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Homosexuals in Poland / Hands off (PETITION)

FISZ 24 | 2,116  
1 Sep 2007 /  #301
why should i be offended?

You'd be surprised at what offends some people.

Its good to hear from a friendly charactor.

....and nice to be known as one.
9 Oct 2007 /  #302
this sort of behaviour is common... indeed it is but has anyone actually looked at why some pople and religions are not in favour of it...

i beleive as soon as man (human beings) starts going against nature there are adverse effects for example if you look how we are killing our planet by continously consuming consuming consuming - this has resutled in so much toxic waste = global warming...

the world has been existing for a long time,, where people learnt their basics from the begining is a mystery, like theft, robbery, rape etc etc. we are humans and we have a tendency to act liek animals and angels.... good and bad.. this has been defined for us....

now what is good in one place maybe bad in another....

in general if you look at research carried out about homosexual sex you will find many many dangers, first aids but there are many more, if there are any students who have athens logins please read up on this.. people who are so much in a phase about enjoying anal sex are actually destroying themselves. its not feasible for 2 men to be in a loving relationship.. however hard one tries to justify... the adverse effects of this behaviour will be evident in a few years.. this is desteroying the fabric of society,, FAMILY and marriage... children need a man and a woman.............

men and women are different they have qualities that children need
sapphire 22 | 1,241  
9 Oct 2007 /  #303
more fundamentalist claptrap.. There is no evidence that I know of that suggests children brought up by gay couples are not as well adjusted as those raised by heterosexuals.. if anything they are likely to be more tolerant and therefore become more rounded individuals. Maybe the above poster hasnt considered that being gay is not a lifestyle choice!
Ronek 1 | 261  
9 Oct 2007 /  #304
and therefore become more rounded individuals.

I cannot agree that ones brought up by gay couple may be greater individuals then children brought up by straight ppl.
I'm sorry to say but this is rubbish.

I'm a straight person but try to be tollerant towards gay ppl all the time, But I must admit that its a hard job!

I dont have problem with gay ppl them selves as long as they stay and do their stuff away from my eyes and my family.

The problems is that gay communities have become very aggresive lately.

There is law term for this, its negative privilages. It means that a group of ppl claim they should have special laws based based the fact that they dont have equal chances in life.

So now we get gay demonstrations for gay mariages and adoptions and all sort of crap like that.

They're asking for all sorts of special rights they dont deserve and shouldnt get!
Adoption, mariages? c'mon since when to men who shag each other and live together form a family? check your dictionary for family for christ sake.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3,506  
9 Oct 2007 /  #305
They're asking for all sorts of special rights they dont deserve and shouldnt get!

sounds like the polish government
9 Oct 2007 /  #306
Maybe the above poster hasnt considered that being gay is not a lifestyle choice!

but it is... people make the choices... humans have the power to make choices and actions.. i understand that the children will leanr tolerance but to be honest 2 men can never give birth so why should they have a child.. it doesnt make snese does it.. the natural proces is interferred... i appreciate that peopel can do what they like bu the poor inocent child needs the love of a mother who can breastfeed,, the gay man cannot breast feed.. its funny how people can block their minds so easily.. just becasue in some western countries it is acceptabel and fashionable doesnt make anything right.. all of a sudden in the uk there are so many gays.. the reason being 'we are more tolerant' this will come to poland soon not becasue being gay is natural but becasue we are going away from what is right.... we have been given the laws and if u look at htem logically then you will realise they make sense. i understand sex is for pleasure but the underlying point is that when a man and woman carry this out there is potential for a baby, even if you have contraception.

They're asking for all sorts of special rights they dont deserve and shouldnt get!
Adoption, mariages? c'mon since when to men who shag each other and live together form a family? check your dictionary for family for christ sake.

a fair point, if we take religion and the bible out of the equation look at the social implications.. a child potentially will not have a father, or a mother,, to be honest peopel can make their own chocie... we have to be accountabel for our actions.. one day we will not be on this earth.... think about what will happen next...
sapphire 22 | 1,241  
9 Oct 2007 /  #307
all of a sudden in the uk there are so many gays.. the reason being 'we are more tolerant' this will come to poland soon not becasue being gay is natural but becasue we are going away from what is right....

there have always been gay people in the world, its just in some countries they are forced to live a lie and often get married and have kids, whilst repressing their true sexuality or having affairs on the side.. and all because it is not acceptable to their fellow countrymen.. in extreme cases they live in fear of death. As I said earlier this is not a trend or choice.. it is something that you cannot fight. I was kind of joking when I said about gay couple's children being more rounded individuals.. Im not saying they are better, I just meant better at dealing with the inevitable taunts that they will suffer, which will ultimately make them strong. Anyway, I realise that I cannot change your strong homophobic stances, all I can do is offer my humble opinion.
9 Oct 2007 /  #308
there have always been gay people in the world

do you have any scientific evidence about every location on earth?

