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muslim community in poland

Lodz_The_Boat  32 | 1522  
17 Nov 2008 /  #331
Obama seems like a cool headed person. I sincerely wish he manages USA better.

I think USA is destined for an even longer period of being a world power. The reason is that USA (unlike the Roman Empire), adopts itself ahead of time... everytime it seems that 'this is their end!', they come up with something surprising and begind a new cycle of history. Its an interesting country indeed.
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
17 Nov 2008 /  #332
I hope your right.. over time i guess this is correct to say.. but the economy is still bad. people are still losing jobs, homes , food prices rising, the only plus is gas went down.. but that now seems minor compared to the ailing economy.
OP ash786  
18 Nov 2008 /  #333
peaceful religion then why do you have so many extremists who use the words from koran, twist them so it suits their preachings and use

JUST AN ASS...is that what you call yourself????first of all the koran does not teach hatred or the slaughter of civilians,infact it was islam initially brought in the laws of war and what you should do and shouldnt..today you have the geneva convention..what a load of boll8cks...used depleted uranium on civilians and soldires in iraq n afghanistan which is banned under the geneva convention..what did the geneva convention have to say???f8ck all..doyou even know how many civilians have been killed in iraq,afghanistan and palestine???you havnt got a f8cking clue cos ur an ass...so if its good enough for the west its good enough for the other side..you kill their civilians and they will kill yours any chance they get..as for changing the koran to suit modern life..did it say anywhere in the bible that as times change you can write your own bible if u like??? u r so full of ****** trying to play god..and who ever trys to go beyond god has a very bad ending whether its an individual or a nation..you watch...look at ur priests,saying homosexuality is ok..they preachong the wonderfulness of god by day and going home and taking it up the batty by night..LOL..christianity???is extinct.
asmaani  - | 28  
18 Nov 2008 /  #334
JustysiaS, if islam was such a violent religion, what would world look like considering 2 facts: 1. there are over 1 bilion muslims, 2. muslims are everywhere, in every country in the world.

try to think for yourself.
another thing is- have you ever read the Bible? most people do not, and they claim Koran is a violent book. in Koran you will never find anything about God commanding people to kill babies. in the Bible there are such words.

and one more thing- you do not see muslims protest against terrorism. maybe you see only what CNN shows you. btw- the cheering people they showed after Sep 11th were fake. they were filmed on another occasion. why the film was showed after Sep 11th? think by yourself again.

it's not about the truth here, it's about resources. why would never USA attack Saudi Arabia? the most corrupted, sick muslim country in the world, promoting wahhabi ideology that is believed to be islam by many? why? because they cooperate.

why did USA wanted to attack Iraq and now, Iran? because they won't 'cooperate' and that's it. have you heard or read the latest speech od the president of Iran in the UN? please read it carefully if not.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
18 Nov 2008 /  #335
the most corrupted, sick muslim country in the world, promoting wahhabi ideology that is believed to be islam by many?

Mosques in the UK send people to these countries and wahhabism is spreading, what do you think of that?

2. muslims are everywhere, in every country in the world.

Because most countries accept muslims in their countries, you don't find the same acceptance in muslim countries! Why do you think this is?
asmaani  - | 28  
18 Nov 2008 /  #336
why do you think you do not get acceptance in muslim countries? please clarify that.

and about wahhabism- I hate that sick ideology and what it does to islam.
IronsE11  2 | 441  
18 Nov 2008 /  #337
you make a generalization of America.. dont include me in this, i dont/didnt/neverdid/against/opposed..

No, I was making a point that you CAN'T generalise like this. Jesus Pat, this isn't the first time you've responded to one of my posts without reading or understanding it properly. You made yourself look silly last time...

how can such a large alliance not be able to control the taliban and other groups with such a large number of fighters?
if you say that there is such low numbers of terrorists.. show some proof..

OH but you cant, because the number is alot higher then you thought!!
and this number has been growing since before 9/11.

