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muslim community in poland

OP ash786  
12 Nov 2008 /  #121
In britian the muslims were first moderate when they came. Look at the muslims in britian now.

muslims in britain today are part and parcel of british society.they contribute billions into the british economy,they have some of the most well paid jobs or businesses.they were called in to boost the british workforce and strenthen its economy and thats what the did along with people of all different nationalities and faiths.they worked hard and lived in filthy conditions.its not like today where the borders r open anybody can come in cos they eu and they start people trafficking,drug running,pimping orgaised crime etc.but i think your referring to the london bombings right?7 million+muslims were involved in that yeah.get a life prick.
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
12 Nov 2008 /  #122
get a life prick.

Ignore our resident nutter noimmigration is my advice to you. It's not worth the effort.
12 Nov 2008 /  #123
ash786 can I ask why muslims dont **** off and live in saudi arabia or pakistan where they belong, why do they want to live in white countries.

Why do they hate where the desert countries came from.
OP ash786  
12 Nov 2008 /  #124
Ignore our resident nutter noimmigration is my advice to you. It's not worth the effort

cheers mate.just feel i have to stand up for myself thats all.thanks
tomek  - | 134  
12 Nov 2008 /  #125
Read the terrific truth about Islam, in a Comicbook!

islamcomicbook - actually only the PDF works, its about 7 MB:
islamcomicbook/comics/english/pdfs/MBOE.pdf - 7MB - Version

With real pictures of Mohammed!!!
12 Nov 2008 /  #126
Mohammed has a bomb in his turban doesnt he ?
Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
12 Nov 2008 /  #127

Why do you have to bring all these things in here...and then stand up for yourself?... dont you know the image of islam and muslims around the non-islamic world?

Anyways... it would be better for you to be with your girlfriend... concentrate in your other parts of life. Religion is a personal thing between you and God. Do take a look into why things are so upsetting against Islam. Do notice that something is surely not correct! Perhaps the time of Islam is up... perhaps there is a new dawn. It doesnt mean you go for pork meat...it doesnt mean that you select alcoholic drink.... it just means that you broaden your mind and horizon... accept that everyone in the world are equally made for God and the same heaven that is achieved through the nearness of God alone.
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
12 Nov 2008 /  #128
poor little muslim, he just asked where he could go to pray in Poland. then he got a little bit angry and, as any other insecure asian man, started talking about his *huge* cock and his illiterate Polish gf who loves it when he f*cks her. some example of a good muslim you are, ash. when i was going to uk i wasn't wondering where can i find the nearest Polish community and Polish shops, aren't you supposed to try fit in with the native people instead of isolating yourself first thing? you muslims say us white christians are scum and we shag all the time and drink but listen to yourself, you're happy to exploit some (probably not very bright) Polish woman who hardly speaks a word of English. how does that make YOU look? is that the best you can do? i don't like your attitude, in fact i don't like the muslims' attitude cos they expect everyone and everything to accomodate them, but it doens't happen when christians go to muslim countries, you can get killed for not being a muslim. anyway, i hope you do learn your lesson one day, maybe when you go to Poland and start strutting around like some muslim prince. but hey good luck, if you're half as good at fighting as you are at talking about oral sex then you should be fine.
asmaani  - | 28  
12 Nov 2008 /  #129
first of all- ash never said he was going to isolate himself. in fact I think he is far from that. for a practicing muslim it is crucial to get halal meat as well as to be able to join Friday prayer weekly. does it mean isolation? get a grip. it's 2,3 hours a week to do shopping and about 1 hour to join the prayers. isolation? joke right?

why are you so annoyed? we have muslims in Poland for last 600 years! Gen Józef Bem died as muslim. after the November Uprising the Pope advised Poles to sit quiet and be obedient to Tsar. whereas muslim Turkey was the only state who never agreed to Rozbiory. all through the Rozbiory era there used to be Polish diplomats in Turkey as if Poland was still an independent state. despite of wars Poland fought with Turkey years before.

