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Polish men in shorts with sandals and socks..

bullfrog  6 | 602  
22 May 2009 /  #1
Ha, it's this time of year again. With summer approaching, more and more polish men seem to think nothing about appearing in public dressed in shorts , with sandals and socks.. Am I the only one to find this type of outfit ridiculous?? Luckily for us males, polish ladies have more dress style!
polishcanuck  7 | 461  
22 May 2009 /  #2
I agree socks and sandals are bad combo.

What about shorts, shoes and long socks pulled up like golfers?? This sticks out more, IMO.

Poles need to be introduced to ankle socks.
krysia  23 | 3058  
22 May 2009 /  #3
You can always spot a freshly arrived European on the beach, who shows up in his skin tight swimsuit. Lol.
plk123  8 | 4119  
22 May 2009 /  #4
sexy, no? ;) :D
BevK  11 | 248  
22 May 2009 /  #5
Oh yeah ... yeah baby ... yeah ... those sandals and those grey socks are making me HAWT ...
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
22 May 2009 /  #6
Ive got a cracking picture of some Germans walking across the Charles Bridge in Prague, I actually followed them a took a picture of their sandle and sock clad feet :0)
OP bullfrog  6 | 602  
22 May 2009 /  #7
HI ShelleyS

Can you post the picture? A good laugh is always better shared!
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
22 May 2009 /  #8
Can you post the picture? A good laugh is always better shared!

It's an actual photo, I'll dig it out and scan it or try and take a photo of the photo...either way, I'll share it with you...

Poles need to be introduced to ankle socks.

Funny you mention that, I did see a few lads (early 20s) who looked like their mums had dressed them, this them the first time I went to Poland and it was summer time.
espana  17 | 951  
22 May 2009 /  #9
I have no idea why German or english like to wear white socks and sandals



  • 782CA6OR25NCA8W3U1RC.jpg
sapphire  22 | 1241  
22 May 2009 /  #10
polish ladies have more dress style!

Well since we are talking about shorts.. During a recent trip to Poland I observed a tendency for young Polish women to wear knee length shorts and strange pattered tights (thin denier with patterns runnning down the side) coupled with the obligatory stiletto type shoe and most usually accompanied by some kind of tight fitting blouse unbuttoned to the max. Is it is only me who finds this look weird and unattractive? I did find myself wearing white clothes though in order to blend in.. thank god the 80s look is back thats all i can say!
sledz  23 | 2247  
22 May 2009 /  #11
Since when did Europeans make the switch from Speedos to shorts...hahaha
We can spot you guys a half mile away down the beach

Seriously you stick out like a sore thumb ( no pun attended)
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
22 May 2009 /  #12
thank god the 80s look is back thats all i can say!

Foxy, surely you don't mean that?

During a recent trip to Poland I observed a tendency for young Polish women to wear knee length shorts and strange pattered tights (thin denier with patterns runnning down the side) coupled with the obligatory stiletto type shoe and most usually accompanied by some kind of tight fitting blouse unbuttoned to the max.

Did they have little white canes?

Since when did Europeans make the switch from Speedos to shorts...

Brits dont do the whole speedo thing, havent done for years, it's a favourite of the Gerries tho...but I suppose we should be thankful they're at least keeping something on ;0)
jwojcie  2 | 762  
22 May 2009 /  #13
Ha, this things about sandals and socks always makes me wonder: WHY NOT?
In time I've become convinced that this idea is based ENTIRELY on its source, which are most probably fashion houses in Italy and France. Countries, where if you have 30 degrees, then you have it all day long... All this "socks and sandals" critics should:

1. start thinking for themselves
2. understand that in Poland you can have within and hour frame slide from 25 to 15 degrees. It is really not fun to have sandals without socks in that situation... :-)

Hm.. another thing I've really never understood is why socks have to be always the same?
But I rarely have a courage to break that stupid custom :-) Only, when I cann't find the other sock... :-)

Or maybe I'm just a man and there is some logic behind this two habits...
PS. "Because it doesn't look nice" it is not the point :-) it is not even valid argument :-)
sledz  23 | 2247  
22 May 2009 /  #14
Brits dont do the whole speedo thing, havent done for years, it's a favourite of the Gerries

I know,
Big beer bellies, bratwurst and a speedo a must for any occasion

Somebody please tell them that they went out of style along with disco:)
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
22 May 2009 /  #15
Big beer bellies, bratwurst and a speedo a must for any occasion

And with that, I think I need to go and take a cold shower, the thought was just too much!