Yes there are a large number of Taliban in Afghanistan. What does that prove. I was simply making the point that the average muslim is not a terrorist. Please please please read my posts properly.

It will not help him. He is already a blindfolded man.

*falls of chair*

Re-read some of your own posts.
OP ash786  
18 Nov 2008 /  #338
Mosques in the UK send people to these countries and wahhabism is spreading

wahabhism is a extreme branch of islam that flows from suadi arabia.like aasmani said,why do you think the u.s is so friendly with saudi arabia yet all the 9/11 bombers were from saudi arabia,not 1 came from iraq or afghanistan..osama bin laden is from saudi arabia.the bin laden family have multi million dollar businesses in th u.s..and quite frankly bin laden is just a name used to justify launching attacks where ever the west feels like.you telling me they cant catch 1 man with all the superior power of america and the west combined??lol.PL_EEEASE..
espana  17 | 951  
18 Nov 2008 /  #339

what about london and madrid?
OP ash786  
18 Nov 2008 /  #340
D*IKH*AD...i said they follow wahabhism which is extreme form of islam...even the uk government recognises this.WAKEUP!!!!!!!
MADRID=ETA=not muslim.comprehende?????
King Sobieski  2 | 714  
18 Nov 2008 /  #341
another thing is- have you ever read the Bible? most people do not, and they claim Koran is a violent book. in Koran you will never find anything about God commanding people to kill babies. in the Bible there are such words.

have you read the bible?

when did jesus go round preaching "god has commanded you to kill babies"?

i think you are referring to events in the old testament, which is part of judaism, islam and catholicism.

you telling me they cant catch 1 man with all the superior power of america and the west combined?

is the guy even alive??

cant catch what is dead....
OP ash786  
18 Nov 2008 /  #342
is the guy even alive??

cant catch what is dead....

you must work in the white house with the CIA pal...cos i never heard bin laden is dead.anybody else hear this???you NUMPTY!!!!they dont want to catch him..they catch him then who they gonna lie about next to people like you????hes just a scapegoat to justify attacks everywhere..what you think they doing in iraq/??the coalition is bombing the sunnis and blaming the shias and vice-versa..its called divide n conquer...if sunni n shia got together they would kick the sh8t out of the coalition..
IronsE11  2 | 441  
18 Nov 2008 /  #343
wahabhism is a extreme branch of islam that flows from suadi arabia.like aasmani said,why do you think the u.s is so friendly with saudi arabia yet all the 9/11 bombers were from saudi arabia,not 1 came from iraq or afghanistan..osama bin laden is from saudi arabia.the bin laden family have multi million dollar businesses in th u.s..and quite frankly bin laden is just a name used to justify launching attacks where ever the west feels like.

Yeah, why haven't the US done anything about Saudi Arabia, hotbed of millitant Islamic fundamentalism that it is?
King Sobieski  2 | 714  
18 Nov 2008 /  #344
you must work in the white house with the CIA pal...cos i never heard bin laden is dead.anybody else hear this???you NUMPTY

i think i was agreeing with you in a sense but you just resort to jibes....maybe he is dead and the us government can go on this never ending search for this person they will never catch??

just remember, biggie and tupac are still releasing post humously, why cant there be a vault of bin laden recordings.

they catch him then who they gonna lie about next to people like you???

you dont even know me or what i think. who is the numpty, you still think im american!!!!

what you think they doing in iraq/??

in no particular order....oil and infrastructure
jonni  16 | 2475  
18 Nov 2008 /  #345
MADRID=ETA=not muslim.comprehende?????

The Spanish courts investigated this and determined it was an al-Quaida inspired terrorist cell. Some Spanish politicians would maybe have preferred it to have been ETA, but it wasn't.

you must work in the white house with the CIA pal...cos i never heard bin laden is dead.anybody else hear this?

There have been three reports of his death, most recently by Benazir Bhutto on 2nd November 2007, saying he had been killed by Mullah Omar. He is also known to have serious kidney problems and I wouldn't think there are many dialysis machines in whatever cave he went to hide in.

if sunni n shia got together they would kick the sh8t out of the coalition..