As I said earlier this is not a trend or choice

this is your opinion? there was a study done looking for a gay gene, it was accepted for 12 years then refuted after further study?

Anyway, I realise that I cannot change your strong homophobic stances, all I can do is offer my humble opinion.

its nice that i am labeled as a homophobe was this a remark given to people since the begining? i understand your opinion and your thoughts but you are not looking at this logically and that it is scary? you are using emotions based on your compassion to a fellow man which is good but for the greater scoiety it is not.. if the system of homo behaviour was natural then the world would be different... if we look at natural selection then hetro behaviour will supercede...
Bubbles 1 | 120  
9 Oct 2007 /  #309
Hey poor me. My life is hard and I don't get a fair shake cause who I choose to sleep with. Bull Sh***. Once the world figures out you are responsible for your own actions and takes credit and blame for your own circumstances it will be a much better place. I am so sick of "its always not my fault" You made your bed no lie in it!!!

I should go away today i am really in a bad mood.
9 Oct 2007 /  #310
I should go away today i am really in a bad mood.

BubbaWoo 33 | 3,506  
9 Oct 2007 /  #311
you are not looking at this logically and that it is scary? you are using emotions based on your compassion to a fellow man which is good but for the greater scoiety it is not.. if the system of homo behaviour was natural then the world would be different... if we look at natural selection then hetro behaviour will supercede...

what you consider logic is really scary

but youre only young, arent you?
Ranj 21 | 947  
9 Oct 2007 /  #312
i appreciate that peopel can do what they like bu the poor inocent child needs the love of a mother who can breastfeed,

So are you making the argument that a woman who cannot have a child of her own, should not be allowed to adopt a child, just because she cannot breastfeed? Keep in mind, many mother's who give birth don't breast feed or are unable to for various reasons.....are you saying a child is only truly loved if they have been breast fed? What a crock!!!!

Why are there no Polish gay bars in Chicago? Do gay Polish men avoid gathering so they cannot be identified as gay? My guess for a partial explanation is that many are married and have children. Any thoughts?

That's an interesting question and observation.....
10 Oct 2007 /  #313
no you are reading ebtween the lines, i was expalinging the entire system a man and woman exchange things this results in somethign else etc etc.. woman have been gifted with the ability to feed their child this is what i ma saying that men cannot? everyhting needs to be looked at in a whole. there are many woman who cannot breastfeed i acknowldge that.

what you consider logic is really scary

its easy to look at ings not in perspective and in half, life is more then just 'romping' around for 2 men, becasue if you assess research you will see the dangers of this type of behaviour. its early days now and people are in this all free mood love fore all etc but when it comes down to the crunch whats right and wrong will conintue. anal sex is not feasible.. ic an send soem research if you please.

in terms for women - emotionally they require sexual satisfaction, whic can be achieved with the help fo a mans private parts, dont think about these artiifcial toys.. if you look at sex in details its more then just a 'quickie' the real satisfaction comes with the true love you have fo your partner.. naturally since the creation of this earth there must have been men and women for it to survive, if there were always 2 men n women then the world would never have continued.
Polson 5 | 1,768  
10 Oct 2007 /  #314
There are enough women/men couples in this world, to let some men/men or women/women couples live ;)
Plus, we think that the world is going to be overpopulated within a century, and not enough food for all !! So it's a "chance" there are homosexuals to limit the amount of new borns each year ! LOL
10 Oct 2007 /  #315
There are enough women/men couples in this world, to let some men/men or women/women couples live ;)

thats justified it - straignht to the point, i ilike it!

going to be overpopulated

well maybe you should visit quebec in canada lovely place,, needs a few extra heads..
actually canada is a very beautiful country well worth a visit, i would like to drive from west to east supposed to be very scenic
BubbaWoo 33 | 3,506  
10 Oct 2007 /  #316
if you assess research you will see the dangers of this type of behaviour.

exactly what sort of research are you reading...?

its early days now and people are in this all free mood love fore all etc but when it comes down to the crunch whats right and wrong will conintue

early days of what - homosexuality...?

hardly... go and do some proper research
10 Oct 2007 /  #317
exactly what sort of research are you reading...?

i have journals on another machine will forward it to you sir,

early days of what - homosexuality...?

hardly... go and do some proper research

the dangers of anal sex have not been ecamined as they are today, yes peopel have commtied this act, doesnt mean that its right.. what i am saying is that with the advancement we have we can understand the risks of certain behaviours more physical, emotional and social.
Polson 5 | 1,768  
10 Oct 2007 /  #318
If 2 people of the same sex love each other, what could you tell them ? It's love, there is no weird love, so let them live their own way of life ;) I don't care !
10 Oct 2007 /  #319
i could not agree more, the danger is as humans we someitmes misunderstand what is right and wrong, what would you say if someone said i love my dog and i mean proeprly love like they say i have dreams about it and i want to live my life with my dog only........ you would say i think not' becasue this is unatural, the reason you know it is unatrula becasue firstly no one does it, secondly its hard for the love to sustainas it will be one sided and secondly one elemant of love is to fulfil ones sexual needs and this will be difficult.

