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Local Poles taking advantage of foreigners living in Poland

13 Jan 2008 /  #61
Poles rely on driving skills and common sense.

That nicely sums up the problems that one encounters on the Polish roads. Half of Polish drivers are of below average driving ability and half of them have below the average amount of common sense. When they are all expected to have at least the average amount of skill and common sense, problems are inevitable.

The combination of bad roads, badly maintained older cars, the 'cavalry' attitude, an unshakeable faith in the protective powers of Jesus, lack of patience, a fondness for the odd drink and Polish weather all add up to the huge number of deaths and injuries we see on the Polish roads.
13 Jan 2008 /  #62
The combination of bad roads, badly maintained older cars, the 'cavalry' attitude, an unshakeable faith in the protective powers of Jesus, lack of patience, a fondness for the odd drink and Polish weather all add up to the huge number of deaths and injuries we see on the Polish roads.

Add to that, if you happen to be driving a UK vehicle its like a red rag to a bull over here.
Polanglik 11 | 303  
13 Jan 2008 /  #63
if the British start knocking Polish drivers for bad driving, why can't I knock the British drivers a bit?

so is that your only basis for knocking British drivers ...... retaliation ?

(one praises one's own, puts down outsiders).

it's not so much as 'praising one's own' ........ i was merely supporting the views that driving in Poland is more dangerous than England and other countries I have driven in.

I am all for Poland and things Polish .... so much so that I am moving to Poland to settle permanently within the next two years :o) ...... however if i find fault with any aspect of Polish life it does not mean I am anti-Polish. In most cases I am very positive about Poland ....... but when it comes to driving in Poland, I have to agree with those who believe driving in Poland can be very hazardous .. whether it be from the bad roads or the bad drivers.

My wife who is Polish born has always been of the opinion that Polish drivers are quite reckless and take unnecessary risks in their driving ..... especially when it comes to speeding, dangerous overtaking etc... so this negates the saying ...'one praises ones own, puts down outsiders' in this discussion :o))
Seanus 15 | 19668  
13 Jan 2008 /  #64
Greg, what were u insinuating when u said foreigners act like p**ies here? How about reasonableness? Wrocław Boy made a valid point about pushy customers in shops, what do u propose? To beat him to a pulp? I don't feel bullied in Carrefour, just exposed to rudeness. I can tolerate that kind of stuff. If it came to a head and I couldn't steer it clear of conflict, then I'd favour my chances in a scuffle
Mufasa 19 | 357  
13 Jan 2008 /  #65
... or to show how they can press their nose in front of you - forcing you to a stand still if you don't want an ugly bump! I had such a thrill the other day when a guy tried to press between me and another car - he was really behaving like a pig - and then he gaffed the car in front of him! feel sorry for the other guy - who were just minding his own business, but for this guy, I would just say : 'Kry vir jou!!!' [Krej fyr jeou!] which pretty much just boils down to: You have to bear the consequences of what you have done.

Where did Darek's post go???????????
JustysiaS 13 | 2235  
13 Jan 2008 /  #66
change your money for fewer zlotys than they should and then claim that their ratio(!) is that.Or the ticket inspector will ask for a bribe to let you in the first class vagon when paying ticket for second class.Or the hotel receptionist charging breakfast while knowing that you will check out in the night.Such small cons.

hmm well thats rather off putting and if i was about to visit Poland as a tourist id be very cautious if i heard about it, but surely its not like this everywhere in poland. lots of Britons and others still go there for holidays and stuff, and many of them say on here what a great time they had and how nice Polish people are. you mustve found yourself in some extreme conditions because if all this was so common i doubt that anyone would ever wanna visit there... my advice is to always get yourself prepared, do a lot of research, check the prices online and learn some useful phrases before you go anywhere, China or Poland. There are lots of cheeky buggers like that in every country who prey on careless, unprepared foreigners and wanna rip them off. if they see you know what youre doing and that you mean business, they will respect you and never try to mess you about. so next time you go away do your homework - and have some balls ;).
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6138  
13 Jan 2008 /  #68
so either fight or accept what you feel to be crap treatment?

Better let push yourself around and then cry on the internet, right ?
Foreigner4 12 | 1768  
13 Jan 2008 /  #69
you failed to either read or comprehend the latter portion of my post. but it's summed up for you in seanus' post. cheers.
Seanus 15 | 19668  
13 Jan 2008 /  #70
Cry on the internet, Foreigner 4 has some MMA experience behind him and would whoop yo ass foo, put u right back in the middle of next week, hehehe. Like me, Foreigner 4 probably respects being a guest in a foreign country and is a reasonable and educated teacher. He knows that if he did 2 u and those other yobs who wind him up, he'd land up in trouble with the law so he avoids it. What's so pu**y about that? Seems smart to me. Pinch of salt Greg, pinch of salt
southern 73 | 7059  
13 Jan 2008 /  #71
so next time you go away do your homework - and have some balls ;).