Somehow I doubt this.
IronsE11  2 | 441  
18 Nov 2008 /  #346
The fact that a thread on the Muslim community in poland has been turned in to a debate about Islamic terrorism speaks volumes for a number of people on this site.
jonni  16 | 2475  
18 Nov 2008 /  #347
The issue of Islam, its presence in Europe and Islamist terrorism has polarised people.

I live quite near the Warsaw mosque and the visitors there seem normal, but they have really high security. Apparently many who attend are converts.
espana  17 | 951  
18 Nov 2008 /  #348

Eta always phoned in warnings before it attacks . the muslims rat not :(

sorry for the video (is in spanish) , but is nice to see all this dirty muslim , wating to go to prision in a democratic country :)
jonni  16 | 2475  
18 Nov 2008 /  #349
Eta always phoned in warnings before it attacks .

Same with the IRA. The Islamists just seem to want to see the blood of innocents.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
18 Nov 2008 /  #350
Same with the IRA.

And occassionally the warnings are wrong in the case of Warrington - wrong location.

Police said a coded warning was made to the Samaritans at 1158 about a bomb outside a Boots chemist shop in Liverpool but the bombs went off near Boots in Warrington, 16 miles to the east.

But like with Eta and IRA there are links to the country they are bombing..unlike these Islamists!
IronsE11  2 | 441  
18 Nov 2008 /  #351
The issue of Islam, its presence in Europe and Islamist terrorism has polarised people.

True, the sensible thing is to maintain a bit of perspective. recognise that there is a problem, but not judge every Muslim as a terrorist.

Eta always phoned in warnings before it attacks . the muslims rat not :(

Same with the IRA. The Islamists just seem to want to see the blood of innocents.

Just like the Omagh bomb? I'm sure these honourable warnings are a source of great comfort to the families of those killed in the attack.

But like with Eta and IRA there are links to the country they are bombing..unlike these Islamists!

Of course, the links to the country... that makes it ok then, silly me. I guess the actions of Hezbollah and Hamas can be excused then? Let's have some consistency here.
jonni  16 | 2475  
18 Nov 2008 /  #352
Just like the Omagh bomb? I'm sure these honourable warnings are a source of great comfort to the families of those killed in the attack.

The tragedy at Omagh was perpetrated by opponents of the IRA, who had broken away from them some time earlier because they objected bitterly to IRA/Sinn Fein's part in the peace process. The bombers gave a warning, though the police were evacuating people from the wrong place, possibly as a result of deliberate misdirection by the terrorists. The Provisional IRA, despite all their evil deeds, torture, murder and cruelty, had at least some standards, low though they often were.

Though back to Muslims in Poland (or rather Islamist terrorism), I remember that after the yellow emergency phones were installed on the Warsaw metro, the police reported that they were getting up to 30 calls a day, mostly from old ladies who rang to say they'd seen a black person.

Given Poland's role in Afghanistan, and especially Iraq, it is very good that there hasn't been an attack here.
OP ash786  
18 Nov 2008 /  #353
The Spanish courts investigated this and determined it was an al-Quaida inspired terrorist cell

like spanish are gonna speak the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth..we talking about islam and the west..jean chales demenezes killed in cold blood in london,murdered..if that had turned out to be an innocent young muslim going to work shot dead by about 15 bullets to the head guaranteed they would have fabricated everything and said he was a terrorist and the funny thing is you people would have believed it and today you would be saying"well what about that guy that london police shot dead before he could blow anything up".??SICK
IronsE11  2 | 441  
18 Nov 2008 /  #354
The tragedy at Omagh was perpetrated by opponents of the IRA, who had broken away from them some time earlier because they objected bitterly to IRA/Sinn Fein's part in the peace process. The bombers gave no warning. At least the IRA, despite all their evil deeds, and cruelty, had at least some basic standards.

That is true. The perpertrators weren't Muslim though, and they did target civilians (the blood of innocents).

