to the police with her mum, who is being quizzed over how she did not know what was going on. The dad tried to flee to Italy but was caught at a train station. He denies rape charges but refuses to talk to the cops. A judge ordered the detention of the suspect for three months pending
wildrover  98 | 4430  
13 Nov 2008 /  #199
A Polish man has been arrested on suspicion of keeping his daughter imprisoned

Err yes an interesting story...but not a lot to do with muslims in Poland...we have all gone off thread a bit...but this is way off....
OP ash786  
13 Nov 2008 /  #200
London, Sept. 9: A Polish man has been arrested on suspicion of keeping his daughter imprisoned for six years and raping her repeatedly

wow!!!!and they been dissin muslims and other nationalities...but again am sure doesnt mean all poles are like that just like all muslims are not terrorists..people with a brain understand...people with sh8t in their heads,well,they going to talk sh8t ofcourse.hows tricks guruji?everything ok?
espana  17 | 951  
13 Nov 2008 /  #201
some people should know what is culture before speaking

gtd  3 | 639  
13 Nov 2008 /  #202
wow!!!!and they been dissin muslims and other nationalities...but again am sure doesnt mean all poles are like that just like all muslims are not terrorists..people with a brain understand...people with sh8t in their heads,well,they going to talk sh8t ofcourse.hows tricks guruji?everything ok?

Really not the same thing...this is not even remotely common for Polish behavior but the things many peolpe are bothered by are common behaviors of muslims. I do agree not ALL muslims are terrorists...but name another religion that is blowing things up and cutting off people's head right now? There is an ingrained problem in the interpretations and beliefs. Even your own country is archaic in it's treatment of women and many customs.

The people here who say all muslims are evil and stinky are idiots...but that doesn't mean a lot of them aren't. I for one would like to hear a muslim say "you know our religion IS a little backwards and there are a lot of morons within it doing evil things...but we are working on it" Instead you get a bunch of excuses and BS. Your religion has a MAJOR and growing problem and you need to fix it from within.

muslims also refuse to integrate as immigrants and DEMAND the host culture accomodate and change to fit them. That is very wrong especially considering when we go to islamic nations we are not accommodated and in fact as Justysia said we can even be harshly punished if we don't follow your rules exactly. Hypocricy is rampant in the islamic world.
13 Nov 2008 /  #203
hi ash how you doing this sh8t ppl we can't change them b'coz they never forget own past before 1989
OP ash786  
13 Nov 2008 /  #204
but this is way off....

its not way off at all...my original question was very simple one until it got blown out of propertion and in came racism,terrorism and every other ism you can think of...all i wanted was a straight forward answer and i even apologised if people had misunderstood it if hadnt been clear.but NO..lets have a DIG...this thread has been offcourse for the last 6 n half pages,where have u been?????
gtd  3 | 639  
13 Nov 2008 /  #205
Ash...as you can see Poland is NOT a welcoming place to muslims. I doubt anyone here knows of any areas where muslims live en masse in Poland. You have to face the fact that people here are not going to accept you for the most part.

That being said many valid points have been raised here. Islam is broken and needs help. You are not going to get any sympathy for your plight in this part of Europe as there have been too many problems over this religious nonsense.
13 Nov 2008 /  #206
i understand your simple question but sh8t ppl like to DIG .... i think better ignore them brainless ppl
OP ash786  
13 Nov 2008 /  #207
muslims also refuse to integrate as immigrants and DEMAND the host culture accomodate and change to fit them. That is very wrong especially considering when we go to islamic nations we are not accommodated and in fact as Justysia said we can even be harshly punished if we

we have tried our level best to integrate but its people like this who start name calling n racism then you think hang on f8ck this why should i change the way i dress or act or what i eat,because my skin color is never gonna change and they will still turn around and call u a paki,black bas8rd.as for accomodating pal,u not just accomodating muslims,u r accomodating jews,hindus,sikhs,buddhists etc etc.also.i live in this country and follow abide by the laws of the land so,if u go to a foreign land u got to abide by their laws if not they will f8ck you and rightly so.and as for poland not beeing a welcoming place for muslims,u know europe and uk where the same pal,time changes everything...besides if everybody walked round dressed the same acted the same what a sh8t world it would be.guruji you rite,very sh8t people..they wouldnt change for god how the hell can we change em.leave em to their devices.
gtd  3 | 639  
13 Nov 2008 /  #208
You do NOT integrate...you demand accommodations for praying, food, 'words allowed to be used', you have posters with puppies removed because you are offended as they are 'dirty' yet you wipe your bottoms with your hand, you get enraged to the point of demanding death for people who draw a cartoon of mohammed, you live in communities of only your own, you insist on locals in your host country following YOUR customs yet you do not extend us the same courtesy when we are your guests, you march in the streets chanting death to America etc and you are telling me you are the victim? La Shukrahn not buying it ahki.

I know you as an individual are not responsbile for all Islam's problems...but only those within the religion can fix it. Take responsibility...refuse to allow the extremists to take over your faith...realize as an immigrant it is YOUR job to adapt to the new home not that country's job to change to fit you (believe me I know it is frustrating but I cannot expect all of Poland to change for ME no matter how nice it would be) and then things will change for the better. You can';t expect a culture to go backward to make you happy. Islam has some catching up to do.
13 Nov 2008 /  #209
Are , you polish people are asimilating with other nations while living abroad???
Actually i have been in Uk and i saw that most of the polish people living with own community, living together in houses, buying food in polish shops, talking in polish language even at work, where all nations working together, wearing polish tshirts, and demonstratiing that u r from Polska, why u not adpoting english culture when u are living in England??

first u look after urself , and how u people behaving...
gtd  3 | 639  
13 Nov 2008 /  #210
re , you polish people are asimilating with other nations while living abroad???

I am not Polish buddy...I live in Poland. And yeah lots of cultures don't assimilate well and I think they are wrong too. If there were a huge number of Americans living here in Poland and demanding that Poland chance things to fit our needs I would not feel that was right...even if it would benefit me. I also don't hang out with only Americans and isolate myself. I don't like a lot about Poland but it is not my place to make Poland fit to me...I am the guest. I just demand honesty and decency(not always forthcoming here thus my frustrations)...your culture wants to force change to fit your customs.

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