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muslim community in poland

gtd  3 | 639  
11 Nov 2008 /  #31
but that's not always the case

As I said clearly...it is not always the case. But it is much more common than the other way around. People should just not go into it with unreal expectations.
pingwin  2 | 117  
11 Nov 2008 /  #32
People should just not go into it with unreal expectations.

So True!!!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
11 Nov 2008 /  #33
Actually i have been in Uk and i saw that most of the polish people living with own community, living together in houses, buying food in polish shops, talking in polish language even at work, where all nations working together, wearing polish tshirts, and demonstratiing that u r from Polska

So what ?
IronsE11  2 | 441  
11 Nov 2008 /  #34
"Hey, so they are polish, never would have thaught that"-feeling and not the "there's a muslim with his wife I could tell them from a mile away"-feeling.

It's a terrible feeling isn't it? Sometimes I wonder how I cope!
espana  17 | 951  
11 Nov 2008 /  #35
why u not adpoting english culture when u are living in England??
first u look after urself , and how u people behaving...

polish cuture is more similar than the english cuture.,,,,,,your dirty muslim culture is very differnet and negative for the real european people .
your girlfriend is polish and you will ask her soon to wear a veil
polish people dont do that. if you are going to live in poland why dont you change and not your wife
why dont you get married in a catholic church , and live as a catholic person like your future wife?
anyway hope she dump you (when the father tells her that he doesnt want this dark thing in my house ) .
you will be fine you always can buy one in pakistan :)

osiol  55 | 3921  
11 Nov 2008 /  #36
wearing polish tshirts

I have a teeshirt with POLSKA in big letters on the front. I'm a bit worried that if I get drunk whilst wearing it, someone might stick a stamp on me and post me to Poland. Isn't that why some people around here wear ENGERLAND teeshirts?
gtd  3 | 639  
11 Nov 2008 /  #37
So what ?

Are you saying integration is not important? Do you believe immigrants should live in insular communities and never adopt any local ways?
espana  17 | 951  
11 Nov 2008 /  #38

how dare you disrespect our leader Grzegorz?
gtd  3 | 639  
11 Nov 2008 /  #39
So you clowns have a leader? How cute.

But as much as I disagree with Greg's comments he doesn't seem as nutty as you and your boys.
11 Nov 2008 /  #40
is any one can tell me ,if Poland have any HINDU Temples , if yes tell me where please
dcchris  8 | 432  
11 Nov 2008 /  #41
i heard there is one in raszyn just south of warsaw
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
11 Nov 2008 /  #42
if Poland have any HINDU Temples

you can't get a Polish girlfriend in Poland, so you gonna pray for one to fancy you? miracles happen.
Spade  1 | 81  
11 Nov 2008 /  #43
Poor hindus feel bad that no one talks about them, as its only muslims who gain all the attention :D
King Sobieski  2 | 714  
11 Nov 2008 /  #44
hijacked by an illetrate minority

should be careful about the terms flung around...your prophet was illiterate after all, maybe they are just folllowing him.
St Domingo  - | 1  
12 Nov 2008 /  #45
Ho ho ho, Islam, ho ho ho...
OP ash786  
12 Nov 2008 /  #46
sorry guys n gals been away from my computer.some very interesting comments being made i see.ESPANA why have you good such a big muslim c8ck stuck up your anal passage that your sh8t is now coming out of your mouth????NOIMMIGRATION?well that just sums you up pal,you didnt have ancestor by the name of ADOLF did you?this polish gal am checking knows who i am,she understands what is islam is and hey if she wants to wear a hijab or burka who the ell am i to stop her and on the other hand if she doesnt who the ell am i to force her?i was born in england and believe me am more english than some white people but to prove it doesnt mean i have to get legless and start fighting or eat pig by the bucket load.i said i wanted to live near a muslim community if ever i decided to live in poland,i dont want anything from poland or the polish people except niceness.infact,people should be making poles aware that GOG n MAGOG are on their way to poland to claim land they have no right to.now that is some serious **** bwoy and thats what u need to concentrate on not that some paki muslim who seeing a polish girl wants to know if theres a mosque in poland and kicking a massive fuss over nothing...
espana  17 | 951  
12 Nov 2008 /  #47

if you behave like that teddy mohamed is going to punish you :(

  • mohammed_the_fucker..jpg

  • teddy.jpg
wildrover  98 | 4430  
12 Nov 2008 /  #48
its only muslims who gain all the attention

Try beheading some innocent people...slowly , so they suffer..post the video on the internet...you too can have the same attention as the muslims....
OP ash786  
12 Nov 2008 /  #49
its only muslims who gain all the attention

muslims dont want the attention and never asked for it.but theres some people who want to divert attention from themselves to stop people seeing what they really about,but time is now near when they will be exposed for what they are.oh ESPANA if u r spanish get ready cos we coming to take our country back then will see what your civilised western ass will do when we ride it like a camel with a burka on it.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
12 Nov 2008 /  #50
muslims dont want the attention