Somebody please tell them that they went out of style along with disco:)

Not a fcukign chance, they make us Brits look better and while there's a chance of that...we'll keep quiet!

Or maybe I'm just a man and there is some logic behind this two habits...
PS. "Because it doesn't look nice" it is not the point :-) it is not even valid argument :-)

It's a man thing, it looks stupid and it's not necessary, my ex didn't wear socks with this birkenstocks! I have certainly not worn socks with my sandles since I was about 6!
22 May 2009 /  #16
"Because it doesn't look nice" it is not the point :-) it is not even valid argument :-)

That's a cultural shock lol. In France, you don't care if you are cold / warm, you just HAVE TO BE fashionable. But you can also be comfortable AND fashionable.

And short and socks are everything but fashionable :)))
jwojcie  2 | 762  
22 May 2009 /  #17
It's a man thing, it looks stupid and it's not necessary, my ex didn't wear socks with this birkenstocks! I have certainly not worn socks with my sandles since I was about 6!

Sorry ShelleyS, like I said "Because it doesn't look nice" is not an argument for me :-)
Anyway, my fiancee says the same thing as you... I think that in future, when some equal rights for man movement will emerge, then one of the top slogans would be:

1. Every man has a right to wear socks with sandals!
2. Further, those socks could be different!

Probably political correct compromise would be: one leg with sock, the other without ;-)

In France, you don't care if you are cold / warm, you just HAVE TO BE fashionable. But you can also be comfortable AND fashionable

Huh, and I've thought that France was a free country ;-) fashion slaves...
22 May 2009 /  #18
I've thought that France is a free country ;-) fashion slaves...

FYI, we rather call ourselves 'Fashion victims' ;)
z_darius  14 | 3960  
22 May 2009 /  #19
I agree socks and sandals are bad combo.

Incidentally, Canadians are known to be the victims

Poles need to be introduced to ankle socks.

Like these made in Poland "stopki"?
OP bullfrog  6 | 602  
22 May 2009 /  #20
Since when did Europeans make the switch from Speedos to shorts...hahaha
We can spot you guys a half mile away down the beach

Americans can be spotted a mile away, just by their size (especially in Florida and Southern states!!)
plk123  8 | 4119  
22 May 2009 /  #21
btw. this is not only a polish phenomenon. lot's of americans do this too.. i do it most of the time when i am in the mountains.
sadieann  2 | 205  
22 May 2009 /  #22
Men: It's best to not wear socks with sandals--period. Oh, and no speedos. My Polish husband will not wear sandals? Is this taboo in Poland, but he says men DO wear speedos? Thank goodness he's vetoed the speedo gig. It's better to leave something to the imagination...sexier. Still working on the sandals? We live in the Northwest and it is the way to go.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
22 May 2009 /  #23
i do it most of the time when i am in the mountains.

with sandles? Oh plk, all images are shattered now :0(
Sasha  2 | 1083  
22 May 2009 /  #24
I have no idea why German or english like to wear white socks and sandals

Perhaps they wanna hide their pedicure.Sometimes I wish, people wore socks with their sandals (or sneakers with no socks).
OP bullfrog  6 | 602  
22 May 2009 /  #25
Men: It's best to not wear socks with sandals--period.

Thanks Sadie Ann, I wholeheartedly agree. I would even go so far as to suggest that sandals too (with or without socks) are off limits...
YJKARIES  - | 1  
22 May 2009 /  #26
LOL...this thread reminds me of my father and his sandals with socks... I was always telling him to get rid of the socks... he did after my badgering him for months. :)
z_darius  14 | 3960  
22 May 2009 /  #27
Thanks Sadie Ann, I wholeheartedly agree. I would even go so far as to suggest that sandals too (with or without socks) are off limits...

This is un-Christ like.
He wore sandals, although no socks ;)
OP bullfrog  6 | 602  
22 May 2009 /  #28
Yup, but fashion has moved on since...
southern  73 | 7059  
22 May 2009 /  #29
polish men seem to think nothing about appearing in public dressed in shorts , with sandals and socks..

I am not interested in males.

for young Polish women to wear knee length shorts and strange pattered tights (thin denier with patterns runnning down the side) coupled with the obligatory stiletto type shoe and most usually accompanied by some kind of tight fitting blouse unbuttoned to the max. Is it is only me who finds this look weird and unattractive?

Probably.Because I find it hot.Tight fitting blouse,well,not a bad idea,really.Dress to impress.
polishcanuck  7 | 461  
23 May 2009 /  #30
Like these made in Poland "stopki"?

Why don't they wear them?

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