now if we look at the relationship between man and woman we see they have different physical features, different mental apporach. they are equal but in soemthings they are different.. the difference is what makes them compatible.... like two magnets N & S atteracts.

now thing of 2 men they ahve smae physicla body many similar emotional traits the love will always be there but incomplete..

to be honest peopel are free to choose what hey want.. but rememebr we will be responibsle for our actions in this world and the hereafter
Polson 5 | 1,768  
10 Oct 2007 /  #320
its hard for the love to sustainas it will be one sided and secondly one elemant of love is to fulfil ones sexual needs and this will be difficult.

Homosexuals love each other, it's not one sided love...
I guess you're right about sexual needs, even though there are people that do it... *_* LoL

You are straight, so you can't understand homosexuals maybe, i'm straight too, but i think there are no risk in letting them live their life, and us our own, we can all live together, independantly of what we like or love ;)
jay uk - | 29  
10 Oct 2007 /  #321
I have always thought if you and that person love each other and it doesn't involve anyone else,does it really matter if your gay,straight or lesbian....

What harm can it do?
If the feelings you have for each other is strong enough and genuine,it makes you stronger and you dont care what people think.
Polson 5 | 1,768  
10 Oct 2007 /  #322
Exactly jay uk ;) Thanks
Lukasz 49 | 1,746  
10 Oct 2007 /  #323
as to opinion pools

there was a question If gay should have the right to marry another gay

and answers
defiantely yes
rather yes
rather no
definately no
I dont know

so in Poland the debate is rather about their status in society, than if it is normal/sick ...
Polson 5 | 1,768  
10 Oct 2007 /  #324
very mixed opinions, right...
jay uk - | 29  
10 Oct 2007 /  #325
Exactly jay uk ;) Thanks

Thats ok,your very welcome :)

so in Poland we have rather debate about their status in society, than if it is normal/sick

Really? its abit like the English supposedly dont get on with the scottish but my mum and dad still got marrid and had 3 kids...and one of them was me !!

When my mum and dad found out about me,my mum cried,my dad was pissed off and my brother.....well...every time he came home drunk,he used to come into my room and beat the **** out of me and told me how much he hated me.I was 15 at the time and by this time my parents seperated and my mum had no control over him.

so i moved out.

so yes i have experienced the bad side too.When you dont have your family to be with,it is very tough.Unless you been there,you can never comprehend it.

I suppose i was brought up in a very homophobic family.
Just sharing my experience with you....i dont expect anyone to feel sorry for me. ok!!

Still speak to my sister though.
Polson 5 | 1,768  
10 Oct 2007 /  #326
Wow ! And have you still any link with your mom and dad ?...
10 Oct 2007 /  #327
sorry to hear it my friend, violence is no solution to any problem,
i understand you have feelings but have you ever thought about contoling them, dont take it the wrong way, imagine the benefits of a family a mother and father and what they can offer to children and society as a whole, i will not say that having feelings for another man is wrong but it seems rather unnatural.

can you imagine if people who are aged 60 start claiming equal rights becasue they want to have sex with children, i know the situations are not so similar but it makes you think how far will we come from the boundaries, how much will we sacrifice in the name of freedom and materialism. please dont be offended... one should think of there life in this world and the real purpose, if life was just to enjoy on a material sense then the world is a bad place - there is so much inequlaity peopel dying of hunger in africa and india, we enjoy life in the west, becasue we do so through material means
Lukasz 49 | 1,746  
10 Oct 2007 /  #328
Really? its abit like the English supposedly dont get on with the scottish but my mum and dad still got marrid and had 3 kids...and one of them was me !!

I just wanted to show, about what we debate in Poland.

What is more gay parades which were very controversial at the beginning (stoped, baned, contr-manifested), this year were calm and succesful for gay/lesbian society in Poland. What you should notice: there are huge differencies in way of thinking betwen others parts of Poland and it is important as well ....
Polson 5 | 1,768  
10 Oct 2007 /  #329
have you ever thought about contoling them

And you jareck, have you ever though about controlling your feelings about women ? don't understand that there are people that love men, as you love women... ;)
10 Oct 2007 /  #330
i have indeed? bonjour.. the thing is that its innate to have feeligns for women vice verse fro women to have for men.. can i ask why is it then that some lesbian women become rather butch - act like a man.. and many people who call themselves gay act in a rather feminine manner

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