Oh i suppose they hoped that crashing two airliners into the world trade center would go unoticed....seems some muslims do want attention , and all muslims are now seen by many as a major threat to the world...Untill they rid themselves of the nutters among them they will continue to be subject to hostility from the non muslims of the world...
espana  17 | 951  
12 Nov 2008 /  #51

also killing innocent people in Madrid and London :(
OP ash786  
12 Nov 2008 /  #52
crashing two airliners into the world trade center would go unoticed....seems some muslims do want attention , and all muslims are now seen by many as a major threat

9/11 was inside job carried out by the us government to justify launching an attack on iraq n afghanistan but gog n magog av got u fooled again because they show u what they want u 2 see and guess what?? everything you read in the papers or see on tv becomes bible..infact,in the west,more people believe what they read and see in the papers or tv than in the bible.strange why the US government will not have an independent inquiry into 9/11 yet they spent billions trying to prove bill clinton was guilty of getting his c88k sucked by monika magog.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
12 Nov 2008 /  #53
9/11 was inside job carried out by the us government

Yeah right....
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
12 Nov 2008 /  #54
was born in england and believe me am more english than some white people but to prove it doesnt mean i have to get legless and start fighting or eat pig by the bucket load.

LOL!!! Your comments show your contempt for English people, it doesn't show that you are more English - because you're not - you are asian! BTW how many of your female family members have been allowed to marry out? Or have been able to chose their own husband? Or even been able to associate with white boys? i can answer that for your NONE because asians are racist, I feel sorry for asian girls because they are just 2nd class citizens in your culture even when they have been brought up in the UK!

Regarding Polish people in the UK, they shop where we shop they socialise where we socialise, they go to church where we go to church - Polish people were in the UK before asians were, so have a long think before you start throwing stones.

There are 10 catholic churches in the whole of Pakistan (population 172,800,000) and most of them are attached to colleges so they provide a good education too, in the UK there are 1,689 mosques (population circa. 62,000,00) - and you have a cheek to ask if a staunch catholic country like Poland is going to accommodate you?? Think again, they have learnt from UK, Germany and France. Like Greg said fit in or fook off :)
Spade  1 | 81  
12 Nov 2008 /  #55
Try beheading some innocent people...slowly , so they suffer..post the video on the internet...you too can have the same attention as the muslims....

Why would You tell me this $hit? Go catch some hindu, You smart a$$.
OP ash786  
12 Nov 2008 /  #56
shelleys... you talk about going to church...when was the last time you went to church..christmas is upon you n i bet you dont even know what it stands for? oh hang on,u might do.mmmm let me think,time off work,get pissed, get laid n get pissed again=christmas.majority of people with half a brain know exactly wot happened in america,instead of talking sh8t why dont you put the internet to good use find out for yourself you f.....g ostrich..oh and ur right my female family members would never marry anybody that wasnt a muslim and that is out of choice.,so f..k you and the horse you rode in on..
Spade  1 | 81  
12 Nov 2008 /  #57
This thread is going to be over 20 pages long for sure :(
espana  17 | 951  
12 Nov 2008 /  #58
my female family members would never marry anybody that wasnt a muslim and that is out of choice

i know that :( ,,,,fuc* it !!!! if people thinks that i m racist , i dont care ,i m a racist just for people like you.
90% of the muslims are like you :(

you dirty primitive, disgusting, muslim
asmaani  - | 28  
12 Nov 2008 /  #59
salam, brother
being Polish muslima and living here in Poland I may be able to help you.
first of all- there are muslim communities in Poland and there is halal meat available there.
as far as I know -in Warsaw, Katowice, Poznan and Wroclaw. smaller islam centers do not provide the opportunity of buying halal meat :(
I would strongly recommend you Wroclaw as the ummah there is mashaAllah very good, there is a very nice masjid there and the city itself is very beautiful. in smaller cities there is problem with halal food, but it is possible to find a farmer who would give you a helping hand. anyway you will have to be very careful considering food in shops, producers would add pork to many products, like fruit yoghurts, cakes, sweets, as well as alcohol- eg in candies. so be very careful and read carefully the ingredients list. in most cases 'chicken' or 'turkey' hot dogs consist of large amounts of pork fat.

as for the rasism here- you might find it difficult because people will spot you as 'different' in a blink of an eye. again depends on where- you can get plenty of attention -of all kinds. but muslim and Pakistani/Indian people live here and get used to it. or leave...

anyway if you have more questions pls pm me. try not to react to the silly remarks abt Sept 11th ect- those people apparently have problems with understanding what the topic of the thread is. they just want to insult you and islam- will use every opportunity to do so.

Khuda hafiz :)
OP ash786  
12 Nov 2008 /  #60
know that :( ,,,,fuc* it !!!! if people thinks that i m racist , i dont care ,i m a racist just for people like you.
90% of the muslims are like you :(

thats the spirit..let the true person out of the bag and let everybody see what you really are??a piece of sh8t..this discussion was about poland why has it become a discussion about islam,terrorism,9/11...ESPANA baby get ready cos mad mullas r coming to take back spain and they gona fu..k you without any vaseline,just a match and a littlebit of gasoline baby.ice cube said that,sounds good yeah????

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