I happen to be native Polish and a muslim. what kind of desert would you like me to move?
anyway- once Ash read all your comments- would you even think of him willing to make friends with all of us? if I were him- after reading all this- I would look for muslims only. what did the guy get after asking a simple question? and it was not 'tell me what your opinions on islam are' btw.

to Ash- I happen to be a sister alhamdulillah :D
wildrover  98 | 4430  
12 Nov 2008 /  #130
I hope his muslim friends accept his Polish girlfriend....Anyone see my posting about the Polish girl in Leeds , my home town..?
A muslim guy has just been convicted of the murder of a Polish girl..! This guy garotted her , stabbed her , then almost beheaded her , all because he did not approve of his muslim friend going out with her...she was 19 years old...The judge said that the knife slash marks on her stomach may have been due to her saying she was pregnant to her boyfriend....nice people...
asmaani  - | 28  
12 Nov 2008 /  #131
I am very sorry to know that. world is full of crazy people. Bad things happen to innocent people everywhere. makes me sad, and angry too... cause I am helpless.
espana  17 | 951  
12 Nov 2008 /  #132

how dare you attack ShelleyS and not the muslim one ?
any man who speaks about his sexuality in public , is a bloody prick .
and more if the woman is polish
why do you accept his comment ? ,,,why if your girlfriend is from poland?
is because you do the same?.............:(

PRICK................................................................. ...................................................................... .........................................................
osiol  55 | 3921  
12 Nov 2008 /  #133
There is a saying: "There are no sacred cows."
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
12 Nov 2008 /  #134
once Ash read all your comments- would you even think of him willing to make friends with all of us?

to be honest - i couldn't care less. i just don't like this type of arrogant, foul mouthed, insecure little men who boast about sleeping with Polish women like it was some sort of a prize, something you just HAVE to brag about on the internet and to your smelly lil mates. hello, just cos a white woman who happened to be Polish slept with you, doesn't mean you're the king of the world and a sex god. ash's girl clearly doesn't speak any English so she probably doesn't fully understand what she's gotten herself into, and i am sure she would not appreciate him bragging about their sex life on the internet. i find it disgusting, and if you muslims really were so above all the abuse and insults people keep throwing at you, you wouldn't lower yourself to using that foul language to describe what you could do to them with your penis and how that would affect them. i have seen so many asians (most likely muslims) trying to scare people with their 'enormous' cocks and talking about how Polish woman love them on this forum and i gotta say it sickens me. you can threat people with your knowledge, with your intelligence, with your talent... but with your penis? shame that apparently they haven't really got that much in their pants! must talk so big to make up for smaller things.
mafketis  38 | 11154  
12 Nov 2008 /  #135
I think ash came here with a reasonable question and was attacked by some unhinged people at which point he became aggressive too.

I have nothing against Muslims (IME they're mostly pretty nice people) but some aspects of Muslim behavior just do not mesh with modernity (whether Islam or the non-Islamic parts of the cultures or modernity are at fault is another question).

So I think there's something not quite right about him dating a non-Muslim (and he showed her a great deal of disrespect that was unnecessary and did his case no good whatsoever). What's worse is his dating a non-Muslim when Muslim women are not free to date non-Muslim men. The freedom to choose one's mate is a fundamental human right and Muslims want to systematically deny that right to half of their population. Even if only one or two per cent of Muslim women would ever want to marry a non-Muslim they absolutely should have that right and it should be protected by the state.

ash (and asmaani) if you had to choose, which would you want your Muslim sister to marry:
1. a man who calls himself a Muslim but doesn't respect her, threatens her and even beats her?
2. a Christian who's kind and respectful to her?
rock  - | 428  
12 Nov 2008 /  #136
trying to scare people with their 'enormous' cocks

Turks are known as three legged you know. LOL
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
12 Nov 2008 /  #137
that's what turks say, and it's very sad to spread lies like that
tomekcatkins  8 | 130  
12 Nov 2008 /  #138
A while ago I saw the film Persepolis. This film is about a girl growing up in Iran. I found it interesting to see how the film tackles some prejudices about people living in a Muslim country; e.g. that also a lot of people doesn't agree with the Islamic law.

rock  - | 428  
12 Nov 2008 /  #139
that's what turks say, and it's very sad to spread lies like that

