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Are Polish People Racist?

27 Jan 2007 /  #691
If you had to be dropped off in a neighborhood at 12 midnight, which would you want to be dropped off in, white, black or hispanic? After honestly answering this question, ask yourself if you pre-judged the people.

My car broke down once in a black neighborhood. I was driving through there to get home quicker. Nice blacks told me they would stay with me until the towtruck came for fear I would be violently assaulted. They were evangelical xtians. There are nice people in every race.
Decorator 4 | 291  
27 Jan 2007 /  #692
Your the one exception i'd make regarding getting a good beating by your so called enemies.. you really are a retard... ha ha

That of course was directed at TBraindead not you josecitomadera
27 Jan 2007 /  #693
I know it must be hard for you: Patrycja, Decorator and others, who want to believe in a utopian world of "let's just love one-another"....

You have been raised breathing and eating the propaganda that they tried to teach you how all races are equal...
Just like our parents were propagandized to believe that communism is the greatest system in the world.
I understand that hearing the truth for the first time is difficult and sometimes painful...
What you are feeling, right now, is the pain of the withdrawal process...
Patrycja19 62 | 2,688  
27 Jan 2007 /  #694
If you had to be dropped off in a neighborhood at 12 midnight

who the hell goes anywhere at midnight?? lol, be realistic now.

and I dont get dropped off , I am not a girl of the streets. so no, I cant even
begin to answer that one, as I would not get dropped off anywhere at that time
anywhere away from home.

as for it being my world, its all our world, I told you , bad place, wrong place
wrong time, your blaming all blacks, I dont agree, so your trying to convince me
that your incident is the fault of all blacks, well sorry, not biting.

You have been raised breathing and eating the propaganda that they tried to teach you how all races are equal...
Just like our parents were propagandized to believe that communism is the greatest system in the world.
I understand that hearing the truth for the first time is difficult and sometimes painful...
What you are feeling, right now, is the pain of the withdrawal process...

yeah, and you need some heavy psyco drugs to calm your scared little self
from all the boogie men who are out to get you.

Of course I don't live among them! I don't like them! Therefore I chose to live away from them. You -on the other hand- are a hypocryte, you claim to like them , yet you live far away from them. Have you any brain cells?

ok, I work with all walks of life, and I live where I live because its where I grew
up. anything else ?

and I didnt insult you, was asking a question, but i see it hit home, poor poor you
dont go out at night, they might be watching you :) BOO!

I understand that hearing the truth for the first time is difficult and sometimes painful...

Painful?? we didnt get jumped ole boy you did, so if anyone is having issues
its you, counseling is avail.

let's just love one-another"....

I care for people, and would never want to see anyone hurt. and no I dont
smoke and go out with flowers in my hands saying love and peace brother.

I work my butt off daily, and take care of my home and help where i can, when
I can.

so no you got me all wrong, People on here, who do know me and respect me
unlike you equally get my total respect and best wishes.

I do try to be as open minded as I can, but , really get annoyed at people who
promote hate. no one said you have to marry outside your preference, or you
had to like anyone, but if your one of those people who is public about their
hate , then you need some serious help. theres no excuse for it these days and
people are human no matter the skin color. so grow up. and get over your
27 Jan 2007 /  #695
Like I said: throwing pearls to swine...
Your unwillingness to answer the question, proves your true feelings on the matter.

Let me pose a question to you, and please answer honestly.
If you had to be dropped off in a neighborhood at 12 midnight, which would you want to be dropped off in, white, black or hispanic? After honestly answering this question, ask yourself if you pre-judged the people.

Patrycja19 62 | 2,688  
27 Jan 2007 /  #696
Your unwillingness to answer the question, proves your true feelings on the matter.

it proves nothing, I cant answer something I would never do, but apparently you
do, so no wonder you faced such a incident.

anyone , especailly female going out into the night, theres a risk anywhere you
go. dont be stupid.

just to add to the above post, as a girl growing up, my father always said come in
before the street lights because theres crazys everywhere, and this was the way
I grew up, even in a white neighborhoods, there was serial killers killing young
college women, (not black) and also men trying to pick up young children (pedifiles)
and this is why I dont go running off at the mouth in places I shouldnt.

im trying to be understanding and nice, but your making it hard, because you
feel insult is your outlet to intelligence. sorry but you should have been smarter to
have been around more people in a neighborhood where problems are known.

so stop crying about it and move on.

