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Do you need to have a tv license in Poland to watch TV?

sweet_g  4 | 79  
21 Oct 2008 /  #1
i know this sounds funny but i would really like to know...do you need a tv license in poland to watch tv? My friend needs answers. Thanks
gtd  3 | 639  
21 Oct 2008 /  #2
If you do I am a criminal. This has to be a joke right?
sledz  23 | 2247  
21 Oct 2008 /  #3
tv license

Is this true..it cant be so??
OP sweet_g  4 | 79  
21 Oct 2008 /  #4
no im serious. Over here in uk we have to have a tv license
21 Oct 2008 /  #5
Yes by law you need one, but to be honest I cannot think of one person who has one.
21 Oct 2008 /  #6
Over here in uk we have to have a tv license

really? ;) do you have to take some tests? like the driver license exam?

seriously, no...
CoolMoon  1 | 60  
21 Oct 2008 /  #7
Yes you do need to have a licence in Poland but most businesses and about 50% of private homes do not have it. The authority cannot enter your house to check without the owners permission so it's widely avoided.
OP sweet_g  4 | 79  
21 Oct 2008 /  #8
if the tv license inspectorz find out then you get fined thousandz. We get ripped of down ere. We have to buy a license every year.
gtd  3 | 639  
21 Oct 2008 /  #9
Watch TV on your computer. Problem solved...unless you need a computer license.

That is bizarre.
OP sweet_g  4 | 79  
21 Oct 2008 /  #10
computer dvd player/recorder set top box and tv. All those you need a license for. In the uk they dont need permission to walk in your house. They barge in whenever they like
CoolMoon  1 | 60  
21 Oct 2008 /  #11
if the tv license inspectorz find out then you get fined thousandz. We get ripped of down ere. We have to buy a license every year.

Most of Europe requires a licence paid annually. I don't know were else in Europe the inspectors are more fierce than in UK though.

Watch TV on your computer. Problem solved...unless you need a computer license.

That is bizarre.

They say that in UK if you are watching i-Player live feed (that can also be pre-recorded shows but broadcast at the same time as on BBC TV) you must have a licence but if you are watching i-Player delayed feed you don't need one.
OP sweet_g  4 | 79  
21 Oct 2008 /  #12
when you go to purchase a tv or something similar, you need to complete tv license form. Or else you cant buy it.
21 Oct 2008 /  #13
Watch TV on your computer. Problem solved...unless you need a computer license.

I think you will find that they amended the law two years ago to encompass watching internet TV because TPSA brought out 'wideo na życzenie' online.
OP sweet_g  4 | 79  
21 Oct 2008 /  #14
so is it a yes? You need a license in poland?
CoolMoon  1 | 60  
21 Oct 2008 /  #15
when you go to purchase a tv or something similar, you need to complete tv license form. Or else you cant buy it.

I bought a TV in the UK a couple of years ago and didn't have to do this. They take postcode and address details though, probably to check up but I didn't have to fill out any form. Info point: you don't have to give your address and postcode in that case but they make it seem like you HAVE to.

so is it a yes? You need a license in poland?

Yes, but most don't bother.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
21 Oct 2008 /  #16
not really (public tv is paid from everyone taxes anyway :/)
OP sweet_g  4 | 79  
21 Oct 2008 /  #17
you would rather be safe than sorry to be honest. I wouldnt want to pay thousandz.
gtd  3 | 639  
21 Oct 2008 /  #18
My god the UK is worse than I thought. I had never heard of that in Poland and don't know a single person that has one. Ridiculous scam to make more money for sure.
21 Oct 2008 /  #19
Ridiculous scam to make more money for sure.

Yeah but no one enforces it.
OP sweet_g  4 | 79  
21 Oct 2008 /  #20
gtd your right. I get taxed well bad. The money goes to police doctorz etc. Still no improvement.
gtd  3 | 639  
21 Oct 2008 /  #21
Just claim some discrimination and they will take good care of you. Seems to work there for everyone from criminals to religious fanatics. Become a protected category and you will be good to go!

Tell them they hate TV living people from Pakistan and are racist ;)

I bet they pay YOU to watch TV after that.
OP sweet_g  4 | 79  
21 Oct 2008 /  #22
you cant do that! Impossible! Im a student i have a part time job. I dont meet the requirements for that lol. Im not immigrant either.
CoolMoon  1 | 60  
21 Oct 2008 /  #23
gtd your right. I get taxed well bad. The money goes to police doctorz etc. Still no improvement.


In UK if you don't have a licence they will come down on you like a ton of bricks. In Poland they don't really have the means to prove you don't have one. So most don't.
gtd  3 | 639  
21 Oct 2008 /  #24
Sweet_G you mean they have something against part-time working, non immigrant students? Racists. Write your MP.
OP sweet_g  4 | 79  
21 Oct 2008 /  #25
atleast you save money annually in poland then.. Not racist. You need to meet requirements to claim benefits. But you cnt claim benefit for a tv license. Nope
gtd  3 | 639  
21 Oct 2008 /  #26
Not really as I am sure they squeeze the fee into our cable bill or some administration fee. Opportunities for profit are not passed up around these parts.
urszula  1 | 253  
21 Oct 2008 /  #27
You have to pay an "abonent" for a TV in Poland. But since so many are dishonest, and do everything "na lewo", they don't.
OP sweet_g  4 | 79  
22 Oct 2008 /  #28
if we did that down here. The inspectors will find out somehow.
12 Apr 2009 /  #29
If a certain house has no license, they send letters asking you to buy one, regardless of whether or not you actually have a tv. They just assume that everyone watches (not far from the truth). If you don't buy one then they made decide to check your house for a tv (or anything that can show live tv) but they have to send you a letter first. The letter tells you when they are coming, and I've been told that they aren't allowed to search inside stuff. Sounds stupid but they can't look inside cupboards etc. where you could hide a tv if you wanted. (or just put it in next doors garden)

So yeah, you are meant to buy one, and most people do (it doesn't cost much) but if you don't want to...
moe  - | 6  
18 Apr 2009 /  #30
ah man you are so angel :)
if all the world thinks like u doo am sure life will run out of problems and all the police will looses they jobss because we wont need theme at all

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