Though back to Muslims in Poland (or rather Islamist terrorism), I remember that after the yellow emergency phones were installed on the Warsaw metro, the police reported that they were getting up to 30 calls a day, mostly from old ladies who rang to say they'd seen a black person.

That doesn't surprise me. At least they are vigilant.

Given Poland's role in Afghanistan, and especially Iraq, it is very good that there hasn't been an attack here.

It's a possibility. Actively supporting the USA's imperialist crusades in the middle East hasn't exactly endeared Poland and the UK to the average person, let alone Muslims with millitant tendancies.

if that had turned out to be an innocent young muslim going to work shot dead by about 15 bullets to the head guaranteed they would have fabricated everything and said he was a terrorist and the funny thing is you people would have believed it and today you would be saying"well what about that guy that london police shot dead before he could blow anything up".??SICK

I find that very hard to believe. I doubt Ian Blair would have possessed the nous to engineer quite such a cover up. I mean he did try first time round. JCM was a tragic accident, a victim of the climate of fear present at the time and police incompetence.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
18 Nov 2008 /  #355
jean chales demenezes killed in cold blood in london,murdered..if that had turned out to be an innocent young muslim going to work shot dead by about 15 bullets to the head guaranteed they would have fabricated everything and said he was a terrorist and the funny thing is you people would have believed it and today you would be saying"well what about that guy that london police shot dead before he could blow anything up".??SICK

You mean: Jean Charles de Menezes?

Are these the actions of an innocent man? Wouldn't you just hit the ground or put your arms up, why would a person run? In light of the events that had preceded this, wouldn't someone be aware the Police are quite twitcy?

1: Witnesses report seeing up to 20 plain clothes police officers chase a man into Stockwell Tube station from the street
2: One person says the man vaulted the automatic ticket barriers as he made his way to the platforms
3: The most direct route is via this escalator or the staircase that sits alongside it
4: Police challenge the man but he apparently refuses to obey instructions and after running onto a northbound Northern line train, he is shot dead
OP ash786  
18 Nov 2008 /  #356
I doubt Ian Blair would have possessed the nous to engineer quite such a cover up

i bet you doubt the m15 and the monarchy didnt engineer the plot to murder diana aswell????shows your intelligence....

Police challenge the man but he apparently refuses to obey instructions and after running onto a northbound Northern line train, he is shot dead

the man couldnt speak or understand english...he was brazilian..remember!!!!????he was running for the train cos he was late for work...not because the police were chasing him....the sun newspaper has a very bright future as long as its got audience like you.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
18 Nov 2008 /  #357
the man couldnt speak or understand english...he was brazilian..remember

He spoke perfect Engilsh, so you are talking rubbish!

And if someone shouted "stop Police" wouldn't you stop?
OP ash786  
18 Nov 2008 /  #358
He spoke perfect Engilsh, so you are talking rubbish!

like you are talking perfect sh8t???you acting as if you were there stood next to him or even better,you knew him and he spoke english fluently...the police did not shout stop..they discreetly followed him till he boarded the train and then without any warning just blew him away thinking it was just a muslim and they will cover it up if he was innocent,but how wrong they were and how lucky for the muslims.

ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
18 Nov 2008 /  #359
So you were there then?????

An extract from an interview with a family member:-

"He studied hard and learned English quickly"

Do you think this would have happened had bombs not gone off in London? Maybe you should look closer to home before placing blame at someone elses doorstep!
IronsE11  2 | 441  
18 Nov 2008 /  #360
You mean: Jean Charles de Menezes?

I really don't know where to begin. He WAS innocent.


i bet you doubt the m15 and the monarchy didnt engineer the plot to murder diana aswell????shows your intelligence....

Do you realise what you have written? No I don't doubt that M15 and the monarchy didn't engineer the plot to murder Diana. In fact I'm pretty positive.

I am open to most theories, just not when the majority of evidence consists of the ramblings of a grief-stricken senile sex pest.

I hope that answers your question.

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