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Are Polish People Racist?

Bojownik - | 115  
28 Jan 2007 /  #721
You'll feel like home there. America is not for you.

Africa is a paradise for you and your husband. Since you think so highly of the african ways.

ok, so you cant answer my post # 767

I ignored post 767 because you didnt post some one else did.
Maati 1 | 178  
28 Jan 2007 /  #722
Africa? Why not?
I live in Warsaw ( the city where my family is from many generations back) and I feel very comfortable there.
Ranj 21 | 947  
28 Jan 2007 /  #723
"BZZZZZZZZ!" Watch out Pat, there's a dragon fly buzzing around your head....move out of the way and I'll try to swat it!:)
Matyjasz 2 | 1,544  
28 Jan 2007 /  #724
I ignored post 767 because you didnt post some one else did.

Actually that was a quite interesting question. I am interested in your reply.

Come back to your 99% Catholc village in Poland full of "moherowe berety", "Nasz Dziennik" and Father Rydzyk. You'll feel like home there. America is not for you.

Do you think that “Nasz Dziennik” sells in 38 million copies? Don’t think so.
Bojownik - | 115  
28 Jan 2007 /  #725
u make up your own version bojo, thats ok, we all understand you need

Nope this isint here say , this common fact about the city. You are too busy making up dumb excuses for the well known majority of people in detroit.

And if you read the real facts , its just like what England is going thru now.
ford brought up many from the south, and some came on their own for better
life, just like the polish and any other human who wants better. and others who
lived there and were established for a long time in the city became angry that
these jobs were given to Black laborers , cheap labor.

Henry ford was a known racist. Please show me numbers and figures on this. Even then if they did import blacks why did the city fall apart when whites left? Since we are all "equal" they should have had no problems keeping the community safe and clean. They surley would have been smart enough to keep it all together like whites do in communities. Clearly these people don't think this way.

this story sounds oh so familiar. so bojo, how do you feel about Polish getting
same treatment in England? its happening now. do you feel they should get
treated the same or different ? because same story, different ERA.

This has no relevance to detroit and is hardly the same situation. The polish don't cause the **** negros do around the world.

Some in England dont mind, and others are opposed to it. but how does that
make you feel Bojo? that some hate your brotheren same as you do black and
these folks are same skin color as you "WHITE"

I never defended any cultural takeover of any country. I don't agree with that many poles or anyone else flooding into places like the UK. However poles are hard working people and in no way shape or form compare to the work habits and mentality of negroes.

It makes me sad, sad that you can be as low

You are trailing off again I don't "get it"

To those reading, this is merely to prove a point that some still have acceptance
issues. no disrespect to any nationality.

Thanks for clearing that up. You chose to use wrong comparison that holds no resemblence.
Maati 1 | 178  
28 Jan 2007 /  #726
"Nasz Dziennik" and Radio Maryja are quite popular even among "Polonia" in the US and Canada, believe me.
Bojownik - | 115  
28 Jan 2007 /  #727
africa? Why not?

I agree why not?
Maati 1 | 178  
28 Jan 2007 /  #728
Because I live in Warsaw and I'm very comfortable there. It's my home.
If anything, I'll go and live on one of the Carribean Islands, where my partner still have relatives.
Bojownik - | 115  
28 Jan 2007 /  #729
If anything, I'll go and live on one of the Carribean Islands, where my partner still have relatives.

Africa is a better choice.
Matyjasz 2 | 1,544  
28 Jan 2007 /  #730
"Nasz Dziennik" and Radio Maryja are quite popular even among "Polonia" in the US and Canada, believe me.

And yet, their image in every, I repeat EVERY, respectful media in Poland are negative. Aside from some elderly people and few LPR fanatics they don't have any support what so ever. If you would ask an average pole what does he think about Radio Maryja and nasz dziennik I doubt that you would get any positive feedback.
Maati 1 | 178  
28 Jan 2007 /  #731
Yes, that's true, Matyjasz.

Africa is a better choice.

Why? Since when you are an expert on Africa?
Bojownik - | 115  
28 Jan 2007 /  #732
Why? Since when you are an expert on Africa?

I'm looking out for the best. This would be as close to the originalty of your husbands ancestors. They have not been mistreated by the evil white man over there. Therefore you could experiance all that ritch african culture and respect first hand. Untouched ,well preserved african ways. It just dosent get any better then that , the real deal! The real historic homeland.
Maati 1 | 178  
28 Jan 2007 /  #733
Yeah, I know. Some of our firends relocated to their homeland from the States. Well-educated people. They don't regret. Stop being sarcastic.
28 Jan 2007 /  #734
If anything, I'll go and live on one of the Carribean Islands, where my partner still have relatives.

Are you a race traitor, Maati? Or is your partner one of the Dutch/French that settled in the Carribean?

Few things are as disgusting as a white woman walking around with the disgusting evidence that she has been engaging in bestiality.
Maati 1 | 178  
28 Jan 2007 /  #735
Yes, I am a race traitor and I am proud of it.
Bojownik - | 115  
28 Jan 2007 /  #736
The combination of poor self esteem and self hatred.
Maati 1 | 178  
28 Jan 2007 /  #737
What else can I say to the extremist nationalist pervert, Bojownik ?
And I see you are not only the expert on African issues, but also internet psychoanalyst. Impressing.
Bojownik - | 115  
28 Jan 2007 /  #738
And I see you are not only the expert on African issues, but also internet psychoanalyst. Impressing.