I usually carry them with me.
southern 73 | 7059  
13 Jan 2008 /  #73
I keep them more safe.Anyway what happened to me maybe would pass totally unnoticed by another tourist espesially a drunk one or within company.

Another thing I did not like was the treatment in the train when it came from Ukraine and the polish inspectors regarded me as Ukrainian.It was horrible behaviour,I was surprised.

The opposite happened in the cities where casual Poles always talked to me and gave me vodka to drink thinking I was ukrainian.
jones101 1 | 349  
14 Jan 2008 /  #74
I just shove back now...and it is funny to see how shocked they are like YOU are the rude one...hypocrites. I also refuse to buy things if I know they are jacking up the price...I tell them I know the normal price and they can shove it up their arse.

The only culture I have been around that is more rude are Chinese...everything Poles do that is nasty the Chinese do much worse.

And the funny thing is in private situations both cultures are VERY polite and respectful...dinners in homes etc...but in public forget it...animals.
Lukasz 49 | 1746  
14 Jan 2008 /  #75

jones101 1 | 349  
14 Jan 2008 /  #76
Your quote just has my username..I don't understand what you are trying to say,
Kilkline 1 | 682  
14 Jan 2008 /  #77
however if i find fault with any aspect of Polish life it does not mean I am anti-Polish.

To Puzzler it does. The world is divided into two types of people: Polonophiles and Polonophobes.

No grey areas.
djf 18 | 166  
14 Jan 2008 /  #78

jones101 1 | 349  
14 Jan 2008 /  #79
Well I am grey...there are things I like here but MANY I do not. For me I just want people to be respectful and polite no matter the skin color, nationality, etc etc...pushing, shoving, dishonesty are not polite in any culture..they are just accepted as the 'way things are'

Treat me well and you will get it in return more so...treat me poorly and I will not put up with it.

And if the English/Polish thing is a debate of my origins I was born in the USA...dirty yank.

And Greg's comments about pussies shows the mentality of a lower class of person...everything is about conflict..."You don't like it?" "I'll kick your @ss!"

It is typical of a Polish male to make excuses and blame others rather than admit to the rude social behaviors that exist.
Patrycja19 62 | 2683  
14 Jan 2008 /  #80
It is typical of a Polish male to make excuses and blame others

Pretty general response again.. another expert in the field of bashing.

And Greg's comments about pussies shows the mentality of a lower class of person

tell me Mr Jones , you have never ever became angry and said things out of anger
and wanted to kick someones arse? if you say no, your lying, because every
person on this planet experiences enough degree of anger to say things like what
greg said...

I could also go on to say, this is typical of ignorant folk to not understand where
hes coming from because we all been there and done that.. so to speak.

I am sure Greg can hold his own, but In his defense, I really think your prematurely
judging someone .
jones101 1 | 349  
14 Jan 2008 /  #81
I have never truly physically threatened anyone...no. I am mature enough to control my anger to a level that avoids physical conflict. Whether you believe that or not doesn't matter to me as the truth doesn;t change because someone denies it.

I am not bashing...just stating a repeated behavior I observe....sometimes stereotypes are true no matter how much we are insulted by them.

You are a hypocrite as you did not condemn Greg's generalization and insult of foreigners yet you do accuse me of it.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
14 Jan 2008 /  #82
you have never ever became angry and said things out of anger
and wanted to kick someones arse? if you say no, your lying, because every
person on this planet experiences enough degree of anger to say things like what
greg said...

perhaps this is true - but i think i grew out of this tencendy in my early teens having learnt that violence doesnt solve much, people tend to get hurt and it just makes you as bad as the person you are angry with

i have noticed that violence tends to be the answer to problems for a lot of americans - as does the need for revenge, which again i grew out of when much younger
jones101 1 | 349  
14 Jan 2008 /  #83
Bubba I find the tendency toward violence and rudeness greater in Poland but then maybe it was because I lived in the midwest of the USA and in smaller communities not NYC.

I also agree it is worse with youth...young people think they know everything...or at least more than everyone else and can't imagine that they will be wiser when older.

If Pati19 IS 19yo then she is in the exact age I am talking about so I take it with a grain of salt.
Ranj 21 | 947  
14 Jan 2008 /  #84
i have noticed that violence tends to be the answer to problems for a lot of americans - as does the need for revenge, which again i grew out of when much younger

Whateveeeerrrrrr! :D <<<wink, wink>>>
Patrycja19 62 | 2683  
14 Jan 2008 /  #85
You are a hypocrite as you did not condemn Greg's generalization and insult of foreigners

hes right, you cant go into another country with your eyes closed and expect the
same results when you scream help!!

