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The Polish Moustache

osiol  55 | 3921  
9 Dec 2008 /  #1
More popular in days gone by I presume.

Been overtaken by more modern shapes in facial hair - the Polish moustache (that's mustache for those of you with different spelling) - how does it compare with the German moustache or the French moustache? Do some Poles now grow goatees to try to satisfy their moustache-growing urges?

I did notice a dodgy thin tache on a bloke in a Disco Polo music video (you've caught me out - I've almost admitted to liking it!) It was one of those ghost-moustaches - early days of facial hair experimentation but with blond hair, so... Is it there? Is it not there? Is it just a small rodent that's about to scurry away at the end of the scene.

If you're Polish, do you have or did you ever have a moustache?

Next topic: The mullet! (I'll save that for a rainy day).
9 Dec 2008 /  #2
are you thinking about growing moustache, donkey?
Cheery  10 | 126  
9 Dec 2008 /  #3
If you're Polish, do you have or did you ever have a moustache?

For some reason I get blonde strands of hair in my beard and moustache..
OP osiol  55 | 3921  
9 Dec 2008 /  #4
I have grown a goatee, but only for the winter. I don't really like it.

I do sometimes try to imagine clean-shaven people with moustaches, sometimes with retro hairstyles as well. Only about three of the Poles I've worked with had moustaches, but I bet many more had had moustaches in the past.
Filios1  8 | 1336  
9 Dec 2008 /  #5
How about the Greek mustache? I had one of those back in the day.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
9 Dec 2008 /  #6
I keep seeing maluchs with moustaches driving them.
9 Dec 2008 /  #7
a goatee

every Texan got a goatee (well, every guy... ;)).... blah... boring....

what about women with a moustache?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Dec 2008 /  #8
Maluchs with moustaches, LOL. Was that your last acid trip? ;)
Filios1  8 | 1336  
9 Dec 2008 /  #9
what about women with a moustache?

I have come across this feature many times in Greece and Turkey... Quite attractive I must add!
9 Dec 2008 /  #10
Quite attractive I must add!

how is it to shave you facial hair along with your gf?
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
9 Dec 2008 /  #11
Maluchs with moustaches, LOL.

Seriously, I see them all the time, yeah sure there is a man behind that thing somewhere but like one of those long haired dogs, i don't know how they see through them.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
9 Dec 2008 /  #12
Yeah, I know what you mean. Rumour has it that they wake up an hour before everyone else, just to wax it and give it volume ;)
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
9 Dec 2008 /  #13
I have to take a photo of what i am talking about.
I took a load of photos last night in Krakow but I still have not got the hang of my camera yet.
They all came out grainy.
Krzysztof  2 | 971  
10 Dec 2008 /  #14
What kind of moustache are we talking about?
Austro-Hungarian Empire type:
1st picture - Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria;
2nd picture, Heiner Brand, coach of the german handball team;
3rd picture - man on the left, Diego Mosna - chairman of the Italian volleyball league, he's from a germanized Italian South Tyrol)
or the other type:
3rd picture, man on the right, with a name tag Johnny Popi (from Modena, also Italy);
4th picture - Adam Małysz of Poland.
The second type is more popular in Poland.


pictureFranz Josef I


pictureHeiner Brand


4th pictureAdam Małysz
pawian  226 | 27558  
10 Dec 2008 /  #15
If you're Polish, do you have or did you ever have a moustache?

I have had it most of my life. For the last 10 years with a Spanish beard.

OP osiol  55 | 3921  
10 Dec 2008 /  #16
Unsuprisingly, the Adam Małysz is the closest to what I was thinking of, only he has the bit just above the chin that kind of detracts from the purity of moustacheness. I wasn't thinking of some elaborate handlebar type creation, just an "I can be bothered to shave most of my face, but the bit under the nose can stay"-type tache.

So far, if there was an all-PF moustache competition, it is hard to imagine anyone beating Pawian!
pawian  226 | 27558  
10 Dec 2008 /  #17
So far, if there was an all-PF moustache competition, it is hard to imagine anyone beating Pawian!

Nein, nein, der ist a misconsep! Das ist no me, das ist mein loveling fater.

Me ist hiere, I has schort mustasch:
OP osiol  55 | 3921  
10 Dec 2008 /  #18
That is rather szort.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Dec 2008 /  #20
It's hard to top Artur Jorge, former footie coach of the Swiss national team.

Google Images him, not for length but for his brush style
Polson  5 | 1767  
16 Dec 2008 /  #22
Moustaches used to be quite common in Poland, now i see less and less people growing a moustache. But my uncle there has got one, you can ask Seanus ;)
Polonius3  980 | 12275  
8 Feb 2009 /  #23
Thread attached on merging:

What is the "in" look for men in Poland at present:
-- clean shaven
-- five-day shadow
-- moustache
-- only beard
-- moustache & beard?
What do the ladies on the PF think of this and what is their preference?
How about hair: regular, long or shavwed-skull?
joo who  - | 100  
15 Feb 2009 /  #24
Men AND women all got 5 o clock shadow round here!
But I'm told the men shave their armpits! Actually, it's not just a rumour....I have SEEN a shaven male arm pit! Ewwww!
hu_man  6 | 131  
24 Feb 2009 /  #25
Thread attached on merging:
BEARDS in poland

Since i moved here i noticed that facial hair is very acceptable
and then today i found this and just had to share it


I found this by accident
and yes i do have a beard :P sort of

ar there any other beardies out there or people that hate them

Share you stories :)
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
24 Feb 2009 /  #26
My mum always said "never trust a man with facial hair" ;0)
hu_man  6 | 131  
24 Feb 2009 /  #27

The funny thing is i have never trusted "people" :P
with moustache's
McCoy  27 | 1268  
24 Feb 2009 /  #28
My mum always said "never trust a man with facial hair"

my mum always said the same about women
24 Feb 2009 /  #29
I want one of these

  • mustache.gif
24 Feb 2009 /  #30
My mum always said "never trust a man with facial hair" ;0)

My Mom never said that. I don't think Polish Moms do, could it be an English saying ?

I like moustaches on men .


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