I know plenty about africa.
Maati 1 | 178  
28 Jan 2007 /  #739
BTW where are you now? Why you are not in your beloved Poland trying to save her from culture degradation, hmm...? As a Polish patriot, you should have been working for Poland, not for USA, internet warrior.
King Sobieski 2 | 714  
28 Jan 2007 /  #740
Just some facts:

New evidence has surfaced linking the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency to the introduction of crack cocaine into Black neighborhoods with drug profits used to fund the CIA-backed Nicaraguan Contra army in the early 1980s.
Fulabasz - | 18  
28 Jan 2007 /  #741
great thread. I never looked at the Polish as racist. I've always noticed their ethnic pride and their understandable desire to maintain their culture and traditions. I guess when you think about it, it's really just like Jews, Mexicans and Blacks. Blacks are always promoting black pride, Mexicans actually are out in the open with their Viva LA Raza and the Jews consider themselves chosen. But when a pole or any of our other White European family members express pride, it's considered racists. You all should think that over a bit.
28 Jan 2007 /  #742
BTW where are you now? Why you are not in your beloved Poland trying to save her from culture degradation, hmm...? As a Polish patriot, you should have been working for Poland, not for USA, internet warrior.

I don't think Bojownik is:" trying to save her[Poland] from culture degradation" he is only trying to prove the simple fact that whites ( Poles in that) are a superior race! You can do that anywhere, in any country, not only in Poland. America needs people like Bojownik around so don't you give him any ideas to leave! We all miss Poland but we have our lives here and U.S. is just as good of a place to feel proud of being white as any!!!!!

It is better for Poles to be colonizing other parts of the world!

But when a pole or any of our other White European family members express pride, it's considered racists. You all should think that over a bit.

Well said Fulabasz!!! Unfortunately we have some "can't-we-all-just-get-along" retards here that are in need of education.
Welcome to the site!:)

. Therefore you could experiance all that ritch african culture and respect first hand. Untouched ,well preserved african ways. It just dosent get any better then that , the real deal! The real historic homeland.

Yeah...! Sounds like fun for negro-loving-Maati !!!! Somalia, Ethiopia... Uganda.... She might even get half a bowl of cornmeal once a day to eat!! That will help her looking nice and PLUMP- just the way her poop-skinned husband likes his women.:)
feral belcher  
28 Jan 2007 /  #743
a white woman walking around with the disgusting evidence that she has been engaging in bestiality.

Either that or a hooker walking with her pimp.
Btw. this is the coolest statement I've ever read. LOL
Patrycja19 62 | 2,688  
28 Jan 2007 /  #744
"BZZZZZZZZ!" Watch out Pat, there's a dragon fly buzzing around your head....move out of the way and I'll try to swat it!

yeah, Tanks Ranj!! lol whew! for a minute there thought I was a goner!! lol
28 Jan 2007 /  #745
he is only trying to prove the simple fact that whites ( Poles in that) are a superior race!

Jeffrey Dahmers, Ted Bundy, Green River Killer, Adolf Hitler, Ceaucescu, Stalin, Ivan the Terrible, the deadliest wars in human history, genocide, etc, the list goes on forever. Yes this is the Master Race. All the atrocities that blacks are accused of isn't even a drop of water in the ocean of evil that the whites have conjured up, Nagasaki, Hiroshima. All the technological, political, medical advances doesn't justify the evil.

The only beats here are those who express hate and disgust at that which they don't understand.

To Bojo and Tburk

If a black little baby was about to be crushed by a car and you could save the baby without any personal bodily harm, would you save the baby?
29 Jan 2007 /  #746
Yes this is the Master Race

It's real funny the way that when a white person says that his race is the best, somehow that is thought of as evil. When a Jew proclaims himself as "God's chosen" no one seems to criticize that. Isn't considering yourself better than others only healthy and natural? What is the difference between the "master race" and being "god's chosen"? It's two sides of the same coin, really. So any vitriol you direct towards Hitler's memory for attempting to perfect the master race, direct the same amount towards Jews today for proclaiming themselves "God's chosen".

Oh, and to answer your question in post 872. Yes
King Sobieski 2 | 714  
29 Jan 2007 /  #747
It's real funny the way that when a white person says that his race is the best, somehow that is thought of as evil.

But being proud of your heritage or your country (ie of being american, polish, etc) is different to some crazy red neck race hatred view of saying your race is best.

I have met a few jewish people but they have never introduced themselves as "Gods Chosen".

The only master race is the human race!!!
29 Jan 2007 /  #748
I have met a few jewish people but they have never introduced themselves as "Gods Chosen".

You'll hear the "god's chosen" thing from time-to-time in movies and literature. Google "god's chosen" if you'd like to know more. Or BTW, a few years back, one of the wealthy Jews that own Estee Lauder cosmetics wanted to re-establish the Jewish area of Warsaw. What happened with that?
Matyjasz 2 | 1,544  
29 Jan 2007 /  #749
You'll hear the "god's chosen" thing from time-to-time in movies and literature.

And in the Bible. :)
29 Jan 2007 /  #750
direct the same amount towards Jews today for proclaiming themselves "God's chosen".

I've told them personally, that is nonsense.

Oh, and to answer your question in post 872. Yes

Good, you're not beyond redemption.

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