and to add to what happened to you, yes it was wrong, and unfortunately
it happened, but if you knew this area is bad, and there are problems then
its always better to stay away from it. Detroit has been downsizing their force
for many years now, and its a no brainer that when you call for help, it takes
to long for it to get there. Im not happy with everything , I have my views, but
I dont blame it all on one nationality, and unfortunately society tries to teach
this , but we all must form our own opinions.
27 Jan 2007 /  #697
Yeah but anybody could be racist in the whole wide world not just polish people
also a couple people were sterio typing about different races just remember this:
Color is not a characteristic
27 Jan 2007 /  #698
Oh Partycja.... is there any hope for you? The concert happened probably 20 years ago, who cares? I used this incident and also of my mother-in -law recently getting mugged to point out the larger problem with blacks. Look at their cities, schools, statistics. Can't escape the truth. Think of African countries like: Sudan, Ethiopia or Somalia.... they are beasts! There might be a few exceptions in their race, let me know if you think of someone....
Patrycja19 62 | 2,688  
27 Jan 2007 /  #699
post # 755

this post is a reference as to how it can get out of control.

everyone can like or hate, but when it gets to that point where it becomes
physical, especially someone who was working . now those four will become
part of the system and all because of society.

some have formed opinions or had these opinions over one incident .

just like anyone who breaks the law, I agree with the criminal doing time.
but I wont be the judge sentencing the whole , when it was one mans actions.

I wish this could have been stopped/Prevented. maybe the solution is to ask
what people can do to prevent this. one life lost, and four wasted.
Styles 2 | 21  
28 Jan 2007 /  #700
humans do not deserve to live, this hatred towards each other will kill us all oneday...

but really, if you judge an entire racist base on stats and an ''incident'' then you need to look at yourself. Have you ever even met a black and had a conversation or tried to make a friend> or has bitterness closed you're narrow minds?

but if you choice to cut off all contact i understand, just don't preach you're ******** judgements to every white you meet, some of us have seen that there are decent people in every race. And there are alot of ignorant in every colour too...
Ranj 21 | 947  
28 Jan 2007 /  #701
hatred towards each other will kill us all oneday...

That's the most poignant statement I've read all day. Very true! Thanks, Styles.
28 Jan 2007 /  #702
humans do not deserve to live, this hatred towards each other will kill us all oneday...

Thank you for the platitudes junkyard philosopher. Any facts or substance here? Jews have hated Arabs for centuries and they're both still around.

but really, if you judge an entire racist base on stats and an ''incident'' then you need to look at yourself.

First of all, the negros don't belong on the North American continent in the first place. Now that they're here we have to do what we can to send them back to Africa. I could bring up more incidences, but what's the point? "Can't-we-all-get-along" retards like yourselves will just tell me... you can't judge an entire race just because of one...two... uh ten... uh 20 instances. In general though, look at so-called "affirmative-action" the fact that the government gives the negros a crutch is testament that they too believe the blacks are inferior to whites.

The writers here seem completely out of touch with reality. They do what they can to live away from negros, but they're in denial that they do it for racist reasons.

It's not like one incident by itself is the reason for wanting to send them back to Africa. It's important to maintain one's bloodline as a pure strain. When you mix up the different races, you get conflict. How many multicultural societies have broken up in the last two decades? USSR split up, Czechoslovakia split up, Yugoslavia split up, Iraq is in the process of splitting up. Diversity is not strength, it is a burden on the stronger race.
Matyjasz 2 | 1,544  
28 Jan 2007 /  #703
First of all, the negros don't belong on the North American continent in the first place.

And whites do?

It's not like one incident by itself is the reason for wanting to send them back to Africa.

Do you really think it's possible? :)
Maati 1 | 178  
28 Jan 2007 /  #704
First of all, the negros don't belong on the North American continent in the first place.

First of all, such racist crackers as yourself do not belong to North American continent in the first place.
globetrotter 3 | 106  
28 Jan 2007 /  #705
I think I saw this guy in the movie Deliverance. Nice banjo playing pal.
Amathyst 19 | 2,702  
28 Jan 2007 /  #706
It's not like one incident by itself is the reason for wanting to send them back to Africa

So where do you come from, prey tell??
Bojownik - | 115  
28 Jan 2007 /  #707
First of all, such racist crackers as yourself do not belong to North American continent in the first place.

Excuse me but us "crackers" made america what it is. . Again go look up USA'S worst cities and then come tell us the populations based on race. Your husband is a idiot and you are to clearly he has you convinced that america was a evil country and whites treated him as trash. Which is a complete lie. Stop thinking your black because you are not. You aren't even proud to be polish.
Patrycja19 62 | 2,688  
28 Jan 2007 /  #708
Oh Partycja.... is there any hope for you?

Yes, Hope that I never end up like you. hating everyone.

There might be a few exceptions in their race, let me know if you think of someone....

I see you do see there is exceptions, so you are hypocrite who just wants to
rant off at the mouth ehh? so I dont need to keep explaining that not all
are bad right.

let me see Aretha Franklin, Rosa Parks, martin luther, list goes on.

you can keep your formed opinion, I will keep mine.