No, it is funny as it is a joke.
espana  17 | 951  
12 Nov 2008 /  #140

i appreciate a lot you attitude ,no all the muslim are like ash786 , but sadly the 90% are like him :(

nearly everybody is talking bad about muslim in this thread ,but you need to know that you are in the 10% of the good muslim

i dont hate all the muslims , you are a good muslim member in this forum
wildrover  98 | 4430  
12 Nov 2008 /  #141
i dont hate all the muslims

Same here...but its difficult to see them in a good light after seeing all the brutal beheadings of helpless people , and the stoning to death of a 13 year old girl whose only crime was to be raped by three men...she was then accused of adultary....to anyone in a civilised world this is not acceptable...
rock  - | 428  
12 Nov 2008 /  #142
i dont hate all the muslims , you are a good muslim member in this forum

If I say it is the time for being a member of EU, would I push my chance ? :))
12 Nov 2008 /  #143
If I say it is the time for being a member of EU

fortunately Zosia, Krysia and Marysia have little saying in that.

Unless they take some fiber.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
12 Nov 2008 /  #144
i asked a very simple question

And the answer is very simple too - stay away.
King Sobieski  2 | 714  
12 Nov 2008 /  #145
ummm...i dont know what to say to this....where does one start??

maybe not..so what about falkland islands or are the inhabitants of that place crying out for british rule.

what does any of this have to do with muslims reclaiming something they didnt own??

and why am i a devil?
pingwin  2 | 117  
12 Nov 2008 /  #146
I haven't started yet and since there is a freedom of choice, you really don't need to read it, and if you do, you can comment if you want. Or not.

Well said Miranda! I read, but didn't respond. All I can say is I prayed last night and I will pray tonight and every night. My heart aches to see so much hatred among all of us. Here are some qoutes that came to my mind reading all of these hate posts.

We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.
Martin Luther King Jr.

Wherever there are wars, wherever you are confronted with an opponent, conquer him with love. Mahatma Gandhi

Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it. Martin Luther King Jr.

Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. Martin Luther King Jr.

Understanding a person does not mean condoning; it only means that one does not accuse him as if one were God or a judge placed above him.Erich Fromm

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. Martin Luther King Jr.

Enough said on my part!

wildrover  98 | 4430  
12 Nov 2008 /  #147
My heart aches to see so much hatred among all of us.

Its nice that you have never been given reason to hate anyone...i hope you remain this fortunate always...
pingwin  2 | 117  
12 Nov 2008 /  #148
If you only knew, nevertheless I was also taught we reap what we sow. I believe the way we treat others and what we do for them will have a direct influence on our everyday life. Right now I could say that I hate every black male on the face of the earth, BUTthat would be a lie. Just because one hurt me does not mean all are evil and will hurt me. I basically had to turn the other cheek and go on. I can't say it was easy.

Mother Teresa said it best.

If you judge people, you have no time to love them.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
12 Nov 2008 /  #149
turn the other cheek

In my experiance , turning the other cheek just gets you slapped twice...but i have every respect for your ability to forgive...its not my way i am afraid...
OP ash786  
13 Nov 2008 /  #150
hey guess what??am back..having read thru some of the trhreads you know it makes my stomach turn..in earleir threads you people are calling me a paki,muslim terrorist and everything else you can think of and then you are quoting martin luther king(a black man)and gandhi(an indian) you people are such hyprocrites.but dont forget read an earlier thread of mine where i said you are the people who are sh8t,cowards who hide behind forums and chat sh8t but find you alone,face to face and youd be like"av got loads of muslim asian friends and i think they really nice people".as for someone saying if i go to poland they hope i can fight,believe me pal am faster with my hands than with my tongue.as for my polish girlfriend,i didnt say she cant speak any english,i said it isnt good,by that i mean its not as good as mine.apart from that shes more intelligent than alot of you people on this forum and very good looking.am not boasting about my manhood or disrespecting any females of any nationality its just a case of you wind me up n i wind u up.

"am so fast that at night when i hit the bedroom light,am in bed before the room turns dark"MUHAMMAD ALI-THE GREATEST.THE MOST WELL KNOWN MUSLIM FIGURE OF MODERN TIMES ON THE PLANET.and i bet some of you will now say"o yeah hes ok we talking about other muslims.LOL.

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