If Pati19 IS 19yo then she is in the exact age I am talking about so I take it with a grain of salt.

to funny.. judgin again. I wish I was because I would kick your arse... ha ha..

I am not bashing...just stating a repeated behavior I observe....sometimes stereotypes are true no matter how much we are insulted by them.

then he says..

The only culture I have been around that is more rude are Chinese...everything Poles do that is nasty the Chinese do much worse.

Jones,, I think you have pointed your finger in the wrong direction with that
hypokrite statement.. but, then again, I only point out the behavior I observe..
jones101 1 | 349  
14 Jan 2008 /  #86
Why is it the people who always complain about judgment are doing it themselves? Funny how hypocritical humans are.

I don;t have my eyes closed OR scream help...I expect polite respectful treatment and do not get it in W-Wa most times.

You have USA in your profile...can I ask how long if ever you lived in Poland? I ask because I find some of the biggest Poland supporters don't even live here or have not lived here since they were children and truly don't know what it is like. Not saying that IS you but it could be.

And again I am not bashing I am stating facts...The Chinese ARE very rude in public (and very calm and respectful in private)...ask anyone who has lived there and even most Chinese will tell you this...unlike the Polish who often can't seem to admit their faults. Just like Americans who are loud and oblivious as tourists quite often (see I am not picking on Poles and can even criticize my own) It is not bashing to state the obvious.
14 Jan 2008 /  #87
The Chinese ARE very rude in public (and very calm and respectful in private)

Yep, I'll 2nd that. I've seen Chinese business women in downtown Kowloon, wearing expensive designer suits hocking up a nice mouthful of green phlegm on the pavement, without batting an eyelid! Also staring at you on the MTR is considered normal there. In London you'd soon get a kick in the balls for that!
Patrycja19 62 | 2683  
14 Jan 2008 /  #88
The Chinese ARE very rude in public

ok well if this is so true, I am sure no one in the whole wide world would want to
visit CHINA>>>
just like people generalizing about british, polish, finnish,scottish etc.. its all general
stupid comments.. your obeservations is only ONE sir.. not thousands.. so by that
I say, it holds no merit or proof.. other then a judgement made by you alone.

You have USA in your profile...can I ask how long if ever you lived in Poland?

nope, I havent, but people generalize and say that the united states has rude people,
and niave people and we all are gung ho about joing bushes war etc etc etc...
is funny how one person view can be so judgemental.

People are individuals, its a choice they make to either be rude or nice. none of us
can control their lives, whatever the case may be, your going to experience rude
people all over the world.. and in some cases, you might just come off as being rude
yourself some day,, maybe it will be in a classy resort and your demanding a drink
or in a long grocery line waiting to go home cause your feet are killing you and your
in pain, or perhaps you will be in a hospital, feeling at your worse and yelling at those around you helping to make you well, but you just dont appreciate it..

have you ever heard of the domino effect?

well I think its the cause and effect which keeps this going, and it wont stop
until you put on your happy face and find your happy place :) especially when
you visit.. I know when I am taking care of pts in the hospital. I care for them all
even those who are yelling at me because I still have my compassion. find yours.
jones101 1 | 349  
14 Jan 2008 /  #89
You are the one judging now dear....I have done your job...lived in the country you talk about like you live in it...and know loads of people who say the same things about the same cultures...so it is not simply ONE person's opinion.

GO to China...talk to expats AND locals and I will assure you you will hear how rude people are in public. You will also hear how wonderful they are in private...that is a statement of reality not one man's observation. It is not one person having a bad day....it is a cultural phenomenon.

Most of the people you say bash the USA for the reasons you mentioned have never been there (I hear it all the time from people that have never left W-Wa_...I HAVE lived here in PL and China...and so have the other's I have heard the same things from so this is not a bunch of uni students sitting around talking about what they THINK they know from TV.

You denying something is true makes it no less true...if you want to live in your own created reality that is your right. I truly hope you enjoy your life.
Patrycja19 62 | 2683  
14 Jan 2008 /  #90
You are the one judging now dear....

where, I said find your happy place.. dont tell me your not getting angry now are you?

I have done your job...lived in the country you talk about like you live in it

show me where I talk about it like I live in it? we are talking about generalizations
and judging, where does this new accusation apply?

but i think i grew out of this tencendy in my early teens

I smell a rotten burrito!! lmao..

we wont pull up any stats on ya bubbs, I cant do it... you my cousin from
arkansas.. remember the almo or was the elmo?? lmao...

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