I will say it again, you went to a bad area, and expected to be safe.
you dont like that someone told you, dont go in places like that alone.
everyone knows there are areas in cities you just dont go to.
Bojownik - | 115  
28 Jan 2007 /  #709
The question being is why these areas are like this to begin with? During the great depression there was poor white people everywhere. Did the neighborhoods turn into chaos and destruction? NO. Don't excuse the mentality of american blacks. Esp since you claim to live near or in the most ruined city in the USA.
Patrycja19 62 | 2,688  
28 Jan 2007 /  #710
The question being is why these areas are like this to begin with?

Maybe Aretha had a party and it got out of hand?

Im not even bothering getting into the same discussion i had with you on another
post. its pointless. keep your opinion and I will keep mine.
Bojownik - | 115  
28 Jan 2007 /  #711
I agree but mine isint an opinion its a fact :)
Patrycja19 62 | 2,688  
28 Jan 2007 /  #712

do some reading bojo!

again, I say, pointless. you know nothing facts. only your own made up facts what
you want to believe.

again I say the city is in ruins because people were treated badly and govt
dont care. I am sure I can find you more facts. written by people who really know.
Bojownik - | 115  
28 Jan 2007 /  #713
Lets take a moment to review the facts of the detroit rather then some women clearly dependent on the government for lively hood of a city. Everebody knows why detroit is the way it is. You mayor is a moron and the city is the way it is because of the mentality of the population and nothing else.


Do you blame the government for producing gang bangers? people who torch the city on devils night? yeah all the governments doing. What a idiot excuse.

again I say the city is in ruins because people were treated badly and govt
dont care. I am sure I can find you more facts. written by people who really know.

That's funny had no idea the government was "out to get" a city that produced a ton of USA's economy way back when.
Patrycja19 62 | 2,688  
28 Jan 2007 /  #714
Do you blame the government for produceing gang bangers?

dude, you think all population is a gang banger, your outta your mind.

as for the homes that used to get torched on devils night, again long time ago
when the people of the city (including black) decided to stand up and take action
to stop those who ran rampant on devils night.

since then and this has been going on for years, that the city has become free
of such incidents. maybe one or two compared to 100's. what year are you living in?
28 Jan 2007 /  #715
White people do because we conquered the place. We weren't brought in here on ships to leach off the system. This land is our by right of war. Further, Kosciuszko was one of the military leaders in the American Revolution, so Polish People have the right.

let me see Aretha Franklin, Rosa Parks, martin luther, list goes on.

It's so funny that you mention Rosa Parks. These blacks are such animals, they even robbed her!!! You claim to be from Detroit, so you probably heard about the ***** breaking into her apartment. If you believe the media, she was such a great "leader" because she got a ticket for not obeying white-man's law. Remember the posting above when someone laughed because my Polish mother-in-law got robbed of something as trifling as a pair of used slippers? I am now laughing at Rosa Parks for getting robbed by one of the ******* she supposedly did so much for.
Patrycja19 62 | 2,688  
28 Jan 2007 /  #716
That's funny had no idea the goverment was "out to get" a city that produced a ton of USA's econemy way back when.

u make up your own version bojo, thats ok, we all understand you need

And if you read the real facts , its just like what England is going thru now.
ford brought up many from the south, and some came on their own for better
life, just like the polish and any other human who wants better. and others who
lived there and were established for a long time in the city became angry that
these jobs were given to Black laborers , cheap labor.

this story sounds oh so familiar. so bojo, how do you feel about Polish getting
same treatment in England? its happening now. do you feel they should get
treated the same or different ? because same story, different ERA.

Some in England dont mind, and others are opposed to it. but how does that
make you feel Bojo? that some hate your brotheren same as you do black and
these folks are same skin color as you "WHITE"

It makes me sad, sad that you can be as low

To those reading, this is merely to prove a point that some still have acceptance
issues. no disrespect to any nationality.
Ranj 21 | 947  
28 Jan 2007 /  #717
Pat, don't wear out yourself out trying to reply to are much too intelligent. Maybe if we ignore him, he will go away!:)
Maati 1 | 178  
28 Jan 2007 /  #718
White people do because we conquered the place

You must be very sick, if you are proud of being conqueror.
Come back to your 99% Catholc village in Poland full of "moherowe berety", "Nasz Dziennik" and Father Rydzyk. You'll feel like home there. America is not for you.
Bojownik - | 115  
28 Jan 2007 /  #719
Read the atricle patrycja.. Detailed explainations and all. Includeing FBI stats



Pat, don't wear out yourself out trying to reply to are much too intelligent. Maybe if we ignore him, he will go away!

Clearly no one here has proven me wrong.
Patrycja19 62 | 2,688  
28 Jan 2007 /  #720
ok, so you cant answer my post # 767 , you ignored my question and went to
more blame.

whatever bojo.

Ranj, Amen.

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