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Mourning the death of a close relative among Polish families

Debianco  19 | 111  
29 May 2008 /  #1
what is the protocol for this in poland? is there a specific "time" period where "normal" activities for the family cease ie work, communication where time is spent only with the extended family? i saw a post on here that suggested 30 days
Seanus  15 | 19668  
29 May 2008 /  #2
It's a tough one. The grieving process can take an eternity but the nature of some lines of work couldn't permit such a lengthy absence. This is by no means a convention, things have to be negotiated
Polonius3  980 | 12276  
4 Jun 2008 /  #3
The traditional period of mourning is one year. During that period mourners avoid revelry, partying, dancing and frivolous entertainment. Some have masses said in church, and this is esp. common on the first anniversary of the death, when the period of mourning ends. Some wear black ties or a black cloth strip in their lapels. But this varies from family to family and person to person. The overall tendency seems to be gradually moving away from overt displays of mourning and eschewing fun for even a year-- in other words more aping the Western fun ethic of homo ludens. After all, mourning is bad for business.
CoolMoon  1 | 60  
4 Jun 2008 /  #4
The traditional period of mourning is one year.

A year is a long time in todays fast moving society. Certainly some of the older generation of Pole will observe this but it's not as common now.

The younger Pole lives a different life so although mourning may go on inside, outwardly 'life goes on'. Of course, still the first anniversary of death is observed and may still be seen as 'officially' the end of mourning.
OP Debianco  19 | 111  
5 Jun 2008 /  #5
this would explain a few things-i think some traditional families in poland do still have this yar of mourning

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